A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 65: teach

Around the huge pothole, all the druids were dumbfounded again, because the druids guarding here didn’t even know what happened outside, because this is a place where the evil faction invades from time to time, so the management of this place is very strict. , And the story of Cook’s battle against the three gods has not been spread here. Don’t look at Cook’s effort to climb the entire mountain range, but other druids who want to enter here need a strict inspection process. Time was about to invade due to the evil camp, and the passage connecting the pit to the Temple of the Sun was closed and it was not allowed to enter at all.

"God, this is over?" A druid looked at the empty huge pothole, and couldn't believe his eyes. Every invasion of the evil camp would bring huge disasters to the druid race. Once the evil camp had occupied the fortress here, almost all of the druids here died in the battle, and in the end, it was the sun **** who sent a divine penalty to repel the evil camp's attack.

This is the insidious part of the sun god. The **** itself is not allowed to do anything to ordinary people, but once ordinary people offend the gods, the gods can punish the gods, and the evil camp must cross the sun if they want to occupy the druid camp. The mountain range where the temple is located, and once the evil camp attacks the enclosed passage under the mountain range of the temple of the sun, the sun **** can take action.

Of course, there is no alternative, just like the emperor guarding the country, it is a helpless move.

But today, the evil camp was beaten back by a single person in less than half a day. Yes, hundreds of thousands of druids saw this blue streamer killing countless evil camp creatures around the pit, and then these evil The creature fell into the pit.

"You don't know, I just got the news that those idiots in the Presbyterian Church actually offended this guy and were exiled by this guy." A druid said mysteriously.

"This, how is this possible, that is the elder of our druid family." The young druid roared angrily.

In the eyes of the young druid, the Presbyterian Church is an incomparably noble existence, the leader of the entire druid family, but the young druid was beaten to the ground by the druid just now, and then also Yelled: "The **** elders, that is a group of blasphemers. It is because of these scum that our gods are embarrassed. They should be thrown into this endless abyss, not exiled."

Although the defense here is tight, the deeds of Cook's battle against the three gods are still passed on, and what Kanter does not understand is that these people do not think that their master is strong and powerful, but think that it is the fault of the presbytery that allows the sun **** For the defeated, all the sins are not in Cook, a human who dared to offend the gods, but in the elders. Although Kanter is a follower of Cook, Kanter also knows that these things cannot be blamed at all for the elders.

Cook smiled and said to Kanter: "Kant, see if you don’t see it, these are intelligent creatures. They tend to ignore the truest side, and instead think about the least they should be. The merits of the Presbyterian Church are that no one would think of it. Yes, they will blame the failure on the Presbyterian Church, Kanter, do you think this is fair?"

Kanter’s worldview has been subverted. Yes, Kanter never thought that Cook would ask himself this question. Cook was very satisfied when he saw Kanter’s appearance. Kanter is still underage, so Cook wants Changing Kanter’s thinking mode and changing a person’s thinking mode is to constantly subvert this person’s worldview, and then let this person learn to look at problems from all aspects of things, and then understand the nature of things. This is exactly what Ku Gram needs to do.

"Come on, Kanter, let's interrogate the live mouth I caught, but Kanter, don't speak." Cook then told Kanter.

Hearing Cook grabbed a live mouth, Kanter became excited all of a sudden, followed Cook into a room, Kanter saw a mysterious line exuding Cook's hand, which exuded a faint line The green rays of light, these green rays gradually formed a very complicated pattern. After tens of seconds, an extremely complicated magic pattern appeared between Cook’s hands. Then Cook waved his hand and this magic pattern became Directly attached to the wall, for five minutes, Cook released a dozen magic lines.

"What was released just now was magic veins. As for what magic veins are, you will know later." Seeing Kanter almost fainting, Cook said lightly. There are some rules in this sentence. , Awakened Kanter directly.

Kanter looked around in a daze, and found that the original ordinary room had become a cold basement-like place, and in this basement there were only three people, Kanter himself, Cook, and a blood tied to a chair. .

"Blood!" Kanter exclaimed. Yes, the blood is a noble in the evil camp, with strong strength, strong combat effectiveness, and abnormal speed.

"Human, you **** human being, humble, lowly... Boom." Seeing the current situation, the blood race cursed Cook loudly, but before he finished speaking, he was punched severely by the blood race. The chest collapsed, and the blood race's complexion became rosy again.

"Haha, haha, our blood family is immortal." For three full minutes, Cook looked at the blood family playfully, the blood family's powerful healing ability made the blood family spirited again.

"Very good, very good." Cook nodded his head with satisfaction when he saw this blood family.

"What's great?" Kanter couldn't help asking, yes, Kanter didn't know why it was so good.

Cook glared at Kanter, and then replied: "Kant, my lord, besides my fighting strength, I am a pharmacist, and what does a pharmacist need most?"

"What is needed most is not those mysterious formulas, nor those high-value magic herbs, but a suitable test product, you know, some time ago, I consumed hundreds of thousands of test products, for what, Just for the imaginary formula of a nest, but even so, the formula still failed. Look at this guy's recovery speed, tusk, it is definitely a good test product, such a test product in our pharmacist circle In the middle, the value is priceless, and money and resources can't be bought." Cook explained with a smile.

When the kinsman heard Cook say this, what did it feel? It was creepy. One test consumed hundreds of thousands of test items. What kind of drug test is this? But the blood clan still shouted loudly: "Come on, come on!"

"Humble humans, **** humans, I am the prince of the blood clan, if you dare to touch my hair, our blood clan will avenge you." But the blood prince threatened with a guilty conscience.

"That is to say, there are still many clansmen in your blood clan?" Cook asked not only without fear, but with bright eyes.

When Kanter saw Cook’s eyes, he couldn’t help but back down a step. Yes, Cook’s appearance like this is really a bit horrible. In fact, Cook’s mind is the same as he said. In the biosphere, heal himself. The ability is not without powerful, just like a dragon, but the pharmacist dares to catch the dragon as a test item?

But the blood family is different. The blood family knows that it is a creature in the dark world at a glance, and the reputation of the blood family is not very loud. Cook has not even heard of it, so what it means is that the blood family is not strong at all. strength.

Since there is no strong strength, it is easy to say. Cook has listed the blood family as the first trade item in his heart. Yes, Cook is not here to show off his power. Cook likes to walk through a place, so he must find and use it. Value, and according to Cook’s preliminary understanding, as long as his price is high enough, someone in the evil camp may want to grab the blood and exchange it with him, and after Cook sees the blood, he can be sure that the demons are already here. Behind the evil camp, and if you want to find out who is behind the scenes, the best way is to let the evil camp turmoil.

The kinship is just the second step that Cook can think of now. The first step is of course to increase the strength of the bright camp. Of course, Cook must also be wary of whether the demons will also secretly control the bright camp. The probability of this situation is very low, but Not impossible.

And Cook also darkly thought that the eyes of those demons are probably those high above gods. Maybe he can let the demons and the gods fight first, and then come out to clean up the situation, but Cook found that this process seems a bit familiar. In the end, Cook suddenly thought, isn't this the way human beings used to take advantage of the high fertility rate at that time, and a group of strong men emerged at that time, eventually driving other races out of the fertile land.

"Tsk, it seems that human thinking is a bit gloomy." Cook couldn't help muttering, thinking of his happiness.

But after this muttering, Cook realized that he was distracted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there were only two words in the mind of the blood prince opposite: "Darkness."

Kanter saw the horror of the blood prince, and he admired Cook in his heart. The Druid race was not a guy who had never caught the evil camp, but the guys in the evil camp were extremely stubborn, but his master had no finger. The blood prince, yes, even if the blood prince is in the druid race, it is still a scary existence. Just a few words make a blood prince terrified, what kind of state is this.

"Cough cough, okay, now the interrogation begins, Kanter, pay attention to it, and I will teach you some interrogation skills for a while. I am not very proficient in this aspect. I have a subordinate who has a demon blood. Humans, that's the expert in this area." Cook coughed twice, then said.

"Yes, sir." Kanter didn't know what was going on. He was very excited when he heard that Cook wanted to teach himself to interrogate the blood.

"No, you **** bastards, low-level creatures..." Hearing Cooke's words, the blood clan struggled frantically, and Cook had already taken out a lot of things and placed them in front of the blood prince, and used them An animal skin mask directly covered the line of sight of the blood race.

"Next is to interrogate the first knowledge." Cook began to preach.

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