A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Enter the Mage Tower

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The magnetic grinder designed by Cook is actually a very simple thing. It is nothing more than using high speed to polish the stellar sand. Of course, only Cook can use this kind of sanding machine. After all, the rebounding force of the stellar sand after acceleration is Very big. (Top)(dot)().2.o

Of course, these powers are offset by the magic lines in Cook's settings, but even so, the grinder vibrates extremely strongly. Fortunately, Cook's power is great, and this vibration is also acceptable.

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff sound sound, tens of thousands of high-speed celestial sands in the grinder continuously hit the celestial sand ore, and the celestial sand blasted from the celestial sand ore. Let the number of celestial sand in the grinder continue to increase.

After half an hour, Cook stopped the grinder and checked it. A pit a few centimeters deep appeared on the celestial sand ore, and it was still uneven. Cook was so excited.

Then Cook collected the excess cinnabar, and then Cook polished it again. The excess cinnabar must be taken out, otherwise, if there is too much cinnabar, it will be blocked in the grinder.

Cook collects stellar sand once in half an hour. This harvest is already very expensive. Stars sand has been an extremely precious magic material since ancient times. As for the destruction of this mage tower, Cook will feel distressed? Because this thing is not yet Cooke, if it is Cooke's, there is no need for Cooke to destroy it.

One day and night, Cook has been vigilant, especially until the end, why, because the stellar sand is very fast after passing through the accelerator. If the stellar sand shoots into the mage tower at high speed, this Nima is to polish the original stellar sand Thing, what can there be in this mage tower that can withstand such a strong speed and impact?

"Kengkeng." Cook poke the base of the mage's tower with thunder teeth, and found that it hadn't broken open yet. Cook sighed a little. The base was almost one meter thick. It was just the celestial sand that Cook collected. It is thousands of tons, of course, the volume is not big.

Start the grinder again, this time Cook takes ten minutes each time, and then check it out.

"Boom." With a sound, the grinder poked directly in.

"Broken." Cook quickly dropped the grinder, then looked through the hole.

"Boom." But when Cook's head was stretched out in front of the hole, a huge air pressure directly pushed Cook back several steps.

Then Cook’s mental power stretched into the mage tower. The scene inside surprised Cook. The space inside is not very large, only a few thousand square meters in size. Of course, Cook is the bottom floor to view, and the second floor is There is an isolation shield between the first layer, so Cook can't see what the second layer is.

Cook's mental power was carefully checked, and after playing for more than half an hour, the luster around the entire mage tower gradually dimmed, and then the gate of the mage tower was suddenly opened.

"Hehe." Cook smiled and strode into the mage tower.

"Sure enough, the atmosphere, the atmosphere, I actually use this kind of magic pattern." Cook sighed, this mage tower is the most advanced mage tower that Cook has ever seen. The magic patterns inside the mage tower are all composite magic patterns. And each compound magic pattern is composed of more than 80 individual magic patterns.

What kind of concept is this? Even Cook’s scimitar has not used such an advanced compound magic pattern. The compound magic pattern is a high-level magic pattern. Every time a single magic pattern is added to the compound magic pattern, the increase in the compound magic pattern increases. Shows a geometric growth.

Cook is not eager to go to the second floor of the Mage Tower. It is not that Cook does not want to see what the second floor is, but Cook must carefully check the magic lines, and then judge what the structure of the mage tower is based on the method of setting the magic lines. Type, but also have a preparation.

The entire hall on the first floor was empty and there was nothing. After a long time of observation, Cook had some certainty, and then Cook came to the place between the second floor and the first floor.

It was also an isolation shield, and the control magic weave Cook quickly unlocked, but to Cook's surprise, this is not a staircase, but a teleportation array, a simple teleportation array.

At this time, Cook hesitated, if it was stairs or something, Cook could easily enter, but this teleportation formation, because it is impossible to see what is behind the teleportation formation, what kind of environment it is, so Cook has some Hesitated.

After hesitating, Cook observed it carefully. Although Cook couldn't check the teleportation array, Cook could roughly infer the distance of the teleportation from the structure of the teleportation array. Of course, there was only this point.

The magic lines shining on the teleportation array are incomparably clear in Cook's magic eyes. The direction of the magic power, the circulation speed of the magic power and other comprehensive data, Cook calculated and then stepped into the teleportation array.

A flower in front of Cook's eyes appeared in a space that was thousands of meters wide, but the space gave Cook a creepy feeling. There were thousands of skeletons, and what made Cook feel weird was the arrangement of these skeletons. It's so neat, as if someone did it deliberately.

"What's going on?" Cook saw this situation, and his mind was in confusion.

Then Cook took a deep breath, and then Cook walked in. Yes, these skeletons are exactly the same as humans. They are almost indistinguishable. They are not demons. Yes, they have skeletons on their heads. Very different.

"Humans?" Cook looked at these human skeletons ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was surprised.

Afterwards, Cook took a closer look and found that the skeletons did not mean that they were dead, but slowly died of old age. The oldest of these skeletons was more than 150 years old, which is the longest life span of normal human beings.

"How is it possible that it is actually a human being?" Cook was full of questions.

It can be said that the most eye-catching thing about the entire second layer is these thousands of skeletons. Cook has no idea how these skeletons died here, and there is nothing else around them.

Soon Cook saw the teleportation array on the third level. Cook took a closer look and stepped into it. As soon as Cook stepped into the third level, he was stunned. There was a forest and he couldn't see the edge at a glance. Cook looked back subconsciously and found that the teleportation array was still there.

"This Nima has the style of a top mage tower!" Cook marveled. In the forest, there is a thousand-meter-high building. This building is like a huge mushroom. The white roof looks so much in the forest. Glaring.

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