A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1239: plunder

The entire hall is tens of meters high, but the halls tens of meters high are full of bones. Some bones are a long time old, and they will become a pile of dust with a light touch. There is thick dust.

"It seems that the sacrifices of countless years are here." Cook took a look and knew that these bones were of different ages, and they were fresh for about a year. Cook only thought about it for a moment and knew the origin of these bones.

Cook's mental energy spread out and soon found two entrances, one upward and one downward. Both entrances were covered by thick bones, but both entrances were blocked.

"It's really no trouble." Cook scanned mentally, and really didn't find any dangerous place.

Countless bones disappeared out of thin air. This is Cooke directly put into the space ring. These bones Cook will take them out and throw them away. They are tens of thousands of square meters and tens of meters high. Cook took a long time to clean up. From now on, Cook looked at the pile of space rings in his hand and smiled bitterly.

The original appearance of the entire hall has been restored. This is an extremely luxurious hall. Some traces of decorations can be seen around the hall, but these decorations are obviously destroyed. Cook does not know whether the owner here destroyed it or was transported. Destroyed by incoming creatures.

This hall had no value anymore. Cook came to the upward entrance. This was a five-meter-wide staircase, but there was a transparent mask on which purple lightning flashed.

"Mageweave control shield?" Cook studied it and knew what it was. This is a magicweave shield. This shield mainly prevents others from going upstairs. Of course, if you have specific permissions, then These shields can pass.

If you want to pass, you must first find the control magic pattern. Cook took a closer look. It took less than two minutes to see the control magic pattern. This control magic pattern is like a scanner, as long as it is authorized. If a person is within the sensing range of the scanning magic pattern, the shield will automatically open.

"Hehe." Cook smiled and took out some materials. In less than five minutes, the control magic pattern was controlled by Cook, and then he controlled the magic pattern, and Cook buried his own spiritual brand.

As soon as Cook's mental energy moved, the shield that went up the stairs opened automatically. Cook couldn't help but sigh. He didn't know how many creatures were blocked by this shield. Cook stepped up. The steps were more than ten meters long. There are magic arrays on them, and Cook took a look at them. It is a constant temperature magic array.

But even the constant temperature magic array is enough for Cook to be surprised, because Cook discovered that the entire building facade may be covered with such magic arrays.

"Oh, my goodness." Cook went upstairs to find that this was actually a huge rotunda with dozens of rooms around the hall, but what made Cook a little broken is that these rooms have control magic patterns. In other words, Cook needs to solve them one by one.

Cook looked at the rotunda depressedly, and it can be seen that the rotunda must have been in the form of a living room before, but some things in this living room have been washed away by time and lost their original appearance, but nothing Did not stay.

"Cleaning magic patterns." Cook took a closer look and found the clean magic patterns in the hall. In order to confirm Cook's discovery, Cook looked around the hall and found a thumb-wide groove around the hall. , This is how the dust cleaned by the cleaning magic pattern will be moved directly into these grooves, and then moved away inside the grooves, a very clever arrangement method.

"A place to rest and communicate." Cook finally guessed the role of this hall.

"Crack." The metal door was opened by Cook, and Cook unlocked the control magic pattern in less than half a minute.

"Hey." But Cook looked in the room and there was nothing left. Obviously, even if there is something, it will be worn away for a long time. Even if it is magic metal, it is no exception, unless there is an automatic repair. Kind of items.

But Cook was not discouraged. Finally, after opening the unknown number of houses, Cook saw a house with something.

The layout of this room is different from the others. The walls around the room are obviously made of some kind of magic metal alloy. The faintly flowing magic power on it lets Cook know that it is still working, and in the middle of this room is a row of ten. Several meters long and several meters high shelves, on these shelves there are also magical loops flashing constantly.

On the shelf are metal boxes with magic patterns on them. Cook was depressed when he saw hundreds of boxes. These boxes also have control magic patterns on them. In fact, controlling magic patterns is equivalent to a lock. Function, but it is a very advanced lock.

However, controlling the magic pattern is just a bit more troublesome for Cook. Know that Cook has magic eyes and can clearly see the direction of the magic circuit, which is unmatched by others.

So Cook can be judged in a short time what magic pattern it is. It is necessary to know that the magic pattern is three-dimensional hidden in the magic metal, and Cook’s magic eye is equivalent to perspective, but if you don’t understand the magic pattern, then there is Perspective is also useless, because people who don't know the magic pattern can only see a bunch of things like a mess that keeps flashing.

"Magic memory crystal ball." Cook reached a fist-sized magic memory crystal ball, a little disappointed, because the crystal ball is not big and can store many memories.

"Boom." But when Cook reached out and took it out, the crystal ball fell directly on the ground.

Cook opened his mouth wide and looked at the memory crystal ball several meters in diameter. After a while, Cook jumped and cursed: "Damn it, the box actually uses the space expansion magic pattern?"

Then Cook hurriedly hugged the box where the crystal ball was placed, and then looked carefully. It is necessary to know that the magic technology of the expanded box has been lost. According to the legend, a small box can store tens of tons of things. , Obviously this box uses such technology.

"Get rich, get rich." Cook gave up after looking at it, because there are many magic patterns and magic circles involved in this box, and Cook can't understand it for a while, even if there is perspective, Cook thought It takes a lot of time to fully understand, but then Cook knows that he is rich when he sees hundreds of boxes here.

Cook then looked at the memory crystal ball with a diameter of several meters. Cook couldn't help but sigh. Cook has never seen such a huge memory crystal ball, let alone heard it. It is already the size of a head. It is a treasure of inestimable value.

The memory crystal ball is an excellent storage material, and it can even store magical images. As long as there is magic power, the magic memory crystal ball will not lose its contents. Cook felt it with mental power.

"Haha, it's interesting. There is a password problem. This Nima is too advanced, but the Demon stuff is similar." Cook muttered to himself, this magic memory crystal ball unexpectedly has a problem, and The password question is the same, but the password here is the exact answer.

Then Cook felt the shape of a herb mentally. The question was to give the name of the herb and its effect. Cook looked at the herb and he was relieved, and he quickly answered it.

A few hours later, Cook put away the magic memory crystal with a complex expression. Inside this memory crystal are the identification, cultivation of magic herbs, the role played by related medicines, and the effects on various creatures. There are millions of experimental results, and each result is only a short sentence, but Cook knows that each experimental result is a process of being tested and dissected by a creature. A large number of them are humans, as well as dwarves, dwarves, Elves, wingmen, and even dragons, demons, **** creatures, abyss creatures, etc., almost include all biological experiments.

There are tens of thousands of magic herbs involved, and now there are only a thousand kinds of magic herbs involved in pharmacy. Of course, magic pharmacy involves not only magic herbs, but also materials of warcraft, magic ore, and magic solutions. And so on, there are only tens of thousands of pharmacy-related materials.

Cook then put the magic crystal ball into the box, then put it away, and opened the second box. The second box was in the same grid as the first box that Cook took.

"Herb seeds, my God." After Cook opened it, he saw that there were grids inside the box, which seemed to be only the size of the head of a chopstick. Inside were grains of plant species. The box was twenty centimeters long and ten A few centimeters wide, there are thousands of lattices inside, and Cook estimated that there are several layers of lattices like this.

"Unexpectedly, he also cast an eternal seal." Cook then checked his mental power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was stunned. The magic herb seeds in this box were actually sealed with an eternal seal. Stay in a sealed state. As long as the magic seal has enough magic power to support, the items inside will not change even for countless years. This eternal seal is a legend. It is a great **** who wants to live forever and create from.

After Cook was surprised, he quickly took out these seeds and gave them to Windsor in the Ring of Nature. Then Cook smirked and directly took away the hundreds of boxes and shelves here.

Because these shelves are matched with the boxes, the boxes are placed on top, and the magic is provided by the shelves, and the magic on the shelves comes from the entire building. Cook designed an external equipment directly on the shelf to connect it, and the external equipment is stuffed inside. A dozen of the best magic crystals.

Cook then searched for some small items in other rooms, all of which were inconspicuous, but the level of refining these items could be said to have reached the peak state. Even if Cook saw it, he was very surprised.

"There is still a floor above, go and have a look." Soon dozens of rooms on this floor were raided by Cook, useful and useless, as long as it is something Cook will pack up, of course Cook has no time to look carefully. Because it would take a long time to check, Cook looked at the upward stairs and prepared to continue upward.

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