A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 31: Unlimited magic materials

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What kind of material is the super-limit magic material? According to the explanation, Cook believes that this is a magic material similar to a superconductor. By this time Cook has understood that there is a magic pattern made of this material. , The load is almost zero.

Just like superconductors, if theoretical superconductors can be used in practical situations, it is like high-voltage wires that originally require a wrist-thick wire, but superconductors can be used with almost normal wire thickness. Vertex.X.o

Furthermore, large-scale computer rooms do not need cooling devices, and notebooks and computer cases do not need fans. Because the resistance is zero, all components will not generate heat.

The name of the beyond-limit magic material is because the energy that this material can withstand has exceeded the limit. How can Cook not be excited when he sees this place? With this material, it is a revolution for the magic civilization.

Cook has already prepared this kind of material and it is difficult to get it, but Cook looked at it and he has actually seen this kind of material. It is the energy core of elemental creatures. Yes, it is a lot of it s things.

"According to what is said here, the energy core of elemental creatures is actually an over-limit material, but there are some truths. After all, elemental creatures have no body, and everything is controlled by this energy core, just like the body of elemental creatures is a variety of energy. Just like human blood, and the energy core is the heart. Energy has to be continuously transformed from the energy core. After passing, the material of the energy core must be very small for magical energy." Cook thought about it in his heart. Fan agrees with this statement.

But then after Cook saw the refining process, he was very depressed. The refining process is also very simple. There are only two steps, high temperature, cooling and forming, but this temperature needs to melt the energy core into liquid in two seconds. , And then cooling and forming in two seconds, that is to say, the forming process of an energy core does not exceed five seconds.

"Your sister!" Cook couldn't help but vomit. This energy core is a very solid thing. For two seconds, I'm afraid the temperature inside the star is about the same, but this faces another problem. The energy core is solid, even if it is temperature. High enough, this elemental core cannot become liquid directly within two seconds, after all, this requires a process.

And cooling is also a big problem, because the cooling speed is too fast, it may be crushed directly, not to mention that this shaping is not as simple as drawing, it is drawn into a magic circuit.

Cook shook his head. Now Cook doesn't have the ability to refine this kind of super-limit magic material. Cook doesn't know how such a simple method is possible.

"Forget it." Cook shook his head and gave up the over-limit magic materials.

The Mage Tower disappeared into the starry sky in an instant, and then appeared in the air outside Tok City. Cook was very excited, because this Mage Tower shuttle space does not need to locate the space coordinates, but it needs to be within the range of detecting the magic pattern, Cook's brain When I thought about it, I teleported directly.

"Who?" Lina instantly teleported from inside the wizard tower of Tok city to the outside, and then looked at the dark golden wizard tower in the sky with alert.

"It's me, Lina." Cook's voice came from the dark golden mage tower.

"Cook?" Lina didn't see Cook's person, so she asked vigilantly.

"Haha." Cook teleported out immediately, and then the dark golden mage tower behind Cook began to disappear gradually, as if sinking into the water.

"Just...just now..." Lina opened her mouth in surprise.

"Haha, I have made a major discovery this time." Cook laughed and explained.

Cook explained what she had encountered afterwards, Lina was shocked, and then asked incredulously: "What about now?"

"Now the mage tower is in a different space, and the different space can add energy, and as long as I am in any place, I can summon the mage tower." Cook said excitedly.

"How is this possible?" Lina was stunned, yes, how much energy is needed to summon anywhere?

"Yes, it’s true. Didn’t I already say that the demons are actually a branch of human beings, or that humans and demons are actually born from the same place, but the final development path is different. This time The dark golden mage tower I got is the strongest weapon of mankind..." Cook had to explain it carefully again, of course, some of it was Cook's guess.

After listening to it, Lina was even more unbelievable. The ancient magicians and demons came from one place, more likely to be a race, and the angels were actually battle puppets made by ancient magicians. This has almost been subverted. It brings up Lina's understanding of history.

"Let's go, I'll show you in." Cook thought, and then a teleportation array projection appeared in front of Cook. Yes, it was the teleportation array projection, not the portal.

When Cook took Lina around in the dark golden mage tower, Lina believed this time. When Lina saw hundreds of huge magic crystals in the control center, Lina opened her mouth. The eyes are almost falling off.

"Cook, it's not a problem for us to sweep the God Realm with this thing." Then Lina excitedly hugged Cook's arm and shouted, yes, she shouted.

"Uh..." Cook was speechless, and Cook didn't expect Lina to have such thoughts.

But Cook then said: "Lina, what's the use of sweeping the gods? We need to be the black hand behind us. As the saying goes, guns are easy to hide from dark arrows and hard to defend. The demons are so powerful that they will be destroyed by those gods. , Not to mention us..."

"Yes, that's right, those gods are very despicable, we have to be behind the scenes, we want those gods to fight, those gods will fight, hehe." Lina heard Cook's persuasion, eyes Yiliang said.

Cook was embarrassed. Cook didn't expect this woman's ambition to be more powerful than that of men. Usually Lina is not like this, Cook looked at Lina suspiciously.

"What do you look at!" Lina may realize that what she was so excited to say just now is a bit wrong, and then look at Cook's appearance, Lina hugged Cook's arm and asked.

"No." Cook turned his head quickly.

"Cook, with this, how about we can walk around the demon plane?" Lina said afterwards.

Cook subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then Cook thought that this demon plane himself should show up. If he never showed up, then even the moon demons would doubt it. If it was before, it wouldn't be if he killed Cook. Will go to meet the demon lord of those demon planes, but now with this mage tower, it doesn't matter to go once.

"You can go, but you have to reserve some energy first." Lina didn't expect that Cook would actually agree, and looked at Cook suspiciously.

"Hey, let's show up first, if we find the demons, these demons are the best fighters. Try not to let the sanctuary plane be affected." Cook explained with a smile when he saw Lina like this.

"Let's go, we can all show up in the Devil's Plane in the future." Lina heard Cook explain this, believed in Cook, and said enthusiastically.

"Actually, I want to link the Demon Clan to the Sanctuary Plane for a limited deal, but..." Cook and Lina walked into the control core as they said, and then looked for a place to replenish their energy.

Unlike Cook's relaxed mood, the patriarch of the Moon Demon Clan Maade is frowning, and the same is true of the Lord Desen of the Moon Demon City.

Desen looked younger than ever. Desen sighed and said, "Father, what shall we do?"

"What to do, that is the most powerful existence in the entire Demon Plane, the Lord of the Flame Demon Yan Kun, the Meiji of the Succubus clan, and the City Lord of the Black Dragon City, the Immortal Phoenix Demon Race, and the Fallen Angels. Contact that person," Madd replied in an angry voice.

Unlike Maad’s imagination, meeting Cook was originally Ma’s thinking that the Moon Demon Clan’s greatest opportunity, but now it also appears to be a crisis for the Moon Demon Clan, although half of the things he exchanged from Cook’s It was exchanged by Made at a very high price, but this still couldn't fill the huge appetite of other demon lords.

It's like Yan Kun, the lord of the flame demon clan, who needs something called alcohol, and it is in tons. The lord of the black dragon likes all kinds of accessories, especially the kind of sparkling that is full of spirit art. The succubus likes all kinds of exposed clothes, especially those made of some kind of silk called satin, and so on. This is still a bit more ordinary. As for the magic pattern equipment, it is more It was the lion who spoke, and several demon lords almost started fighting.

"Then I will go to the black market as soon as possible?" Desen said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Okay. "Made nodded, in fact, in his heart, Made never thought that Cook would agree.

Then Mader even further said: "Remember, the attitude must be sincere. We try not to provoke that kind of existence."

"Father, I understand." Desen didn't know it. After using two life stones, Desen felt that his youth was back again. This can be seen from his appearance.

As for the current black market, it is a bit chaotic, but in this chaos, there are two places that have not been affected. The first is the later rise of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce. It was originally only a small chamber of commerce, but in the continuous black market, one The hob meat in a black market, solo travelers have been subdued by this treasure-gathering chamber of commerce. Now black market people pass by the gate of this treasure-gathering chamber of commerce, they must be cautious, because some guys pass by here, they are The guy gave the fat a beating and then lost it far.

ps: It’s been a bit urgent in the last half month, only one update at noon, I hope you understand, of course, occasionally I have time, I will add changes.

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