A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1116: Blood Wizard Realm

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In one day, Cook delivered more than fifty times. And Cook saw more than one hundred mage towers. These one hundred mage towers are very shocking to Cook. Know a mage The tower represents the full combat power of a high-level mage. The mage tower can be said to be a comprehensive fortress. It can not only attack, defend, but also research and experiment inside. The combat power of a mage tower is terrifying. Because most mage towers do not consume magic cores or magic crystals. They will extract energy from other sources. Maybe the air. Maybe the ground. More or magma. Volcanoes. Rivers. Even sunlight.

And there is more than one mage in a mage tower. This mage may have friends, disciples, and some followers. So the combat power formed by these hundred mage towers is terrifying.

The more I understand Cook, the more he believes that the sea of ​​blood is controlled by the blood mage. Because the blood mage has such a powerful strength, he does not show the slightest reputation on the demon plane. This is a typical representative.

As for the actual situation behind the outbreak of blood wave, it still needs to be investigated. Cook chooses the mission in the deacon's hall. Those missions that collect magic materials will not go to Cook, because it is not close to the blood mage.

And Cook also has a suspicion. That is that blood wizards are humans. Because these blood wizards are no different from humans. The difference is that they are more handsome. But the difference is that these blood wizards have extremely strong magic talents. This is Cook can't figure it out.

All the blood mage cooks here perceive extremely strong elemental fluctuations, which proves that these blood mage's magic talents are extremely high. Only people with extremely high magic talents have more intense magic fluctuations.

Some people with great magic talents. The surrounding elements will automatically flow into the person's body. But you don't know how to meditate. Most of these elements will stay in the body. Finally, they will slowly disappear. This is equivalent to magic flushing. Once this magic power is flushed to a certain level, then it will automatically produce magic. Just like Mickey. Just eat a meal of monster meat. Awakening talent. This is an excellent example of talent.

"This has a mission for a magic assistant." After observing for a long time, Cook finally saw a mission for a magic assistant. It was in a certain mage tower where Cook went.

But at this moment, another Minotaur suddenly rushed ahead of Cook. Taking on this task, Cook really wanted to screw off this Minotaur's head. But fighting is not allowed in this Deacon's Hall.

"It seems that you also want to take on those assistant tasks." The blood mage in the deacon's hall was very impressed by Cook. Because Cook delivered the goods in one day. This surprised the blood mage.

Cook said with a very yearning look: "It is my dream to become a powerful mage."

"Hehe. The talent of the wizard of the humanoid is the lowest in the entire demon plane. There is no talent for magic. According to my observations, you should become a thief. Take a look. You have completed more than fifty in one day. A delivery mission. This proves that you have a strong talent for judgment, sense of direction, and perception. Be considerate. The Mage Tower is very dangerous. In the past, there were always some idiots directly bombarded by the Mage Tower." The blood mage said with a smile.

"But. But you are all mages." Cook asked with an uncomprehending expression.

"Our talent comes from the bloodline. It's not like other wizards." The blood wizard said.

The blood mage machine continued: "And our blood mage is not as powerful as imagined. Although we are very talented and have a high level. But our blood mage is actually the best at magic research, not combat." The famous blood mage said.

When Cook was said by the blood mage, he was almost stunned. The mage talent actually came from the bloodline. But something seemed to flash in Cook's mind. Cook asked, "Is there any difference between this talent?"

"Of course. Bloodline magic talent almost does not require meditation. Just like the dragon clan actually can be said to be bloodline talent. As long as it grows up, then magic talent will also increase. Flame demon is also bloodline talent. Strictly speaking, it is a talent. It is the bloodline talent. However, the talents of the main material plane should be regarded as comprehensive talents. Because humans need elemental affinity, spiritual power, etc. to reach a certain level, talents will be born. Moreover, most human talents It is activated by the day after tomorrow. It is not born congenitally. It also needs the help of medicine and other things. Bloodline talent is not required. As long as it continues to grow, it can have high achievements.

And according to our research, the pure humans on the material plane do not have the talents of wizards. Most of their talents for wizards come from the blood of other races in the body. Then add their own spiritual power. Magic talents. Because of these The blood is very thin. So the birth of the talent is full of uncertainty. But there is no uncertainty in the blood talent like us. Just like a dragon. As long as it grows up, then magic does not need to be learned." This blood mage Explained to Cook profoundly the types of talents.

Cook hesitated for a moment. He made himself appear that his brain was not so bright. Then he said: "That is to say, all talents come from blood."

"Correct." The Blood Mage looked at Cook and said.

Cook then shrugged and said: "Then I understand. In fact, it is not this time that the blood wave will erupt. I may not be able to come here. However, I am very uncomfortable with the environment here. The cold glacier. There is also dazzling sunlight. There are things that cannot be eaten outside. Could it be the legendary food."

"Haha. Haha. These trees were cultivated by our blood mage.   If they can be eaten, there is still a little left." The blood mage replied with a laugh.

Cook immediately gave me a wake-up expression: "Yes. If you can eat it, it would have been eaten by those bastards. But I always have to do something here. And I don’t like the cold glacier. That feeling It's terrible."

"Blood tide. Yes. The blood tide in the blood sea is extremely terrifying. Our blood mage has studied for so long. We have not discovered how the blood tide is generated. Because no one can enter the depths of the blood sea. There are too many There are too many creatures." The blood mage sighed.

Cook thought about it. Then he asked: "Isn't this a good opportunity for this blood wave."

"What good opportunity?" the blood mage asked.

When Cook saw the blood mage say this, he immediately said, "Go into the depths of the blood sea, uh, chance. You think. Is this blood tide countless creatures of the blood sea? These creatures are pouring in all directions. Then now the depths of the blood sea possess The number of blood sea creatures..."

"Ah **** it. Damn it. Why didn't we think about it. Oh my god. According to our statistics, almost 90% of the blood sea creatures will participate in the blood tide. Then at this time the number of creatures in the blood sea is only 10% or more. Little. God. I have experienced more than 30 blood surges. Doesn’t it mean that I have missed 30 opportunities to explore the secrets of the sea of ​​blood. My God.” The blood mage heard Cook say so, and suddenly reacted. Then he jumped up and roared loudly.

Then the blood mage flew away directly in the air. Cook saw this, shrugged helplessly, and then left the deacon hall under the watchful eyes of the guards. Cook did not expect that the blood mage would be so excited by a reminder.

"X. You said how this lack of soul is caused. It is controlled by man." Cook asked X.

"Idiot. That human being can do this. I guess it was caused by some powerful object. And to be able to do so, you need blood sea creatures and other **** things." X cursed badly.

Cook glared at X with an angry look. Because Cook wanted to choke this X. Cook always thought that the blood wave was a conspiracy of the blood mage. But when X just said that, Cook thought of this blood. The mage can control the blood sea creatures. Then wouldn't it be able to dominate the demon plane. Moreover, even if the blood sea is controlled by someone behind it, how powerful this person needs to be. Since there is such a powerful strength, what do these blood sea creatures do? The demon race that can be collected at will is not inferior to this blood sea creature. So there is only one point. This blood sea has powerful items. This blood sea creature is a mutation that is affected by this item. Or it is produced.

At the thought of this, Cook's blood boiled. Doesn't that mean that this item is of high level. Cook wished to enter the depths of the blood sea immediately. But before Cook left the blood mage territory, he was found by the blood mage.

"Cook. We want to enter the sea of ​​blood. We need to recruit a group of followers. I don't know if you are interested." The blood mage in the deacon hall found Cook and asked.

Cook was stunned. Then he asked: "Why me."

"Because you have keen intuition. This is indispensable in adventure. If it weren't for your reminder, we haven't been able to explore the depths of this blood sea. This is simply an unforgivable mistake. A large group of high-level The mage actually doesn't have the thoughtfulness of a humanoid demon," another blood mage said.

"But it's dangerous there." Cook said, shaking his head. Cook was tempted in his heart. But on the surface, Cook still wanted to refuse.

"Cook. Do you want to have the talent of the wizard? Wait until this mission is over. We can let you have the talent of the wizard." Another blood wizard promised.

Cook immediately jumped up in surprise. Then he asked excitedly: "Is this true?"

"Of course. We have a way to let anyone have the talent of a wizard. Even if it is a bad demon." The blood wizard who spoke just now replied very proudly.

Cook curled his lips in his heart. In fact, Cook also wants to understand now. Although this blood mage is a mage. But what do these blood mage control. Is blood. What is attacking. It is also blood. But what is blood? What is blood? The root of the human body. There is no blood. Then people die. Of course, the blood mage can also control the blood of others. But Cook knows that this requires a strong mental power. Cook is more able to guess the spirit of most blood mages The power is not very strong. Then you can only control your own blood. Then how much blood must be lost to defeat the enemy. This is an unknown number.

Of course blood essence stones make up for this. But the number of blood essence stones is limited. It is more difficult to obtain than other element magic crystals. Because other element magic crystals only need to mine magic crystal ore. And blood essence stones need. It can only be obtained by hunting creatures in the sea of ​​blood. The two methods are different. The degree of danger is also different. It determines the value of the difference.

"Okay. But I need some equipment. My equipment does not have the slightest protective ability." Cook lied without blinking. Even if Cook is not equipped, he dare to fight the dragon. Let alone his body. The equipment is a magic pattern suit.

"No problem. We can also give you advice on space equipment. Of course, after the mission is over, you can only carry your weapons on your back now." A blood mage said very generously.

Cook looked embarrassed. In fact, Cook despised these guys in his heart. Sealing the magic column. And tearing the scimitar. This is something that you guys can't match. But Cook is also a **** who holds it and is cheap. "I want a bow and arrow. Not a single-edged sword made of this bone. And this crude stick. But I don’t know where there are bows and arrows. It is said that the Moon Demon Race has bows and arrows. But that’s too far away. Up."

"Bows and arrows? Very good. We will prepare them for you. So that's it. According to our observations, the blood tide will erupt in a week. After the blood tide erupts, we will start the third day. Cook, you can Get the equipment first. Adapt to the equipment," the blood mage said.

Cook nodded. Then he was taken away by a guard. A blood mage asked: "Do we need this humanoid?"

"Of course. This guy’s instincts are very good. He delivered more than fifty goods a day. He was never hit by the Mage Tower at all. And this guy’s brain is very bright. I just mentioned the blood sea. I was pointed out by this guy. The blood wave erupts into the emptiness in the blood sea. Just ask us so many people present. Who thought of this. We just thought. God. This is the best chance to obtain the blood essence stone again." The blood mage in the deacon’s hall said Said.

"Bringing one more is not a big deal. We can form a team of entourage. After all, we are noble wizards. It is still a bit difficult in close combat." Another blood wizard suggested.

"That's good. This time, half of the manpower stayed behind. The rest have entered the sea of ​​blood." A young blood mage said. But when this young man opened his mouth, the rest of the blood mage shut up, listening respectfully.

"Yes." The surrounding blood mage replied respectfully.

Cook is a little impatient now. The blood tide erupts for a week. Cook doesn't know whether the underground base can be resisted. But Cook also knows that there are powerful demigods such as Lina and Sia in the base. Which bloodlines are there? There should be no way for creatures to break through the base, but Cook is still impatient.

"Hey." I was impatient for a while. Cook can't leave now. Because the teleportation array in the territory of the bleeding mage has been closed. I can only enter and cannot go out. And now the blood mage is recruiting followers. It seems that he is going to be in the blood sea. Let's do it. The Deacon's Hall has even released the task of collecting blood essence stones, and the rewards for the task are extremely generous.

There are also missions to collect a lot of magic materials. The material tasks are even more weird. Cook knows that this is caused by the unique environment of the blood mage territory. Cook even saw a large basin full of warm water. This basin The warm water inside contains extremely rich salt content. This is exactly like a tropical ocean climate. There are also basins that are all freshwater. Basins that are all magma. And basins that are all deserts. And because the basin is close to volcanoes, the temperature is also Nothing lower than the real desert.

Seeing such a unique basin, Cook was also very surprised. And there are almost all mage towers in the basin. Cook is not sure if these basins are caused by man. Even if it is man-made. Then the core of control must be the mage tower ...And building such an environment is a huge attraction for those real magicians.

Cook's anxiety finally calmed down for a while. Now it is not realistic for Cook to go back. After all, Cook doesn't know where he is now. But Cook can use mental power to communicate with Lina at a distance. But this distance is limited. Right now, Cook can only vaguely perceive the approximate location of Lina.

The next day. The bow that Cook needed was also delivered to Cook. A high-level magic bow. It has acceleration properties. In Cook's view, it is the most garbage magic bow. It is far from the devil bow. But Cook is still grateful. Then he concentrates on practicing his bowing skills. This is mainly because Cook does not want to arouse others' suspicion.

Within a week, the number of demons in the blood mage's territory increased. Cook even saw a few familiar humanoids. These humanoids were very surprised to see Cooke. This point is for those who secretly observe Cook For the blood mage of, it is a good thing. These blood mage are not stupid. They will not go secretly observing Cook. Because in the case of exploring the sea of ​​blood, if there is a slight difference, it may cause the mission to fail.

Cook's bow skills are almost refined.   He also added hundreds of magic arrows to Cook. Mainly arrows with frozen attributes. For Cook, these arrows are extremely crude. But Cook He still happily put his back on his back. Cook's present dress makes the surrounding demons sneer. He is carrying a stone stick with a thick wrist. Although there are various carvings on the stone stick, this can't change the nature of the stone. As for speaking, Scimitar. At first glance, it is known that it was polished by the bones of a certain creature. The bones of creatures that can be polished are generally not very hard. As for bows and arrows, this is still a bit worth seeing.

Cook looked at the demons around him. There are dozens of high-level blood mages. Hundreds of low-level mages. And hundreds of powerful demon entourages. There are also dozens of powerful mages attendants. It can be said that the team is very large. .

The team did not move towards the teleportation array. Instead, they continued to think about the depths of the blood mage territory. After walking for a long time, Cook saw a huge mage tower in a basin. The mage tower had a normal mage tower. Three times the size. The mage tower is full of shining blue light. These blue light exudes a terrifying cold breath.

"Ice Mage Tower. And at least it can be built by the peak of the sanctuary or even a demigod. But the magic circuit on it is just a simple magic pattern. What is going on." Cook saw this Mage Tower Later, I knew the structure of the mage tower. The reason why Cook was not attacked by the mage tower at the beginning of the delivery is because Cook only needs to take a closer look at the mage tower. You can roughly understand the structure of the mage tower. And the magic is guarded on it. The distance of the array. Each mage tower is different. Of course, Cook also knows where he should be. The mage tower will constantly alert the owner of the mage tower. The distance is far. The warning array of the mage tower will not activate. The distance is close. Then the mage tower will automatically attack. And being attacked by a mage tower. The consequences are hard to predict. But this is not a problem for Cook.

After entering the Mage Tower, Cook saw that the space inside the Mage Tower was half the size of a football field. Cook also took a breath of air. This obviously used space expansion magic. Such a Mage Tower played a role in the war. There is a fast-moving barracks. A mobile logistics warehouse. A mobile war fortress. If this mage tower is equipped with people, it can be equipped with tens of thousands of elite cavalry. It is also a warcraft cavalry. The materials are extremely large.

"Portal." And after Cook saw the portal, he was completely stunned. This is equivalent to saying that it is a mobile fortress. And you can still replenish materials at any time. The fortress of personnel. The portal can be projected and teleported. Just set it up Good space coordinates. A light gate can appear at the space coordinates point, and then people can be teleported in or out.

A large number of people entered the portal one after another. When Cook walked out of the portal to take a look, it was halfway up a high mountain peak. Below halfway up is the fog of death. But the fog of death here reveals a strange pink.

"Okay. Everyone assembles according to the pre-allocated squad. Soon we will enter the blood sea." The leading demigod blood mage shouted loudly. This is the leader of the team this time. The name is very different. It is very long. It is very similar to the name of the elves. But Cook only remembered two words. Luke.

The entire team was quickly assigned. Then there was the battle formation. The followers of the blood mage were center. The blood mage was in the center. The tauren, the goat head and other demons had two wings. Cook and dozens of other demons were in the blood. Behind the wizard team.

After the battle formation was set up, the whole team marched towards the pink death fog. The striker quickly entered the pink fog. The followers of the blood mage were calm. When Cook entered the pink death fog, he found out This pink mist is actually a mixture of death mist and blood sea mist.

"The first team of wizards come forward. Free to attack." When the pink mist passed quickly, it was a blood red mist. In this mist, Cook could see a head of blood creatures. And the team leader also began to loudly The order is given, and the journey to the sea of ​​blood officially begins.

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