A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1100: Mutant mouse

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But the cry of the baby bird made the demons in the first room hide in the big pit on the floor. The atmosphere did not dare to emerge. The fallen angels and other demons were still surprised just now on the floor in this room. It's all holes. Now everyone understands it. This is caused by the green birds. This group of demons are all vigilant. Because this is a dead place. There is no way out here. Except for the place to come in. But Soon the sound of the bird became farther and farther away. The fallen angel waited for the demons to breathe a sigh of relief. But these demons didn't dare to come out for the time being. After all, no one knew what was outside.

Cook quickly came to the stairs. What Cook didn't notice was that it was on the cabinet in the kitchen next to the stairs. The Moon Demon was crawling on the cabinet. His eyes widened. Because the Moon Demon clearly saw the baby bird. And Cook in front of the baby bird. It's just that the distance is too far. I can't see Cook's appearance.

Waiting until Cook and the baby bird disappeared at the door, the moon demon reacted. She opened her mouth in shock. When did Nima have such a perverted existence. It could seduce and drive the green bird. Entering and exiting here is like no one. Realm.

Cook took the baby bird and ran towards the door. Maybe the baby bird suddenly felt that Cook was too slow. So he stretched out his mouth and pecked at Cook. Then he threw Cook on top of his head with a flick of his head. on.

"Ouch." Cook was frightened and let out a cold sweat. When he reacted, Cook also breathed a sigh of relief. He slapped the baby bird's head severely. However, Cook's hand hurt.

"It's time to leave now." Cook murmured on the baby bird's head. Cook didn't want to go to the side hall. The main hall. On the contrary, Cook really wanted to go. But Cook knew that the main hall of the temple and the side hall were defensive. It's the strongest. Cook doesn't want to take risks.

Of course Cook didn’t want to walk the wall when he would go. It was too dangerous. So Cook patted the baby bird’s nose. Then he pointed to the drain. The baby bird didn’t know what danger was inside the drain pipe. Young birds can't fly. Because adult birds have never taught young birds to fly. Young birds grow up under the birth of the stone of life. So they have not learned any skills.

Drainage pipes are always intricate. But fortunately, the drain pipe that Cook took does not require a detour at all. Just go straight away. Cook’s goal is the garden. Cook touched the badge through the clothes with his hand. Full of confidence .

"What's wrong." Cook was planning the next thing. Suddenly he found that the baby bird stopped. Cook was surprised. In such a dark environment, Cook's vision is not very far.

"Squeak. Squeak." Soon Cook knew what had happened. A creak sounded in the drain pipe.

The hairs on Cook's body are standing up. Cook is also innocent this time. The mouse's sense of smell is extremely sensitive. The fallen angels pass by here. It leaves a strong breath. This mutant mouse is tracking the fallen angels. Here.

"Squeak." When Cook saw the mouse, Cook became even more frightened.

There is a mouse here. The whole body is full of bulging sarcomas. These sarcomas are constantly shaking with the mouse's breathing. Several teeth are several meters long. A pair of red eyes release. Brutal gaze.

This mutant mouse is about the same size as the baby bird. But the baby bird still looked at the mouse with doubts. Obviously the baby bird has never encountered such an enemy. In the heart of the baby bird, it is still positioning the mouse. .

The mouse and the baby bird faced off. Within a few seconds, the mouse pounced on the baby bird. The baby bird was on the ground where it was the opponent of the mouse. All of a sudden the mouse fell to the ground. Cook was also slammed into the drain. On the wall.

"Tweet..." the baby bird just yelled. Then it started fighting with the mouse. His mouth pecked at the mouse fiercely.

"Puff." The mouse saw the baby bird peck at him. He tore off half of the baby bird's wings with a puff, and then jumped away quickly.

"Tweet. Tweet." The young bird suffered such an attack. He stood up again. He stepped back a little fearfully. Half of his body was bloody.

"Damn it." The best thing for Cook now is to run. Because this mouse will never come to chase Cook such a small snack. And this young bird will resist for a while.

"Kacha. Kacha." The mouse swallowed half of the baby bird's wings in two small strokes. Then he looked at the baby bird fiercely. Seeing the baby bird back, the mouse actually took a step forward. The baby bird Back again.

Cook saw this. Knowing that if he didn't care about it, this young bird with no combat experience would be more ill-fortuned. On the one hand, the young bird had the feelings of getting along with him for a period of time. Without this young bird, Cook would not have that way. More gains. But on the other hand, facing this mutant mouse, he will face greater danger. Cook has been fighting in his heart.

"Tweet." At this moment, the baby bird tilted his head. He was aggrieved and watched Cook scream twice. But at the moment when the baby bird turned his head, the mouse suddenly rushed towards the baby bird. Neck, bit down fiercely.

"Asshole." Cook was completely defeated by the cry of the baby bird. Cook saw the mouse biting the baby bird's neck. The veins on Cook's forehead burst. Cook himself did not notice his body in an instant It has increased several times, and the eyeballs are also red and red.

Cook wields a machete. Cook is now smaller than a pea. Cook is not far from the mouse and the baby bird itself. Because the width of the drain is only that wide.

The mouse successfully bit the neck of the baby bird. Cook saw this scene and roared loudly: "No."

"Puff." The rat's teeth bit the baby bird's neck fiercely. A stream of blood spurted out. Cook arrived at this time.

"I call you crazy." Cook's eyes were red. Right hand scimitar. Left hand Thunder teeth. Then he rushed directly into the mouse's big mouth.

"Puffpuffpuff." Now I can't smell the stench in the body of the mouse. Cook has only one idea in his mind. That is to kill the mouse. The machete exploded with powerful cutting power in Cook's hands. Cook's action. Scarlet liquid sprayed from the mouse's mouth.

"Squeak." The mouse squeaked due to the sudden pain. But that was it. Because Cook had already entered.

At the moment when the mouse’s mouth closed, Cook’s left hand thunder teeth fiercely pierced into the mouse’s upper jaw. At the same time, the scimitar in his hand fiercely cut towards the mouse’s moving tongue. The mouse’s tongue wanted to cut Cook swallowed it into his stomach. Cook knew that the stomachs of these creatures were filled with corrosive liquid.

"Ramp. Ramp." Cook's left hand thunder teeth fixed his body. The machete in his right hand was like a huge drill. It drilled directly in through the upper jaw. Cook's clothes were also drenched by the scarlet blood. That's ok. What Cook didn't know was that after the blood came into contact with the skin,   actually disappeared into the skin. And as the blood increased, Cook's skin absorbed faster and faster.

"Hey. This is the brain." In a few minutes, Cook came to a place. Cook saw a bunch of crystal clear things. He knew it was the brain.

Cook didn't care about that much. He plunged directly into the brain. From the outside, the mouse twitched on the ground. The mouse died without knowing why there was so much pain in his mouth and his brain.

Cook came and killed several times in this brain. The brains on both sides were stirred by Cook. Cook did not realize that his body was absorbing these brains. The brains were constantly decreasing. Cook thought This was stirred by myself.

"Puff." Cook pinpointed the position of his eyes. Then he rushed out fiercely. The mouse's eyeballs were kicked away by Cook. These eyeballs were the size of Cooke's body.

"Huh." Cook looked at the mouse's eyeballs. Only then did he realize that his body had grown bigger. Cook was just surprised. Then he ran to the baby bird. The baby bird was still twitching. Cook hurriedly Take out the water of life.

"Damn it. Don't die. Lao Tzu will take you out to eat and drink spicy food." Cook kept moving his hands. The blood vessels of this young bird have been broken. Cook has no choice but to take out the water of life. Then I used my hands to pull those broken blood vessels abruptly. Then I was covered with the water of life. And the esophagus of the young bird. The skin and so on were patched up by Cook with the water of life.

The body of the baby bird convulsed even weaker. Cook knew that the baby bird was losing too much blood. Cook saw the fading light in the baby bird's eyes. Don't mention the taste in Cook's heart.

"...Next. I have blood essence stones here." At this moment, a voice sounded. Cook turned his head and took a look. A middle-aged man appeared in Cook's field of vision.

After the moon demon saw Cook and the baby bird out of the gate, he ran down quickly. When the moon demon followed Cook, he was seeing Cook coming out of the mouse's brain. The moon demon almost wanted to turn his head in fright. I ran away. But then I saw Cook save the baby bird. The Moon Demon was shocked when he saw Cook’s healing method and the bottle of water of life. Finally, I saw Cook finished his treatment. The young bird was not good enough, so the moon demon said as soon as he gritted his teeth.

"Bring it." Cook is no longer nonsense. Rats can solve it. Not to mention a guy like you.

"You are the Moon Demon. How should this blood essence stone be used?" Cook asked after taking the blood essence stone handed by the Moon Demon.

"Yes. The little old man is the Moon Demon. This blood essence stone is usually swallowed. However, it can be directly placed in the blood vessel. The effect is faster. If there is life water to cooperate, it will be better." Looking at Cook who is several times bigger than himself, he said very lowly.

Cook took the machete and cut the blood vessel of the young bird. Then he stuffed the blood essence stone in. Then poured a bottle of life water. Finally, Cook also stuffed the only stone of life on his body. Now, the stone of life was seen by the moon demon. He actually swallowed his mouth. For a god-level powerhouse, the stone of life was naked.

This time, the blood vessels don't need to be mended by Cook at all. The baby bird's heartbeat gradually accelerates and becomes stronger and stronger. Even the half of the torn off wing is slowly recovering. The baby bird's eyes gradually become bright.

Cook breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the Moon Demon and asked, "You are here too."

Cook’s questioning skills are actually very low. But he can’t hold on to Cook’s current position in the eyes of the Moon Devil. There are pets like green birds. He also took out some very rare and precious things. Then he killed this. Mutant mouse. Even if it’s my own team. When you encounter this mutant mouse, you may only have to shrink back. But it was killed by someone else alone. So Cook's position in the eyes of the moon demon is so high that it is not a month demon. Dare to imagine.

"Yeah. I've been here dozens of times. Nothing has been gained." Yue Mo said honestly.

When Cook heard the answer of the Moon Demon, he was muttering in his heart. The Moon Demon emphasized that there was no gain. Didn't it mean that he would be paid? Cook mused and said: "Then what do you need."

"No. No. Next. I'm just..." The Moon Demon instantly sweated down. The Moon Demon thought that Cook was thinking about how to solve himself. The Moon Demon quickly stepped back and looked at Cook in horror. .

"Okay. These things here are not good things. But if you need it, you can take it. If you don't like it, go to the black market. I'll know when you get there." Cook saw Moon Demon like this. He moved. Then he said. Of course, Cook also knew that the Moon Demon could not take anything from the mouse. Because it was too big. As for asking the Moon Demon to go to the black market. Hehe. This is just something Cook said casually. After all, the black market There must also be secret trading channels inside. It doesn't matter if you add one more.

"Next. I would like to ask. This stone of life..." Moon Demon asked. This is related to his own destiny. Moon Demon had to ask.

"The stone of life. I don't have it with me. Come to the black market if you need it. There are my people over there. But it's better not to disclose it." Cook didn't say the price or anything. Because those naturally have Murphy out to deal with.

"Yes. Yes. Next. I still have some teammates. They..." Yue Mo thought for a while. After gritting his teeth, he still asked.

"Teammates. Teammates, forget it." Cook was startled. Teammates. This Nima is a demon plane. Cook also understands. This Moon Demon is definitely not easy. You must know that you are a trick to come in. But people A teammate came in. It must have rushed in. Then the identity of the Moon Demon was about to be revealed. But Cook did not show it.

"Yes. Yes. Then I will retire first. Otherwise, those teammates will find that I'm missing..." The Moon Demon was so excited. Nima. This thick leg was finally hugged by me. As for that. Fuck off. Even if it is. I was discovered later. Then it’s nothing to do with me. If you have the ability, go find the one in front of you... Next. But the Moon Demon looked at the corpse of the huge mutant mouse. The eyeballs were knocked out. Maduoqiang. Blood still flows from his mouth. It seems that he has received a strong blow.

After seeing the death of the mouse, the moon demon became more in awe of Cook. However, the moon demon may not know that the mouse's brain was hollowed out by Cook. This is mainly because the toba vest on Cook's body is basically It will not be stained with blood. In addition, the blood stains inside have also been absorbed by Cook's body.

"That's right. You can take away the fluff of those birds. If you knit the fluff into clothes, there is a high chance that you won't be attacked by the green bird." Cook saw the eyes of the moon demon looking at the mouse's corpse. He thought this moon demon could not bear it. So Cook decided to remind.

"Really. Really. Thank you. Thank you." Yue Mo was very excited. Nima. Finally he could avoid the green bird.

But when the moon demon came to this feather, she was dumbfounded. This was on the wing of the baby bird just now. The moon demon didn't have anything suitable to cut this thing open.

Cook shook his head. Then he walked forward. Poke the fluff with thunder teeth. This fluff is enough to knit a vest. The moon demon saw the thunder teeth in Cook's hand. He was shocked and said no. Out.

"The main divine tool." A word came out of the moon demon's mind. Then the moon demon quickly turned his eyes. The power of the main divine tool, the moon demon, could be imagined. At the same time, the moon demon's heart was even more shocked.

"Oh. By the way. If any of you needs magic pattern equipment, you can also come to the black market. But I don't like being disturbed. There are my people over there." Cook threw the bird's fluff to the moon demon. Quickly put the fluff into the backpack. The fluff seems to be very thick, but it is not so compressed. The Moon Demon's ears rang Cook's words.

"Yes. Yes. But the demand for a single piece of magic pattern equipment is very large." Moon Demon is a tactful reminder to Cook. We need a large amount.

"Single pieces. I'm selling on packages. What's the point of a single piece?" Cook replied disdainfully. In terms of magic pattern equipment, Cook has this confidence. So to the Moon Demon, Cook is confident.

"Complete." The moon demon's movements stopped. She looked at Cook in shock. You must know that the moon demon does not have a set of magic pattern equipment. It is also a single piece.

"Yeah. I'll talk about it later." Cook hummed. He saw the baby bird move. Cook quickly rushed over.

The moon demon hurriedly cleaned up the fluff. Seeing the feathers scattered on the ground, the moon demon's heart twitched fiercely. Then he left reluctantly. Although Cook did not look at the moon demon, the corner of his eyes was still light. Looking at the Moon Demon. Seeing the Moon Demon leaving, Cook also breathed a sigh of relief. Then he wiped his sweat.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom." The young bird pecked the dead mouse vigorously. As if to vent. The young bird is now an adult. And the green feathers on the body are more gorgeous. The green bird outside is a big circle.

"Hey. Why is it so clean." After Cook untied Toba's vest, he found that there was no blood on the magic pattern equipment on his body. Cook was puzzled.

Cook wiped the blood on the mouse's carcass with his hand. Then he smeared it on his arm. The blood was absorbed by the skin in an instant. Cook's eyes widened. Then he tried again. The result was still absorbed.

"Strange. Why didn't I feel tired this time in madness. Could it be..." Cook thought. Then Cook's eyes lit up.

Then Cook stripped naked. He threw himself on the corpse of the mouse. Where Cook went, the blood disappeared cleanly. It took more than an hour. The baby bird took care of the corpse of the mouse. There is nothing left. The bone frame was lowered. In the end, even the bone frame was pecked into pieces by the baby bird and swallowed.

Cook thought about it. From the beginning to the present, Cook gradually came to a conclusion that this space law has little impact on oviparous organisms. For mammals, the impact is great. First of all, from the temple gate. The lizards. to beetles. and these green birds. They are all oviparous. The mammal is just this mouse. And this mouse is greatly affected. This can be known from the appearance of the mouse. And Cook clearly remembers When I sew up the blood vessels and esophagus of the young bird by myself, the blood of the young bird is not absorbed by its own body. Instead, it is the blood of the mouse. It is absorbed by its own body. And the biggest difference between the two That is the difference between oviparous and breastfeeding.

"Tweet." The baby bird's wings have recovered more than half. And as the baby bird eats the carcass of the mouse. The baby bird's wings recover faster. The baby bird tweeted to Cook.

"Okay. Let's go. Go to the garden." Cook jumped directly on the back of the baby bird. Then he pointed towards the garden and said loudly.

"Tweet." The baby bird saw the direction of Cook's fingers. He gave a clear cry. Then rushed out. The speed was faster than before.

Besides, the moon demon carried a huge backpack. He was still holding a mass of things in his hands. It looked like a monster. After the moon demon returned to the lobby of the residence, he saw the fallen angels and so on.

"Old man. You. What are you doing? Picking up the tatters." Yan Kun asked in shock as he looked at the things in Moon Demon's hands.

"Hey. You don't know who I met." The Moon Demon himself intends to conceal Cook. But with these things in his hands, he can't hide them. After all, these fluffs are not capable of cutting them off.

"Could it be the **** who came in first?" Hughes asked angrily looking at the moon demon.

"Hehe. Hughes. You'd better pray that seniors don't hear your words. Otherwise, I don't guarantee that your Black Dragon City will not exist." Moon Demon warned with a smile.

The fallen angel asked with a straight face: "Senior."

"Yes. Senior has a green bird demon. He came down after you went up just now. I followed it up. As a result, I personally saw Senior hit a mouse directly to the ground with a heavy blow. Half of the mouse. The eyeballs were all blown out. You know that the mouse is bigger than the green bird's body. And the predecessor also told me that the feathers of these birds are woven into clothes. There is a high probability that they will not be attacked by the green bird. These fluffs Seniors gave it to me personally.” Although Moon Demon didn’t see Cook kill the mouse with his own eyes, the scene of the mouse’s death clearly showed that the mouse was hit hard. Otherwise, the eyeballs would fly out. wound.

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