A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1235: Anger "Part Two"

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In half an hour, Cook learned a lot.Here, the status of humans is the lowest, just like livestock, and the main function of humans is sacrifices. Of course, it is not just humans, dwarves, dwarves, elves, including Wing people are sacrifices used by the master here,

And this method of sacrifice is blood sacrifice, which is to use living people as sacrifices. It is cruel and abnormal. However, the owner here has disappeared for countless years, but the annual blood sacrifice will still be carried out, but it is not as good as before. More quantity,

Of course, due to the harsh gravitational environment around, only a few people can leave the city, which leads to a more cruel reality, because there is nothing to live in the city, and very few humans can leave the city, so the quality of life of these humans is very poor. The poor quality of life has caused fewer people to be able to leave the city. This is a vicious circle. Cook did not expect such a situation here.

"Speak well," Cook saw the seven or eight humans who came in. These humans can get out of the city. Of course, these humans are very strong. Of course, these humans still have a lot of right to speak among the many humans, so Even if Cook heard such arrogant words, he just said coldly,

The seven or eight people who came in came to see Cook, almost stunned. Cook was dressed in magic pattern equipment and exuded a powerful aura. None of these surprised these humans. What was surprised was that Cook convulsed on the ground in front of him. That winged man, this old winged man is almost the strongest existence in the winged man, equivalent to the patriarch, but this stubborn winged man is now convulsing on the ground,

"Your Excellency," a human walking in front asked while looking at Cook.

"I am also a human, but I came in from the outside. Here are some food, and quickly distribute it with others," Cook said, looking at the person who was talking.

"Eat, yes, yes, yes," the leading human being two meters and five meters tall, when he heard Cook say this, he shook his nose, and then saw the dozens of cauldrons that Cook had placed on the magic furnace. , The head is like a chicken pecking rice,

These seven or eight people trot to the cauldron that Cook had placed on the magic furnace, and looked at the food in these cauldrons and the wooden bowls that the children had already eaten. A human took out a whistle and blew it. ,

After the whistle was blown, the humans full of the basement slowly crawled towards the middle of the basement, and then these humans actually stretched out their black hands, obviously using them as bowls. Cook saw this situation, for the so-called here. Master, Cook wants to see more,

"Come here," Cook beckoned to the human who asked himself just now.

"Your Excellency," this human being bent over respectfully,

"You are not busy going out hunting these days. I will give you all the food. Let these people eat every day, and gather the seriously injured and sick, and let these people clean up. Put on clean clothes," Cook said directly.

"Yes, yes," the human being heard Cooke say so, he was a little suspicious, knowing that there are tens of thousands of people here, and if they are full, they need a lot of food.

"What's your name," Cook asked.

"Name, what is that," the human being looked at Cook questioningly and asked.

"Then what do they call you," Cook sighed heavily, then asked.

"Dali, I have a lot of strength," Dali replied.

"Well, Dali, did you know what I said," Cook asked again.

"Clear," Dali dare not question Cook now, because in the consciousness of these humans, there is no questioning the word.

After Cook finished his confession, he came to the side of dozens of cauldrons, and then with Cook's mental power, countless materials flew out of the natural ring, fruit, grain, bacon, salt,

"It's only such a big place, you can just ask me after eating," Cook said to the stunned Vigorously.

"This, this...," stammered vigorously, speechless,

Then Cook portrayed the ventilated magic array in the basement, as well as the constant temperature magic array, and even took out some magic herbs to cook vigorously in the food. Cook was busy all day, at night, the whole basement The inside is bright and the air is clearer. As for the leaves in the human room, Cook also let the people clean it out, but Cook does not have so many clothes in his hands, tens of thousands of sets of clothes,

But Cook didn't. There were people in Tok City. So after Cook took the winged old man out and wandered around, the elves, dwarves, gnomes, and elves all had to bring out some supplies. Of course, Cook also Will not grab, Cook also took out a lot of food,

Cook saw that the elves, dwarves, dwarves, and wingmen were also very poor. The main reason was that the gravity difference between the inside and outside of the city prevented more ordinary elves, dwarves, and dwarves from going out, and the surrounding forests were very poor. As for the danger of raising livestock, they are often attacked by creatures in the forest.

Cook also learned that elves and wingmen in Tok have the same status, followed by gnomes and dwarves, and finally humans. Elves and wingmen are slaves, gnomes and dwarves are also slaves, and humans are also slaves, but dwarves and dwarves The status is higher than that of humans,

"Humans with long horns, this is the legendary devil," Cook collected some information from the master here, and the answer he got was very handsome, more beautiful than elves, but there are horns on his forehead, just a few simple descriptions, because The races here don’t know how many generations they have reproduced. Some dwarves and gnomes even use dry grass and leaves to woven clothes to wear, even among the elves.

"Could it only be to open that palace?" Cook looked at the palace in the middle of the city. This palace is said to be opened once a year, on the day of sacrifice, that is, to drive sacrifices into the palace.

Cook pondered for a long time before he came up with an answer, that is, the operation of this palace is operated by so-called sacrifices. Strictly speaking, vitality is also a kind of mysterious energy, as well as soul power, even The human body itself is also energy, but only fuel,

"By the way, there are also blood mages. I remember that one of the blood mages seems to have a single horn on the head. Could it be that these blood mages have a direct relationship with the owner here? Then who is the one who built the tower of the brave? Master here, this brave trial," Cook has all the questions in his heart that need to be answered.

Cook has carefully checked the magic pattern layout of this palace, and he feels that the use of magic patterns in this palace has reached the peak. Cook is not fully sure, because Cook can't get close to this palace at all. Outside the meter, Cook can feel the huge energy flowing in this magic pattern.

"Cook, Cook, I saw the blood mages you mentioned," Windsor flew back eagerly and said to Cook. Windsor was sent to the forest by Cook to check the movement of the blood mages.

As a flower elf, Windsor is almost invincible in the forest, and the flower elf can communicate with plants.Of course, Windsor also likes the natural environment here, because for the flower elf, the older the tree, the easier it is to communicate. ,

"Hehe, it's finally here," Cook has two plans. The first is to catch the blood mage and ask who the owner is here. Of course, this requires finding the blood mage, and the second is if these blood mages are not found. If so, then Cook will crack the magic pattern in this palace. It is really impossible and there is a way of violent destruction.

The reason why Cook has these two plans, Cook knows that the blood mage's ability to escape is first-class, but Cook has also studied the blood mage's ability to escape. This kind of use of his own blood to escape will cause great damage, although It is said that the blood mage can also use a drop of blood to regenerate, but the cost is too high, and after the blood mage absorbs the blood, the blood will repel each other, which is like a blood type.

The blood of the blood mage itself can assimilate other blood, but this assimilation still has a certain limit according to Cook's estimation, and it will also consume energy. Of course, there are several different types of blood that can be absorbed at the same time, so these are different. If the blood changes, then the assimilation of the blood of the blood mage will be more difficult, and the more energy will be consumed.

Cook came outside Tok City, and Cook did not want to communicate with the Blood Mage in Tok City, because Cook couldn't guarantee that these Blood Mage would not use the power of Tok City.

"What a beautiful scenery," Cook said as he looked at the dense jungle. These thousand-meter-high trees are very spectacular.

"Cook, can we control it well? If the trees here are awakened, countless treants can be born. This......,: Windsor said to Cook spoiltly,

"This is not a good place, this plane is too desolate," Cook also thought of course, but there is no other life on this plane, Cook can not guarantee that, and the indigenous creatures born in this environment , The strength must be very strong,

"Which," just as Windsor had something to say, a red light burst out of the dense jungle.

"Haha, finally here," the appearance of a blood mage was restored in an instant. Seeing Tok city in the distance, the blood mage burst into laughter.

"Swish, swish, swish," dozens of red rays fell on the grassland, showing the figures of blood mages.

"Bang, bang, bang," these blood mages had just revealed their figures, and blood burst out of the entire bodies of dozens of livestock tens of meters away. The blood mist formed by these blood was attracted by the blood mages. , And then melted into the body of the blood mage, the aura of these blood mage stabilized,

When Cook saw this scene, he regretted it. He knew that he should do something on the bodies of these animals. Cook patted his hands and said, "Everyone, welcome, I have been waiting for you for a long time,"

"Five times, madness," Cook spit out four words gently after finishing speaking.

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