A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 41: Live vaccine "in"

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Yes, Cook found that something was wrong. Cook checked countless records one by one. Cook looked at it and wondered in his heart that it was the first time that the poisonous species died by injecting the blood of the demons, and the surviving species. Vertex Novel 3.2.o for the second time. The third time, the fourth time.

"Damn it, screw it up, you shouldn't add the water of life." After Cook did some research, he suddenly discovered that the blood of the demons actually indirectly absorbed the vitality to strengthen itself. What is the power contained in the blood? The force of life is not.

Demon blood itself has assimilation, and these highly toxic creatures absorb vitality, so the speed of the two is completely different. After all, the water of life has not been converted into the vitality of these test items, and most of it is demon blood. Assimilated, and once the blood of the demon race has assimilated and swallowed a large amount of life force, the assimilation power of the blood of the demon race will rapidly expand, and the test product cannot resist it.

Cook’s idea is good, but Cook did not take into account the absorption rate of the water of life by the blood of the demon and the test product, although it is said that the test product that survived the third injection had extremely high stock of demon blood in the body. Few, but it can't hold up the speed of absorbing and devouring vitality.

After this discovery, Cook’s eyes brightened, because Cook’s wood system has a lot to do with the nature system, and Cook’s life and death domain is even the top domain. Cook first took out a demon with a drop The blood crystal bottle, the death domain of the life and death domain was activated at once. Cook made complete preparations and then opened the crystal bottle. When the demon blood in the crystal bottle was enveloped by the death domain, the demon blood It rotted in an instant and became a pool of black water.

"Haha, haha, I understand, this demon blood assimilates the blood of other creatures, in fact, it assimilates only vitality." Assimilated blood and assimilated vitality are two concepts, because blood contains more than vitality.

Swallowing vitality, this can be done by all living things, plants and animals can do it, the difference is only the speed of swallowing, obviously the blood of this demons possesses extremely powerful swallowing speed.

After thinking of this, Cook felt that his life and death realm seemed to have a deeper comprehension, a strange feeling flowing in Cook’s heart, Cook closed his eyes and slowly Feeling a bit.

For half an hour, one hour, two hours, for a full week, Cook kept his eyes closed. A week later, there was a hint of green in the gray area of ​​death around Cook's body, followed by a hint of green. It began to grow continuously. This green color turned into a green snake, wandering in the gray realm continuously, and the green snake kept opening its mouth to **** in Cook's death realm.

The little snake continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally looked like a huge swimming dragon. The green snake was extremely comfortable in the realm of death. Cook slowly opened his eyes. The green snake was in Cook. After opening his eyes, it shot into Cook's eyes.

A green light appeared in Cook’s eyes immediately, the green light of both eyes skyrocketed, and two silver crosses shone in the green light. The silver cross shot a few meters away, and the gray around Cook The realm of death instantly retracted into the silver cross, the silver cross turned gray, and finally turned into a pitch black color.

After just a few minutes, Cook’s eyes were no more unusual, but Cook’s eyes were green, and his pupils were black. It looked no different from the past. In this world, due to other differences, the color of the eyeballs Not all the same.

"The thought of life and death." Cook spit out four words softly for a while.

This is the second stage of the realm of life and death, and the second form of the realm. The first form of the realm is the direct release of the extensive type around one's body. This is also the origin of the word realm.

The advanced form of the domain is precise control, but this precise control requires a medium, such as hands, feet, and even the heart, and a mouth, which is a precision strike, which can strike in a directional direction, unlike the initial one. At that time, no matter where the enemy attacks from, the 360° surrounding the body is covered by the domain. It can be said that the initial domain can be regarded as a defensive posture, and the time is short. Cook is now the second form after the domain is promoted, which can be said to be an attack form, and The duration is extremely long.

"Sheng!" Cook spit out a word softly, and a green light shot out in his eyes, and this green light directly enveloped the blood of the demons who had been rotted by the power of death in the death domain.

"Haha." But after a while, the rotten blood did not recover, but it rotten even more. Only when Cook looked at it and discovered that there were microbes in the rotten demons' blood, and the green light from Cook's eyes There is a strong vitality, absorbed by these microorganisms, so the rotting blood is faster.

"The promotion of this sanctuary depends on comprehension. This time I actually promoted directly to the second form of the domain. It only took a week." Cook felt that the domain of life and death is now a powerful weapon.

A black cross beam shot out from Cook’s eyes, which directly hit a venomous creature at the peak of the sanctuary on the other side of the room. Under the irradiation of the black cross beam, this creature actually grew old at a speed visible to the naked eye, less than ten. Within seconds, the poisonous creature died, and looking at the shriveled body of this poisonous creature was like experiencing the baptism of time.

"No, the creature itself eats to replenish vitality. This guy was starved to death." But after Cook's inspection, he came up with another reason.

And Cook also keenly discovered that his thoughts of life and death are not affected by the environment at all, which is also very impressive.

Although some systems have a very powerful increase in attack power under special circumstances, almost reaching dozens of times their original combat power, but in that sentence, there is no perfect power in the world. This system is in another kind. Under extreme circumstances, the combat effectiveness will be reduced by hundreds of times.

A department like Cook is very good for combat preparation because it will not be affected by the environment.

"Did it touch the original power?" Cook muttered to himself.

The original power is a very special power. What you can comprehend is the essence of the whole world. According to legend, if you understand the essence of the world, you can have the same life span as the whole world. However, this original power is just a conjecture in the magical academia. , Maybe some people, maybe no one understand, anyway, it is an unknown number.

And the power of time goes hand in hand with the original power. However, the conjecture of the magic academia is that if you want to use the power of time, then the caster who has the power of time consumes his own time power.

For example, if you want to change a person back to what they were twenty years ago through time magic, then maybe you will lose twenty years of time yourself. This is related to an extremely esoteric balance theory.

Just like the water of life, it does not appear out of thin air, but is produced by the tree of life. The tree of life is transformed into the water of life by absorbing other substances. All theories of balance are because no matter where, the original material Balance is like a place being attacked by magic. In a short time, the density of certain magic elements in this place is extremely high, but it slowly recovers to its original appearance. Forest fires can burn the entire forest, but these burned forests are not given again. Plant seeds have been buried under the ground for many years to provide nutrition. After countless years, here is a forest again. This is the extremely esoteric balance theory of the magic world.

There are so many applications of balance theory, just like power. Take an ordinary trebuchet for example. The huge power of the trebuchet hits the city wall. This power comes from the trebuchet itself. Although the power of the trebuchet comes from the trebuchet itself, how does the power of the trebuchet itself come from? It was man-made. The trebuchet only played a conversion role, and the stone bullet hit the city wall, the city wall cracked, but the stone bullet itself was also broken, which was a balance of power.

What is Cooke that is not affected by the environment? It is a balance point, which is the same in all environments. This is actually finding a balance point, just like the fire system is very powerful in a volcanic environment, but relatively In the snow-capped mountains, the combat power in the ocean is low, which is actually a kind of balance.

Balance is the most esoteric subject in the magic world, but for countless years, although examples of balance abound, no one really understands what is meant by balance.

But this is all Cooke's feeling, and a lot of experimentation is needed. Cook vaguely affirms that he has found this balance.

Now that he understands the secret of the blood of the Mozu, Cook must completely solve this problem. On the one hand, Cook continues to experiment with vaccines, but this vaccine also has a certain degree of danger~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook wants to swallow from the blood Starting with vitality, Cook can't guarantee that after the vaccine is successful, the vaccinated guy will be consumed alive, because even if he eats a lot of things, he will absorb vitality, so what does it mean to be consumed alive.

But this is only a theory, and the specifics have to be tested before we can know the specifics.

Because theory and practice are often very different, as for destroying the vitality of swallowing, it is not very complicated. Just like destroying cells without metabolism, Cook has dozens of drugs in his brain that can do it.

And most of them are poisons, and the reason why the blood of the demons has assimilated highly toxic creatures for a long time is because the toxicity of these highly toxic creatures has such a destructive effect, and what Cook has to do now is to increase these dramas. The venomous creatures themselves are highly toxic, and then the body of the venomous creatures can increase their ability to resist the toxicity, thereby obtaining things such as vaccines.

"Cook, found it, found it." Lina appeared directly behind Cook and said excitedly.

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