A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 109: The dwarf who was breathless

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"I, I, I really didn't lie to you. A lot of people enter every year, but very few, very few come out, and according to the law, everything depends on strength..." Costa really really I was scared, because in the eyes of Costa, Cook was a madman, a madman without any logic at all.

Costa is not afraid of a normal person, but many people are afraid of an abnormal person, because abnormal people often do things unexpectedly and make people caught off guard.

"Tsk tusk, it seems that this **** plane is really dangerous, then how do you go to the **** plane?" Cook asked.

"You have to wait at least three months before you go to the Green Bird plane. This plane lives in a group of green birds. The individual strength of this bird is not high, but a group of green birds can peck a dragon in a short time. This plane is named after the color of the bird. The green bird plane is the site of a group of gnomes. As you know, gnomes also like to live in caves, so green birds and gnomes can live together peacefully. Reach the green bird The plane will reach the lava plane in half a year. There are no intelligent creatures on the lava plane, and some are lava and poisonous gas. After passing the lava plane, you can reach the last plane within a month, the chaos plane, This plane is composed of criminals from various planes. The robbers are gathered together. It is also the most dangerous. Then you need to wait for the first half of the year to reach the **** plane. This is a safer route. There are several dangerous routes. , But it will pass through some dead planes, and it's dangerous. The dead plane has no creatures and no supplies." Costa continued.

"It takes so long. I can't wait to go to the **** plane. As for the strength, my strength is almost invincible." Cook said arrogantly.

Costa looked at Cook, cursing Cook, cursing this guy, and cursing this guy not to come back if he goes.

Cook brought Kosda up and said, "You write me the road map of the Bloody Plane, and I will find someone to check it. If it is not right, hum, I know your name is Kosda, I hope you have no family , Otherwise, I don’t mind working on women and children, uncle.”

When Costa heard Cook's words, he secretly scolded Cook for being extremely shameless, and he could say that, but then Costa's eyes widened.

"Soil buns, I haven't seen it before. This is a magic image crystal." Cook said with a smile, but the words made Costa almost crazy.

Costa gave Cook several known routes. Of course, most of them have to transit through the dead plane. The average person will not enter these dead planes, but who is Cook, Cook can’t wait. For such a long time, and Cook suspected that these certain dead planes might be the masterpieces of the demons, which made people afraid to stay.

Of course, this is only Cook's guess. Of course, Cook has a reason to save time. After all, to find out the situation of the **** plane first is very useful for discovering the traces of the demon.

"Dwarf melon, goodbye." Cook waved to Costa.

Costa looked at Cook's back and said, "Bah, I want to run."

"Damn bastard, I want you to leave the plane of gravel, I don't have to mix in the plane of gravel." Costa swears in his heart while running fast.

The gravel plane mountains are also very large, but these mountains are covered with short shrubs, and there are not many tall trees, and the surface of the stones on these mountains are all pebbles of different kinds, just like the ones growing on them. Same, this is the origin of the gravel plane.

"It looks like you have to hurry up, otherwise Costa will be in trouble if you find someone to come." Cook is also speeding up. Cook still clearly remembers the several nearby routes of Costa, one of which passed through two deaths. The plane can reach the plane of chaos. For others, a dead plane is already very difficult, but for Cook, the difference between one and two is not very big.

Of course, Cook was not stupid enough to believe Costa’s words. Cook flew directly into the air, but after a while, Cook flew for a while and found out that he was wrong. Dwarves like to live in mines and fly to find someone. How can I find it.

"It's him, from the dark camp, who wants to go to the chaotic plane, **** it, you see, I was tortured like this by this guy." When Cook was a little depressed, a group of dwarves appeared on a mountain. , Costa is among them.

"Costa, your brain is not sick, you see this person is flying in the air." Someone immediately retorted.

"Yeah, such a strong man tortured you, a finger can make you die no longer." And the dwarf said.

Cook’s ears are very sensitive. He was surprised when he heard these dwarves. Nima seemed to be not very popular with Costa. As soon as Cook’s eyes turned, he had an idea: "Damn you guys, you finally Appeared, dare to lie to me."

"Who are you guys, this guy deceived me." Cook landed and pointed at Costa.

"Who is your excellency?" a high-level dwarf in the sanctuary asked.

"I came from a distant human-controlled plane. I am hunting down the traitor of our human race. This human traitor stole the holy artifacts in the temple. As far as I have gone to the chaotic plane, I found a man in the Blackrock Wilderness. The businessman led the way. Then I met this liar and actually lied to me. I now suspect that this dwarf is related to the disappearance of the holy artifacts of our human temple." First of all, Cook was detained with a big hat.

The holy objects of the temple, this is the most valuable thing in the temple, Cook's law is logical, of course, it is precisely this that makes these dwarves believe their words.

"Asshole, how many times have you been, don't do those smuggling activities, just don't listen, Costa, come here." The senior sanctuary powerhouse inside the dwarf shouted.

"Patriarch, patriarch, I, I..." Kosda was stunned. Yes, I didn't expect this cunning bunny man to do this. Now Kosda has the urge to scold his mother.

"Quick, are you related to the sacred objects of our temple?" Cook glared at Costa and shouted loudly, as if he had deep hatred.

"You, you bastard, you lie, you are forcing me to go to the **** plane, there is no sacred thing." Kosda jumped and shouted.

"Hmph, I can mess with the holy thing. If it's you, will you return?" Cook asked the dwarf beside Costa.

A dwarf said, "Of course not, Costa. It is not good for you to do this. It is not good for you to study forging without concentration. You have to learn those treacherous dwarfs to do business. It is very bad for you."

"That's right, Costa, if you know the whereabouts of the holy relic, come out." The dwarf beside Costa said.

"Hey, I'm here, this guy is here to ask for directions. It was Modubaito and I took this guy to the **** plane..." Kostar looked at the strange gazes of the people around him, and suddenly woke up, Nima confused the plane. Is there any difference in the **** plane, Costa found that he had the urge to vomit blood for the first time.

"Hey, there are some things that need to be kept secret. I dare to mess with the sacred object. I saw this adult here. I didn’t want us humans to have any conflicts with your dwarves, so I brought the matter out. I miss you too. Can you keep this secret for me?" Cook sighed, it was awe-inspiring.

"Sure." The patriarch of the dwarf clan felt like Cook, with an inexplicable sense of joy in his heart. Yes, this human being is not as cunning as other humans at all. This is so thoughtful.

The patriarch turned his head and ordered Kasda: "Costa, you fellow, you will get into trouble. I limit you to forging within three years, otherwise I will drive you out of our gravel plane."

"Patriarch, this treacherous, hypocritical, cunning human is lying, he is lying, there is no holy thing at all..." Kosda's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what Cook said, yucky. This human being is treacherous.

"Enough, Costa, you are used to this, you don't admit it, the more you are, the less we will believe you, the holy thing, you should come out, otherwise we will not be easy to handle." A dwarf yelled.

"But, but I really didn't see the holy thing." Costa was speechless, depressed and chest tight, almost vomiting blood.

At this time, Cook immediately fainted Costa with a single sentence. Cook said: "Your patriarch, I don't think it is possible for the traitor to give the holy thing to this dwarf brother. I just have some concerns. "

When Skoda heard this from Cook, he immediately jumped and said: "Look, you see, how could I be that kind of person?"

"Worried?" the dwarf patriarch asked.

"Yes, I am worried that this dwarf brother has taken advantage of the traitor and gave me the wrong route, so I would like to ask your patriarch to show me how to move on the plane of chaos." Cook said sincerely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you……. "Skoda passed out directly, yes, he passed out angrily.

"Hey, take Skoda back. You won't be allowed to go there without my order." The dwarf patriarch saw Skoda fainted and mistakenly thought that Skoda was really lying. He gave Skoda a pity and said.

The dwarf patriarch gave Cook a route to the chaos plane, and the dwarf patriarch had to be more detailed than Skoda.

"Your patriarch, if someone comes to me in the future, it will be my teammate, a chamber of commerce of our human beings. We feel that all the planes of the bright camp should be united. I have a message for you, that is, this chamber of commerce. Magicweave equipment for sale." Cook finally said mysteriously.




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