A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 76: Lessons Kanter

"Another plane?" Kanter and the Treant asked in astonishment, but through the magic projection, Kanter saw a desolate world without any creatures or plants on the surface.

"Yes, this kind of plane is called the dead plane by us, that is, there is almost nothing, air, plants, animals, only bare rocks." Cook explained that according to our popular understanding, this is a An asteroid is an independent celestial body.

Cook also finally knew why rubble splashed out under the bottomless pit. Although the Blackrock Wilderness is also a plane, and there is an atmosphere, gravity, and gravity, when these fast-flying asteroids rub against the dark side of the Blackrock Wilderness plane, The huge force of friction was ejected from the bottomless hole while carrying the rubble. Just now Cook’s mana spacecraft had just drilled out of the bottomless hole and encountered such an asteroid. Fortunately, the defense of Cook’s mana spacecraft was adequate. It’s strong, and it’s just a mountain that hits the magic spacecraft. If the entire planet hits, then the magic spacecraft will definitely be smashed directly, and this is because Cook has checked the situation around the bottomless pit, so it’s specially enlarged. The protective power, how powerful the impact of the asteroid is, even the gods dare not say against the asteroid.

The magic spacecraft flew, but the automatic maintenance system was already working. When Cook’s magic spacecraft flew far enough, Cook saw a shocking scene, an extremely wide meteorite belt, but these Meteorites are extremely large, just like countless asteroids.

"This is the Lost Plane?" Cook can hardly believe his eyes. You must know that such a zone is the most dangerous in the starry sky. The starry sky is almost a vacuum environment, so the speed of objects in it is extremely fast. , Sometimes the speed of certain objects has reached the speed of light, once these objects hit any asteroid, they will trigger a chain reaction.

The Black Rock Wilderness is in this planetary belt, and at the location of the bottomless hole, large meteorites fly by from time to time, and occasionally rub against it. Eventually, the flying fragments splash into the bottomless hole.

"It's really a wonderful world." Cook looked at the scene in front of him with an unspeakable shock. Yes, nature sometimes gives people unimaginable surprises. Yes, this phenomenon is on earth in time. It is also hard to see, just like the endless starry sky, attracting the eyes of countless people, and countless reveries.

"Let's go." Kanter and Shuren were also shocked, and then the two fell silent.

Kanter didn't expect the plane to be like this. The huge plane was suspended in the endless void. What a huge amount of power this required.

"Kant, what's the problem?" Cook asked with a smile.

"Master, how much power do those planes need to be suspended? Is this a masterpiece of the gods?" In Kanter's mind, such results can only be created by the gods, and only the omnipotent **** has such a powerful power.

Cook did not expect Kanter to ask such a question. Cook shook his head and said: "Kant, the reason why we fall down on the plane is because the plane we are in is attractive, and The starry sky does not have that kind of gravity, so the reason why these planes are suspended in the endless void is because of the power of nature. Come, Kanter, I will show you the charm of this starry sky."

Cook stopped the magic spaceship, and then put on equipment for Kanter and the Treant. Kanter stood at the exit of the magic spacecraft, looking at the endless starry sky, once again deeply shocked, yes, through magic What you see through projection is a completely different feeling than what you see with your own eyes.

"Although the endless starry sky is beautiful, it is a beauty full of death. Any creature will die if exposed to such an environment, and will eventually become a corpse. There is no temperature, no food, no water, and some are only eternal. Starlight and eternal darkness." Cook's voice rang through Kanter's helmet through the magic pattern equipment.

"I'm flying, I'm flying." Kanter leaped vigorously, and the whole person ejected like a cannonball, Kanter screamed in excitement.

Cook looked at Kanter, with a sinister smile on his mouth, while the tree man was more clever. When he saw that Cook hadn’t moved, he wouldn’t move. When the tree man saw that Cook took out a wire to lock him From now on, the tree person will feel bad.

"You are very smart, knowing that you can't move easily in an unfamiliar environment, just like Kanter. If no one saves him, then he will keep flying like that, without any chance of turning around, just forever. It will fly for hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years. Of course, it may be attracted by other powerful planets and then collide with the planets.” Cook said with a smile.

The tree man saw Cook’s smile, heard Cook’s words, and thought about the situation Cook said. A feeling of extreme fear made the tree man shudder. When the tree man heard Cook’s words, he returned directly. Inside the magic spaceship.

"It's flying, it's flying!" Kanter shouted loudly. This feeling made Kanter very excited, yes, that feeling was very strange.

But soon Kanter realized that something was wrong. First of all, when Kanter wanted to turn, he found that he couldn't turn, so he could only wave his hands in vain.

"This, this, what is going on?" Kanter was shocked, and Kanter was about to stop again, but Kanter kept waving his hands and feet, but the situation did not change. What makes Kanter even more fearful is the endless void around him. Yes, the strange flying-like feeling at the beginning has turned into endless fear. The starry sky around him seems so beautiful now. distant.

"Master, master, help, help!" Kanter didn't know at all, Cook was driving the mana spacecraft, listening to Kanter's fearful call for help, he didn't mean to help at all.

"This kind of guy needs to teach him a lesson, otherwise it will cause more trouble in the future." Cook explained to the tree man with a smile.

Kanter was really terrified. The starry sky was originally beautiful, but the surrounding starry sky hadn't changed at all. It seemed to exist forever, giving Kanter a cold and indifferent feeling.

"Help, help." Kanter was like a helpless person, shouting loudly, Kanter found himself in a dream that would never wake up.

Kanter didn't know how long he had been flying, the shining star light ahead seemed to be the same, never changed, but it gave Kanter a feeling of coldness and loneliness, cold and lonely, and the whole world just existed by itself.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Kanter called out hysterically, Kanter was already on the verge of collapse, and this psychological torture made Kanter collapse.

On the other hand, Cook said to the tree with a smile on his face: "This mental quality is also too bad, it collapsed in only half an hour?"

What does the tree man feel that Cook is now? That is a demon, and Kanter's screams made the tree man restless.

Two hours later, Kanter passed out completely. When Cook took Kanter into the mana spacecraft, Kanter's face was distorted. After seeing Kanter's expression, the tree had a feeling for Cook. A feeling of fear.

"Tsk tsk. This kid should be able to remember this lesson." Cook said with a smile when he saw Kanter like this, and then left Kanter aside. As for whether he would leave any shadow on Kanter, Cook doesn't need to think about it.

Cook drove the magical spacecraft and landed in the Blackrock Wilderness. The bottomless pit is not suitable for building a base. Let alone other things, the gravel with huge kinetic energy is a big problem, let alone in the event of a terrifying creature. It's even worse.

"Dark ants." The second dangerous area is the area where the dark ants are.

"Kant, why don't you talk?" Cook asked with a smile when he saw Kanter's silence.

"Master, you said if you don't save me, what will my result be like?" Kanter asked.

"Keep flying like that until you become a corpse or hit any plane. Of course, you may become food for some star beasts." Cook replied with a shrug.

Kanter was silent for a while, and then asked: "Master, then what is the other end of the starry sky?"

"No one can tell this clearly, just like the stars you see, if you follow your flying speed at that time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it may take tens of thousands of years." Cook gave an answer.

Kanter was stunned by Cook’s answer, and his fear of Cook became even deeper. Kantor looked at Cook and said, “Master, I understand. I will think clearly about things in the future. "

"That's good, otherwise I can give you the opportunity just now at any time." Cook said with a smile, but this smile made Kanter feel particularly terrifying, like a devil's smile.

The area where the dark ants are located does not look different, but when Cook dropped a piece of food, a group of black ants emerged from the ice and snow ground. These black ants have the thickness of human fingers and are not very large, but These ants did not have any discomfort under such extremely cold temperature, and a piece of food was quickly eaten by these dark ants.

"So there are such creatures?" Cook mumbled secretly looking at these ants.

These black ants actually emit a faint golden light under Cook’s magic eyes, which indicates that these ants are magical creatures of the gold type. Combined with these gold type ants to eat other food, a kind of scary poisonous insect name is just It appeared in Cook's mind, and it was the top five horror creatures in the records of ancient wizards, that is, wizards.

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