A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 18: Lina's plan

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"No, there is nothing wrong with the people from the Sanctuary plane. This time the black market is facing a huge threat." Lina shook her head and said. (Top)(dot).X.Co

"Talk about it?" Cook breathed a sigh of relief, then asked.

Lina immediately explained: "In fact, it's still a blood wave. Isn't the blood wave retreating early this time, and the scope is not as wide as before, so the part of the left-behind in the black market became rich, the carapace of the creatures in the Gobi? It can be used directly as equipment, so the price of magic materials in the Gobi is very high, which touches the interests of a lot of people. First of all, there are more than 30 relatively large cities or settlements around the Gobi. These cities It has been prepared for a long time, because after every blood wave, the city will make a fortune, but now, the early retreat of the blood wave has left these cities with little gain. When the teams in these cities know that the blood wave has receded, they have been left in the black market. Of course, this is part of it, and the other thing is that the black market has been evacuated early to escape the blood tide. Now this part of the people is jealous. This internal and external part of the collusion, the black market is now extremely chaotic. Every day, people fight in the black market, which has seriously affected our layout."

"So, let go of it, let those guys on the black market become more messy, and then we secretly control the black market." Cook said.

Lina shook her head and said, "Cook, this won't work. The forces in the black market are intricately intertwined, and there may be a big city behind a small force."

"What do you mean?" Cook continued to ask.

"We feel that we also support a puppet and let Hadoshi or others be the puppet in this black market." Lina said.

"Let's take care of this." Cook thought for a moment, always felt something was wrong, but Cook still agreed.

"The Moon Demon clan has a growing appetite now, do you want to..." Lina continued.

"Limit it, but what's your idea when you came in such a rush just now?" Cook remembered now that this matter won't let Lina rush over.

Lina said with a smile, "Hehe, I think, now the black market is so messy, why don't you come forward?"

"Me?" Cook couldn't figure it out.

"Yes, we are all Tauren, Goathead, and no high-level demon at all. We studied it carefully, and there is still an unspoken rule on this demon plane." Lina said mysteriously.

Cook was really shocked. To tell the truth, Cook did not thoroughly study the structural framework of the Demon Plane. This structural framework refers to the structural framework of the ruling class. Cook did not have the intention to study it. He did not expect Lina to wait. People studied.

"Hehe, then what do you think about this?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Cook, in fact, I think, if we want to stand on the demon plane, we must integrate into this demon plane. Once we are integrated into the demon plane, then in time the demon plane will eventually discover that we are on the sanctuary plane. It doesn’t necessarily attack us, why, because we can bring a lot of things, food, and equipment to the Demon Plane. These things can make the Demon Plane prosper, and now we have a group of demons like Hadoshi. It has gradually integrated into us. There are a few of us in the high-end, not to mention Cook you, and only the middle-level power is left. So this time I think we should let the moon demons cooperate with us and occupy the black market. Part of the benefits, and then use the black market to win over part of the demonic forces..." Lina explained with a smile.

After listening to Lina's words, Cook asked incredulously: "Do you want to occupy a part of the demon plane here?"

"Yeah, Cook, we have researched. Why did the demon start a war when they reached our sanctuary plane before? That's because there is no way to connect between our sanctuary plane and the demon plane, and those demons are just holding and grabbing. You can leave with one vote, or it’s just madness before you die. I don’t think the devil wants to die, and the demons on the demon plane are excellent mercenaries. Of course, as long as these guys have reasons, you must know the sanctuary. The world we know is still very small, very small..." Lina carefully analyzed it to Cook.

Cook thought about it. Cook wanted to use this demon plane as a dumping ground for products, but Lina wanted to occupy a part of it. Of course, dumping products was also necessary.

"Then why should I go to the black market?" Cook continued to ask.

Lina said with a smile: "Because we want to frighten the Moon Demon Clan, if others go, although the Moon Demon Clan will also unite with us, but at that time we occupy a relatively low position. If you go, then we are the master. , They are the second time."

"Well, you can get close to the Moon Demon clan first, find a time, and I will come forward at that time." Cook agreed with Lina's suggestion. Although Cook didn't think much about Lina's plan, Ku Ke didn’t plan to say what the devil was. It was based on strength to speak. There was no other way to talk about it except strength. The mercenary, Cook laughed bitterly. Maybe if the employer had a lower strength, he would be eaten by the devil. Do not know at all.

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the meaning of the upper level. There are god-level powerhouses on the Demon Plane, and there are also temples on the Sanctuary Plane. Lina and others are watching from their own position, but Cook does not say. Some things require experience.

Cook watched Lina disappear and shook his head, but for Cook, the Demon Race is the first thing. As for the Devil Plane, Cook only needs to master the portal. This is an extremely important one. The level is unsolvable, unless Cook wants to.

Cook cleaned up, and then turned into a feather serpent. The feather serpent was in this giant vortex. It was so wishful. Cook came to this wind tunnel again.

The dark golden mage tower still emits a ray of light, and Cook did not dare to approach it. Cook observed the mage tower from a distance, and then Cook sprayed out a blue wind blade.

"Boom." The cyan wind blade was hit by countless rays from the mage tower. The entire cyan wind blade flew away after being hit, leaving only a dull sound.

When Cook saw this situation, he was relieved to know that there are many types of defenses for this mage tower, but this is obviously a low level. The defense composition of the entire mage tower is defensive magic pattern, attack magic pattern, and detection. Magic lines, and detection magic lines are also divided into high-level and low-level, advanced ones can detect what is in the detection range, and then activate the corresponding attack magic lines.

The detection magic pattern of this mage tower is not very advanced, because the magic attack released by Cook, according to the truth, should not activate the attack magic pattern, and directly use the defensive magic pattern to withstand magic attacks.

So after Cook saw that his magic was released, the mage’s tower was fully fired. Cook was really surprised. It was like fighting on both sides. One side just fired a shot, and the other side fired a gun. What about Cook? Could not like it.

Because Cook knows that no energy can last forever, even if it is to extract energy from a volcano, there is a limit, and the absorption and transformation of energy depends on magic lines.

Like a machine, magic lines have an upper limit of energy conversion, and long-term energy conversion will reduce the service life of magic lines. Once it runs at full speed, the chances of the entire magic line system malfunctioning will be greater. If there is a problem If you continue to run at full capacity, then hehe, the probability of the magic line system being paralyzed is very high.

Ever since, Cook's incarnation of the feathered snake was shining with misty light, and wind blades were released toward the mage tower without money, and the mage tower also sent out thousands of arrows, and countless blue rays were continuously released.

Cook's magic eyes watched closely the situation of the Mage Tower. The magic patterns on the entire Mage Tower kept shining, and the cyan rays directly bombarded Cook's magic into fragments.

And Cook now has another feeling. The wind elements around his body are like Cook’s own magic. These elements do not need to be grasped by Cook at all. As long as there is a little gap in Cook’s body, these elements will be Squeeze into Cook's body and become Cook's magic.

This feeling makes Cook too strange, that feeling makes Cook's whole spirit a little lazy. Cook knows that this is the power of the law, and that the law is more addictive than power.

Power controls only some human beings, while law controls everything. This feeling makes Cook feel very strange. Cook's spiritual power is radiated, and these elements are carefully understood.

These wind elements are wrapped by Cook's mental power, these elements are wrapped by Cook, these elements are extremely active, what kind of feeling do they give Cook, like a naughty child.

This feeling is very strange. These elements are like life in Cook’s perception. This feeling shocked Cook’s heart. Yes, in everyone’s perception, elements are just a tool. And the tool is not emotional at all?

Cook's mental power more carefully wrapped the past ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then Cook felt a weak mental fluctuation, conveying a joyful mood to Cook.

"Damn." Then Cook's spirit was shocked, and then he withdrew from this realm, cursing secretly.

Then Cook's mental power once again wrapped these wind elements, and when Cook's mental power completely wrapped these wind elements, these wind elements passed Cook's sense of excitement.

Cook's mental power also radiated a response, yes, Cook also responded accordingly.

As soon as Cook’s response was over, Cook felt that the surrounding wind elements seemed to be calling out in unison, and then these elements swarmed into Cook’s body as if they had been beaten with blood.

"Damn, damn." Perceiving the madness of the surrounding wind elements, Cook was dumbfounded, because the concentration of the wind elements around Cook's body was so high that it emitted a dazzling light.

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