A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 75: Explore the bottomless pit

What surprised Cook. Cook was surprised by the intelligence quotient of this tree man. Just talked to Cook in a joking tone. This is a unique performance of intelligent creatures. And in intelligent creatures. Human wisdom is the highest. Next is the dwarf. dwarf. Elves. Dragons and other races. The wisdom mentioned here does not refer to a single talent. It is a comprehensive judgment.

And in these intelligent creatures. Creatures like tree people have the lowest intelligence. And treants are not social creatures. In fact, practice shows. Living in groups can make intelligent creatures evolve faster. And intelligent creatures living alone. IQ will only slowly degrade.

Therefore, the tree people can only be reluctantly summarized as intelligent creatures. Not to mention the tree who just awakened. What these tree people have. Just instinct.

And now this tree man has just awakened. Can actually say such a thing. What is displayed. It is extraordinary wisdom.

"Really surprised." Cook looked at the tree man. Sighed.

"Haha. Thank you for your generosity. I don't know what I can do to help you." Shuren laughed. Then asked.

"I want to know what exactly this bottomless pit is." Cook asked.

"I can't answer this question either." The tree man shook his head and replied.

"But there will be a violent wind in this bottomless pit. Sometimes it will blow out a cold wind. Sometimes it will spray out all kinds of creatures." Then the tree man explained.

Cook was completely puzzled. Tree people said so. Cook didn't know where it was anymore. Kanter had recovered from the side. Kanter also accepted the existence of the tree. Kanter asked, "Master. This. This."

"Kant. This is a tree man. It is also a race of wisdom." Cook explained. Then Cook carefully checked the environment around the bottomless pit.

Take a closer look at this. Cook discovered the clue. That is the rock around this bottomless cave. soil. Sand grains are very different from the plane of blackstone. Then just prove one point. This is ejected from the bottomless pit.

There are no **** rocks around the bottomless pit. All are relatively small pieces. Please go to more faster chapters. It proves one thing. There is a huge force under this bottomless pit. The immense power shattered everything ejected from the bottomless pit.

"This is meteorite ore." Cook picked up a dark stone. Said to Kanter.

"Master. What does this mean." Kanter didn't understand what the rocks Cooked around here was.

"Haha. Kanter. This meteorite ore is one of the harder stones. Meteorite ore contains a lot of other metal elements. The most of them is iron. So this kind of ore is generally very large. . And the surface of these meteorite ore is relatively smooth in nature. But this piece of meteorite ore. Including the surrounding ones. Please go to the more and faster chapters. The surface is obviously directly shattered by huge force. . But there is no such meteorite ore in the Blackstone Wilderness. It means that these stones came out of the bottomless cave. The fragmentation of the meteorite ore represents the existence and powerful force in the bottomless cave.” Cook Hehe smiled and explained to Kanter.

"In addition, look at the surrounding rocks. There are obvious differences from the rocks in the Blackrock Wilderness. Even the plants growing in these places are somewhat different. What does this show. It shows that there is life under this bottomless cave. Some plant seeds It was sprayed out of the bottomless pit. Then it took root." Cook saw Kanter suddenly realize. Explained again.

"So what are we going to do now." Kan Fei nodded. Then asked.

"Of course I went down and have a look." Cook replied with a shrug.

"Master. Since we are going to watch. Why do we have to wait so long here." Kanter was completely puzzled. Yes. Since I am going down. So what's the point of having to check for so long.

Cook really didn't expect Kanter to think so. But from Kanter's performance. Cook felt that Kanter's character was a bit too impulsive. Even a human rookie mercenary. There is no such idea of ​​Kanter. But Cook did not correct Kanter's thoughts. Because at some point. A subordinate who dares to fight and rush is what the superiors need.

"Learn more. It will be helpful for future actions." Cook explained lightly.

I don't know Kanter said again: "If I have the strength of the master, I will just rush in. No matter what."

"Kant. Strength is not everything sometimes." Cook shook his head. Even Cook has power comparable to a god. But Cook still has some awe of the power of nature. Nature can turn mountains into the sea. One species can go extinct directly. This is definitely not something gods can do. But nature can.

Thousands of kilometers of huge desert. This is not something the gods can do. Even the gods did it temporarily. Then nature will recover eventually.

"Kant. Facts will prove to you that we are definitely not the masters of this world. Even the gods are just ants in this world." Cook said, shaking his head.

"Gods are like ants." Kanter's eyes widened.

"Yes. Ants. The gods have a long lifespan. But the lifespan of any planet in the starry sky we see is much longer than any god. There are also those seemingly very small stars. In fact, it is our plane. Thousands and tens of thousands. Even hundreds of thousands of times the size. The distance between them and us. Even if the light hits us, it will take hundreds of millions of years. Maybe the stars we see now actually don't exist anymore." What Ke said was even more profound.

Kanter was dizzy. He shook his head again. Nodding again. Kanter didn't understand that the stars were really that big. Cook saw Kanter like this. Know that Kanter still doesn't quite understand. Cook did not explain again. Cook released a magic spaceship. Then he said: "Let's go. Go down and see what is inside this bottomless pit."

The Treant also followed Kanter into the magic spaceship. Cook controlled the magic spacecraft and went straight down from the bottomless pit. Kanter and the Treeman are now sitting in their seats. Cook saw these two guys. It's like a child sitting in a moving car for the first time. Looking intently at the huge magic projection.

Yes. The huge magical projection shows the front of the magical spaceship. Several huge beams of light can illuminate the dark bottomless hole very brightly. Please go to more faster chapters. You can clearly see that the rock walls around the bottomless cave are very smooth. It's like being rubbed by countless objects.

"It's windy. And it's warm wind." Cook saw the data displayed by the detection magic pattern. Then said. But neither Kanter nor Shuren answered. These two guys have been shocked. A big metal guy tens of meters long. It can fly dexterously. Although Kanter has always dreamed of being able to transform into a flying creature. But Kanter knew that was a long time later. But today Kanter can be considered flying.

The magic ship is extremely fast. And Cook opened the three-layer magicweave shield. Because Cook is not sure what is going on under this bottomless pit. And relatively speaking. Please go to more faster chapters. The speed of the magic spaceship is not very fast. Because speed and power are relative.

The thing spewing out from under the bottomless pit is powerful. Then Cook's magic spacecraft is fast again. Then the consequences are difficult to predict. It's like a body armor may prevent bullets from being shot when hitting still. But on moving objects. The superimposed force of the speed of the object itself plus the impact of the bullet. Then the body armor may not have the slightest effect.

"Boom." The magic spacecraft was shocked obviously. Cook suddenly became alert.

Then Cook projected through magic. Saw countless rock fragments shooting from below the bottomless hole at high speed. How fast is it? Detecting the magic pattern just discovered. These rubble hit the magic spaceship directly.

The magic spaceship began to shake. This is not to say that the magic spacecraft cannot resist the impact of the gravel. It means that this is how the mana spaceship shield was designed when it was designed. It's like parachuting requires an unloading action. The magic spacecraft is also unloading power in this way. Otherwise, the energy consumed will be too much.

The magic ship seemed to be dancing. And Kanter and the Treant only felt shaking at the beginning. When Cook opened the internal balance system. The entire cockpit stabilized. Cook is more vigilant. Because the data detected by Mageweave Detector, Cooke was also shocked. The speed of these rocks has reached a speed of kilometers per second. One kilometer per second is sixty kilometers per minute. One hour is more than three thousand kilometers. What kind of speed is this.

"This." But what surprised Cook was. The scenery in front of me changed suddenly. Cook discovered that he had gone out of the bottomless pit.

"Boom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But then Cook hadn't had time to react.   The entire magic spaceship was directly hit and flew out. The magic projection showed a constantly rolling picture.

Cook finally stabilized the magic spaceship. Cook first checked the condition of the magic spacecraft. I found it just now. The energy loss is as high as 30%. And the loss of defensive magic patterns made Cook unimaginable.

"Damn." When Cook then checked what happened just now. Cook cursed silently.

"Master. Master. What happened just now." Kanter finally reacted. But Cook saw Kanter's reaction speed. Shook his head. This can only be regarded as a general situation. Kanter couldn't react. Then Cook ruled out Kanter from the position of piloting the magic spacecraft.

"We were hit by a mountain. The mountain was shattered. The magic spaceship was also damaged." Cook said.

"Mountains. Peaks from here and there." Kanter was puzzled again.

"We came to another plane." Cook switched the magic projection. Then pointed and said.

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