A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1114: Reunion

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A faint blood-red mist. It also has a fishy smell. And this red mist is getting deeper and deeper. Cook can only see a distance of more than ten meters in the mist.

"It really hurts. This red mist can actually hinder mental perception. Even the detection range of the magic eye is much smaller." Cook muttered to himself.

Cook observed for a while. He didn't find that the sea of ​​blood was as dangerous as the legend outside. He didn't see a bloodline creature. Cook touched his nose. He decided to go in and take a look.

But Cook did not go forward. Instead, he retreated several kilometers. He found a relatively hidden place. Then Cook began to prepare.

"First of all, we must prepare something to converge its own breath. The resuscitation potion is a very good thing. If you add some convergent magic items, then maybe it will be better." Cook thought in his heart.

Afterwards, Cook took out seven or eight bottles of breath restraining potions and put them in the leather armor. The reason Cook did this is because when using spatial items, there will be spatial magic fluctuations.

Not only that. Cook also prepared some invisibility potions. Then Cook looked at the mageweave leather armor he was equipped with. Cook thought.

"It looks like we need to prepare some magic accessories." Cook looked at his leather armor. This is not suitable for entering the sea of ​​blood.

Cook took out a coin-sized metal. This was forged from the memory in the memory fragments separated by Barry from the fragments Cooked in the Tower of Resurrection, which is the treasure of the golden light.

The weight of such a piece of metal can reach hundreds of kilograms. But because of this, ordinary metal can withstand the power of the magic pattern.

The magic furnace was opened by Cook. Some of the materials were also taken out by Cook. Then Cook began to refining. A magicweave Cook refining only takes one minute. Refining these things is mainly prepared It takes a little longer. But fortunately, Cook has the materials that have been prepared. Even if it is not, Cook went back and wandered around. Just get it in the laboratory in West Asia.

Two minutes later, a gray badge appeared in Cook's hands. It was only the size of a coin. However, this badge can prevent its own breath from leaking out.

Cook puts on his leather armor. On his belt are standing battle potions. They are all extremely pure. They are not adulterated. In addition, the Sealing Magic Column is carried by Cook on his back. The Scimitar is also carried by Cook On the back, cross it, Thunder Fang is also in a convenient position.

"Windsor. Lend me your little vine. I'm in the blood." Cook thought for a while. Another message was sent to Windsor in the Ring of Nature.

With a puff, a blood-red plant tens of centimeters high appeared twisted out of thin air. This is Windsor's favorite, the Devil Vine.

However, although the devil's vine is blood red, there are only a few leaves. There are some purple spots on the leaves, and there are also purple lines in the sense.

"Hehe. It seems that your little thing has a lot of intelligence." Cook saw this devil vine look like this. He knew that the devil vine's rank had improved a lot.

This devil vine hovered on one of Cook's calf. It looked like a legging, and then it quietly lurked there.

"Quak. Damn you. I found you." Just when Cook was about to enter the sea of ​​blood, a croak sounded.

"Damn bastard. Bastard. Didn't you say that you came to this sea of ​​blood. Why did you come now?" Kesi tilted his head. His mouth was closed and he looked at Cook. His eyes were so bitter.

Cook Khan gave it a hand. Didn't this kerst be thrown away by himself? Why did he come again? At this time Cook also remembered the seven little guys in the natural ring. That time he obtained a lot of soul crystals. The seven little guys put them in the ring of nature and forgot. If they hadn't seen this underworld, Cook would have almost forgotten.

"Am I here?" Cook replied, rolling his eyes.

"But do you know how long I have been waiting for you? You bastard. Are you an idiot who doesn't know the way." Kesi opened his mouth. Cook wanted to choke the bastard.

But Cook still misses Big Mouth a bit. But Big Mouth is still sleeping. I don't know what is going on. But Cook also knows that once certain creatures fall asleep, the time will be very long.

"You don't need to wait." Cook said angrily to X.

Kes glared at Cook with an unconcerned look. He didn’t leave when he saw Kess. Cook said, “Big mouth. I’m going into this sea of ​​blood. If you’re not afraid Danger. Just follow."

"There is something to get in here. It's all a group of people with missing souls." Kees replied irritably. Obviously Kes suffered a loss in this.

When Cook heard this, his heart moved. But he didn't say anything. But Cook had already figured it out. The soul is missing. This should be impossible. The existence of this sea of ​​blood has a history.

But about the soul, Cook didn’t know much. After thinking about it for a while, Cook couldn’t figure it out. So he asked: "This; what is the reason for the lack of soul."

"Hehe." This guy smiled. Then he held his head high. You begged me. You begged me.

Cook curled his mouth in disdain. Then he walked towards the blood sea. As for Kess. Cook directly waved his hand to let this guy get out. Cooks’ performance surprised Kess. How could this be different from what he imagined.

Kesi shouted: "Don't you want to know. Don't you want to know."

"I'm not that curious. I'm here only for the Blood Essence Stone." Cook replied.

"Blood Essence Stone." X was completely speechless. Seeing Cook really ignored him, X was very entangled.

You must know that X is also absorbed by the space cracks. And the underworld is not so easy to go back. So far no one knows the exact news in the underworld. As long as you have been in the underworld, they have never come out. The underworld is in all planes. It is the most mysterious existence.

Unlike the demon plane, the gods, and other planes, there are still some records. There are also records in the underworld. That is, the creatures in the underworld are all proficient in soul magic.

"Hey. Hey. There are people with no brains in there. You will die miserably. Very miserable." Kees shouted, and then rushed into the blood sea after Cook.

The sea of ​​blood gave Cook the feeling of thick mist, and the blood-red mist was still sticky.

"I told you. There is nothing good in this place." Kees fell on Cook's shoulder again. What surprised Cook was that these blood-red weapons would not affect Kes. According to the truth, The mist here should be stuck to the wings of Kesi.

"X. I'll tell you the truth. Big Mouth is sleeping now. So don't pester me." Cook said with earnestness when he saw X.

"Sleep. Sleeping for the first time. Why do you fall asleep. Let me see." A series of questions were asked by Kers.

Cook replied without looking back: "Don't even think about it. I know that certain creatures like to devour their companions."

"You. You. You. Our underworld creatures are very noble. They won't swallow their companions. It's not like you humans killing your companions to make other races feel the fear." Kesi jumped up angrily on Cook's shoulder Roar loudly.

Although Cook admitted in his heart. But he certainly did not admit it. Instead, he said in an angry tone: "This is the performance of intelligent creatures. It is precisely because of intelligent individuals that contradictions arise. So..."

Cook talked a lot of eloquently. Cox was dizzy by Cook's remarks. Cox reacted after a while. Then he said angrily: "Damn bastard. I want to see It depends on how far you can go in this sea of ​​blood. The lack of soul has caused the creatures in this sea of ​​blood to act according to instinct."

"Hehe. Instinct means that the soul is missing. Then you know instinctively to eat. This is also the lack of soul." Cook laughed. His eyes flashed.

"Idiot. Idiot. You are an idiot of soul studies. The lack of soul is irreparable. These blood sea creatures are basically brainless creatures. They just know that they are constantly fighting, fighting, and strengthening themselves. I doubt whether this is behind it. Some evil guy controls this group of guys. The soul fully understands fear. It knows fear. Even if it is eating, it knows how to prey. It also knows how to react to all kinds of food. It is the guy whose soul is missing. There won't be any of these things. Just knowing to jump up suddenly. Then tear the other side apart." Kesi said loudly.

After Cook heard what Kex said, he understood at once. The creatures in this sea of ​​blood are really what Kesi said. But Cook said with a sneer: "Then the creatures in this sea of ​​blood are dead. ."

"Idiot. All I say is that someone is controlling these creatures behind this." Kesi did not hesitate to give Cook an idiot.

Cook opened his mouth wide. Cook was really shocked. This sea of ​​blood was actually controlled by humans. But Cook then said angrily: "You lie. Isn't there a demigod Blood Sea Tyrant here?"

"The tyrant of the blood sea is just a relatively powerful guy under control. Could it be that there have been gods born in this blood sea? It is impossible for a guy with a lack of soul to be promoted to the **** level." Kesi replied contemptuously to Cook

Cook is silent. The explanation made by this X is really reasonable. This also explains why this sea of ​​blood has become a forbidden place for this demon plane. In addition, why the blood sea tyrant can't advance to the **** level.

"The only suspicion is the Blood Mage." Cook thought for a while in his mind. Then there was a result. To talk about the situation of the blood sea, only the blood mage is suspect. If a powerful god-level is born in the blood sea Strong, then the blood mage territory will be threatened.

"Go. Go to the blood mage territory and see." After Cook got the results, he went to the blood mage territory. And if it is really what Kesi said, then the blood tide must be a conspiracy. A big conspiracy.

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