A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Weird cup

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Cook is entangled, why, because this is completely different from the history that Cook knows, but the history that Cook knows, there are several versions, dwarves, dwarves, elves, and titans, demons, humans, Each has its own version.

But the most striking similarity is that dwarves, dwarves, elves, and Titans have a bad relationship with humans. In the history of these races, humans are very despicable and shameless. In this way, humans may really be sorry. Things about these races.

Cook thought for a while, and then made a race, chronology, the mural here, Cook knows that the orcs were just born, it was the fusion of humans and other races, and during the war between gods and demons, the orcs had already It is the backbone, which means that the history that exists here is still before the Great War between Gods and Demons.

The battle between gods and demons is the battle between many races and demons, here it is said that many races have become accomplices of the demons, and a relatively clear age has been produced in Cook's constant speculation.

First of all, in ancient times, humans and demons were one race, or two similar races living on the same plane, and then there was a war between the races, and the human race defeated the other race.

The remaining people of the other race were sparsely populated, so there was a problem with inheritance, so they had to merge with other races. As for what race they were, Cook didn’t know what they were, and then the orcs, demons and so on were born. race.

The human side has been controlled by the magician ruling class for countless years. The elves, gnomes, dwarves and other races have been subdued by humans. However, due to the brutal rule of the magician class and the lifeblood of the angel family created by the magician class The race has mastered it, so these races also united to resist the rule of the magician, but under the rule of the demons, these races are still suffering lives, so the battle between the gods and demons took place, and the gods refer to the strong of each race, plus The angels didn't want to be controlled by this demons, so the demons were overthrown.

"Tsk tusk, it's really tortuous and complicated." Cook sighed after straightening out the historical process. Of course, what Cook knows is only the general historical process. As for specific things, this requires Cook's constant It is possible to piece together a complete history by searching.

The course of history was understood by Cook, and then Cook's eyes lit up. Yes, this was the last base of mankind in ancient times, so there must be more good things in it, maybe there are things to deal with the demons.

Behind the hall is a huge staircase. Yes, the stairs are used here. But Cook continued to look at the other parts of the first floor. The murals occupy only one-fifth, and the other parts are white. The wall is cut off.

"Boom." To Cook's surprise, there is no magic pattern, magic circle, or magic here. The door here is also a kind of wooden door, but this wooden door is still very hard after many years. Ke kicked the door open.

Inside the door is a room, but it looks like a place to stay, except for some living utensils, but to Cook's surprise, the furniture here is also made of wood, but the furniture is still intact.

"Puff." Cook picked up a cup, then squeezed it vigorously, and the whole cup became countless pieces, and then burst open.

"This?" Cook was puzzled, this wooden cup was crushed by himself?

But then Cook was surprised. The fragments of the wooden cup fell on the ground. The fragments of these cups were actually moving slowly. Yes, they moved without any force.

"Nima!" Two hours later, a complete cup appeared on the ground. Yes, it was exactly the same as the cup that Cook squeezed. Cook exclaimed. This is really weird because of this. There was no magic wave on the cup, and even though it had a magic pattern, the shattered one was actually restored.

"Puff!" Cook squeezed the cup again, and then Cook's mental power shrouded.

"Unexpectedly, the mental power can't penetrate?" Cook was even more surprised, this general furniture Cook did not use the mental power to detect, so now when Cook was about to observe, he found that the mental power actually did not work.

In two hours, the cup was restored again, and Cook was really surprised. Even if it became a powder, the cup was restored again.

"What happened?" Cook was completely surprised, and gave Cook a strange feeling, yes, strange, whoever encounters this kind of situation will feel strange.

There is a set of cups in this room, there are as many as ten. After Cook's destruction one by one, they can be restored. Then Cook thought of a way and burned them with fire.

A pile of ashes appeared in front of Cook, and Cook breathed a sigh of relief, because the ashes were burned by the cup. After the cup burned for ten hours, it did not recover. Obviously, it cannot recover after being burned by the fire.

"So what is the difference between the two, first is the change in texture, from wood to ashes.

"Is it?" Cook's inspiration flashed, and then Cook picked up a cup and put it into a grinder. This is a superfine grinder used in the laboratory, which can be said to be nano-level.

"Yeah!" It was another ten hours, and the crushed cup powder had not recovered. Cook cried out in excitement because of the texture.

Then Cook continued to experiment. Half of the cup was smashed and the other half was crushed into pieces. Finally, the cup was restored to half a cup. Cook became even more excited.

"This Nima is too high-end." After some experiments, Cook realized that the molecules in these cups were released with certain magical properties. Yes, it is in the molecules. After ultrafine crushing, the molecular structure is destroyed. After being destroyed, the magical properties inside were also destroyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~Tsk, it's really high-end, I don't understand it, I can only infer it. "Cook looked at the remaining intact cup, then put it away. Although Cook guessed it, there was no way to confirm it.

Then Cook scoured the contents clean, but these things were put in a separate space ring by Cook.

"It's actually some furniture." Cook cleaned up the first floor. There is no magic book like it, let alone some materials. Of course, even these furniture, Cook will not let go. , Go back and study slowly.

"What's upstairs?" Cook walked up the stairs.

"What's this?" The second floor is a huge space. In this space is a huge sphere with a diameter of a thousand meters. Then, there is nothing, nothing.

"Let me go, what baby is this thing?" Cook muttered to himself.

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