A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1113: sell

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The demigods present all spoke up. There is only one meaning. That is, we can listen to you. And we can recognize you Cook as the boss. But you can't eat Cook alone. How can we score and motivate us.

What can Cook do. I can only agree. You must know that this bunch of demigods are united. I am afraid that God will have to think about the consequences. Cook said, "Well then. I will prepare the information. Then after you read the information Then decide. Of course, you can also prepare something based on the information."

The rest of the demigods heard Cook say this. They were relieved. These demigods were actually not sure in their hearts. First of all, the strength that Cook showed. Even this bunch of demigods are willing to compete with Cook. But. There is absolutely no idiot who dares to act on Cook first.

The second is even if it’s against Cook. But don’t forget. The portal is in whose hands. If you do a fight with Cook, then you get nothing. That's a tragedy. And a guy like Cook If you don’t kill them all at once, then the consequences are extremely serious. Demigods have lived for countless years. Even a fool will not be stupid. But can a fool become a demigod? For sure. No. Such an idiot has long since disappeared in the long river of history.

After Cook returned to the mansion, he found Anna angrily. But when Cook saw Anna like this, Cook became angry. Now Anna looked panicked after seeing Cook. Ke knew it was Anna herself, not the goddess of the night who was doing things behind her back.

"She's gone." Cook asked coldly.

"Let's go." Anna saw Cook's unhappy face, and quickly lowered her head to answer.

"Humph. Let's go. If you leave, you will have to take care of the family law." Cook snorted. Then he hugged Anna and rushed into the house.

"Ah..." Anna exclaimed. Then the door of the confined room was cut off.

After Cook vented fiercely, he finally felt his anger disappeared a lot. Watching Anna limp like a mass of mud. Cook covered Anna with a quilt. Then he left depressed.

Early the next morning, Cook was awakened. Looking at Ivis in his arms. Cook was depressed again. Those demigods were shamelessly attacking the protective demon in their room. Pattern.

"These bastards." Cook walked out of the room depressed.

"Haha. Your Excellency Speaker. Good morning." A demigod smiled hello when he saw Cook come out. There was no embarrassment at all.

"Okay. Okay. I'll come right away." Cook saw the other demigods appear one by one. Obviously these guys don't worry about themselves. Cook muttered in his heart. In fact, Cook knows it. These demigods are always on guard. Cook. Mainly because he was afraid that Cook would run away. At that time I went there to find someone.

So these demigods swept through Cook's house wave after wave. The main reason was that they were afraid that Cook would directly teleport away. Of course, these demigods must also know that the protective magic lines have some reactions. These are of course small things. .

After Cook walked into the conference room, he found that these demigods were sitting together in the conference room like pupils. And he seemed to be a teacher. Cook quickly threw these thoughts into his mind. Then he said: "I will give you the details below. Everyone, tell us about the situation of the Demon Plane."

"The Demon Plane is indeed a material-rich plane. But it also faces danger. The Devil Plane is also a crazy plane. In this plane, it is common for the same race to devour each other. Even just now. Teammate. Once he dies, then this teammate may be left with some bone scum. On the plane of the devil, everything is only for two words. Food." Cook continued.

"Food." There was half-god wondering.

"Yes. The conditions on the Demon Plane are very bad. The sky is shrouded in thick clouds. Even if it is sunny, it is gloomy. It is almost as dark as the sky. And the entire Demon Plane is full of rich sulfur. If ordinary humans were past, If it is, I am afraid that it will be poisoned immediately. The Demon Plane also has plants. But plants that can grow in such a harsh environment. Even the Demon Plane itself, many demons dare not touch easily. Demons have a lot of food. . So food is the main problem faced by demons.” Cook explained.

"So how does the price of the Devil Plane compare to ours?" another demigod asked.

"It's best not to show things from our plane." Cook said lightly.

Cook said so. Those demigods all reacted. Yes. If the main material plane appears, wouldn’t it be discovered. Following Cook, he continued, “According to what I know, it’s known. The level of the monarch of the demon plane. That is what we call the god-level powerhouse. There are no fewer than twenty. Among them, the strongest is the residence of the flame demon. The fallen angel monarch. So you should be careful in the future. If you are affected by these If the monarch-level powerhouse focuses on it, then the consequences are hard to predict."

All the demigods were shocked. The devil monarch. This is very powerful in the historical records. Very abnormal existence. I didn't expect that there are no fewer than twenty known. This makes these demigods a little uneasy.

"I don't know much about the other conditions of the Demon Plane. And the place we used to is very remote on the Demon Plane. It is also very dangerous..." Then Cook explained the location of the base to the demigods. Again.

Hearing the situation of the base where Cook is located, all the demigods breathed a sigh of relief. Then a demigod said: "It is better to be more remote. It is better to be more remote."

"That's it. It is not easy to attract the attention of those demon monarchs in remote areas." Another demigod also said.

"Everyone. Don't forget the law of planes." At this time, Cook said another very bad news.

All the demigods were silent again. Obviously, the law of the plane was powerful. No one in the room was unclear. That was a terrible existence. But these demigods would not be frightened.

"No matter what. We will not give up the resources of the Demon Plane." Thinking of the **** core possessed by the Demon Plane, there may be a chance to grab the godhead. This is a huge temptation for all demigods.

"Hey. Then you guys will get ready. I'll be back in half a month to pick you up." Cook also knows the thoughts of these demigods. It's nothing more than grabbing a hand on the demon plane when he has the opportunity. The demon lord of the demon plane can't help himself.

Cook understands this idea of ​​these guys very well. So about trading with the Moon Demon clan, Cook will not say. As for Cook just said some of it is true. Some of it is false. Ha. Dorsey's existence is not said.

Cook saw these demigods leave one after another. There was a smile at the corner of his mouth. Cook mumbled to himself: "If these guys are acquainted, it's fine. If you don't know the interest...hehe."

Cook turned his head and returned to the demon plane. He immediately told the story of the matter. Lina and others were also angry after hearing this. Cook said depressedly: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't underestimate it. This woman. This guy is simply for himself."

Xia gave Cook a faint look. Then he said, "Cook. There are some things you didn't say."

"Of course. Just like we didn't talk about the transaction. I am looking for you now. I just want to discuss. Are we going to prepare another secret place." Cook said very proudly.

"You are still proud. You said where we are looking now. That place is hidden from this place. And the surrounding environment is good." Lina asked angrily.

"Hey. Actually, I have never liked this place. We are not gophers. Why should we find a place with beautiful scenery." Cook slapped. Then said.

"But let's go there for a while." Wu Mei asked emotionally.

"Hehe. I know a good place. Now ordinary demons don't dare to go to that place. Even the tough ones don't dare to go." Cook said with a smile.

Then Cook continued: "This place is in the burial ground. Didn't I say it last time? The place where I got the fruits of strength. There are some mountains around and the scenery above is good. Although it is a bit cold. But as long as we transform it. .It is also a good place to live. Not only are there a large number of mutant skeletons below, but also there are clouds of death mist."

Murphy then asked: "Then what about the business here."

"Of course we continue to do it. We come here to work during the day. We will go back to that place in the evening. And the portal is also moved over. Only a projection of the portal is left here. This way we can be sure of safety."

"But this way, the portal consumes a lot." Lina said afterwards. A major feature of the portal is that it can form a teleportation projection. It is like a pipe. It can be extended. Of course, the consequence of this is that it consumes a lot of energy. .

Now that Cook said so, the others had no objection. It was just Mickey who asked, "Then so many of us live on it. What if those demon monarchs find out?"

"Hey. It's not that bad luck." Cook has also considered this question. To be honest. The fog of death may be safer than here. After all, there is the fog of death. Although this underground world seems safe, it is not particularly safe. .

After Cook finished speaking, he listened to Murphy's report for a while, as well as some defensive measures by Lina Sia, and Bagru's inspection.

The meeting soon ended. At this time Hadosi came back. Hadosi brought the list of the second transaction. This time it was some magicweave equipment. There were seven or eight pieces. And it was based on armor. Mainly.

"Hehe. This is interesting." Cook said with a smile after reading the list.

"Hey. Master. I already know how young I am. Moon Demon is united with Flame Demon City. Immortal City. Angel City. And Succubus City. Black Dragon City holds an auction. You want to be here. This Moon City was originally in these few Which super city is in. Which is the weaker position. This is what Mrs. Murphy said. So these equipments are only armors. After all, armors can improve combat effectiveness. But after all, this is passive. So the Moon Demon Race just doesn’t want other cities. Obtained a magicweave weapon..." Hadoshi said with a smile.

"Okay. Hadoshi. I didn't expect you to think of this. Very good. It seems that I did not misunderstand you. How is your control of the black market now." Cook looked at Hadoshi with admiration.

"Thank you for the compliment, the master. The people in the black market are now my subordinates. I also follow your instructions. Do not touch those teams." Hadoshi said.

"Very good. We don't need to control the black market. But the necessary strength is still necessary. So how is Varuman now." Cook asked afterwards. Cook just entered the village quietly. Do not shoot guns.

Hadoshi said disdainfully: "Varumman. Still taking his subordinates everywhere. Nothing."

"Hehe. It is necessary to be familiar with the terrain. You can get the equipment from Mrs. Murphy." Cook said with a wave.

Haduosi went to pick up the equipment. Haduosi is very high-spirited now. You must know that there are hundreds of people in Haduosi now. And he is facing the top of the moon city. Such a big man. In addition, what Hadoshi eats now is the sweet food that has never been eaten. There are also delicious ale. And the fruit that has never been eaten. Each of these things is of great value.

Now Hadosi has found the greatest pursuit in life. That is to hug his master's thigh. Cook watched Hadosi go away. He is also ready to find another hidden place to live.

Cook hasn't left yet. Hadosi is back again. Hadosi anxiously reported to Cookhui: "Master. Master. It's not good. It is said that the sea of ​​blood is about to explode."

"What is the blood wave." Cook didn't know what the blood wave was. But by looking at Hadoshi's appearance, Cook knew it was definitely not a good sign.

"Blood tide means that the creatures in the blood sea are out of the scope of the blood sea. It is said that the Gobi above our heads is caused by the cooperation of several powerful monarchs. It is to prevent the formation of the blood tide."

"Why do these creatures in the sea of ​​blood erupt?" Cook didn't expect this blood wave to be so dangerous.

"Master. Actually, the outbreak of the animal tide is nothing more than several reasons. The first one is food. Due to the large amount, there is not enough food. Then after the animal tide erupts, not only can some creatures be consumed, but also some excess food can be obtained. The second is that there are high-level creatures commanding behind. The third is that these creatures are in great danger, or the place where they originally inhabited has undergone a huge change." Haduo said a lot of eloquence.

"Then what about the eruption of the blood wave." Cook was speechless. All that Hardosi said was nonsense.

"This. I don't know about this. The sea of ​​blood is the most mysterious place in the entire demon plane. Even the monarch-level powerhouse. Don't dare to go in." Hadoshi replied awkwardly. Cook rolled his eyes. .

Cook knocked on the table. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Then what's the reaction in the black market."

"All are ready to run away. There is no possibility of surviving when the blood wave comes. Most of them are going to go to the blood mage's territory to hide for a while." Hadoshi said.

Cook kept thinking in his heart, should he and his party have to leave here.

"Master." Hardosi asked. Apparently he was asking Cook what to do.

"I'll go and see first. Is the news of this blood surge true?" Cook stood up, walked back and forth a few times, and then said.

Hadoshi heard that Cook was going. He immediately stopped anxiously: "Master. Master. The guys in the sea of ​​blood are all tyrannical guys. Let's avoid it for a while."

"Nonsense. There is no definite news. We just ran away." Cook yelled irritably. But Cook was very happy that Hadoshi stopped him. Obviously Hadoshi was relatively loyal to him.

Cook knew that Hadosi didn't want to lose his current life. For the devil, there was never any loyalty at all. Some are just benefits. Of course, this is also Cook has enough strength. Otherwise, the devil will be bitten by the devil. The possibilities are also great.

Cook greeted Lina and West Asia. Then he began to move towards the sea of ​​blood. On the way, Cook could see some demons constantly retreating. But Cook did not waver by this. Instead, he became more vigilant.

"Originally, I came to the Sea of ​​Blood to take the Blood Essence Stone. But I didn't expect to see the true face of the Sea of ​​Blood now." Cook was deeply moved. Cook originally came to the Demon Plane to exercise. Then he obtained the Blood Essence Stone. Knowing that things are constantly happening along the way. If it weren't for the news of the blood wave, Cook could not know how long it would take to come to this blood sea.

Although the black market is very close to the sea of ​​blood, it is only very close compared to other places in the Demon Plane. It is also more than 5,000 kilometers. What is the concept of 5,000 kilometers. That is to say, running on the highway for two days and two nights. ...And this is the straight-line distance.

Cook's body is very tough. But here Cook is afraid to increase the speed. It's like a car's theoretical speed of 100, no problem. But if the car's running time is converted into kilometers, it must be much less than 100 This is the difference between theory and practice.

On the way from the black market to the sea of ​​blood. It is a rolling rocky mountain. The mountains here are not those small hills. They are mountains thousands of meters high. In this world with extremely abundant elemental energy, the peaks are also higher than the earth. Countless times. Peaks tens of kilometers high can be seen in Bibi. This may be because the structure of the planet is different.

Of course, it was this rocky mountain that blocked the further expansion of the blood sea. In this rocky mountain, there are countless tyrannical creatures. And it is the realm of the blood mage in name.

Cook's, with the help of the magic eye, came around a group of powerful creatures. Most of the creatures here look no different from rocks. Or they are lurking in the gravel. Then sneak attack the passing creatures. .

"Is there a sea of ​​blood over there." Cook stood on a mountain that was more than ten kilometers high. Looking far away, I saw a vague red mist in the distance. The red mist is the scope of the sea of ​​blood. ...But it is the outermost area.

Cook observed carefully for a while. Nothing unusual was found. Cook decided to move on. Cook was not one of those fools. He would rush into the blood in a muddle. That is not called probing. That is called death.

"Stop." Just when Cook came to the mountainside, he heard a sound in his ears.

"Who." Cook was taken aback. You should know that Cook has magic eyes. There are no creatures within 500 meters around here. And this voice is obviously speaking.

"Humanoid. What are you doing here?" The voice rang again.

"Who. Who are you?" Cook increased his vigilance even more. The scimitar in his hand was also tightly held in his hand. But Cook did not notice anyone around. Cook felt a little numb in his scalp.

"Humanoid. Do you know that this is the territory of our blood mage. If you want to enter the sea of ​​blood, you must first obtain a pass from our blood mage." The voice sounded again.

Cook noticed it now. It was on a rock not far from him. A pea-sized red thing. This thing looked like a drop of blood.

Cook saw this and immediately woke up. This is a unique skill of the blood mage. The blood mage can control blood. Just like the mage controls magic. The blood mage cultivated this kind of blood drop that can be used as a detection magic. You can feel the amount of blood within a certain range, and the energy intensity contained in the blood, to perceive whether there are creatures around it, what level, and the powerful blood mage can also perceive the surrounding situation through this drop of blood.

"Yes. I'm here to get the blood essence stone." Cook nodded and replied.

Of course Cook wouldn’t say it. Oh, I heard that there is going to be a blood wave. I’ll see if it’s true. So Cook must be troublesome. Because there are only two reasons for people who say that. The first is strength. Powerful. If this is the case, the blood mage must be more vigilant. It is necessary to be more cautious when you change the territory to come from such a strong. Of course there is another one. That is Jubi. However, Jubi can live for a long time. And since you are teasing, then the blood mage doesn't mind bullying and bullying teasing. That's why Cook answered. Pretending not to know that a blood wave will erupt.

"Blood Essence Stone. Hey. You guys. What is the Blood Essence Stone." The voice rang again.

Cook asked puzzledly: "Isn't the Blood Essence Stone a kind of stone? I'm very experienced in Cook mining."

After speaking, Cook smiled in his heart. The blood essence stone is a stone. But it is definitely not an ore. Just like a human stone. Is it an ore?

By saying this, Cook showed that he was here for the first time, and his wisdom was not that high.

"Mining." The blood mage was also stunned. Is there something wrong with this kind of human demon's mind?

Cook then said: "Ah. You blood mages are the owners of the veins. Those of us who come to mine need to pay a fee. I know this. I, Cook, is very skilled in the mining process. You It just happened. I still don’t know where the blood veins are."

"Cough cough. Cough cough. That's good. You go straight ahead. See where the blood-red mist is. There are blood stones in it." This drop of blood left such a sentence. Then he went from Cook Flew in front of him.

"Hey. Hey. You haven't said that this fee should be paid... Funny. Want to fight with me." Cook said in annoyance after seeing the blood drop disappear. In fact, Cook's Mo Yan just saw the blood drop. The magic fluctuates. But there is a faint vitality on the blood drop. Cook mistakenly thought it was some humble creature. How could it be such a thing.

"Is this a sea of ​​blood?" Cook stood behind a big rock. Looking at the place hundreds of meters away was shrouded in blood-red mist. A faint smell rushed into Cook's nose.

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