A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1101: Deep misunderstanding

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Ge Ba Chan Chuan Oh, "hiss," heard the moon demon say so, all the demons took a deep breath. You must know that the mouse here is not a mouse outside. A heavy blow will directly hit the eyeballs. Flew out, Nima is almost abnormal,

"Let's go, let's meet seniors too," Chicken Head Demon still didn't believe it, so he said, Yue Demon shrugged, Yue Demon knew that Cook must be gone, but he delayed it for a long time.

When I arrived at the place that the drain pipe Moon Demon said, a few feathers were still there, there was a strong smell of fishy smell in the air, and there was still some minced meat on the ground, these minced meat young birds could not eat, Cook didn't care, but the fallen angel When someone believes it,

"Damn it, how did this thing cut it?" Yan Kun and other demons instantly lit their eyes when they saw the feathers, but let these demons use their methods,  Even the golden sword of the fallen angel can't help it.

"Senior used a dagger to cut it off for me," Moon Demon said even more proudly.

"Master artifact," all the demons opened their mouths in shock when they heard this. For a while, three words were spit out from the fallen angel's mouth, while Hughes looked pale and looked around and found that no one was relieved later. In one breath,

Everything is silent, such a person has the master artifact in his hand, what kind of concept is that, as long as he thinks about it, he will feel shudder.

"This world is still too big," the fallen angel finally sighed helplessly. Yes, the demon plane is really too big. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 100 god-level strong people, but most of the god-level strong people All of them live in seclusion, either as a family or a certain power. These families and powers may exist for millions of years.

It is the known large chambers of commerce on the Demon Plane, and you can vaguely see the shadows of the god-level powerhouses, and even these monarchs must give these chambers of commerce face, not to mention that there are more places that have not been discovered on the Demon Plane. ,

The rest of the Moon Demon has not been revealed, and the Moon Demon also has to sigh that Cook has hidden deep enough.The black market is in an extremely remote place. It is itself the weakest area of ​​these powerful monarchs, and it is also close to the dangerous sea of ​​blood. Already in the blood family territory, so the black market can exist for countless years. Of course, this is actually required by all parties. Most rare items will be traded here.

Don't think of it as a small black market, but the circulating funds are very large. Here is a mixture of dragons and snakes. There are local black market forces and chambers of commerce forces. These forces are complicated. If you want to track the trace of a certain force, yes It is very difficult, not to mention that the black market is still in the vast underground world. The Moon Demon secretly made up his mind not to trace the origins of seniors, just the transaction, and if someone wants to probe Cook's men, then he should still prevent,

This group of demons was in a daze for a while, and then the moon demon distributed the fluff of the bird to everyone, and then began to weave the vest. After half an hour, the group of demons all put on the Toba vest.

"Let's go, this place has been searched again, there must be nothing good," the fallen angel said frustratedly.

"Hey, these pieces of meat actually contain strange energy," the Balrog put a piece of mouse meat in his mouth and said with bright eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the ground was also cleaned up, even a little bit of meat was collected, and the fallen angel said strangely: "Weird, the lizard was killed by us several times, and the meat has no strange energy."

"Who knows, this place is so weird," Hughes replied with a shrug. In fact, these demons came in for the first time. I didn't know that there was only such a mutant mouse here, let alone the rest.

The fallen angel team cautiously exited the drain, and then the fallen angels were stunned. At the entrance of the side hall and the main hall, the shadow of a huge green bird flashed by, and this green bird There is a shadow on his head, it is a human figure,

Although it was just a glimpse, these demons are god-level powerhouses, and they will definitely not be wrong.

"God," Yan Kun was the first to exclaim after a long time.

"This is actually true," Hughes exclaimed again and again. In fact, originally, Hughes and others did not believe it, because it was so sudden, and suddenly everyone didn't believe it. Who can believe that he is in the position of the devil. Face, there is actually such a strong person,

"Maybe it's not our demon plane," the chicken head demon hesitated, then said.

The fallen angel said with a wry smile: "It's our demon plane. If god-level powerhouses from other planes come to our demon plane, they will naturally be discovered."

"What do you mean?" All the demons looked at the fallen angel in surprise,

"Because of the influence of the law of the plane, once the god-level powerhouses of other planes appear, then the god-level powerhouses of our demon plane will feel it. This is the law of the plane," the fallen angel said,

"But why haven't I felt it," Yan Kun asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, that's because there is no god-level powerhouse at all, so this... Senior is not outside the demon plane, it was born from our demon plane, or this senior is not a god-level powerhouse, so it won’t Initiating the law of the plane, you are willing to believe that answer," the fallen angel said with a smile,

The other demons all looked at each other, and the Moon Demon said angrily: "Go, let's follow the predecessors, it will be much easier to get out,"

"Boom, dong, dong," Yan Kun was the first to run after hearing the words of the moon demon, and the ground made a sound of dong dong dong.

"You, you...," Moon Demon said angrily when seeing his teammates rushing forward, but then he hurried to catch up.

After the fallen angel waited for the doors of the transnational main hall and the side hall, he saw a green bird running back and forth on the square, and from time to time he stretched his head to peck at something on the ground, but the green bird was already near the door.

"Quick," all the demons have only one word in their minds, joking, the square has been cleaned up by the green bird, and he is a fool if he doesn't run. Even the moon demon has exhausted his strength.

Cook was also depressed. The bird didn't understand human words at all, and just looked at himself to eat. Cook watched the green bird almost searched the entire square, and then tweeted and yelled at Cook's finger. Direction,

When the green bird took Cook down the steps, Cook's body instantly recovered, while the baby bird was still that big. Cook looked at the baby bird on his shoulder, tilting his head and wondering, it was funny. , After experiencing the mutation of the mouse, Cook felt that his relationship with this young bird was unusual.

"If you want to follow me, or stay here," Cook hurriedly left. Cook knew that there were a group of super powers in the temple. Cook moved quickly, hundreds of kilometers, and Cook only took more than an hour. After walking, Cook clearly felt that his physique had increased a lot this time, his speed was faster, and his strength was stronger, and Cook faintly felt that the space around him also seemed to have a force to push himself, but Cook felt a little bit. Fan, didn't feel anything,

Cook came to the place where he came up, then grabbed the alchemy wire, and fell down. Shortly after Cook fell, the moon demon waited out of the temple, these demons looked around at a loss, but did not see The slightest figure,

"Hey..." I missed such a strong man, and even the fallen angel sighed, looking at the moon demon enviously, and using his heels, he wanted to know that this moon demon must have something to hide from himself, but the fallen angel It will not be angry, this is normal, but if the moon demon is willing to give up some benefits, I am afraid it depends on their own skills.

"Moon Demon City Lord, welcome you to the City of Archangel, and I welcome you in Gree," the fallen angel invited the Moon Demon. Such an invitation is already very formal.

"Okay, I must see the city of Archangel at that time. I am very looking forward to the trip to the city of Archangel." Moon Demon is also an old monster who has lived for many years. Hearing the fallen angels say this, his heart was slightly happy. , And then promised,

"Old man, if there is anything good, don't forget me Yan Kun. Of course, if you need help,   don't forget me." Yan Kun's temperament seems to be relatively straightforward, but the old monster who has lived for so many years is not awkward. of,

"Definitely, definitely," Moon Demon still values ​​Yan Kun's words very seriously. You must know that the Flame Demon Clan is second only to the Angel Clan in the Demon Plane, and even the Black Dragon Clan is weaker. This is because the number of black dragons is limited. The reason, but there are a lot of Balrogs,

As soon as Hughes saw this, she simply said: "We have joined hands to hold trade fairs on a regular basis. If there are any good things that are not useful, everyone can take it out."

"This method is good," the chicken head demon also nodded quickly. The chicken head demon is not a fool. The moon demon must have some news, but this cannot be said clearly.

The fallen angel looked at the moon demon. You must know that now the fallen angels can't agree to Xiusi's proposal, otherwise it will mean to join forces to persecute. That would cause some other ideas of the moon demon to be bad. Of course, no one cares. The idea of ​​the moon demon cares about Cook's thoughts. Of course, if this group of demons knew Cook's true identity, I am afraid that they would have killed the black market long ago.

"I think it's OK, or it will be held in our Moon Demon City," Moon Demon heard this suggestion, and his heart was moved. You must know that the Moon Demon City is facing some crises. Even the Moon Demon clan has some strange voices, but Once Hughes’ proposal is formed, Moon Demon City will immediately become harmonious.

"I think it's okay, but you see when it's appropriate to hold a transaction for the first time," Gley asked the Moon Demon's opinion.

"It's only three months. I'll take out some magic pattern suits at that time," Moon Demon saw Gley asked like this, knowing that it is impossible not to disclose some information, so Moon Demon ordered this sentence.

"It won't be..." Hearing this answer, Gree took a breath. A strong super power is not afraid of everyone. As the saying goes, ants eat more elephants, and even super power needs equipment and medicine. Wait for assistance, but if this super strong is also proficient in some other aspects, such as alchemy and pharmacy, then it will be almost against the sky.

The Moon Demon nodded with a calm expression, and the other demons immediately opened their mouths, and were very upset in their hearts. Why did they agree to the Moon Demon staying below?

It took less than half an hour for these demons to walk out of the overlapping space, and then the fallen angel first disappeared with a golden light, and Hughes also disappeared.The four demons except the moon demon split in five directions, but A few minutes later, Gree came back first: "There is no abnormal fluctuation within 20,000 kilometers,"

"me too,"

"Me too," the other three demons said one after another.

Everyone's complexion is even more exciting. You must know that even if the god-level powerhouse passes by, it will leave traces. Since no traces are found, then it means that this senior is high in strength, and the traces left behind cannot be found by yourself. These demons are definitely not. Knowing that the senior in their mind is climbing on the cliff, slowly falling,

"Tweet," the baby bird tightly grasped Cook's shoulders, and tweeted around curiously. Cook didn't care what to say with the baby bird, because Cook was about to break away from the overlapping space, this time it was just now Those demons did not find the reason for Cook, because Cook was still in the overlapping space, and those demons were looking outside,

"Let's go, let's find a place and discuss the matters of regular trading." Since there is nothing to find, then we still have to rely on this moon demon, Glee said first.

The rest of the demons nodded one after another, and then these demons turned into streams of light and disappeared into the sky.

"Oh," Cook felt his shoulders sinking as soon as he got out of the spatial overlap area, and then Cook saw a one-meter-sized baby bird. Obviously, the baby bird is out of the spatial overlap area and will change.

Tweeted, tweeted, the baby bird looked at Cook very suspiciously, turning his head, as if saying, why are you getting smaller again, Cook smiled bitterly, and then continued down, but when it went down Cook was faster, after all Cook has recovered his strength,

"It's great, there is no pressure to quadruple madness, I feel that you can also try five times madness," Cook's body is ten meters high, this is the effect after madness, and four times madness The transformation is still six times mad. In the past, Cook was only twice, that is one hundred and fifty times the combat power. Now six times the combat power is close to five hundred times. This five hundred times is not equivalent to the five hundred sanctuary beginnings. The union of the powerful players of the first order, because the union of the five hundred sanctuary elementary level will make a difference even if it is well trained.Cook’s current combat power is equivalent to thousands of times that of the ordinary sanctuary elementary powerhouse.

The first is Cook's own physique, which is already comparable to a demigod. After the enhancement of the mutant mouse's blood, Cook's physique has more than quadrupled directly. There is also Cook's magic pattern suit, machete, and The bonus provided by Thunder tooth is equivalent to the combat power of 10,000 people in the ordinary sanctuary. It is already underestimated. If Cooke becomes five times more frenzied, it will have to be doubled. If Cook merges the battle spirit in the magic seal, hehe , Then it's stronger,

"When you have time, you must see what is in this fog of death." When Cook passed through the fog of death, perhaps this time Cook's aura was too strong, so he did not encounter any creatures living in the fog. Cook muttered in his heart,

The baby bird still stood on Cook's shoulders as always. What made Cook laugh bitterly was that when Cook passed through the fog of death, his claws actually held Cook tightly, and there was some fear. The legs began to bend down, almost squatting on Cook's shoulders,

"Hey," Cook looked at the baby bird and sighed.

"Tweet," the baby bird rubbed Cook's cheek affectionately with his mouth, and looked at Cook with his head tilted, as if asking, what did you just say,

After Cook got down to the Gobi and touched his nose, the young bird was too conspicuous. Cook couldn't guarantee that those strong men who entered the demon plane of the weird temple would not recognize the young bird. The size of the bird has increased a lot, but the color and shape will not change.

"Why don't you give it to Lina," Cook turned some thoughts in his heart.

"Tweet," at this moment, the baby bird tweeted in the distance, and then the baby bird appeared in front of Cook hundreds of meters away, and then the baby bird jumped around in place. , As if looking for something,

"Haha," Cook laughed. Just now Cook saw the baby bird snatching a sand scorpion, but the sand scorpion must not be able to stand the strong spatial pressure and collapsed during the young bird's teleportation. The shorter the teleport distance, the greater the pressure caused, but the higher the chance of safety, because the interval is too short.

"Tweet," the baby bird saw Cook laughed loudly, and knew that Cook was laughing at himself, yelled in dissatisfaction, and then disappeared again.

"Space creatures," Cook clearly perceives that this young bird is actually a spatial creature, Cook sighed in his heart.

However, Zero Cook is somewhat surprised that this young bird can't fly. Of course, it doesn't matter that the bird that can teleport can't fly. Cook's trip to the Gobi can be said to be almost traveling, sand in the desert. As long as scorpions, sand foxes and other creatures are found by young birds,

Then Cook will demonstrate some fighting methods, but it is obvious that Cook's fighting methods are not suitable for young birds. The fighting methods of young birds make Cook embarrassed. The young birds are constantly teleporting before and after their prey, and the indestructible mouth is every time. Attacks will cause serious damage to the prey. After such a few times, the prey is unwilling to lie down, even if it wants to escape, it is not as fast as the young bird.

"Finally out of the Gobi, little guy, go in," Cook looked at the mountains that had already appeared, and patted the head of the baby bird. Cook has let the baby bird enter the natural ring, because if Cook carries the baby bird, Then the baby bird is food in the eyes of other demons, and Cook does not want to cause trouble, because once the attack method of the baby bird is spread out, then Cook is afraid that he will be chased by many, many demons, and the creatures of the space system. The attraction is really not small, even a god-level powerhouse will be moved.

"Tweet," After half a month of contact, the young bird is somewhat dependent on Cook, but thinking of the countless delicious fruits in that place, the young bird still did not resist and was taken into the natural ring by Cook.

After receiving the baby birds, Cook wore a full-length cloak, and then marched towards the distant mountains. Cook's magic eyes looked around vigilantly.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang," After a series of heavy blows, a team of twenty minotaurs was instantly defeated, and the only minotaur who was left looked at the figure in front of him, his legs were straight. Trembling,

"The city has been there recently," the deep voice rang,

"City...City," the only remaining tauren's brain crashed. This black shadow killed so many companions, just asking for directions.

"I don't know," the shadow asked softly.

"I know, I know, I walked 1,500 kilometers there. It's the nearest city. It's called Niutou City," the tauren felt a gust of wind rushing over his face as soon as he finished speaking. This tauren was desperate. Closed his eyes, after a while, the tauren realized that he had nothing to do, but the companions who fell on the ground let the tauren know that this was not a dream.

"Damn it," then the tauren shivered with excitement when he saw the fallen companions all over the floor. This is all food, but the tauren first stared at a female tauren and licked it dry. 'S lips, and then pounced on them,

"Ah...," But a few seconds later, the tauren flew upside down.

"Damn bastard, dare to take advantage of my old lady, bang bang bang," it turns out that these tauren are just in a coma. This lucky tauren who is not in a coma is unfortunate now. This female tauren is the leader of the team. Although the figure is great, but the strength is also great,

"God, I'm actually in Bullhead City," Cook was a little bit depressed, because it was very far away from the place where the bones were buried. It can be said that they are at least tens of thousands of kilometers apart. Obviously Cook has lost his way in the Gobi.

Cook looked at the map in his hand. There is a large chaotic area around the Gobi, which means that there are no rules here, and some are strength. Of course, this is still very related to the harsh environment here. , The reason why the big forces do not occupy this place is because the resources here are not enough to make up for the loss caused by the occupation.

Cook looked at the map and was very depressed, and then the map in Cook's hand did not have a detailed mark on this area of ​​Bullhead City.As for the robbery of the map, it is almost impossible. The devil who often wanders here , How do you need a map,

"It's more than 3,000 kilometers away from here, there is a city of flames, go there and see," Cook looked at the map, and then decided to go to the city of flames, because the target route of Bullhead City and Cook was inconsistent, of course, Cook also Afraid of trouble, if I asked for directions just now, if I was known, then there would be a certain chance of encountering trouble when buying a map in Bull Head City.

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