A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Explore the bottomless pit

"Zizizi" hail fell on the black stone and then shattered, but the temperature on the black stone was extremely high, and the shattered hail quickly made a sizzling sound, and then evaporated with steam. In less than a moment, the whole The Black Rock Wilderness is full of rich, hot water vapor, but the hail here is a bit huge, some are hundreds of catties in size, and the library is finally zhidào how these black rocks are so smooth, it turned out to be formed like this.

Half an hour later, the whole world was filled with squally showers. After the hot water vapor rose up, the hail in the air was directly melted into small pieces of hail, which eventually became water. So at this time, Cook is like Living in the underground world, and then there is an underground river above, what rain is here and there, it is like dumping directly below.

The ground environment is also changing. The originally arid ground has become a muddy swamp-like place here. The underground reservoir built by Cook has already been filled with water. It can be seen that there is rain in this place. How big.

After another hour, the air gradually became icy, melodious and falling are huge snowflakes. Cook has seen palm-sized snowflakes, but he has not seen half-square-meter snowflakes, and the snowflakes are full of fatalities. The power, because these snowflakes have been frozen like ice.

"Tsk tusk." Cook looked at the ice and snow at a depth of more than ten meters. It was only a dozen hours. The entire Black Rock wilderness has become a world of ice and snow. Cook measured it and the temperature reached a temperature of tens of degrees below zero. .

However, although there is such a low temperature outside, in the Black Rock City built by Cook, the temperature is still more than 20 degrees. First of all, the hot water flowing into the underground reservoir is the heat melted by the black market. Water, and the black stone's heat preservation performance is extremely strong, even if the surface temperature of the black stone is already tens of degrees below zero, the temperature inside the black stone is still a bit hot, as if the black market was born for heat preservation.

Cook also said that more orcs rely on the gaps between these black stones to get through this freezing night. In fact, cold is not the biggest threat to orcs. The biggest threat to orcs is food shortage. Because of the cold, they need more food. To maintain the consumption of the body.

In addition, the food intake of the orcs was already very high. When Cook saw the effect of Blackrock City, he felt relieved. The next step was to discuss Cook's lease of the site, but Cook was very generous with a lot of Food, how much food is there, all warehouses in Black Rock City are full of grain, dried meat and the like.

And Cook also let the orcs produce mushrooms. Mushrooms are very adaptable. There are also some cold-resistant moss, lichens and the like. It’s not to blame Cook. When Cook came here to look for the demons, he brought them. A large number of supplies, all kinds of supplies are available, how many space rings does zhidào Cook carry on his body, and it is one hundred cubic meters, which is as many as thousands, and the food and equipment are placed in different categories. At the same time, of course, there is no drop in the natural ring. Of course, the natural ring is more used as a supply base.

As long as Cook needs it, tens of thousands of breadfruits can be produced in one day, 100,000 breadfruits can be produced the next day, and other magic fruits.

Breadfruit is more nutritious than other foods. This is because breadfruit is a kind of magic fruit, which contains a lot of energy. Cook is a little worried now, because the map of the Blackrock Wilderness given by the orc elders is not very complete, and some places The information is not very sufficient.

"It seems to explore the Blackstone Wilderness first to avoid trouble in the future." After thinking about it for a while, Cook decided not to choose a place first, because Cook did not know where the demons were hidden in this lost plane, in case those damned If the guys hide in this black rock wilderness, if Cook himself builds the base here, the fun will be great. It is like camping and setting up a village. First of all, you must look at the terrain. If the terrain chosen by yàoshi is not good, you may be caught in the flood at night. Washed away.

After determining the target, Cook began to collect all the information of the entire Blackrock Wilderness, including some legends, especially those in the more dangerous areas. Cook couldn't guarantee that the demons would not hide here, this time Cook just brought it with him Kanter.

"Bang." Kanter has never been active on the snowy ground, so Kanter's transformed leopard fell again and gnawed mud, making a bang on the snowy ground.

"Haha, haha." Cook saw Kanter looking embarrassed, haha ​​dàxiào got up, and Cook used ice skates, which moved extremely fast on the ice and snow ground.

The seemingly soft white snow is actually very hard frozen. Just pay attention to the black stones. There are no ice cracks here. It is the most ideal ski resort. Cook has never seen this before. Good snow.

Kanter is speechless, Kanter has just turned into a leopard, and the magic material of this leopard was given by Cook, so Kanter has not adapted to it at all, plus the first time he walks on the ice and snow, so Kanter often runs , I couldn't stop the car and hit the black stone from time to time, which was a fall on his back.

Cook has nothing to do with Kanter. After all, some things need to be experienced. Cook looked at the white space around him. There are many black things in this white space. That is the black stone, but Cook has Dark vision, even the leopard transformed by Kanter has a dark vision, so he will no longer be unable to move in the dark night, plus the blood itself is white, and there are some stars in the starry sky.

"Master, there is a bottomless pit ahead." Kanter is finally able to walk freely on the ice and snow, and the speed is not slow at all. Kanter returned to Cook and watched that Cook had cooked the food, and asked to report. .

"I think it's almost the same, eat first, and then we will act after eating." Cook told Kanter. Cook not only needs to eat, but also eats a lot, because a strong body needs more energy. As for why Kanter is not allowed to cook, it is because Kanter can’t cook at all.

Of course, as Kanter, I was extremely moved. It was just like the old landlord who gave the long-term workers a meal in person. Kanter was grateful. When Kanter didn’t follow Cook, he almost didn’t eat meat, but he followed Ku After gram, I started to eat, not only eating, but also eating a lot.

Cook’s fallacies made Kanter overthrow the Druid’s previous doctrines, so when Cook saw Kanter’s mouth full of oil while holding a piece of barbecue, he was so proud of him, dignified Druid, and Instead of going hunting in person, then cutting wood, and eating meat with big mouthfuls, this yàoshi would definitely be punished heavily in the Druid race.

"This is a bottomless pit. The temperature around here is higher." Cook saw the so-called bottomless pit, which is a crater hundreds of meters wide, about 600 meters in length. The entire pit is surrounded by straight and steep black rocks. , There are no steps at all, but within a few kilometers of the bottomless cave, there is no trace of snow, but because the bottomless cave is on a hill, no water flows into the bottomless cave.

"It's windy. And it's warm wind." Cook stretched his hand over the bottomless hole, and immediately felt a warm wind coming out of the bottomless hole.

Hot air will rise. Hot air balloons are based on this principle. Cook picked up an engineering bomb and dropped it. This is a triggered engineering bomb. As long as it hits anything, it will explode, but Cook waited for five minutes. , Did not see, or heard the sound of explosion.

"Nyma, does it really penetrate the crust?" Cook took a breath and thought to himself.

Cook looked around the bottomless hole and saw the oldest tree in the elder Tortoiseshell’s mouth. This tree grew on the edge of the cliff, like a tree with a crooked neck, but it made Cook somewhat What is puzzled is that the crooked neck tree should lean closer to the bottomless pit. After all, there is warm air over there, but on the contrary, the crooked neck tree is crooked outward, but the root system grows on the edge of the bottomless pit.

"Master!" Kanter shouted when he saw Cook wandering around a few times. The meaning was obvious, what should I do now.

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to ask." Cook said, waving his hand.

Cook came to the crooked neck tree. The crooked neck tree was only seven or eight meters high and not very thick, but when Cook checked it, he found that the crooked neck tree had a life of tens of thousands of years, and its life was gradually disappearing. That means that if Yàoshi Cook does not come, the tree will slowly wither in the future.

"Tsk. Tsk. Ten thousand years have only grown so much." Cook sighed, and then took out the water of life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ First of all to supplement the vitality of the tree, and finally Cook used a natural wake-up Magic, the spirit of nature.

Kanter opened his mouth wide. Although Kanter said that trees have life, he has never seen a tree turn into a person in a blink of an eye. Yes, it is indeed a person. Well, it is a humanoid. As a druid, Kanter almost fainted to the ground, this kind of impact is really too great.

"Hello, human." After being awakened by Cook, the Treant was only a meter tall. It looked like a dwarf, but with brown skin, so it looked like a goblin. The Treant was hoarse. Voice greetings Cook.

"Hello, I want to know about the situation in this place." Cook asked directly, because this tree man made him feel useless. After all, this tree man is more than ten or twenty meters tall. In other words, let alone those 100-meter-high tree people, from the innate size, they almost occupy an absolute disadvantage.

"Hehe, human, I am very grateful to you for giving me life, but it makes me very sad that you despise me like this." Not only did the tree man fail to answer Cook's question, but he said with a smile.

"Oh!" Cook opened his mouth and looked at the tree man with wide eyes, almost unable to believe it was true.

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