A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Ancient notes

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The dense forest is lush. Cook can see the traces of the original road in the forest, but these roads are also covered with various plants and thorns. Cook can even see the traces of the stone buildings on both sides of the road, but these stones The building is in dilapidated condition.

"It seems that someone used to move around here often." Cook came up with such an answer.

Cook did not encounter any danger in the forest, even an animal did not see it. This situation made Cook feel a little strange, after all, in such a forest, it should be the kingdom of animals.

These plants have not been seen by Cook. What do these plants look like? They are a bit like ferns, but there are some fruits on these ferns, and signs of fruit rot can also be seen on the ground. Obviously these No one harvests the fruit, and no animal destroys it.

Soon Cook came to the semicircular building. This building gave Cook a very beautiful feeling. The white building shone with a holy luster. The building has a column with a diameter of one thousand meters and a semicircle above the column. On the roof, the column is about fifty meters high, giving Cook a cute feeling.

"Wooden gate?" Cook first observed a circle. There should also be a relatively large square outside the building, but it is now destroyed by plants. Then Cook looked around the building in a circle. There is nothing that can explain what the building does. Yes, but Cook was surprised that the door was actually a wooden door.

There are also complicated patterns on the gate. The whole gate is only three meters high and five or six meters wide. Cook was surprised when he saw this gate. First of all, it is the material. Wooden gates are rare in ancient buildings. One is stone or metal.

Then came the size of the door. Now even the gates of human temples are at least ten meters high. Even the temples in small cities have five or six meters high gates, not to mention those gates in ancient ruins that are often 20 meters high. .

It can be seen from a door that the creatures entering and leaving here, or the creatures who built it, are only about two meters tall, because the door cannot be designed according to the body size, and this door also expresses another meaning. That is strong, yes, this gate only allows one's own race to enter, which is almost impossible in the sanctuary plane. Even the noble temple does not say that other races are not allowed to enter, so the gate is built relatively high .

The pattern on the door makes Cook dizzy, because this is the flower-shaped text, the ancestor of the text. After the flower-shaped text is the cuneiform text. Almost no one knows the flower-shaped text. The flower-shaped text is equivalent to what it is in ancient times. At that time, primitive people made various knots on the rope to record.

However, flower-shaped characters were not easy to be remembered and passed down in ancient times, so cuneiform characters were created. Cuneiform characters are equivalent to hieroglyphs. Even if you don’t understand, you can judge the approximate meaning based on the shape. The meaning of the text is speculated.

"Nima, it's just a good password." Cook looked at it for a long time, but didn't figure out what the flower-shaped text on this door means. The flower-shaped text is all kinds of arcs, points, and lines. It's like a flower.

It’s like saying that in ancient times, an illiterate person was doing wedding wine accounting for others, that is, writing down gifts from guests, and someone else gave a can of oil. This guy drew a circle and then clicked a few points in it. It is also beautifully named: a can of oil with scum.

Of course, this kind of bookkeeping method is estimated to be understood only by oneself, and it is not moved by others. It seems that there are more than one hundred characters in this pattern, and they are different, and the rest are the same, but who can guarantee that the shape is the same , The meaning is the same, just like a Chinese character can represent several meanings.

"I really don't understand." Cook looked at the door, then pushed hard.

The door was pushed open all of a sudden. Cook was taken aback. Cook didn’t notice the magic fluctuations, so he pushed it. Then he knew it was pushed open. After pushing the door open, Cook saw a semicircle. The hall is hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide.

The walls around the hall are also a kind of white stone, but the white stone is carved with murals. Cook was shocked when he saw this, and then ran over to check it out. You must know that this mural is a relic of exploration. People’s favorite because these murals are about the glorious history of a certain race. Even if they are a little abstract, some clues can still be seen from the events recorded in the murals.

"It's really human!" The first mural is the first mural. There are countless humans on it. It can be seen that these humans live a rich life. It is a mural similar to a tribe. Some people carry their prey and some people grill their prey. , There is also a person with various decorations on his head who is healing, but this person has a wand-like thing in his hand, and there are some lines on it, obviously a magician.

In the second picture, the person with the ornament on the head stands in front of a group of people, but the staff of the person with the ornament on the head is inserted into the heart of a woman, and the people below have no response, and the person with the ornament on the head A large amount of food was piled up behind the person, and it was obvious that the magician had gained control of the tribe.

The third picture shows the person wearing jewelry on his head sitting around. There is a woman kneeling on the ground, holding food in her hands. There are several similar women around the woman in the same posture, and the magician is still in a big house. Inside, the others are outside the house, but at this time these people are a little thin, and there is a pot made of stone next to it. One person is throwing some plants into this pot, and the other person is like a branch. Things, this branch was taken out of the pot, and there were some seemingly wilted plants on the branches. Obviously, this meant that the magician had a high status and the best thing to enjoy. Others only ate leaves.

The fourth picture has a small magician, and the tribe has clearly begun to grow.

The fifth picture is a battle between two tribes. A tribe with a magician killed men from other tribes and robbed women, but some people from this tribe escaped.

A pair of pairs, Cook watched for more than an hour, a total of more than 300 pictures, Cook finally understood that the human demons were actually on the same plane at the beginning, and they were two tribes. The form exists.

However, the way forward is different. A tribe develops into a magician and holds the power. This is human. But the demons, because they are hunted down by the human tribe, this tribe has to mate with other races in order to continue, and then there will be With the existence of the orcs, these humans found that the orcs were very powerful, so they kept robbing human women and gave birth to more orcs. However, because humans looked down on the orcs, the orcs eventually broke with the humans of the demons, and split.

As for the origin of the demons, there is no mention of it. Cook can guess that this demons is not a human at all, but another creature born from ancient humans and other races.

However, the divided orcs were also divided into two parts. One part lived in the forest, and the other part became part of the human tribe. However, it was finally discovered that after the humans and the orc women were combined, the probability of the birth of the magician increased, even though it was growing. The result may not be as high as pure humans, but the number of magicians is what humans desperately hope for.

When the demons were born, the two races began to fight constantly. On the human side, there are humans, orcs, and finally dwarves, elves, and giants. Because on the side of the demons, these humans, orcs, dwarves, and elves are just all It’s just trophies, slaves that can be killed at will. As for why dwarves, gnomes, elves, etc. want to join humans, this is because the demons hope to test out races that are more powerful than the demons, so a large number of these races are captured. Just joined the human race.

But here, Cook also saw the birth of angels, but the birth process left Cook stunned. Angels are the ultimate weapon made by humans to fight against the demons. Yes, they are made by humans.

As for the temple, it is for the magician ruling class to better control humans, so there is a temple of light.

"Nima, this joke is very serious." Cook took a breath after reading it. Angels are made by humans. Humans and demons are actually the same race. Orcs are the offspring of hybrids between humans and monsters?

Of course, the angels didn't know how to give birth to consciousness in the end, so the human side was tragedy, and the lower humans rebelled due to the brutality of the ruling class of magicians.

"But human beings never thought ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the demons would be so cruel to themselves." Seeing that the magician class was killed by the demons, and the ordinary humans were killed by the demons wantonly, Ku Ke sighed.

The magician class is constantly fleeing, but it is still being chased and killed by the demons. Even the angels have to surrender to the demons, because the demons can provide energy to the angels, and once the angels die, the energy core needs A special device is reborn. This device is controlled by the demons, so the magicians have to face the strongest weapons they have made.

The story is gone here. Cook can imagine that the magician class finally arrived here, but here is also besieged by the demons, so Cook saw thousands of skeletons slowly dying of old age.

"Where is the war between gods and demons?" After reading it, Cook said to himself in doubt, yes, the truth of the war between gods and demons. In these murals, the demons are still the most powerful force, but why are the demons now being Genocide?

ps: Recently I watched a TV series "Thirty Years After Marriage", I just saw all kinds of lies that conceal all kinds of strange reasons, and all kinds of strange shrews, all kinds of....

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