A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 94: Mad's Mind

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"Of course, the medics are not only the safest, but also have the most beautiful women." This is a very powerful soldier in Mad's view, and he couldn't believe what he said.

"You, you, you dress so well, just for safety, your house owner is blind." There was a moon demon who cried out immediately. Yes, you are dressed in magic pattern equipment, and you still have this idea. It's simply not the same. good stuff.

Then this powerful soldier pointed to his equipment and said, "I am fine with this equipment."

"Isn't it? Don't talk about the full set of magic weave equipment, at least most of them are right." Madd, who knows the goods, replied angrily. Mad is distressed, you wear so well in the rear, yucky. , You equipped me with hundreds of sets of millions of talents in Moon Devil City, just hundreds of sets.

"My equipment is relatively poor. The equipment is dozens of times better than mine. First of all, although I am a magicweave suit, it is the lowest level. Also, I am only equipped with two space equipment, one equipped with combat potions. , A weapon, and our most powerful Mageweave knight here is not only a set of high-quality Mageweave equipment, but also a set of Mageweave armor made by the mount, and a spare set of people and mounts. , In addition, there are portable magic crystal cannons, magic grenade, magic rockets, magic mines, even magic spears, and magic armor, so these guys have up to five pieces of space equipment, one piece Put spare equipment, one for battle potions, one for pets, and the other for other auxiliary equipment. Of course, the last one is for trophies." As soon as the soldier heard this, he immediately replied angrily.

Maade was dizzy. Even Maade was a god-level, and he knew how many things he needed to equip a fighter like this by just listening to the name and quantity of these equipment. Not only did he have two sets of magicweave equipment. There are also mounts. The portable magic crystal cannon must be a small magic crystal cannon. As for the magic grenade, it is not a weak weapon.

"You don't say that much, right." Desen said in a long voice.

"Of course not many, and less than 50,000 people, after all...what's wrong with you." The soldier calculated in his heart, and then replied, but just halfway through the speech, he found that the people around him had their mouths wide open. , Looks like seeing the dead.

Desen said incredulously: "Fifty thousand, so many."

"Are you too much?" the soldier asked in confusion.

"Then how big is your master's area and how big the territory is." Maade asked a question he most wanted to know.

"Haha, I don't think my master himself knows how big the territory is." The soldier replied with a laugh, and increased his vigilance in his heart, cursing in secret, two idiots, these questions are confidential questions, if I Having said that, we still have to close the little black room.

Mader and Desen looked at each other and saw the shock between them. Yes, the two had already guessed, because Cook brought too many races, dwarves, dwarves, giants, titans, orcs, Humans, and even legendary races such as mermaids, have divine beasts.

From this point, we can see Cook's ruling ability and the territory he owns. Because the spiritual land is small, it is impossible to inhabit so many races, and there are many races, the stronger the ruling ability.

The rescue is still going on, no matter how serious the injury, as long as you enter the rescue tent, you will come out alive.

More details about this ambulance tent were also said. The vast space inside, the beautiful medical soldiers, the neat equipment, etc., but these details are even more frightening to Mad and others. Obviously, it seems that it is not outside. The big medical tent is actually a space equipment.

Madder became more shocked, and the fallen angel and the black dragon Hughusi were also shocked. When the fallen angel returned to the City of Angels with a dozen of his subordinates, he was dumbfounded. The City of Angels was built on a majestic mountain. Above the dense clouds, the city of angels, which was originally white and flawless, has disappeared. Yes, it is gone, leaving behind a scorched ruin.

"Not good." After the twelve-winged fallen angel was dumbfounded, he immediately realized that it was not good.

"Traitor, do you still want to leave?" A voice passed from the sky, followed by a huge power.

"Haha, old fellow, you are just a little bit of mental strength, I don't believe I can't beat you, old fellow, hundreds of thousands of years ago I could leave you alive, today you don’t want to leave me alive "The twelve-winged fallen angel laughed loudly, and the black light soared.

"Tsk tusk, Birdman, is this guy your bastard." Another joking voice thought.

"Hmph, I don't know you as much." A middle-aged man with golden light all over appeared and said with a cold snort.

"Oh, there are people who dare to say that the **** of light is the bird man, who is so bold." Another female voice appeared, but the sound of the word bird man was a bit more serious.

"Don't make trouble, our Council of Gods Law Enforcement Team finally got together and quickly solved it. As for the dirty affairs of your angel family, our Council of Gods can't control it." Another majestic voice continued.

With the appearance of this voice, the twelve-winged fallen angel found five figures around him. The twelve-winged fallen angel was stunned. Yes, he was just a traitor to the angel family, and the angel family did their best for their reputation. Covering up your own existence makes people outside misunderstand that you and the angels are in the same camp, but who is the one that Nima appears.

The only person who dares to say that the God of Light is the big mouth of the God of War, and the one who dares to satirize the God of Light must be the goddess of natural life. As for the Dragon God, let alone, there is a silent man who does not know the fallen angel, but these five powerful Existence is clearly for oneself.

"Old guy, haha, when you come to the Demon Plane like this, aren't you afraid that the Council of Gods will turn up the sky." The fallen angel knows that the Demon Plane is not low in the Council of Gods.

"Tsk tusk, look at what you said, this demon plane has changed into the sky, and your city of angels has been destroyed, and the Black Dragon City barely has three or two kittens left. As for the flame demon, the moon demon clan can't let it go with ui The flame demon clan that does not exist in Yan Kun, the rest is the succubus, but even if the succubus can escape this time, even if it is lucky, they still want to find something, those guys will make trouble for a few years, but if they don’t know each other, I I don't dislike many gods." The man in black who has been silent said, but it was a female voice.

"Damn it, this is your conspiracy." The twelve-winged fallen angel jumped and cursed.

"No, these have nothing to do with us, you may not believe it, we just passed by." The Dragon God replied faintly, but after the answer, a rich golden light appeared all over the Dragon God.

"Boom, boom, boom." The violent vibrations and huge shock waves made the whole world change color, as if the whole plane was shaking slightly.

Madder was also moved by the powerful power. Madder looked at the direction of the City of Angels in astonishment, and was uncertain in his heart. Such shaking didn't last long, probably a few minutes.

"Father, we have to seize the opportunity." Seeing that Madd did not move, Desen said quickly.

"Well, the flame demon clan, there will be my moon demon clan in the future, and your flame demon clan will never want to have a good life, but the area where the flame demon clan lives is special..." Maade still has concerns.

"Exchange, exchange with adults." Desen gritted his teeth. Desen could never forget the pain in his heart when the Moon City was broken, and it was even harder to forget the helplessness in his heart when Maade decided to fight to the death. .

Maade nodded, then stood up, Desen even more echoed: "Father, so many subordinates of the adults, they must need huge materials, I think we can rely on the adults..."

Madder didn't wait for Desen to finish, and said: "Don't forget, we are now peripheral members, and attachment is not just wishful thinking of us."

"Father, what should we do? After defeat, we need a victory to increase the confidence of the people." Desen asked.

Maade shook his head and said: "Desen, your temper is always so impatient, the initiative is not in our hands, and Yan Kun is dead, but the overall strength of the flame demon is still very high, and there are fallen angels, Black Dragon City. , As well as several other powerful races, as well as the Tauren, Goathead and other races. It does not mean that we can deal with the Balrog clan alone, but also think about the reactions of other races."

"My lord, someone asked to see him. It is said to be an intelligence officer." The demon guard hurried in for a month and reported to Madd.

As soon as Maade heard this, he stood up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and walked out, and saw a huge metal object floating in the air. A human being was waiting there at the door. Maade hurriedly stepped forward and said: " I am the patriarch of the Moon Demon Clan."

"Patriarch Maad, I am the master's intelligence officer. I have some important information to report to you. First of all, the City of Angels and the Black Dragon City almost no longer exist, and my master decided to give some help to the Moon Demon Clan. First of all, we will Some soldiers are stationed in Moon Demon City to help Moon Demon City rebuild, and the other is to provide Moon Demon City with a batch of fire immunity potions." This person immediately said, and at the same time gave him a space ring.

After the man finished speaking, he continued: "If you need help in the future, or if you need anything, just go to the commander on the wall."

The human left after speaking. The two boots on his feet showed a faint yellow light, and then the man flew directly next to the metal object, and immediately after the metal object, he opened a door. After the man entered, the surface of the metal object Exuding silver light, it disappeared into the air.

"Well, is this the magicweave spaceship?" Madder muttered to himself while looking at the mana spaceship that was leaving.

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