A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1234: Rage "Medium"

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The scene in front of him made Cook angry.Here and there are still humans. They are obviously a group of animals.Even the animals will eat and wear warmth. Seeing the humans around them crawling on the ground and numb, even the eyes of the children There is no anger, Cook's heart seems to be severely grabbed,

Even the worst treatment of slaves that Cook has seen is not so worrying. After all, it is just a case. In fact, most slave masters are good to slaves, because these masters need slaves to create value. Yes, usually not, because after a slave is injured, the value created is fundamentally different from when it is intact.

But this is the first time Cook has seen it on such a large scale.Here, Cook's heart aches. What Cook wants now is to find out the guy who caused all the results. Cook has a hundred ways to make those It's not as good as death, but what Cook has to do now is to make these people live better.

"Great nature elves, please listen to your friends..., healing," Cook hasn't used spells to cast magic for a long time, but Cook's healing spell lasts for a minute, which is no longer ordinary healing. Now, this is already a forbidden curse level healing technique,

When Cook started to chant the spell, there were many green spots around Cook's body. When Cook's spell was completed, Cook had already emitted a dazzling light, and finally these dazzling lights were like shock waves, instantaneous I rushed out, like water waves in circles,

This green light circle lasted for more than a dozen times and lasted for half a minute.After Cook performed this treatment, he felt a little weak, but the bodies of the tens of thousands of humans around him have obviously improved a lot.

"Damn it," but Cook felt that these humans were more fearful, but even if they were terrified, these humans were still crawling on the ground. Cook didn't know what these humans had gone through, and they could actually be under such fear. Still on the ground, Cook is very annoyed now,

"Boom, bang," Cook directly smashed several cauldrons into the city to pieces, and then one by one the magic furnace was taken out by Cook, and the mouthful of the cauldron was placed on the magic furnace by Cook. I saw in this basement. Dozens of cauldrons, these are all controlled by Cook with mental power,

Pieces of dried meat, the magic fruit was taken out by Cook, and it was cut into pieces under the mental power, and some grain was placed in the cauldron. After ten minutes, the cauldron was filled with a sweet smell. , This is a pot of porridge,

Cook's heart still hurts, because the humans around them are still crawling on the ground. Only occasionally a child can't help but swallowing saliva, but those adults are motionless at all, as if they don't have a soul.

"Boom," Cook released a few wind scrolls, making the air in the basement a lot fresher, but the basement is still extremely cold for those humans.

"Come on, eat something," Cook took out a wooden bowl with half a bowl of porridge inside. Cook came to a child who was only two or three years old. The child just took a peek.

Cook picked up the child, and Cook discovered that the child was one meter tall, but his weight was about the same as a rabbit. The bones all came out, the skin was tight on the bones, and it looked like a corpse.

The child looked at Cook in horror, but the child didn't struggle at all, perhaps because he didn't have the strength to struggle. Cook took out a wooden spoon and gave the child a bite. After the child finished eating, his eyes suddenly lit up. , Looking at Cook, at this time Cook saw the desire in the child's eyes,

The second spoon, the third spoon, and gradually the other children raised their heads, so Cook stuffed the wooden bowl to the little child, Cook took out the second wooden bowl, and then stuffed it to the second child. The third wooden bowl... When Cook took out the fifth wooden bowl, there were already children around him crawling up to Cook, looking at Cook with imploring eyes, Cook saw the child’s eyes and his body The skin that has just healed, which is caused by long-term on the ground, causing skin ulcers,

"What are you waiting for, look at me, I am also a human, you are also human like me, there are food and clothing here, and those who never want to live this kind of life stand up," Cook looked at When some adults began to look around, they shouted loudly,

"Puff, puff," But Cook just yelled, the children around immediately dropped the wooden bowl, and then crawled to the ground. Cook was completely shocked when he saw this scene, ‘

An afterimage passed by, Cook dropped a lot of wooden bowls, but no one dared to move at all. Cook came to the place where the old wingman was, and hundreds of wingmen had gathered here,

"Boom, bang, bang," but an afterimage passed by, hundreds of powerful wingmen were directly flew out, and then fell softly to the ground.

When Cook returned to the underground world again, the old wing man was carried by Cook, and Cook looked at the old wing man with a grin and asked, "What are these human beings?"

"Asshole, asshole, you humble person...ah,,," the old wing man saw Cook and yelled at him, but before he finished the scolding, Cook directly used **** to force, and one finger of the wing man It was made of flour, and was knocked off by Cook, and the wing man screamed,

"You have more than 600 bones in your body. I will crush your bones. There are also hundreds of muscles. I can remove them one by one. There are tens of thousands of nerve endings. Cut them off a little bit, I will extract your soul and burn it with demon flames for hundreds of years to answer my question," Cook said with a sneer, as if he had done nothing just now.

"Devil, you are the devil, from hell...ah,,," the old wing man heard Cook say so, cursing loudly, but before he finished cursing, he cried out again.



"Ah," the five fingers were twisted off one by one by Cook, and the wingman almost passed out.

"Guck," Cook poured two bottles of medicine down.

Cook sneered again and pulled the hand of the old wing man up, and let the old wing man look at his hand. The old wing man saw that his hand was slowly recovering, but at this time Cook's voice passed again. Come: "I gave you a sober potion. This potion is used to relieve the madness. But here, you won’t faint because of how I tortured you. The other is a healing potion. Screw off yours; after the fingers of the other hand and the two feet, this hand has recovered, and then we can continue..."

"Devil, you devil, human beings, human beings are like this, you devil, the master will punish you," the old wingman shivered and yelled in horror at Cook's words.

"Speak clearly, if you don't understand me, I will make your ears more sensitive," Cook did not understand what it meant, so he sneered.

"You humans are the lowest status, but they are like the livestock raised by your masters. You humans are only useful when you sacrifice, and other times are wastes of food... Ah," the elderly winger has not finished. , A finger disappeared again,

After half an hour, Cook's face became gloomy and could freeze. Cook looked at the old winged man who was already sweating and convulsing and said: "You put it on us humans, and I will get it back."

"Who, you **** fellow came from there?" At this moment, an extremely arrogant voice came from a place not far in front of Cook, and Cook narrowed his eyes.

The first publication of this book is from 17k Novel Network~www.wuxiaspot.com~ See the genuine content for the first time!

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