A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 66: The ghost appears

"Kant, first let's do an experiment. It's very simple. I cut the blood prince's blood vessel directly and used a special medicine to prevent the wound from healing. This is an interrogation method that tests stamina. , It’s very simple. First cut the blood vessel and then release the blood in the blood vessel. If the medicine doesn’t work, use a hollow metal needle to puncture the blood vessel. We have to let the interrogated target feel himself. Life is losing bit by bit, then we need a prop, a vessel." Cook blinked at Kanter. Kanter looked at him in surprise and took out a large pitcher and then a hollow tube. Starting to drip slowly, Cook just gently touched the wrist of the blood prince.

"Tick, tick." The prince of blood didn't know what was going on and couldn't feel any other movement at all, but he could hear Cook talking, and there was a clear ticking sound, like a water drop.

"Master, this..." Kanter asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, all we have to do now is to have a good drink. I think this noble prince of blood will definitely say everything we know." Cook gestured to Kanter, and then Cook moved his hands together. The mysterious rune was wrapped in a transparent shield when the blood prince was seen.

"Kant, I said it just now, it's not allowed to talk, but now I can say it." Cook said to Kanter angrily, and then just sat there drinking fruit wine leisurely.

"Master, it doesn't work, right?" Kanter asked suspiciously, looking at the blood prince without the slightest wound.

Cook curled his lips and said: "Kant, I tell you now, the first lesson I teach you is psychology. If you don't believe you, this guy will go crazy later."

Kanter can’t figure it out. Why is he crazy? Is it because he was blindfolded, and then he went crazy. Kanter didn’t know that Cook had no bottom in his heart. Cook once read a report, that’s it. Scenes.

The prince of blood listened to the sound of ticking, but he could not feel the slightest harm. The surroundings were silent and endless darkness. Although the prince of blood could not feel any pain, the sound of the ticking drips still made the prince of blood feel his blood Lost.

One minute, three minutes, five minutes, the blood prince slowly became a little anxious, the blood prince felt a little weak, and this time the blood prince was a little frightened. In the darkness, he could personally hear the loss of blood, and the blood The loss of life represents the loss of vitality.

For ten minutes, the prince of blood couldn’t help yelling loudly, and the feeling of the prince of blood was like a day. There was only the ticking of blood around him, and there was no other sound: "Asshole, asshole, you let me go. Get out, let me out, you humble humans..."

Kanter looked at Cook in shock. Cook hadn't finished his glass of wine. The prince of blood screamed wildly without stopping. Cook just faintly explained: "This is a magic pattern. Guard, we can hear his voice, he can't hear us."

"Ah, ah, ah." After the blood prince scolded for a while, he felt his body getting weaker and weaker, and the ticking sound was still so harsh.

"Damn it, come out, come out, let's talk." Twenty minutes later, the blood prince's tone had softened, but there was still silence around him.

Half an hour later, the prince of blood was already begging for mercy: "Please, let me go, I can give you a lot of money, and many, many precious things."

Kanter is numb, and Kanter is still wondering why this prince of blood is so crazy, what is the reason? Seeing Cook's plain face, Kanter can't help shivering, even the notorious blood His master didn't hold on for an hour.

For fifty minutes, the blood prince kept narrating: "My name is Lev. I come from the blood clan. I am a blood prince. Our blood clan share..."

Kanter never thought that the Prince of Blood would say so much news. Kanter was an eye-opener. There was no interrogation on this Nima. The blood actually said everything himself. Cook saw Kanter like this. He smiled and asked, "Does it feel simple?"

"Yeah." Kan Fei nodded.

"Well, do you know the number of magic patterns I use in this room can be used to create a magic pattern weapon? It is the weapon used by your gods. Of course, other gods may not be, and the other is the animal skin on the head of the prince of blood. That is the fur of a demigod creature with more than 30 magic patterns on it. It is an extremely magic item, equivalent to one-thousandth of your entire druid's property. Without these things, the blood prince can easily dismantle it. Your trick." Cook replied angrily.

Kanter was no longer shocked when he heard Cook say this. Kanter just looked at the piece of fur on the head of the blood prince, how it didn’t shine like a weapon used by the gods. Cook seemed to see Kanter. With doubts in his mind, Cook said: "Don't be fooled by the appearance of those weapons. As the saying goes, dogs that bite don't bark. Only those fools can make their weapons shine."

"Master, isn't the weapon more shining and powerful?" Kanter asked suspiciously.

"Kant, your idea is wrong. What is the source of energy for magic weapons? Most of them are the magical abilities of the users themselves, but the sparkle of magic weapons consumes your own power. It starts to consume as soon as the battle begins, and the consumption does not have any effect.” Cook explained carefully.

"I see, it's like a beast. It doesn't make any movement before attacking, but once these beasts want to attack, it is a thunderous action." Kanter understood Cook's explanation and said.

"Yes, that's it, and for the enemy, as soon as you see your weapon shine, the target will be more vigilant, so the real weapon is not based on appearance, but on its own attack power." Cook said to Kanter I am satisfied with being able to understand so quickly.

At this time, the prince of blood is still talking about all the information he knows, and Cook seems to be very plain, but Cook is listening attentively. What does Cook want to know is about the magic The matter of the race is the black hand behind the evil race.

"Damn it, you guys, the Dark Council...Boom!" The prince of blood is getting more and more frightened. In the mind of the prince of blood, there is only the sound of the ticking of blood constantly losing, and the prince of blood feels that his life is following. With this little blood constantly flowing, the blood prince became more and more frightened, and the blood prince felt that he was going to die. He roared loudly, but before the words were finished, the blood prince banged his head and exploded.

After the explosion, the blood prince's entire body turned into a blood-red streamer, this group of light seemed to be alive, and it was constantly flying in the magic pattern protective cover, and Kanter was already stunned.

"Hehe, the dark council, the fox tail finally leaked out." Cook smiled and watched the blood red light running around. What is this? This is the last resort for those demons to escape. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. , I finally found it, the dark council. Cook guessed that the demons were also clever, so he came out of such a dark council.

Cook thought for a moment, and displayed a few profound magic patterns in his hand. A blue flame suddenly appeared in the magic pattern shield. The blood-red light was gradually swallowed by the blue flame, and there was nothing left at all. The next little thing.

Then Cook's mental energy moved, and the entire stone room returned to its original state, without a slight change at all. Cook pondered for a moment and said to Kanter: "Kant, tell me everything you know about the evil camp."

Kanter heard Cook say this. Knowing that Cook was going to deal with evil forces, Kanter quickly spoke out some information he knew. Of course, most of this information was the great feat of the Sun God Temple, but Cook still learned from these stories. I heard something wrong inside.

Cook opened his mouth and asked: "Kant, whoever was arrested by the evil camp, did not come back?", "No, if he fell into the evil camp, he must have been killed. It is said that some were eaten directly as food. Kanter replied.

"So what about the evil camp guys we caught?" Cook asked again afterwards.

"There are people caught there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The caught guys will soon go crazy, and then eat themselves, or commit suicide, etc., and it is said that some evil camp guys will bring an inexplicable The curse, the guys who are under these curses will become very crazy, crazy attacking everything around, including their own people, so the evil camp guys who are caught will be killed in the first time." Kanter explained .

Cook pondered for a while, and then Cook asked: "So is the frequency of attacks from the evil camp very high?"

"That's not clear, or should I find out?" Kanter shook his head.

"Okay." Cook nodded, Kanter dared to assume, this is a good subordinate, and Kanter went out without a hitch.

Cook thought for a while, and then sorted out all the information he had collected. It was temporarily locked on the unknown power of the Dark Council. Of course, Cook also had to beware of other guys behind the Dark Council, but it was gratifying. The thing is, the demons are still hidden now, and they haven't appeared in an upright manner.

"Hey, if you know the exact news of the Demon Race, then you have to find a way to tell the Demon Race's news to those guys in the God Realm. Then..." Cook stood up, smiled in his heart, and had an idea.

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