A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 9: Reach

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"Since everyone is already arguing about the share of revenue, then I want to ask, how is this investment calculated, do you first take out the materials invested in my door?" Cook was looked at by thousands of pairs of eyes and whispered Said.

After Cook finished speaking, his face immediately changed, because those **** **** actually looked at each other, and then no one spoke, Nima, Nima said that money is a virtue. $Top$Point$().()()().(o)

"Ahem, Lord Cook, it's not that I don't believe you, but this. We don't know how much you invested in this...." The three-headed golden dragon deserves to be a golden dragon, with a thick skin, and the meaning is obvious. It's this thing that you have the final say. We know how much investment we have with Ou.

"Haha, rest assured, everyone, I have an account here, and these are all things you need, first of all, the portal. You know the value of this thing. Here I will give you a 10% discount. The materials used are as follows , Fine gold, 6,735 tons, hehe, don’t look at such a huge number, it’s actually about a cube, Black Yaojing, more than 20,000 tons, this is mainly for the installation of the portal, after all, this transmission The spatial fluctuations generated by the door are too great. When we go to the demon plane, we have to enter quietly, without any noise, and then there are space magic crystals, five boxes of various top magic crystals, two thousand kilograms of magic silver..." Cook Said one by one.

After more than ten minutes, Cook was finished. Cook said with a smile: "As for the manual cost of refining the portal, this is West Asia, the master of the magic pattern, Lina, the space demigod, and several West Asia. It took two months for the disciple and hundreds of assistants, and everyone just looked at it."

After Cook finished speaking, he looked at other people, and the faces of other people were drawn. Nima's portal was not able to calculate the price at all, and some forces were not worth the price of a portal at all.

"Of course, you have to pay for some extra magic crystals and magic cores. The quality should be higher. After all, using the portal is extremely energy-consuming, isn't it?" That's not even counted, the expressions of those guys around. During this, Cook spoke again.

Even the three-headed golden dragon's eyes widened, and the three-headed golden dragon is already dizzy, because Cook said so much material, even the three-headed golden dragon does not have so much wealth.

Cook's face was a bit ugly, because after he finished speaking, none of these guys spoke up. Cook asked in an angrily half hour: "Don't you guys want to pay this money?"

"Haha, haha, of course not, Cook, how about we change it?" The three-headed golden dragon found that the eyes of these guys around were looking at him, and the three-headed golden dragon was about to run away, and Nima looked at me drying my hair! But still had to ask Cook.

"Which way, do you plan to pay for the teleportation fee? The teleportation fee is also very high, and I also have a relatively secret base on the Demon plane. If you want to replenish potions, scrolls, and equipment, the price is not cheap. That's it." When Cook heard this, he first blocked what the three golden dragons were about to say.

The three-headed golden dragon looked at Cook’s smiling expression, wishing to breathe out the dragon’s breath, but thinking of the reputation of occupying the demon plane and the huge wealth of the demon plane, the three-headed golden dragon gritted his teeth and endured it.

"This, Cook, then what are your plans?" At this time, the Dwarf King spoke and asked Cook with a smile, while giving the three golden dragons a contemptuous look.

Cook found that these guys stopped talking, Cook sighed and said: "Hey, since everyone is from the Sanctuary, I have a cooperation plan here, that is, you use portals and bases. I don’t charge anything. However, when the base is facing threats, you need to unconditionally protect the base. Of course, even if you are unwilling to make a move, then I have to withdraw the portal. By then, everyone will suffer."

"This is for sure. It is our duty to protect the base." The three-headed golden dragon patted his chest and said.

"The second is that the price of equipment can be discounted appropriately, but it must be higher than the Sanctuary Plane. You don't know that the environment of the Demon Plane is bad. The entire space is gloomy and full of poisonous gas, so Our personnel there are poisoned almost all the time, so the price of this equipment and potion must be higher. Of course, if any of you want to do equipment business, it is fine, but at that time I will charge transmission fees. Now, after all, are you making money?" Cook continued.

After Cook finished speaking, although everyone around him faced Cook with a smile, they had already cursed in their hearts. Nima still has poisonous gas, and the demigod level is afraid of poisonous gas. This Nima is pure nonsense.

As for the equipment business, no one has this idea at all. Nima's money is not enough for the transmission cost. No one in the room didn't know Cook's business mind.

"So what?" The dwarf king took a deep breath and asked.

"Half, half of what you have gained, of course, if you don't live in the base, then I just charge a quarter is enough." Cook replied with a smile.

"You, you are robbery, naked robbery!" the three-headed golden dragon roared angrily.

"Hey, you don't want to go if you don't accept it, ah, in the plane of the devil, gold is something that no one wants at all. The texture of weapons is too soft, and other things are too heavy, not as good as bone items, hey." Cook said with a smile.

"Really!" The three-headed golden dragon's eyes widened. Gold, gold, gold is actually useless.

"Yes, gold is not as valuable as ordinary black iron on the Demon Plane. That thing is waste and its reserves are extremely abundant." Cook continued.

The three-headed golden dragon almost fainted. It was a happy faint, but the dwarf king said: "If this gold is shipped back, I'm afraid this price..."

Everyone woke up and scolded Cook secretly. If Nima went to collect gold, hand it to Cook a part, and then bring it back to the Sanctuary Plane, I was afraid that he would still owe Cook a large transmission fee.

The three-headed golden dragon roared disregardingly: "Gold, I want gold."

"Well, since everyone has no objections, let's sign the contract." Cook pointed to the magic contract in front of him.

Others secretly criticized Cook for being shameless and despicable. When did you see that we agreed, but everyone looked at each other and pinched their noses freely. After all, the gains on the demon plane must be great, otherwise Cook will not say that he wants half of the harvest. If Cook doesn't want anything at all, he might not dare to go.

So these demigods, a large group of Sanctuary Peak did not come out to oppose Cook's statement. These people looked at each other, but none of them signed a contract.

Cook sat down steadily, with a confident look, the Beastmaster asked behind the Great Sage: "Is this Cook so sure?"

"Hey, there must be some people. Some small forces definitely want to be able to make a point, and because those big forces have a larger number of people, the harvest will definitely not be small. So, as long as there is the first beginning, then the latter It will definitely be signed. Cook doesn't care if we add it or not." The Great Sage whispered.

When the Beastmaster heard this, he whispered: "If that's the case, then I will be the first one, and it will be considered a face to Cook."

After the Beastmaster finished speaking, he strode over: "Our orc empire is the first to sign..."

"Ahem, sorry, I signed the contract on my own behalf." Cook interrupted immediately when he saw the Beastmaster say this.

"Okay, I'm the first one." The Beastmaster heard Cook say so, and he didn't even think about why Cook did it.

After the first one, the second one was easy to handle. The three-headed golden dragon hurriedly signed the second contract. It took several hours to sign the contract.

"Haha, yes, more than 900 people actually signed the contract." Cook saw that some people did not sign the contract. Of course, this does not rule out the fact that some forces will leave some people behind.

"Cook, logically we shouldn't doubt you, but you also know that we are almost at the peak combat effectiveness of the entire sanctuary plane now. I think we need to confirm the real situation you said." The golden dragon shook. Said with his head.

"Hehe, that's for sure." When Cook saw these hundreds of peak powers working for him, Cook didn't know how to be proud.

Cook's abacus is very good, that is, he is hidden behind the scenes. After all, there are god-level powerhouses on the devil plane. Cook's doing this is to let these guys stand in the front~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of course not Be a cannon fodder, but let Cook have a maneuver time.

"Whoever of you wants to go to the demon plane, follow me." Cook left a word and left first.

"Me!" The three-headed golden dragon jumped out first to follow Cook, the people behind looked at each other, and finally dozens of people followed Cook.

An hour later, the three-headed golden dragon came back and roared loudly: "Haha, this is the plane of the devil, that kind of breath, that kind of feeling, it's so cool."

"Haha, guys, I have a suggestion, that is, we can’t go with so many strong people, so it’s better to rotate. You can discuss how to rotate. In addition, I prepared a grand cocktail party in the evening. Fifty sets of magic-weave equipment for sale." Cook laughed, and Cook was afraid that if he was discovered by a demon-plane god-level powerhouse, too many people would not be good. Of course, this is also for those powerhouses to be at ease. After all, everyone has gone to the Demon Plane. These guys are also worried about the expansion of Cook’s Free Alliance on the Sanctuary Plane. Cook left after speaking. You must know that Cook will finally come back and enjoy the family. fun.

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