A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 42: Live vaccine failed "Part 2"

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When Cook heard Lina's words, he stood up excitedly, and said excitedly: "I really found it."

"Yes, I found the last space coordinate used. `Top`Point`;`.2.Co" Lina replied very happily.

Cook is also very excited. You must know that the portal will also have traces of use, but this requires a magician who is proficient in space magic to know, because every time the portal opens the space channel, it will leave a trace of the space door. However, this trace is very slight and very small. It is like finding the footprints of the last person on a road, and it is very difficult.

But it is not impossible to do this. Lina uses this to find out the last space coordinates used, and then the last space coordinates used by the demons are to evacuate.

"Okay! Lina, you have to rest for a while. You must have learned a lot during this period. My business is a bit tricky." Cook said. Cook knows that Lina can successfully find this trace. A breakthrough.

"Yes, this time I’ve gained a lot, Cook, don’t need help?" Lina looked at the surrounding environment. It was obvious that Cook was making medicine. The reason why Lina didn’t help directly was because the pharmacists each other There is a default unspoken rule, even if Cook and Lina are married, Lina as a pharmacist will not take the initiative to help with this relationship formula.

"I don't have any clues yet. Take a break first. If you have digested this understanding, I haven't made any progress yet. Maybe I need your help." Cook said about the matter with a wry smile, and then said.

When Lina heard Cook say this, she was very interested in the balance that Cook was looking for, but Lina also knew that the most important thing for her now was to digest what she understood, so Lina replied after hearing Cook say this: " Okay, I'll take a rest for a while."

Lina disappeared after speaking, and Cook smiled bitterly. For the space system powerhouse, distance is not the same thing at all, and at Lina's level, space is not the same thing. Lina can easily travel between each other. Plane.

Cook began to prepare to study the vaccine again. Although he had a direction, there was still a long distance from the results. When Cook was buried in the laboratory, the Moon Demon City was on fire.

The Moon Demon City Auction House has become the most resounding name in the entire Demon Plane. The Moon Demon City Auction House has a slogan that there is nothing that cannot be bought.

In the past three months, the Moon City Auction House has sold 30 sets of magic pattern equipment, 30 sets, and the consequence of this is that there are 30 more cities on the Demon Plane, not to mention the alien planes. Ale, fresh fruits, the leaves of the tree of life and so on, followed by the number of castle owners in Moon Demon City reached thousands. Many of the castle owners will not leave after they come. Do not build a new city outside of Moon Demon City.

Mader and Desen are now the hottest people in the entire Moon Demon City, but Mader and Desen both look distressed now, because the auction is for 30 sets of magicweave equipment, but don’t forget, some people don’t You can get equipment through auctions.

For example, the flame demon, black dragon, fallen angel and other powerful races, these guys almost only need to speak how many sets, how many sets, so the pressure on the entire Maade and Desen is very large.

"Father, these three months have passed, why hasn't the adult appeared yet?" Desen felt a little anxious.

"Hey, didn't this lord have said that he was refining equipment? It took three months. Who knows how long it will take. Fortunately, your father and I have an extra heart, otherwise we are afraid that we will be given a living by other races. Swallow it." Although Madd was anxious, he said triumphantly.

Desen sighed. Now Moon Demon City auction house is becoming more popular, but in the face of so many demands, Moon Demon City can only take out the share of Moon Demon City, because no one knows whether those guys who drink ale are not. Will beat it in the Moon Demon City, and then fly away.

When Mad and Desen were in a bad mood, when they were depressed, Cook was also very depressed. A vaccine that blocked the absorption of vitality was successfully developed, but this thing can also be said to be a deadly poison.

Just like the faintly uneasy guess in Cook's heart, this vaccine that cuts off the absorption of life force medicine has successfully blocked the assimilation of the blood of the demon, but also hindered the growth and absorption of the body itself.

Although the creatures who had been injected with these vaccines ate a lot of food, they gradually weakened and died eventually. Even in the end, these creatures continued to eat and their bodies swelled and deformed, but they were still skinny.

The distress in Cook's heart can be imagined. Cook put everything aside, then walked out of the mage tower, Cook cleaned it, and slept beautifully for several days, then Cook finally remembered Things about Moon City.

Cook directly put Murphy in charge with a wave of his hand, because Cook is really not in the mood to trade something. The demons measure the terrible Cook knows, and the terrible blood of the demons is even more terrifying, even if Cook has this A powerful force spans several planes, but after encountering the Demon Race, Cook has no bottom in his heart, because the Demon Race can hardly be killed, and there is only one Mage Tower.

"No, since I can't deal with it now, how did you drive away the demons in ancient times?" Cook suddenly thought of a question, yes, Cook hasn't worked out a way to deal with the demons now, what about in ancient times?

So Cook immediately returned to the Sanctuary Plane, and then plunged into the library. Cook did not look for other books. He specifically needed to find the records of the bards, which is the so-called wild history, because historically There is almost no official record of the battle between gods and demons. The battle between gods and demons is a similar legend that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Of course, the reliability of the legend is very unreliable, but Cook just wants to try his luck, yes, that's all.

After Cook came to the library, Cook was surprised to find that the biography of the bard was hundreds of thousands of books. This was a book collected by Cook after the establishment of the Freedom League, but Cook took a closer look. I found that many of the biography are similar.

After reading hundreds of books, Cook didn’t find anything useful. These histories are more like knights. What is the noble lady, the loyal knight, the young lady’s father’s obstruction, and the noble son If it wasn't for the noble lady eloped with the knight for love, and then was hunted down, wait for the story.

"Hey." Cook was completely disappointed with the biography of the bard.

But Cook also found a problem, that is, there is no temple in these legends, yes, there is no great and almighty temple in the legends about the war between gods and demons.

Cook then took a look at the legends from other historical periods. The temples here are the last ones to wipe out demons and evil existence, and the protagonist has also been replaced by apprentices in the temple.

"Is it because of the temple?" Cook had a feeling that the temple might be the key to finding and dealing with demons.

But Cook knows the things in the temple. Nima is not as fake. In short, every temple says that its own **** is omnipotent. Of course, Cook knows that one person must know it, and that is Anna.

Cook did not find Anna first, but checked the legends about the various gods. Of course, there are many gossips in it. For example, the God of War is said to be the offspring of the ogres and the orcs, so the God of War is more popular among the orcs.

The **** of water is a mermaid, and the **** of hunting is said to be a slutty dark elf, and so on, what gossip makes Cook watch with relish.

Gradually, Cook made some new discoveries, that is, looking at the entire history of the gods, it can be said that the bull's head is not right. Only one **** has an image from beginning to end, that is, the **** of light. ‘Don’t say anything else, the weapons of the God of Light are the God of Light Sword, but the God of Light is not a sword, but the sword of judgment, the sword of judgment, that is, the two-handed sword.

The weapons of the God of War are different. The first was a mace and then a warhammer. In the human God of War, it was a knight gun. It is said that a knight believes in the God of War.

Then Cook has a guess in his heart, that is, other gods are changed very frequently, only the light **** does not change frequently, is this one who is fighting against the demons, the other gods wear out extremely fast? ?

Cook found the Great Sage, and the Great Sage was very surprised by Cook's visit. To know Cook's reputation on the Sanctuary Plane, it is in the sky.

"Your Excellency Cook, welcome." Even the great sage has to use you as the name, because the Freedom Alliance is so important to the orc empire.

Not to mention anything else, just a water pump can make the barren grassland more abundant aquatic plants. After the aquatic plants are abundant, more creatures can be raised~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then the life of the orcs will be fine, and the Freedom Alliance will give it back. The orc empire provided high-quality forage seeds and planted grass to breed animals, which was simply incredible to the orcs.

But in fact, the first batch of orcs like this actually made a fortune. Yes, in the same place, the number of animals that can be raised after planting pasture is twice as many as before. For orcs, labor is the most indispensable.

Of course, the orcs don’t know that animal captivity will consume less energy, and the pasture will grow more luxuriantly without the trampling of animals. With abundant water, it can also store pasture for the winter. The animal race is guaranteed, and the animals must multiply fast enough. of.

"Hehe, I have something to ask the great sage this time, don't mind." Cook sat down as he said, but Cook is not cold about the sitting posture of orcs. Orcs sit on the ground. Yes, of course the place where the great sage lives is wooden boards.

"I mind." The Great Sage didn't know how. After hearing Cook say that, he uttered these three words angrily. After finishing speaking, the Great Sage found something was wrong, and Cook sat there, using weird His eyes looked at the Great Sage.

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