A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 32: Field classification

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There is another place that is guarded by two moon demons. This moon demons is very ugly in the eyes of the devil. The devil’s aesthetics is strong enough, but the moon demons are not touched at all, although there are several Eye-opening things came to molested the moon demon. In the end, all these guys with holes in their brains were hung on the spear heads of these two moon demon, wailing for days and nights, and finally they were taken out for magic materials, so These two places are the only calmer places in the black market.

Hadoxina the goat head is very moisturizing alive. With the help of several Titans, Hadox now has hundreds of subordinates, and it is the kind of extremely powerful subordinates, beautiful female goat heads. The demons were occupied by Haduosi in three or five. Such a beautiful female goat-headed demon was exchanged by Haduosi with things. One of them was the little daughter of the head of the goat-headed demon. Ten fruits offered a reward, but within two months, the little daughter of the patriarch of the goat head was delivered to Hadoxi. `Top`Point``.2.Co

As for the ten fruits, it is only a three-month quota for Hardosi. Even Hardosi’s current subordinates have a quota for one fruit a month, but in Hardosi’s view, this fruit is unpalatable. To die, but it is enough to decorate the face.

"Boss, let's do it, look at those bastards, which messed up the black market. Yesterday the **** Valen and the vengeful Massa fought again. There were hundreds of deaths and injuries. This kind of battle is going on every day. It's happening, I think we should do it too?" A sickle demon looked at the ground, because the sickle demon knew how to deal with the boss if he raised his head, because the boss is now putting his hands on a female goat's head. on.

"Go away, Haw, how can I tell you, as long as we don't disturb the order of the black market, we don't have to do it." Hardosi remembered Mrs. Cook Murphy's instructions.

"But, boss, this has already affected. Two caravans have announced their withdrawal from the black market this month. If the chaos continues, one chamber of commerce will disappear. Is the black market without a chamber of commerce still called a black market?" Haduoxi was smarter and said quickly.

"Really?" Hadoxi asked, pushing the female Goathead away from her arms.

"That's right, without the Chamber of Commerce, this black market wouldn't be called a black market." The Sickle Demon said quickly.

"Go, go, go!" Hadosi hurriedly drove away the female goat's head, because Hadosi knew that some things could not be known to others. Yes, in the eyes of Hadosi, this female goat's head was what it was. It's just a plaything.

"Chuck." The female Goathead giggled and put on her clothes and left, but when she passed by the Scythe Demon, the female Goathead touched the Scythe Demon.

The sickle demon cursed inwardly: "Damn fellow, if the boss gets angry, don't blame Lao Tzu for rudely confessing everything."

Yes, the female goat head is on the Demon plane, that is the representative word of the silver swing. It can be said that as long as it is a male creature, the female goat head does not matter. Of course Hadoshi knew this, but Hadoshi Don't care, after all, Hadoshi lives in such an environment.

"Fuck." Haduosi saw the female goathead teasing the Scythe Demon. Although Haduosi wanted to violently beat the Scythe Demon, the Scythe Demon was very powerful, and the Scythe Demon was not owned by Haduosi. In his hand, after all, Hadosi was just a servant, so Hadosi could only shout angrily at the female Goathead.

"Tell me, what should we do?" Hadoshi turned his head and asked the Scythe Demon.

"Boss, whoever takes the initiative to pick things up in the future, let's beat them up, but before that we can issue an announcement." The Scythe Demon is indeed smarter than the Sheephead Demon.

"Notice, this thing is useful?" According to Hadosi's understanding, that is to see who is not pleasing to the eye, and then beat whom.

"Boss, don't we have to pay attention to a truth? We can say that we issued a notice for the stability, prosperity, and order of the black market. It does not mean that we will beat anyone if we see who is not pleasing to the eye. Then other forces will unite first. Against us." The Scythe Devil despised Hadoshi in his heart, but he still had to say.

"Very good, then you go to the announcement." Hadoshi naturally handed the matter to the Scythe Demon.

"Yes, Boss." The sickle devil left, and Hardosi tidied up, and then left through the back door. Hardosi was going to ask Murphy for instructions. It was in Hardosi. In cognition, when a servant is a servant, the consequences of independent assertion are very serious.

Cook and Lina have returned to the realm of the blood mage, but now it is Cook’s territory. Because the surrounding is full of various environments, this is the place that every magician yearns for, so West Asia and others took it here It is called the City of Hope. On the one hand, it means that all magicians want to come here. On the other hand, it is a reserve base. After all, the probability of exposure of the base on the black market is too great, so this is also a kind of hope. . There is a third kind, and that is that West Asia and others hope that this will be the place where all demons hope to come.

"Well, the City of Hope is the City of Hope." Cook reluctantly agreed after hearing such a thing. Of course, it was on the surface, and Cook didn't care what his name was.

"Cook, if you go to the Moon Devil City to think about it again, although you have a mage tower, after all, you haven't reached the **** level yet, just in case..." Xia strongly disagrees with Cook's ideas.

"Sister West Asia is right, Cook, you should think about it carefully." Murphy also came back to attend this meeting, of course, in fact, Murphy still misses Cook very much.

When Cook saw other people still wanting to talk, he quickly said: "No, no, wait until you have visited this mage tower, and then talk about it. If you disagree at that time, then I won't go."

Several other people wanted to speak, and when they heard Cook say this, they asked curiously: "Cook, really is that powerful?"

"Strong, no, that's abnormal." Cook shook his head and replied.

"Cook is right, it is called metamorphosis, but the energy consumed is also huge." Lina nodded and said.

"Hey, energy!" Cook also sighed, because although this mage tower is powerful, it requires extremely large energy, so this thing can only be used as a killer, but if it doesn't work, then if you want to attack next time, you need not For a short time.

Cook also knows why there are so many magic crystals in the mage tower, because the mage tower consumes too much energy. Cook summons the mage tower from the place where Tok city is to this city of hope, and he actually consumed one magic crystal. The energy inside.

And the daily operation of the mage tower consumes the energy of a magic crystal in one month, not to mention fighting, just like the thousands of decomposition rays that Cook saw, and a volley requires a crystal ball. energy.

As for daily maintenance, it is mainly the source of decomposition rays in the five white buildings. After all, isolation of such decomposition rays consumes energy.

Therefore, the seemingly powerful mage tower, once there is no energy, the consequences will be unimaginable, that is, the source of the five decomposition rays in the five white buildings will directly form a super black hole.

"But something is better than nothing." Cook thought comfortingly afterwards.

And Lina has taken people to visit the dark golden mage tower, and Cook is looking at the huge memory crystal harvested in the mage tower of Tok City. Cook is now looking at records about the domain.

There are three types of records about domains, one is element type domain, one is destruction type domain and the other is special domain. The element domain is easy to understand, just like the high temperature domain of the fire system and the wood system. Natural fields and so on.

Destruction domain is a relatively powerful domain category. This domain is mainly about destruction, not only destroying others, but also destroying oneself, because this kind of domain is excited to the extreme, and it is not easy to be controlled. Necromancer’s natural disaster is actually a Destruction domain, in this domain all dead creatures can become undead, and the soul storm domain of the soul system is also a destruction domain. 'As for the special field, it is relatively rare. Just like there is a storm field in the water system field. This is the two other fields of water and wind. It can also be called a special field. The same characteristic of a special field is extremely powerful. Powerful, just like the resurrection realm in some departments, the purification realm in the light system, this purification realm has no effect on those who are not evil camps~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Cook’s life and death realms are arranged in special realms. First, it is the most powerful field in this category, because the life field in the life and death field is the element field, and the death field is the destruction field.

"The field of life and death is a very powerful special field that is known. Because of the lack of experimental subjects, it cannot be further decomposed." After Cook saw the following record, that awkward!

But fortunately, there is still another Cooke watching. The life and death domain is actually a kind of annihilation domain, and the annihilation domain is the most powerful domain in the destruction domain. The life and death domain is obviously a variant of the annihilation domain, and the life and death domain is So far, one of the areas that best fits the law of the entire big field, the cycle of life and death, is an eternal truth. We boldly guess whether this field will eventually become the eternal field in the legend?

"I'm going, don't be too strong!" Cook was shocked after reading it, and then Cook started to look at the annihilation domain, the life domain, and the death domain mentioned in it, and then prepared to analyze it further. In what direction should I work in my life and death field?

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