A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Return without success

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Cook, who was transformed into a feather snake, saw this situation, his body disappeared in a flash, but even so, when Cook appeared, he still took a breath.

On the feathered snake's body, there was a **** hole, which was obviously hit by the countless blue rays when Cook was dodge just now. -Top-point-small-speak---o

"What's this?" That's not a big deal. Cook's self-healing ability is very strong now, but the wound on the hit part of the body can be seen as the green light is constantly tearing the open wound, and Ku Ke's powerful self-healing ability is constantly being repaired.

So the wound on Cook's body was rolled up, and pieces of meat continued to emerge, but the energy of the wind system continued to tear Cook's wound.

"This, this..." Cook was completely stunned. What kind of law is this, and what is the same thing as the mage tower that can actually hurt himself. You must know that Cook's current physical strength can be said to be holy The domain is invincible, and the combat effectiveness is higher than the average **** level.

Well, Cook released a self-healing halo for himself. With the self-healing halo, the wound on Cook's body continued to decrease and finally disappeared. Cook looked at the mage tower with vigilance.

"It seems that you have to be careful this time." Cooke heightened his vigilance, and then slowly approached the mage tower.

Without warning, the mage tower once again released countless cyan rays, and Cook's figure disappeared in a flash. The feather snake itself was a wind-type beast, so it appeared ten kilometers away in a flash.

"The alert distance is only two kilometers." It turns out that Cook slowly approached the mage tower, just to measure the alert range of the mage tower. With this alert range, Cook can do a lot of things.

Faced with the defensive mage tower, generally speaking, there are several ways to break the mage tower. The first is to have a strong defense, a powerful attack, and directly push it over.

The second is to find the weakness of the mage tower, and then make a precise point attack, because the mage tower is composed of countless defensive magics. There are weaknesses between these defensive magics, and the energy is running at certain nodes. At that time, there will be a fluctuation, so as long as you find this node, and then focus your firepower on this point, you can also break through.

The third is the most stupid but also the safest method, which consumes the energy of the mage tower.

But now Cook dare not draw conclusions easily, because Cook is not sure that this thing is a mage tower, because now it can only be said to be exactly like a mage tower.

This building is similar in appearance to the Mage Tower, but the building itself is dark gold. The dark gold tower is more than ten meters high. But Cook knows that the Mage Tower is something you can’t look at. It’s like Cook’s natural ring, so small How big is the space inside things, so this thing depends on the content inside.

But with this unusual luster, Cook knew that this thing was not simple, not to mention that Nima's attack was too sharp, it can be said that a thousand arrows were fired.

And the attack power of these rays is too abnormal, Cook muttered to himself: "Nima, it must be the demon."

In Cook's current knowledge, only the demons can make such a perverted thing. To be honest, the current magic civilization is not as high as the demons back then.

This can be seen from Cook’s gains. After thinking of the demons, Cook’s eyes lit up. Cook has gained a lot. If this mage tower is really built by the demons, then Cook gains The memory crystal ball must be recorded.

Thinking of this, Cook came out of the giant whirlpool, and there was a feathered serpent, the beast soul. It was not easy for Cook to get in and out of this giant whirlpool.

"Puff." But after Cook released the feather snake's beast soul, Cook fell directly on the ground.

You must know that Cook is not only a combination of feathered snake and beast souls, but also five times madness. This has stimulated the potential of the body. Cook suspects that if it were not for the permanent war song auras he had cast, he would just pass in a coma. Up.

"Ah!" Cook moved and found that his bones were like acupuncture, which was caused by excessive use of force.

Cook lay down slowly, and then felt his body recover little by little. Cook became a little wary in his heart, his body is not omnipotent.

Five times madness, feathered snake beast soul, which one can be used alone, Cook can bear, but if two are used together, Cook feels that this is not as simple as one plus one at all.

But Cook was also a little excited, because even though he was in pain now, Cook knew that once he recovered, his physique would rise.

The most important thing is that this time Cook’s gains are not small, especially the feeling that the feather snake enslaves the elements. That is a god-level feeling. Although Cooke was five times mad, it was the power, and this The second feathered snake is a kind of sacred beast, a sacred beast of the wind system, so this perception of the elements is equivalent to pointing Cook's direction on the road.

It's like the same two people walking in the dark night. This is also the path of magicians. The law needs to be comprehended by yourself, but one of them is dark in front of him and needs to be groping forward slowly.

And the other one has a direction, just need to make big strides and keep moving forward. Regardless of the fork on the road, the gap between the two will get bigger and bigger, and the one without direction may fall into the ditch. .

The feeling of enslaving the elements is clearly imprinted in Cook's mind. This is to show Cook the way forward. This is something that can't be exchanged.

The best way to restore your physique is to eat, look at magic fruits, barbecues, and wine made from magic fruits, and so on. Cook keeps eating good things. If Cook wants to be full now, it will cost at least thousands of catties. Food is good, but Cook has a lot of stock.

Cook looked through the records in the memory crystal ball while eating. In about a week, Cook recovered almost~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook felt that his physical fitness was obviously improved, but Ku Ke was a little disappointed that there was no record of the dark golden mage tower in the memory crystal ball.

"It seems that the level of confidentiality of this thing is very high!" Cook thought in his heart, that no record does not mean it is not, Cook also understands this.

Then Cook packed his things and greeted Phoenix: "Go, let's go and see, this time I'm going to do it."

Cook’s idea is very simple. I just destroyed this thing, and it won’t be left to others. This is mainly because Cook is afraid that this will be left behind by the demons. As for whether it can be destroyed, it’s still two. It's not.

"Cook, something happened to the black market in the Demon Plane." Just as Cook set out, Lina suddenly appeared next to Cook, and then said solemnly.

"Huh?" Cook felt tight.

"Isn't those guys on the Sanctuary plane discovered?" Cook asked suspiciously afterwards.

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