A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Speechless Modi

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"Be careful, don't fall." Modi the Ratman said to Cook mockingly.

Modi was the person Sebastian found to lead Cook, and Cook also showed a disgusting, money-loving, and stingy look. In just half a month, Modi had already treated Cook. Disgusted, Cook and Modi are standing on a huge cliff. This is the edge of the plane of the Blackrock Wilderness. Here you can see some and the abyss filled with clouds. These clouds are shining and shining by the sun. Fascinating colors.

"Hey, how could I fall down, Uncle Sierra." Cook's current name is Sierra, a bunnyman. And the strength is very no, this is why Modi dare not do anything to Cook.

In front of Cook and Modi is a thick rope, which hangs from an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. A huge shadow can be seen at an altitude of 2,000 meters. This is Cook and Modi. Another plane the two need to enter.

When Cook saw this scene, said. He finally knows why merchants are so rare. At a vertical height of two kilometers, there is only a thick rope. This is not something ordinary people can do, and there is no way to say There will be no danger.

Modi couldn’t help it with Cook. He gave a cold snort, took out a metal component and started climbing. Cook was dumbfounded. What is this? This is the safety buckle for mountaineering, and it is Modi himself. It is very rough.

"Hehe." Seeing Cook's dumbfounded look, Modi smiled, and then climbed up. He also deliberately rested at a distance of tens of meters, and soothed his hands, apparently for Cook. ugly.

When Cook saw Modi doing this, the corner of his mouth curled, then he took out the belt directly and wrapped it around his waist and hands a few times.

"Hurry up." Cook kept moving his hands, and soon approached Modi, and Cook's hands can also be released, and the belts on both hands and wrists can prevent sudden sliding, and once the belt on the waist goes It will suddenly get stuck on the rope.

At this moment Modi was dumbfounded, and Modi cursed Cook in his heart: "Damn bunny man, actually came up with this method, I hope your belt breaks."

"Hurry up, what are you doing, I'm not polite to you for delaying my getting rich." Cook's voice kept ringing behind Modi.

"Damn bastard." Modi cursed inwardly, but had to speed up. He was really tired, so he took a rest.

Cook saw Modi stop and said mockingly: "Asshole, I can't climb, my heart falls."

"You..." Modi swears in his heart that he must let this guy enter the **** plane. A normal plane is really not suitable for this guy. Modi finally knows why the person who asked him would let him bring this guy. It's really annoying, so annoying, so annoying and disgusting, you can't wait to slap this guy to death.

"Hurry up, have you eaten up your ass? You bastard, don't you know there is someone waiting behind you? Looking at your short limbs, I think you must have a rest. Oh my god, this How can I live it?" Cook kept mocking behind Modi.

Modi really wanted to cut the rope, but the rope was stretched underneath it so as not to sway in the air. If it weren't for the danger of breaking the rope, Modi would have cut the rope long ago.

Among Cook's different taunts, after a while, Modi and Cook finally climbed onto another plane.

"Welcome, Modi, my friend." A dwarf hugged Modi and said.

"Costa, I'm very happy to meet you too." Modi broke free from the dwarf's embrace and said.

"Modi, what good stuff are you bringing this time?" Costa looked at Modi's backpack and asked.

Modi pointed to Cook and said, "This guy is going to the **** plane."

"The **** plane, but it will take three months to pass, and it will take more than half a year. Of course, these are not my concern, what I care about is the reward." Costa said.

"Remuneration, as long as the **** plane can really make a fortune, I will pay out how much, but if there is no place to make a fortune, hum." Cook said very arrogantly at this time.

Looking at Cook in Costa language, he said, "You have a problem with your brain?"

"Papa. Who do you know, I know, the uncle is going to make a fortune." Cook slapped him twice, almost knocking Costa out.

Cook asked Modi again: "Is this guy who has a way?"

"Yeah." Modi shrugged.

"Okay, you can go now. I am not interested in bullying you when I see you like this. But if this short winter melon is ignorant, I don't mind bullying and bullying him." Cook picked up Costa, and then Said threateningly.

"Damn bastard, shit, you brave bunny, I will let those perverted guys blast your **** directly." Costa did not expect to be bullied on his own territory, and shouted.

"Yeah, I don't know what it's like to go down from here, do you say you can hold this rope?". Cook picked up Costa and dangled twice over the cliff. Below the cliff was the Blackrock Wilderness.

"Damn it, let me down, you bastard, Modi, you **** dare to bring such a guy here, you...boom." Costa yelled and threatened Modi.

Modi was dumbfounded, because Cook used the Costa directly on the ground. Costa fainted unfortunately. Modi felt trembling all over, and Cook shrugged and said, "Look, my temper is bad. Not very good, do you still want to trade this short winter melon?"

"No, no." Modi said with a wave of his hand when he saw the result, and then slid down the rope, but Modi felt a little bit as soon as he slipped down, and then looked up at the top of the rope.

"Ah!!!" Modi yelled in fear when he saw Cook reached out and made gestures in the shape of a scissors hand on the rope.

"Haha." Cook laughed loudly, then turned around and left, of course carrying Costa.

Modi landed in the Blackrock Wilderness at an extremely fast speed, and then Modi fell to the ground all of a sudden. Yes, Cook did scare Modi enough just now.

When Costa woke up, he found that he was hung up, and there was an abyss below him. Costa yelled, "Help, help."

"If you call again, I'll cut the rope." A voice came from above, and Costa looked up and almost jumped and scolded. The bunny man actually took the dry food he brought in his hands and ate it. Shaking his head, his brows were also frowned, as if it were very unpalatable.

"Tsk tsk, it's terrible, don't you dwarves eat this kind of shit-like food?" While eating Cooke, while throwing it away, he said with tsk.

What Costa wants to do now is to put **** into Cook's mouth, and then ask Cook if the **** is delicious or his own dry food is delicious, knowing that this is prepared by his lover.

"Your Excellency, this is the Fragmented Rock Plane, not your Blackstone Plane." Costa reminded euphemistically.

After listening, Cook patted his forehead and said, "Oh, my God, this short winter melon has the same IQ, I don't know if this is the Black Rock Wilderness?"

"Your Excellency, don't be too presumptuous, otherwise our dwarves are not good... Ah... bang... ah... bang." Costa threatened directly, but before he finished speaking, he saw Cook stand up , And then pulled up the rope in his hand, and then flicked it aside, Kosda came into close contact with the rock.

"Ah, bang, **** bastard, I want to kill...ah." Seeing the rock's constant close contact with him, Costa roared, but the constant impact made Costa scream.

Cook shook the rope vigorously while shouting: "I dare to threaten your uncle. It seems that I won't give you anything. You don't know what kind of person I am."

Ten minutes later, there were already counted bags on Costa's head, and Cook asked with a sneer: "Dare to threaten me? Your uncle, I don't see anyone threatening me."

Costa didn't dare to answer at all, but in her heart he scolded Modi and Cooke bloody, and Costa vowed in his heart that he must let Cook, this **** receive the punishment he deserves.

"Do you understand now? Let me ask you a question. If you answer honestly, I will let you go. Of course, it doesn't matter if you are not honest. I just drop the rope." Cook said lightly.

Costa burst into tears, you are also a threat from Chi Guoguo, but in Costa's eyes, Cook is a lunatic, neurotic, otherwise, who would provoke dwarves on the plane of rock fragments, know that dwarves are gravel The largest controller of the plane.

"I see, what do you want to ask?" Costa replied honestly.

"I want to ask if the **** plane can really make a fortune?" Cook asked as if he was a fortune fan.

"Of course, the Bloody Plane is actually a battlefield fragment from the ancient times. In fact, it is not only the Bloody Plane, but the entire Lost Plane was originally a huge primary material plane. In the end, I don’t know how it was broken, **** There is an ancient battlefield on the plane, and there are many good things left over from ancient times." Costa replied.

"Really, are there really things left over from ancient times?" Cook looked very eager.

Of course, in the eyes of Kosda, this is what the money fan looks like. Kosda sneered in his heart, yes, where is the **** plane, there are many versions, and there are many people who go to the **** plane of various races~www.wuxiaspot. com~ But the number of sons-in-laws is very small, even these guys disappeared in the end, so the **** plane is just the place where the guys who can't survive, or the place where the guys who are hunted and wanted, normal people Few will go.

"Of course." Costa replied quickly.

"Boom, boom, boom." But the next thing made Costa mad, Cook again picked up Costa and slammed into the stone.

After a while, Kosda became dizzy, and Cook’s voice was like a devil’s smile: "You dare to lie to me, if there are things left over from ancient times, you can wait until I go. I don’t know how to return the rope. How long can it be swayed, oh, is there two kilometers high from here to the bottom? I don't know what will happen if it falls?"

Chapter 108 The Modi of Language\">

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