A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 10: plan

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"This is the Demon Plane?" At the peak of three hundred sanctuary, after 30 semi-god powerhouses walked out of the portal, the air was full of rich sulfur, but it was all ground here.

Cook explained with a smile: "This is our forward base. This is a city in itself, but the underground creatures occupying the city have been cleaned up by us. Please come with me. Someone will introduce you to the environment of the Demon Plane. , But I want to remind everyone that this demon plane has the existence of god-level powerhouses and fallen angels, so you'd better be careful when you act. X.o."

"Cook, we all understand what you said. We are here to make a fortune, not here to spoil. I am here to leave the words down. If anyone dares to mess around, don't blame me for tearing him alive." Three-headed golden dragon Replied, patting his chest.

Cook nodded indifferently, and then these people were taken away by someone arranged by Cook, Cook also left, there are still many things that need to be handled by Cook.

"Lina, what's the progress?" Cook came to Liberty Dungeon and then into Tok City.

"Cook, this plane is probably larger than the Sanctuary plane, but the surrounding tens of millions of kilometers are extremely desolate, and they are all extremely majestic mountains. I suspect that there may be creatures on the other side of the mountains." Lina spoke to Cook.

"As long as there are no creatures around for tens of thousands of kilometers, we are temporarily safe, so the dozens of spatial coordinates in this portal?" Cook breathed a sigh of relief. It can be said that the Mage Tower in Tok City is the most important right now, especially It is the gate of the mage tower itself and this huge space inside the mage tower, which cannot be bought by money.

"I don't dare to probe this rashly, because I'm not sure if there is a space door connected to the other side of this space coordinate. In that case, rash probe will make people alert." Lina explained.

When Cook heard Lina's words, he said, "I didn't think of this, or you were careful."

"The only way is to teleport over by myself, but it is better to have a team. After all, these spatial coordinates are across the plane. After the teleportation, there will be a period of weakness of varying lengths. This period of time needs everyone’s attention. Protect." Lina continued.

Cook nodded, and then said: "For the time being, let's figure out this plane first. If those demons hide in this plane, then our fun will be great."

"This may take a long time." Lina said.

"Time, hey!" Cook also sighed. Cook also knows that the sooner he finds the Demon Race, the shorter the time he needs to prepare. After all, what is the current situation of the Demon Race, Cook does not know at all. The preparation is only based on the strongest preparation, but the strongest is not necessarily the most useful.

In the next period of time, Tok City fell into a busy schedule. First, tens of thousands of old trees in the surrounding forest were awakened by the flower elves of Windsor, and there were loud rumbling noises in the surrounding forest from time to time.

As for the other races in Tok City, Cook didn't know what to do, and he had to establish a complete operation system as soon as possible, because this is also a base of Cook, but this is the most secret base.

"Cook, I think you should continue to build your own God's Domain. After all, facing the demons, the stronger your strength, the greater our chance of winning." Lina said when she saw Cook's frowning face.

"I think too, but this matter..." Cook replied depressed.

"If you rest assured, these things will be left to us. We are already very slow in our promotion at this level. We only have to slowly understand the rules and prepare for igniting the sacred fire. Maybe there is no progress in 30 to 50 years, and you are different. Now, you are only the elementary level of Sanctuary. If you step into the peak of Sanctuary, the increase in combat effectiveness will be obvious." Lina continued.

Cook thought about it, but Cook still said, "Well, I will leave it to me to explore this plane. Ten times the gravity is also very helpful for my practice."

"That's good." Lina was relieved when she heard Cook say this, because Lina found that Cook was a little irritable, and fighting against the demons was not a day or two, so Lina said that.

Lina has lived for hundreds of years. Some things are more obvious than Cooke's mentality. As for these things, how can people who have lived for hundreds of years be stumped by these things.

Cook left with confidence. This time Cook did not bring anyone else, not even Windsor, because Windsor is going to build a kingdom of flower elves around Tok City, and further cultivate plants that adapt to this plane.

Big Mouth and Kesi didn't accompany either. These two underworld creatures mixed in the Demon Plane as wishful thinking. After all, the power of the devil's soul is not very high.

"Quak." A blood-red crow flew behind Cook. This is Cook's partner this time. This guy was hired by Cook and used two top-grade fire magic crystals.

The fire element on this plane is extremely rare. After the fiery crow absorbs the best fire magic crystal, the body becomes smaller, but Cook can perceive it. It goes without saying that the guy who said he was a Phoenix got the benefit. Yu of it.

"Is there really nothing in this face?" Cook looked at the endless mountains around, these mountains are like huge soil thorns, tens of thousands of meters high, and these mountains are very smooth, most letting Cook was surprised that the surrounding mountains were almost the same, as if they were made in a mold.

Man-made, Cook made such a judgment directly, yes, is such a regular thing not man-made or formed naturally?

For a full week, I have traveled tens of millions of kilometers without discovering a creature, and there are still such mountains around. Cook is almost numb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is this all the landforms here? "Cook couldn't help but wonder.

Cook took out a piece of silver-white metal from his arms, and then used Thunder Fang to dig a hole in the rock. Due to the abnormal gravity of this plane, the density of the rock here is extremely high, almost comparable to metal.

"Lina." When Cook put the silver-white metal into it and activated it, Cook asked the silver-white metal.

"Cook, how is it?" Lina's voice was transmitted from the metal. This is a space communicator, covering a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers. There are several magic patterns on the silver-white metal just now. The reason why Cook wants to set up the present is to act as a relay.

"It's nothing, it's just the wind." Cook shook his head, feeling the slight wind.

"Wind, wind?" Lina was surprised, and then Lina appeared in front of Cook. Yes, this space communicator also functions as a space coordinate.

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