A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 33: Lina's teachings

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Cook first looked at the realm of life. The realm of life is generally born with water, wood, nature, light, and blood. The biggest feature of the realm of life is that it continuously supplements the domain players. Strong vitality, and can absorb the vitality of any life in the domain to supplement the caster. It is relatively powerful in the domain. The domain of life is continuously increasing its combat effectiveness, which can be said to be the strongest auxiliary domain.

But the realm of life also has a shortcoming, that is, the longer the fighting time, the greater the power this realm of life exerts, and the shorter the time, it hardly increases combat effectiveness. —Top — point —.23.o

Annihilation domain, this domain is only one sentence recorded, the guys who have seen the annihilation domain are gone. Annihilation means annihilating everything. It is a very mysterious, powerful, and abnormal domain.

The death domain is easy to be born from the dark, death, and other types, and the most common death domain is the domain owned by creatures in the underworld, and it is also the most famous domain of death. The death domain has a powerful force of death. You can draw vitality as a nutrient, and then strengthen yourself, the death field is also more mysterious.

After reading it, Cook was a bit at a loss, yes, at a loss, because Cook did not know the development direction of the life and death field. After Cook was at a loss, he was very entangled. After watching for a long time, Cook did not find out how to continue to practice. Direction.

Cook looked at other frozen domains, blizzard domains, and other domains that all had cultivation directions, but he didn't have this one, and Cook was speechless.

There is even a strange elemental creature summoning field, where elemental creatures can be summoned to fight in the field. How strange is this field?

After Cook struggled a bit, he continued to read it, because it not only recorded the characteristics of each field, the direction of cultivation, but also the shortcomings of the field. Just like the field of life, the battle must be quickly ended.

And the Summoning Domain also has a weakness, that is, after these elemental creatures are summoned, there is no response for a short time, less than tenths of a second, because these elemental creatures are summoned by the caster, then It is necessary for the summoner to command through spiritual power, and there is a short time interval between the command of the spiritual power and the action of the elemental creatures.

There is also a high temperature field, which also requires extreme speed fighting, because the longer you last in this high temperature field, the greater the high temperature damage you will suffer, and the higher the heat accumulated in the high temperature spiritual field.

Cook has seen so many fields. There are countless types of spiritual realms, but only a few hundred of them can be summed up. Because these hundreds of fields are quite numerous, there are experiments, comparisons, and the possibility of summarizing. There is only one other, and the two special columns have almost no summarizing value, because there is no law without comparison, and no research is considered if there is no law.

Even so, Cook is knowledgeable, but these things Cook can point to others, but they will never be taught to anyone, just like Lina is in the field of space, after Cook knows what field Lina is, he will give pointers Lina, but not to teach other departments knowledge of other fields.

Of course it’s not because Cook wants to beware of Lina, but Cook doesn’t want these things to leak out. After all, it’s not his own department. Sometimes he may just say a word, but sometimes a word can save a cultivator. Ten years, even hundreds of years.

As for whether Lina will reveal her own practice methods in the domain, hehe, that is impossible.

After Lina and the others had finished visiting, they all looked at Cook with weird faces. Xia even approached Cook and asked, "Cook, do you honestly have a leg with Goddess of Luck?"

"Puff, goddess of luck, I know what this goddess of luck looks like?" Cook spit out a mouthful of water directly, but fortunately, even if West Asia reacted, he stepped aside.

"Hmph, the goddess of the dark night has been put on your bed by you, no matter how much I do..." Xia muttered softly.

"I said, what kind of eyes do you look at? This is not my fault at all, but the reason why I am good at discovering, observing, and even more hands-on. If I don't look for it, I will have these gains?" Cook explained later. Tao.

Yes, Cook has nothing to do with Goddess of Luck. The author can guarantee this, but it seems a bit weird in the eyes of West Asia and others, because Cook has gained much.

Cook then explained in an angry manner: "Even if it is an empire of one million people, there is an emperor. Could it be that every emperor has a leg with the goddess of luck? How do you actually say it, just like this mage tower, I If I didn’t find it, someone would always find it, but I found it earlier, just like this blood mage territory, if it wasn’t for me to come here, who would have known it was a demons, luck is one aspect, in fact, it’s more about relying on What? It depends on careful thinking."

"Okay, okay, don't I just talk about it!" Sia heard Cook explained that, and knew that Cook didn't like to hear him say that, so she spoke.

"Humph." Cook glared at West Asia.

Murphy then said: "Cook, if you go to see the Lord of the Moon Devil City like this, will it be a bit shameful?"

"Dare, if this Moon Demon thinks that way, I will make the Moon Demon clan look good." Cook said angrily when Murphy said that.

Lina also agreed: "It's a shame, after all, Cook, you are playing an expert, such an expert will take the initiative to meet a low-level person, just like you, Cook is willing to meet a kobold slave?"

"This seems to be the case, what good way do you guys have?" Cook asked when he heard Lina say that, and felt reasonable.

"It's very simple. Start with Hadosi, collect money, Hadosi can reveal some news, and then let the moon demons spend a huge price, and then you go. This is actually the same as those nobles. The nobles themselves are very I want to go, and of course others want to invite the nobleman to go. So the nobleman’s mansion received a lot of benefits from the groom to the doorman, and then the nobleman went. On the one hand, it seemed the nobleness of the nobleman. On the other hand, the people under the nobleman were also After gaining the benefits, these servants must be more grateful to the nobles. After all, without the nobles, these servants would not have these benefits." Lina replied with a smile.

"Why do I listen like an official?" Cook muttered in his heart.

Then Cook waved his hand: "Leave these things to you. I will find a place to replenish energy for this mage tower."

"I am coming too."

"I'm going to the stars too."

As soon as Cook’s words settled, Sia, Mickey, Murphy, Lina, and others spoke up, and Umei looked at Cook eagerly, while still hugging Cook’s arm tightly.

"You are all gone, who will take charge of daily affairs?" Cook asked weakly, because if Cook said something that was not allowed, it would be offensive.

"Of course there is a deputy, and we haven't had a rest for a long time." Murphy looked at Cook pitifully, as if Cook was a wicked boss, he was the kind of secretary who had nothing to do with the secretary but the little secretary in the secretary.

"Okay, just rest for a month, and let Hardossi get in touch first." Since Murphy has said so, there must be nothing to say about Cook, so he waved his hand and let everyone go.

At this time, the mage tower became lively. Cook buried the bones of the ancient magicians on the snow mountain next to the city of hope, and then led a group of women to start the mage tower and rushed to the stars. Cook hoped to be in this one During the month, a certain woman was able to conceive a child again. For this reason, Cook made a special check and prepared some medicine.

After Hadosi received the order from Murphy, Hadosi thought about what to do. Hadosi was not a fool. This month, the Demon Clan had a certain relationship with his master that he did not understand, so Hadosi was here. When the lion opened his mouth, he didn't touch any bottom line, for example, it would take two months for a demon beauty.

Of course, it is extremely ugly to look at the women of the Moon Demon in the aesthetics of Hadosi. If there are a few sheep-headed demon and bull-headed demon beauties, then Hadosi may not refuse, and even better is to have a charm. Damn it.

Desen hurriedly rushed to the black market. Although the black market is very messy, for Desen, no matter how powerful this place is, it is like a scum. If Desen is willing, one person will wipe out these ants. Guys.

"Your Excellency Hadosi." Desen saw Hadosi, that was happy. From Desen's point of view, Hadosi is Cook's spokesperson for interests, and it is affirmative to make a good relationship.

"Oh, you are here." Hadoshi himself didn't know how to blackmail the Moon Demon Clan and how to signal that Cook was going. This month the Lord of the Demon City came, and Hadoshi knew that Desen was the Moon Demon City. The Lord of the City was a little in awe at the beginning, but as time went by, Hadoshi didn't care.

Desen didn't know how to answer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Hadoshi told the Scythe Demon: "Just do what you said, go on."

"Yes, boss." The Scythe Demon was extremely excited, because Haduosi gave himself the maintenance of the black market. That is a fatness. Nima will see who is not convinced and directly beat them. As for those female demons, hehe, It's not whether the sickle demon is in a good mood or not.

"Your Excellency Hadosi, who are you?" Desen asked enthusiastically immediately.

"Oh, isn't it that there is some chaos in the black market? This is not for us. We have already issued an announcement earlier, but those **** don't listen to us. I don't care, but if that person comes, it will not embarrass me. Is it?" Hadoshi said, pointing his finger at the top.

"Your Excellency Hadosi, you are wrong, how can the order of this black market only depend on you, and our Moon Demon clan also..." Desen immediately stood up and said, before going back to give orders.

"Hehe, your statement is wrong." Hadoshi interrupted Desen with a wave of his hand.

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