A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 95: Shocking intelligence

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"Father, this, what this information says is true, the City of Angels is destroyed, and the City of Black Dragon." Desen froze for a while before asking very suspiciously.

"I guess it's not bad. I sensed a violent divine power fluctuation just now." Maade nodded and said.

Hearing this, Desen asked mysteriously: "Father, could this be done by an adult?"

"Probably not, after all, the fallen angels are still angels, and although the black dragons were driven out of the dragons by the dragons, everyone knows what virtues the dragons are, so adults should not be able to." Maade analyzed the answer. Tao.

When Desen heard Mad’s answer, he was even more puzzled: "So according to your father, it was not made by an adult, so who is capable and capable of doing this."

"Maybe..." Madd didn't know how to answer. Although Madd had some ideas in his heart, they didn't realize it after all.

Desen continued to ask: "Father, you didn't say that other gods come to the demon plane, you will feel it, but this time the adults come, how do you feel."

"Nonsense, your lord has already understood the law of space, how can we feel it?" Maade replied irritably.

"Oh, then, will the adults who destroy the City of Angels and the Black Dragon City be the helpers found by the adults? The Black Dragon City is so awesome. If there is a giant dragon family, it will be natural for the Black Dragon City to be destroyed, but what is the reason for the City of Angels? What's going on." Desen said analytically.

Madd was reminded by Desen, and immediately said: "I know, the city of angels was destroyed by the Temple of Light. The fallen angels actually have enmity with the angels of light, and the divine power fluctuation that I just sensed is God It has come down, and it seems that the power of the Temple of Light is very great this time."

"Doesn't it mean that the lord knew that the Twelve Winged Fallen Angels and the Black Dragon King were all here, and then went back to arrange this scene." Desen was even more surprised, yes, there is no shadow, no trace, no ghosts.

Maade heard Desen say this, and said with emotion: "It should be like this, my lord is easy to calculate. The twelve-winged fallen angel is not in the City of Angels. The strength of the City of Angels has to be reduced a lot, and the Black Dragon City is the same, not only that. , And also killed Yan Kun in seconds."

"Tsk tusk, it's amazing. Fortunately, we had a good relationship with adults at the beginning, father, do we also look for the flame demon clan to settle accounts." Desen tut sighed.

"That is, even if the territory of the Flame Demon Clan is useless to our Moon Demon Clan, we are out of the Moon Demon Clan. By the way, you can go and see what kind of help the commander of the Lord on the Wall can provide us. "Made said to Desen.

Desen rushed out, yes, Desen knew that his father had decided to trouble the Balrog clan, Desen was also expecting so. This time the incident let Desen know how fragile Moon Demon City is. , And now is the moment when the Moon Demon rises. Desen knows that if it is done well, then it is very possible for the Moon Demon clan to occupy the absolute right to speak on the plane of the devil, but isn't this what he wants.

Desen returned soon, and Madder saw Desen excited and asked: "Why, what did they promise."

Desen replied excitedly: "The commander promised to give us some support, including some equipment and weapons, and also promised to support some manpower, and he could also recruit mercenaries for us."

"Recruit mercenaries, mercenaries from there." Madd asked suspiciously.

"It's a powerful mercenary from the main plane." Desen quickly replied.

"The main plane, how can the main plane come here?" Maade asked strangely.

Desen was stunned by the question, then Madd stood up suddenly: "Could it be that your sir directly opened up the space channel."

After Maade finished speaking, he immediately disappeared. After a daze, Maade saw Maade come back. Maade said hurriedly: "Quickly, take me to the commander."

When Madd saw the commander, he was completely dumbfounded. Yes, who the commander is? Bagru the two-headed ogre. Madd looked at Desen suspiciously. Desen understands Madd. Meaning, greet Baglu quickly: "Commander Baglu, this is my father, Patriarch Maad."

"Oh, you are a god, tusk, I thought God was much taller than us people, it turned out not to be, you are here for the fire demon, what I say counts, if it's not for the master for not allowing me to act privately If that is the case, Lao Tzu has already led the army to kill the fire demon's territory. I have a shortcoming, that is, I feel uncomfortable after fighting for three days." One of Baglu's head shook.

But Bagru’s other head immediately said angrily: "Shut up, Lord, let me look at you and don't let you mess around."

"Bah, you still want to watch me like this. I hate those guys who keep talking in my ears." Bagru's original head immediately became angry.

"Boom." Without warning, Baglu waved one of his hands and hit the other half of his face directly.

"Oh, you dare to attack, it's a mockery." So a very funny scene appeared. Baglu's left and right hands were fighting with each other, and the two heads were still colliding with each other, making Madder dizzy.

"Okay, you two guys." At this moment, a voice sullenly shouted.

"Madam." Baglu's two heads fell immediately upon hearing this.

Maade looked at the human beings that appeared, Maade could clearly perceive that this was a powerful demigod, and the introverted energy in his body made Maade perceive that it was not very clear.

"You two should reflect on yourself now." Connie looked at this Bagglu and said irritably, but Connie didn't punish him too much. A Bagglu's growth has reached the limit, which makes Bagglu. The two heads slowly split into two separate souls, and then it may be possible to break through. This is Cook's idea. Although Connie and others think that the soul is born, since Cook did this, the others only have Cooperate.

"Hello, my name is Made." Made not dare to put on airs, and quickly introduced himself.

"My name is Connie, and I am the chief of staff stationed here." Connie introduced herself.

"Madam, we are here to ask about sending troops to the land of the Flame Demon." Madame did not dare to call Connie by name, or his wife.

"This is your own choice. What kind of support do you need, how many manpower you need, or just equipment. After all, we are now stationed here. We are very embarrassed. When things calm down, we will leave. After all, this is the Moon Devil City." Connie replied indifferently, not at all feeling that Ma De was a **** level.

"No, no, no, our Moon Demon City was originally an outlying member of the adults. It is only right for you to be stationed here. In this way, we will give you a piece of land immediately after we return. No, I think it is within a kilometer here. "Made quickly stood up and said when he heard this.

Why is Maade so excited? It is not that Maade has not considered the issue of the Moon Demon City, but now that the Moon Demon City has been broken once, Maade does not want the Moon Demon City to be broken a second time, and although Maade is a **** level, even if It is a **** that will eventually fall. Looking at the strength of Cook, it is not only her own strength, but also that the woman in front of her has stepped into the realm of God with one foot, so there is such a huge With the power in this place, how could Mader be unwilling. Although it was said that Moon Demon City would lose some of his autonomy, he would rather lose some autonomy than the city broke.

"Station, we don't have this internal plan, and stationing in a place is very troublesome, first is the transportation of materials, the other is the opening of the teleportation array, and the strength of the guards, etc." Connie shook her head and said.

"There is such a trouble." Desen asked in surprise.

"Of course, and it's not counted. In order to ensure the safety of the stationing point, the equipment and materials must have a certain degree of self-sufficiency, so the professions such as the alchemist, the magician, the pharmacist must be fully equipped, of course the stationed It also needs fees, so it needs to get through the transaction... Anyway, it's very troublesome." Connie still didn't want to.

"Mad, ma'am, if you leave, what if those guys come again?" Maade heard this, and became more determined to keep Connie and others here.

"We will come again when this time comes, and I want to pass this time, I guess no one is so bold." Connie still had some hesitation.

"Madam, I ask you to consider it carefully." Mad's heart sank.

"Well, we will consider it." Connie agreed directly. This is what, this is the art of politics. If Connie opens her mouth and says she wants to occupy a place in Moon City, she will not only appear arrogant, but also Make Mader and others feel a little dissatisfied, these dissatisfaction will cause all kinds of troubles in the future, and after this, no one will say anything in the future, even if someone says something, Mader guesses A hands-on.

"Then how are you going to attack the Flame Demon territory." Connie asked afterwards.

"Well, we can just lead people to kill." Desen replied in a low voice.

"Is there a battle plan?" Connie continued to ask.

"Yes, just kill more Balrogs." Maade gritted his teeth this time.

"How do you call combat objectives? In a war, we need to collect intelligence, analyze intelligence, spy on intelligence, and also need logistical support. We also need to formulate combat plans based on intelligence and combat purposes, as well as emergency backup plans, and retreat plans. None of you." Connie said angrily.

"This~www.wuxiaspot.com~Made and Desen are dumbfounded, the war is just rushing to do it, I didn't see the fire demon clan attacking the Moon Demon City like this.

"And when it comes to battles, there are many others, such as those who have cover, those who charge, those who lure the enemy, and those who sneak attacks, and the construction of battle fortresses, as well as reserve teams, the disposal of the wounded, the rescue, the distribution of trophies, etc. "Connie continued very contemptuously.

"Also, there is so much knowledge." Desen asked in astonishment with his mouth wide open.

"Of course, I need to do this for the thousands of battles I have led and commanded." Connie said confidently.

"That..." Madd's cold sweat came down. From Mad's ears, Connie's level of command was needed to command the battle. It must be the battle against other planes. Mad's knew that Connie was a normal human empire before. The general is just that, a month demon can destroy a group of ordinary people.

"Well, let's discuss the purpose of your battle first, and then make a battle plan based on this purpose, and then collect information accordingly." Connie smiled and said,

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