A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1115: conspiracy?

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Cook's suspicion is not unreasonable. The blood mage itself is a blood mage. To say that there can be no monarch-level powerhouse in the blood sea. Who is the most beneficial. The blood mage is the most beneficial.

The blood mage's territory is not very far from the blood sea. It is only more than two hundred kilometers. The blood mage's territory is on the top of a mountain range. And this mountain directly extends out of the fog of death. The blood mage's territory is located on this mountain.

"Teleportation Array." Cook was surprised. This blood mage actually built a teleportation array. This is the first time Cook has seen a teleportation array. You must know that there is no space attribute. Building a teleportation array is extremely troublesome.

"I'm here for the first time." A tauren guarding the teleportation formation looked at Cook and asked.

Cook looked at the bullhead and asked in surprise: "You are the blood mage."

"No. We are just servants of the noble mage." The Tauren replied.

Then Cook asked: "I am here for the first time. Do I need to go through any formalities."

"The first time I come here, I need to pay a certain deposit. And I must abide by the rules of the blood mage territory. If you violate the rules of the blood mage, then the result is not something a guy like you can bear." The tauren looked at Cook. Sternly Warned.

Cook did not say anything. Instead, he paid a large amount of deposit. Then he got a runestone. This runestone has a time limit. Only one month. And when Cook handles the deposit. At least there are a few. Ten demons walked in from the teleportation array.

"After the teleportation array, fees will be charged. The fee will be deducted from the deposit. Boy. Good luck." The Tauren threw the runestones to Cook. Then he said grimly.

Cook stepped into the teleportation formation and teleported away in an instant. When Cook came out of the teleportation formation, he was shocked to find that the blood mage's territory is so beautiful. This is a basin with a size of more than ten square kilometers. Around the basin. There is still white snow on the mountains. There is a lot of green in the basin. The huge trees make Cook very surprised.

"It's actually tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Sea of ​​Blood." Then Cook sensed it. He was surprised. Cook sensed the location of Lina. Obviously, the teleportation array near the Sea of ​​Blood was deceptive.

Tens of thousands of kilometers. Cook thought about it in his mind. But because of the opacity of the information. And Cook doesn’t know the area around the Sea of ​​Blood very well. So Cook doesn’t know where he is at all. But according to Cook’s estimation. And far Far away from the scope of the blood sea.

"Damn bastard. Look what to see. Go away." Just as Cook thought about it, a roar sounded.

Immediately after, Cook saw a monster with a waist measuring eight feet, which is close to three meters, and a height of eight feet. The monster was still wearing a leather armor. He was staring at Cook with a weapon that looked like a meteor hammer.

Cook didn't know what was going on. A humanoid behind hurriedly said: "Boy. Leave quickly. It is not allowed to stay at the gate of this teleportation hall."

"Uh..." Cook left quickly, and the big mouth on Cook's shoulder was simply ignored.

"Boy, it's the first time to come to this blood mage territory." The human-like demon immediately behind asked.

Cook looked at this humanoid warily, and then replied, "This is my first time here."

"Hehe. I think so too. This blood mage territory does not allow fights. Once discovered, it will be captured by the blood mage. And the blood mage will never appear again. So it is very safe here. Yes. You can also accept various tasks in the deacon's hall here," the humanoid said.

"What task?" Cook was surprised. This place is so big. There are tasks.

"Haha. You think this blood mage territory is so big. This is only the main city of the blood mage territory. There are countless such basins around this main city. But those basins are full of dangers. If you want to understand clearly This blood mage territory. I have a second-hand map here. It's very cheap." This humanoid finally said his purpose.

Cook simply exchanged for the map neatly. Cook opened the map and found that there were countless basins around the blood mage territory, like countless craters appearing on a flat ground.

But Cook didn't take this map seriously. After all, it was given to him by humanoids. In case this kind of humanoids have any bad ideas, then Cook will follow this map. Isn't it going to die?

"Man..." What else this humanoid wants to say to Cook.

"Sorry. I have something." Cook left quickly. This guy is simply addicted to doing business.

What Cook thinks now is to know the so-called blood mage best. But Cook has been along the way. Whether it is the guard patrolling. or the other demons around, they are all demon races. There is no such thing as a blood mage.

Cook came to the so-called deacon's hall. Then Cook finally saw the blood mage. What surprised Cook was that the blood mage was almost as handsome as an elf. But the ears were not sharp. It was closer to humans.

"Human." The blood mage in the deacon's hall, wearing a blood-red robe, asked with a frown when he saw Cook.

Cook was really surprised. His own human identity would be discovered. But then the blood mage's nose vigorously twitched twice. Then he shook his head and said: "It's not a pure human. It has the breath of a big ear demon. But such a human The blood still occupies a lot."

"Khan." Cook was embarrassed. You should know that Cook already has a protective gear on his body. I didn't expect the leaked breath to be sensed by the blood mage.

"Let me see what the task is. I just arrived here. I need a copy......" Cook said quickly.

"This is the first time. Then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment. Here is a delivery mission." The blood mage proudly threw a mission scroll to Cook.

Cook was surprised. Delivery. Nima. But after a glance, Cook realized that this was actually a delivery task. It was to send the task materials collected in the Deacon’s Hall to each of the Blood Mage who gave the task. Residence.

What makes Cook a little bit painful is that most of these blood mages live in the surrounding basin. The so-called blood mages live in the city and there is no place where the blood mages live. Only the blood mages on duty sit here.

Cook looked at the map given by the Deacon's Hall. He was even more surprised to find that the basin between the basin and the basin in the blood mage territory was covered with snow. That is, Cook had to climb the mountain if he wanted to reach another basin. Then go on. It is said that blood wizards have secret paths between each other. But outsiders are not allowed to use it at all.

"It's a wonderful place." There is a package on Cook's back. It is a box with a magic key. Cook vaguely feels a hint of spatial fluctuation. Obviously, there is a space expansion circle in the box.

"There is a problem." The more Cook thought about it, the more he felt that there was a big problem. Now it seems that the strength of the blood mage territory should be very huge. But these blood mage are still living in seclusion here. Then there is no conspiracy.

The mountain is thousands of meters high. Cook also climbed for a full hour. Then he walked more than ten kilometers of glaciers. Cook finally saw the destination of his delivery this time. Another huge basin.

"Mage Tower. Is it his Mage Tower?" After seeing the scene below the basin, Cook roared in his heart.

In this basin of only a few square kilometers, there are countless plants growing. Under the cover of these plants, there is a mage tower on one side of the mountain. It is also a nine-story mage tower. The naked eye can see the shining around the mage tower There are purple rays of light. This is the defensive magic circle of the wizard tower. And there are six silver-white metals that are several meters in diameter suspended around the wizard tower. These metals give Cook a dangerous feeling. It is obviously a certain kind of power. arms.

Cook touched the runestones in his hand. Then he walked down the basin. The snow-covered world to the basin full of plants. It's just a few meters away. But the feeling is different.

"It's magnificent." Cook also dreamed of having his own mage tower. But this wish has never been realized. The mage tower is two hundred meters high. The entire mage tower appears silvery white. The whole body is made of white iron. The white iron is an astronomical number.

The mage tower is hundreds of meters thick. Cook looked at the mage tower. Then he walked forward. Cook didn't know how to pay the task. Fortunately, this mage tower obviously has a similar perception magic circle.

"Please tell me what you are here." A more mechanical voice asked.

Cook quickly took out the runes. Then he said: "I'm here to deliver the goods."

After Cook finished speaking, there was no sound. Just when Cook was a little bored, a middle-aged man in a scarlet mage robe walked out. He shouted directly at Cook: "Damn bastard. I have been posting for half a year. The task. It’s actually only sent to me now. It seems that the people in the Deacon’s Hall are all idiots. Idiots. It has delayed my experiment."

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand while cursing. A blood-red palm directly grabbed Cook. Cook was just about to resist. He saw that the purpose of the blood-red palm was not himself. Cook quickly put his back on his back. Take down the package.

After the package was taken away by the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man directly yelled at Cook: "Bastard boy. Go and tell those **** in the deacon hall. If you don't bring what I need, I'll be careful that I smashed the deacon hall."

After that, the man went straight into the Mage Tower. Cook was left in a daze. Cook scratched his head. Then he said with great distress, "There is not a single receipt. How can it be regarded as completing the task."

"Boy. Get out of here. You have to return the receipt. The **** receipt." I didn't know the surroundings of the mage tower lit up. It immediately formed a huge light curtain. The shadow of the middle-aged man appeared directly in the middle of the light curtain, and shouted at Cook.

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