A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 16: Feathered Serpent Soul

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Keng, Keng, Keng, as soon as Cook finished his madness, the countless wind blades around him began to spin, cutting towards Cook, making a metal rubbing sound.

"Boom, boom, boom. Top + dot. X.O" Then the magic pattern equipment on Cook's body instantly shattered and turned into fragments, and then these fragments were continuously cut into dust by countless wind blades.

Boom, boom, boom, Cook's body was cut by the wind blade, and the wind blade collided with Cook's body. All this came too fast.

"Haha." Cook just maddened. After seeing the wind blade cutting on his body, there was no change. These wind blades seemed to have no effect.

"Sure enough, it didn't reach the **** level." Cook breathed a sigh of relief. Cook estimated that the wind elemental creature did not reach the **** level, and if it did not reach the **** level, then it would be impossible for Cook to achieve damage.

God level, this is a huge threshold, this huge qualitative change, the reason why these wind blades did not cause any damage to Cook is because this elemental creature has not reached the **** level, has not reached the **** level, no matter what magic is cast The increase is unlikely to cause damage to Cook.

"Boom!" Then Cook discovered that he was just floating in the air, without the support of the anti-gravity magic pattern. According to the truth, Cook should fall, but now Cook has reached the **** level, of course, it is only strength, but even if it is The strength reached the **** level, and the surrounding laws did not affect Cook. Cook waved his fist and smashed his fist. The encircling circle formed by the wind blade immediately showed a fist-sized hole, and the explosive power of the fist made the hole continuous As the distance increases, the hole gets bigger and bigger.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, Cook used his hands and feet together, and the huge sphere formed by the green wind blades surrounding Cook instantly became very tattered, and finally broke apart.

"Haha." Cook saw the big blue tiger's wide-open eyes and laughed. Of course, Cook didn't rush to the big blue tiger. Although Cook is now a god-level and has a very strong physique, Cook also knows his own affairs. , After all, increased madness, and there are too many wind elemental creatures around.

There were too many ants to kill the elephant, Cook knew this, and Cook was also very powerful, his magic ability did not reach the **** level, so Cook rushed directly towards the giant vortex.

"Keng, Keng, Keng." Numerous wind magic storms shot towards Cook. Cook didn't stay at all, protecting the vital parts of his body, just rushing forward.

Bang, bang, bang, countless wind elemental creatures want to deal with Cook, but they are directly exploded by the elemental creatures that Cook randomly encounters, and even the hardest energy core is not left.

Even with a strong defense, Cook is very impatient, because his physical strength has disappeared rapidly, which is a manifestation of the body's resistance to wind magic consumption.

"Cuckoo." Cook continued to pour three bottles of stamina recovery potions, but what made Cook frightened was that after these potions entered the body, they seemed to have no effect, and the recovery was very small, it was a drop in the bucket.

"Oops, this potion is very good, but now the body is crazy and the potion will almost not work." Cook understood in an instant.

"Damn it." Then Cook saw the dense wind elemental creatures around him, and Cook's scalp was numb.

"It doesn't matter. Keep rushing." Now Cook has no choice but to continue rushing over.

"Stamina recovery aura." No way, the potion didn't work, Cook instantly released a stamina recovery aura, and now it can recover more.

But what surprised Cook was that after the stamina aura was released, Cook felt a rush of power coming out of his body and his stamina was quickly recovering.

"Actually, it is a permanent restoration aura?" Cook understood after a glance, he released a permanent aura again, and Cook began to understand a little, which means that a permanent aura can only be displayed by a god-level powerhouse. With this discovery, Cook instantly released himself a halo of movement acceleration, aura of power, and so on.

That's not the case. Cook looked at the dense wind elemental creatures around him, still releasing countless wind magic, and Cook moved forward quickly, then waved his hand.

A black halo suddenly enveloped all the wind elemental creatures within a few hundred meters in front of Cook. These elemental creatures froze all at once, and then fell instantly.

"Chaos aura is really easy to use." Cook smiled. To be precise, the chaos aura is the smoothness of the spirit system, and it is a negative aura, and the soul power of these elemental creatures is not strong, plus the aura level that Cook now casts It is very high, so even if these elemental creatures can resist, it will take time, but this is the sky, so the elemental creatures fall directly.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Cook carries colorful auras on his body, the whole person is like being shrouded in golden light, and then this golden light continues to shoot out circles of chaotic auras. Once these auras are enveloped on the elemental creatures, these elemental creatures are like being cast. Body skills generally fell directly, and some were blown away directly by the hurricane.

"Keng." A cyan shadow hit Cooke directly, and Cook's body was instantly knocked back hundreds of meters.

"Asshole." When Cook saw the green tiger, Cook cursed in his heart, this green tiger is extremely sinister, and Cook has already had an experience.

But this time the cyan tiger was obviously going to fight Cook close. Cook had just been repelled. The cyan tiger rushed up instantly, and then the cyan claws slammed down at Cook.

"Boom." Cook's body instantly turned into a huge cyan shadow. The cyan shadow is tens of meters long. It looks like a long python from a distance, but the python has cyan scales and three pairs. Wings, but these wings are arranged on both sides of the body, not repeated arrangement.

"Quick Snake!" Cook was surprised when he saw his body after fusion with the beast soul. The feather snake, the top creature of the wind system, is also a kind of sacred beast, but it is a wind system sacred beast.

And this feather snake's body is colorful, which is caused by more than a dozen auras. Cook feels the surging wind magic power around his body. This feeling makes Cook feel very comfortable.

"Boom." The wind magic power in Cook's body surged instantly, and the wind within several kilometers around Cook's body suddenly disappeared.

Of course, this was just Cook's feeling. The bodies of the wind elemental creatures within this kilometer solidified instantly, and then the color of the surface of these elemental creatures gradually dimmed, and then the entire body disappeared.

"Is this the realm of God?" Cook saw the disappearing wind elemental creatures around him, and Cook understood.

The cyan tiger immediately disappeared when he saw that Cook was like this, but at this moment, the feathered snake spit out a word: "Ding."

The cyan tiger appeared thousands of meters away, as if out of thin air, and there were vortexes of cyan light around the cyan tiger, and it was the huge force carried by these vortexes that trapped the cyan del tiger.

"Scatter." Then, Cook uttered another word again, and the countless small cyan vortexes around the cyan tiger instantly turned into sharp blades and rushed into the body of the cyan tiger.

The body of the cyan tiger collapsed instantly, leaving behind a head-sized energy core.

In these two short seconds, all the elemental creatures within a few kilometers of Cook ran away, and Cook couldn't see it from a few kilometers away.

"This is the power of coercion." Cook received the cyan energy core the size of his head, and then the feathered snake's body instantly disappeared.

When Cook appeared again, Cook was already in the middle of the whirlpool, except that Cook was now a beast soul warrior. It can be said that the huge whirlpool is like Cook’s mental power. As long as there is wind, Cook can do it. Induced.

"It's actually a huge wind eye?" Cook looked around and found that there was a huge black hole under the vortex, hundreds of kilometers wide. The huge wind rushed up and down, and then formed this vortex.

The body of the feathered snake tens of meters long in this huge wind is like a fish in the water, without the slightest obstacle. Cook does not need to use force at all. As long as Cook's mental power moves, the surrounding wind will push Cook forward. .

This is also the power of wind, but now Cook is driving the wind element, which is also the highest state of the magician, and even the god-level magician. When the magician is low-level ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the element needs to be Grab, and a considerable part will not become part of the magic.

At this time, the elements are just a kind of combat tool of the magician, but these elements are used by the magician. Now, these elements are like slaves. As long as Cook’s mental power moves slightly, the surrounding elements will automatically Del reacted.

"This is the **** level." This feeling is very strange. As long as Cook wants, Cook can make any movements without moving in the air. At this time, the element is Cook's most loyal servant.

"Huh?" Soon Cook reached under the eye of the wind, but to his surprise, under the eye of the wind, there is actually a huge thing that resembles the tower of the mage. The tower of the mage is 20 meters high, but above the tower of the mage A series of cyan apertures are emerging, these apertures continue to emit, and then form a huge vortex, you can imagine how huge energy these cyan apertures carry.

"Man-made things, is this a secret base of the demons?" There were countless thoughts flashing in Cook's mind, but at this moment, tens of thousands of cyan rays came from the wizard tower to Cook shoot out.

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