A Unique Hunter

Chapter 1241: Magic book

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When Cook solved the control magic pattern and reached the third floor, Cook had a familiar feeling. Cook looked around, and then remembered: "This is not the layout of the mage tower. The first floor is In the lobby, the second floor is a resting place. This third floor should be a place for experiments."

There are only a few rooms on the third floor, but these rooms are very large, thousands of square meters, but unfortunately, there is nothing in it at all, except for the bare floor, Cook knows that the place for this experiment is average. There will be no automatic repair of magic lines. After all, the equipment used in the experiment is consumable.

Next is the fourth floor. On the fourth floor, Cook saw the same things as huge bookshelves, but the bookshelves were empty. Obviously the magic books on them became dust for countless years, and they were finally cleaned up. ,

"It's a pity," Cook looked at so many bookshelves and shook his head regretfully. Ke wanders in it, and can imagine how many magic books existed here before,

Cook can also think of the value of the library here. It is inestimable. If these books are stored until now, the value is even more inestimable. Cook wanders between the shelves, looking forward to some gains.

But Cook also knows that I don't know how many years have passed here. Even books made of metal will become dust over time. Of course, it is not that Cook does not use mental power, but there is interference in this hall. The magic pattern of spiritual power,

"Huh," Cook actually saw hundreds of thick books on a bookshelf, but these books did not have a trace of magical fluctuations at all.

Cook hurried forward. Cook was not reckless, because Cook knew that some books seemed good, but once they were touched, they would become powder.

After careful observation, Cook slowly picked up the book. This seemingly heavy book is as light as it is weightless in Cook's hands.

"It's not metal or leather. It's like some kind of fabric," Cook took a book and stroked it, but Cook couldn't distinguish the material of the magic book.

Cook was going to flip through this magic book, but what surprised Cook was that he couldn't open it with a lot of power, just like a whole,

Then Cook's mental power penetrated. When Cook's mental power penetrated into the magic book, Cook's hand was 30 centimeters long, more than 20 centimeters wide, and a book that was more than ten centimeters thick actually opened slowly.

When Cook opened the book, there was an inexplicable red light in the entire hall. Cook felt the strong magic waves around him. Cook knew that this was the protective magic pattern in the hall.

Cook quickly withdrew his mental power from the book, and the magic patterns around the hall slowly dissipated red.

"Is it a magic book," Cook said. This magic book is not a concept with magic books. This kind of magic book is a kind of equipment. To be precise, it should be similar to equipment that can repeatedly inspire magic.

This kind of magic book is the ultimate form of the magic scroll. The magic scroll also evolved from the magic book. The magic scroll is a one-time-use thing, but this magic book can not only store, transform, and absorb elements, but it can also be repeated continuously. Inspire the magic in the magic book. In the legend, such a magic book belongs to the level of artifacts, because with this magic book, even if there is no magic talent, as long as there is enough mental power, it can be released.

"Sure enough," Cook looked at the cover of the book, a sign of thunder and lightning, Cook knew that this is the kind of magic book in the legend, possessing this kind of magic book only needs to exercise mental power, there is no need for meditation, magic recovery potion , Wait for other things, and don’t need a lot of time to learn magic spells, so the value of such a magic book is not less than a divine tool,

In the hundreds of magic books, Cook has a lot of books. Cook doesn't know what other magic books are. Obviously, in the era of magic book manufacturing, the prosperity of magic civilization is unimaginable. Cook packed these things into the natural ring. Just leave a copy to study the material of this magic book,

"It seems to be woven from some kind of feather," Cook took out a magnifying glass and observed it carefully. This method of making books has long been lost. If Cook discovers the material of this magic book, he may be The making process of the magic book,

The current magic scroll, even the perfect level magic scroll, is a one-time-use thing, unless it is a depiction of the attacking magic pattern, but attacking the magic pattern also requires energy. This magic book is said to not need energy.

"There are more types of feathers, no," Cook was puzzled, because there were too many types of feathers, and then Cook found that he had this kind of feather in his hand, and Cook searched for his mental power in the natural ring. ,

"Angel's feathers, this is unscientific. I dare to pull out the angel's feathers and make books." Cook has an angel's feather in his hand. You must know that the angel's wings are the place where energy is stored, so the more angels have wings, The higher the level,

Cook was stunned. The fabric made of angel feathers was then made into a magic book. Then Cook understood that the angel's feathers are almost indestructible and can store a lot of energy, so this magic book can With uninterrupted repeated use, Cook also estimates that this magic book can automatically absorb the magic elements around it, but Cook does not know the properties of angel feathers very well, so Cook is just a guess.

In the end, Cook did not let go of the bookshelf inside. Then Cook went up to the fifth floor. On the fifth floor, Cook saw a huge control system, which is dozens of blocks and at least 20 meters high, which is a seven-story building. The high magic crystal, Cook's eyes almost fell off,

"too crazy,"

"It's too extravagant,"

Cook yelled frantically in the control center. Cook can imagine having sixty-four huge magic crystals with a height of 20 meters and a diameter of 20 meters. The energy stored in the huge magic crystal can make this huge mage. What a powerful attack the tower produces,

However, when Cooke's spiritual power penetrated into the control core, Cook almost went crazy after seeing the magic pattern key. The magic pattern key in this control center was actually a composite magic composed of more than 60 magic pattern keys. Pattern formation,

"Nima's, give me some hints, hints," Cook looked at the complex magic pattern key array and cried out in his heart. The code of this magic key can be a sentence or a string of numbers. , It may be a thing. If there is no prompt, Cook will not dare to act rashly. The consequences of that are very serious.

"Damn it, **** it, I just turn this mage tower over and get the control core," Cook yelled in his heart as he walked to the basement of the mage tower, because it was 20 meters high and 20 meters high. There is actually no thick magic crystal ball that can be picked up. Obviously these magic crystal **** are controlled.

The first publication of this book is from 17k Novel Network~www.wuxiaspot.com~ See the genuine content for the first time!

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