A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1238: Kill

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"Here you," Cook threw the horns of these demons to Barry, and then ran back to Tok City.

There are not many livestock on the grassland around Tok City. The grassland is full of trenches after the Treants moved, but the Treants have returned to the forest. Cook believes that there are hundreds of Treants. This forest is wisdom. Forbidden places for living things,

"Boom, boom, boom," the huge drum sound was heard hundreds of kilometers away. Cook looked at the direction of the drums. These drums were not made by anyone, but by the palace in the middle. The whole palace The surrounding area was full of magical light, and on the road in front of the palace, a lot of livestock were driven away, and some humans, dwarves, and dwarfs were also lined up in neat rows.

"Stop," Cook yelled when he saw that the animals disappeared as soon as they approached the palace, and there was no movement at all.

"You..." After seeing Cook's appearance, the old wingman couldn't help but shiver. Cook's strength is too strong.

"Give me back," Cook saw that the sacrifices, whether they were humans, dwarves, dwarves, or elves, were a little dull, and their spirits were somewhat trance. Cook knew that this was caused by taking some kind of medicine. ,

"You, you bastard, the master will punish you," the elderly wingman yelled at Cook angrily when he saw Cook blocking the sacrifice.

"Dali, take people back," Cook saw Dali in the distance and ordered.

Dali hesitated for a while, and then waved, many humans behind Dali rushed out, but at this time the elderly wingman opened his mouth and shouted: "I see who dares to stop the sacrifice,"

"Huh, old fellow, better get out of me," Cook felt angry when he saw the appearance of the old wing man.

"Human, get out of the way," and at this moment, a dwarf looked at Cook, stood up, and said to Cook.

"Get out of the way, human," an elf also stood up,

Cook looked at the guys in Tok City like this, and said with a sneer: "Get out of the way, hum, what are you guys?"

"Who dares to stop the sacrifice, kill nothing... Bang," the dwarf who stood up and spoke looked at Cook, then slowly drew out the weapon, and roared loudly, but before the words were over, the whole body exploded.

"Is there anyone who wants to continue the sacrifice," Cook said, holding Death in both hands and staring.

"Kill me," the leader of the elves also roared,

"Puff puff, puff puff," after a sound of puff puff, dozens of human bodies burst out with **** flowers.

"Humans betray their masters and kill," the old wing man also shouted loudly.

"You bastards," Cook saw the death of dozens of human beings. Cook's brain almost crashed. It was killed by those elves. Cook heard the elves and wingmen in his ears. The leader gave the order, and Cook became angry in an instant.

"Boom, bang, bang," a series of crackling sounds, first the body of the elf leader exploded directly, then the old wingman, and then the elves, dwarves, and wingmen who pulled out their weapons fell to the ground one after another, every second for a long time. A man fell to the ground,

"Ah," But at this time, some humans were killed by elves, dwarves, and wingmen, and they screamed.

"Go to die," Cook discovered the weakness of Death's gaze at this time. His attack speed slowed down. Cook turned his hand and took out a scimitar. The whole person disappeared with an afterimage.

"Wow," a red rain of blood continued to fall, making a screaming sound, where Cook passed, wingmen, elves, and dwarves turned into blood rain, the tearing attribute brought by the machete At this moment, it is like a crusher, no matter what weapons, equipment, or bones, they are all broken.

"Who else would dare to move?" A gap of ten meters wide appeared around the surviving humans. The dwarves, elves, and wingmen in the gap disappeared, leaving only the thick plasma on the ground, and Cook's voice seemed to be It is the same from hell,

The surrounding dwarves, wingmen, and elves all looked at Cook in horror, while the dwarf leader's legs trembled. In just a few seconds, thousands of wingmen, dwarves, and elves have almost disappeared. The leader is surrounded by powerful clansmen, but it is these clansmen, what has become now, has become the bright red plasma on the ground,

"Dare to pull out weapons to humans, die," Cook saw these guys being frightened by himself, Cook felt a little relaxed, of course, if these guys were really disobedient, Cook wouldn't mind killing them for a while. At this time, Cook clearly realized how huge the gap between races is.

"All back, from there back to there," Cook yelled when he saw these dumbfounded guys.

Rumble, the surrounding elves, dwarves, wingmen, including the dwarves, dropped what they could discard in their hands, and then turned around and ran. Several wingmen may have forgotten that they still have wings, walking with their legs and following the dwarf, the elves Run hard,

"Strongly," Cook looked at the dozens of human beings who died. Cook felt like an explosion in his heart.

"My lord," Vigorously saw that Cook was so tough, and was so excited.

"Bring them all back, I was careless," Cook looked at the dozens of human beings who died, Cook himself also blamed himself.

"My lord, how about you," looked at Cook vigorously and asked quietly.

Cook turned his head to look at the splendid palace, and said, "I want to see what kind of guy can become the master here. I want to make the so-called master here pay the price."

Dali looked at Cook in astonishment, knowing that in the minds of Dali these people, the master is high and omnipotent, and every generation will say this to the next generation.The master is omnipotent and the master is noble, but Today, a human being who is the same as himself said that he must make the almighty master pay,

Cook left Dali with some weapons and food, and vigorously armed hundreds of humans with the weapons given by Cook. Cook must vigorously guard the entrance of the basement. When he comes out, he has food. Ke's order was readily agreed.

"Humph," Cook looked at the glorious palace, snorted coldly, and walked towards the palace. Cook did an experiment with livestock just now, but it was a projection of the portal, so he saw these animals disappear.

Cook disappeared at the door of the palace. When Cook appeared again, Cook saw a space of tens of thousands of square meters. The scene of this space surprised Cook, because the space of tens of thousands of square meters was full of skeletons. Like a hill,

The first publication of this book is from 17k Novel Network~www.wuxiaspot.com~ See the genuine content for the first time!

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