A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 30: Ultimate Mage Tower

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Cook’s sigh is not without reason, if according to Cook’s words, he would definitely not shrink in this cave, no matter how hard he must fight, but these ancient magicians actually did not dare to go out, how could this not let Ku Ke sighed, but on the other hand, Cook sighed for the talent of these magicians to create such a powerful wizard tower.

Afterwards, Cook continued to read. There are a lot of information in this core. It is blame Cook who searched for a long time and did not find it, and the information here is not recorded in words, but something similar to memory fragments. , There is no need to know words at all, just like the transmission of ideas. .X.o

"The energy source for decomposing rays is actually a black hole?" Then Cook saw that the rock-like spheres suspended in the white buildings were actually obtained from the black hole. What is a black hole, it is something that can be decomposed.

Yes, some people think that black holes absorb those things, but in Cook’s view, it’s not decomposition. The light dissipates when touched. This is also decomposition. In fact, the universe is also a cyclic system. The dust of slumps continuously and finally produces planets. These planets will exist forever. No, there are similar black holes to decompose these planets and turn them into the most basic dust.

But that's what I said, but black holes can decompose everything. These magicians can actually take things from the black holes. Cook also understands why his magic hits these rocks and dissipates. This Nima was Decomposed.

Then Cook took a closer look, and he was surprised when he saw that the white buildings were made of a special material to prevent the decomposition rays from overflowing, and could gather decomposition energy, and finally use them for the mage tower.

Cook is even more sweaty, because if it weren't for the white buildings, the decomposition energy emitted by that stone could affect the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers. Even if Cook is now physically strong, Cook does not dare to take risks, black holes. But even light and planets can be decomposed, let alone a human being.

"Tsk tusk, I actually hit the idea on the planet, the stars are all broken up, this Nima is abnormal enough." Cook sighed again after reading it, these magicians are no longer satisfied with the planet or in the plane. The energy has entered the starry sky; even stars can be broken down, which is hard to imagine.

If you compare it, what are those so-called gods? That **** dare to say that he can destroy a star, which is impossible. The star is actually a huge incendiary bomb.

"Baby." Cook quickly gained control. In fact, it was the equipment on Cook's little finger, which was actually a key, and Cook couldn't change the other things.

As for some of the potion formulas recorded in it, this is almost the same as the records in the Demon Race. As for the Demon Rune, it is more advanced than the Demon Race, because the Demon Race relies almost on its own abilities, and these ancient magicians It makes more use of the power of tools.

From this point of view, ancient magicians are closer to intelligent creatures, knowing the power of using tools, and those demons are closer to beasts, because beasts can only rely on their own power.

After gaining control, Cook began to tentatively manipulate the Mage Tower, and Cook also understood why the base of the Mage Tower was made of raw cinnabar ore, because the Mage Tower could have landed on the star and then disintegrated the entire star.

"Hey." Cook sighed when he saw this place. Although Cook felt distressed, there was nothing he could do. Cook would still not be able to enter without destroying the base.

Cook is observing the outside with almost full field of vision. At the same time, Cook adjusted the rays. Originally, hundreds of millions of rays were turned on together. This is also because the magician here is afraid of death and the attack of the demon army, so he will turn it on anytime. , Cook is really speechless, these magicians hardly have their own backbone, even if such a person survives, they are only worthy to live in this cave.

The hole in the base of the Mage Tower, Cook, controlled the automatic repair system of the Mage Tower and repaired it with magic alloy. The base of the Mage Tower itself was also released with eternal spells, but the star sand ore was almost useless.

The entire mage tower slowly flew out of the stone wall, and slowly emerged from the wind tunnel silently. Cook saw the phoenix the first time he came out, and Cook left the guy outside.

"Automatically lock?" The reason why Cook discovered the Phoenix was because the Mage Tower was like the most advanced radar. It instantly locked the location of the Phoenix, and the detailed situation of the Phoenix creature appeared.

"Phoenix in its infancy, is this crow-like thing really a phoenix." Cook was a little surprised when he saw the news.

"Capture, there is a capture function?" Cook took a closer look and found that the mage tower actually has a capture function. Cook was curious.

After Cook saw this function, his heart itch, he immediately activated the function, and then Cook stared at it carefully.

A big green net shot directly at the Phoenix, and Cook’s mage tower itself disappeared instantly. Cook felt a burst of darkness in front of him, and then Cook realized that it was not the darkness in front of him, but the entire mage tower. Moved to the place where Phoenix is.

The phoenix saw the big green net and flew subconsciously, but then a huge object appeared on top of the phoenix's head. Before the phoenix could react, it was enveloped by a yellow halo, and the phoenix found himself Actually, he couldn't move his body, and then the big green net enveloped the phoenix, which was then put away by the mage tower.

What Cook saw was extremely shocking. The yellow light circle was a kind of earth magic, something similar to gravity, but this gravity was to block the space, which meant that the space where the phoenix was located was powerful. The gravity technique was suppressed.

It's like Cook is now in a mess, but if the environment is really increased by a hundred times, a thousand times the gravity, Cook will not be able to move at all, just like the situation encountered by Phoenix.

"Tsk tusk, it's too powerful." Cook almost jumped up excitedly, but then Cook became a little worried. The ancient magician was so powerful that he was defeated by the demons. You can imagine how powerful the demons are. Got it.

"It seems that this thing can only be used as a killer." Cook pondered for a moment. After the Demon Race was defeated, it must have not recovered. If it recovers, it must have been killed long ago. So even if the Demon Race is alive now, then It is also still developing, so according to Cook's calculation, the strength of the demons is not very strong.

"Nima, I will give each person a set of magic pattern equipment, each with a magical tool, and if it is immortal, your demon clan Lao Tzu Cook will not be a person on earth." Cook thought about it for a while and still felt his aura Some are weak, so Cook said fiercely.

Cook did not care about the phoenix, he directly activated the Mage Tower, and the Mage Tower instantly lifted off in a straight line. Cook saw that he was getting higher and higher from the ground, and finally broke through to the starry sky. This is what Cook really means. Starry sky.

Cook looked at the huge planet behind him. Cook took a breath. Even if Cook is in space now, he can't see the whole picture of the planet. Cook is really surprised, but the whole planet is extremely desolate. , There is no such thing as life at all, but there is a green dot in one place, this is where Tok City is located, and the other places are yellowish brown, and there are big pits, just like One by one huge bombs caused the same.

Cook continued to control the Mage Tower and proceeded toward the starry sky. At this time, the speed of the Mage Tower was extremely fast, which can be said to be the same as the speed of light.

"Star beasts!" Cook was surprised when he saw a group of star beasts on the huge magic crystal, but then when Cook saw the distance of the star beasts, he was shocked. It was actually 2 light years away. Ke never thought that the detection function of this mage tower was so powerful.

Cook took a closer look at the structure of the detection system, and Cook was confused: "Collect spatial fluctuations, and then analyze them based on these spatial fluctuations?"

"Does the spatial fluctuation still have this information?" Cook continued to look at it with confusion.

It turns out that in the research of ancient magicians, the entire space is like a huge spider web, so as long as the things in this space can be analyzed by spatial fluctuations, of course, this requires a very complicated analysis system.

"There is no limit to the detection range. The limit is actually energy, and there is no limit to the distance of space transmission. The limit is also energy?" When Cook saw this, he was completely stunned. Yes, this is the theory. But know that it is almost impossible to do this.

Because the system has the largest load, exceeding it will cause a crash, because space transmission has a huge energy consumption ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As the transmission distance increases, the energy consumed also increases geometrically, but the energy needs Passing through the magic circuits, these magic circuits have the largest load. Once exceeded, these magic circuits will be damaged, and the entire system will be paralyzed.

"God pattern?" Cook was attracted by a message that appeared, because this mage tower was originally constructed with a **** pattern, and then used the tower of eternity to release eternity, and finally some kind of abnormal change occurred, which caused the whole There is no trace of the **** pattern loop in the mage tower.

"The biggest difference between the **** pattern and the magic pattern is not the circuits, but the material. If the magic pattern is made from over-limit magic materials, it is not inferior to the **** pattern." Cook saw this sentence again.

"Extra-limited magic material?" Cook was very interested in these new magic words appearing intensively.

"It turns out that this mage tower uses over-limit magic materials, so there is no limit to the detection range. The limit is actually energy, and there is no limit to the distance of space transmission. The limit is also energy. This conclusion!" Cook sees I immediately understood it after finishing it. It can be said that this super-limit magic material is a revolutionary development for the entire magic civilization.

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