A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 110: Find

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The dwarf patriarch looked at Cook and shook his head and said, "My lord, you can leave now, but the holy thing matters."

Cook made it inexplicable. Of course, Cook didn't continue to explain anything, and shook his head and left. Cook still didn't understand the attitude of the dwarf patriarch just now. Cook thought about what he had just said. There was no place to offend this. Dwarf patriarch. . The update is fast.

After the dwarven guards escorted Cook to leave, the dwarf patriarch shook his head and said, "Have you seen that this is a human, a full-fledged liar, magicweave equipment, and the Chamber of Commerce. It must be a languid who doesn’t know there, and I think This human is not looking for a holy thing, it may be a criminal on a certain plane of humanity. If the holy thing is really lost, will there be no anxious expression?"

"What the patriarch said makes sense, but what about Skoda?" another dwarf asked flatly.

"Still punished, this guy knows to cause trouble, he doesn't learn the forging, and he is not allowed to come out again. If he can't learn it within three months, he will be sent to the mine'hole' to dig for three years and grind. 'Son." The dwarf patriarch replied irritably.

If Cook knew the thoughts of the dwarf patriarch, he might be very angry. When a dwarf heard the patriarch's words, he hurriedly asked: "Patriarch, why do you say that the Chamber of Commerce selling magicweave equipment is a liar?"

"I only have two magicweave equipment. You said this guy said that a chamber of commerce has magicweave equipment. What is this not a liar?" The dwarf patriarch replied angrily.

The dwarves returned to the underground world again. What Cook didn’t know was that under this rolling mountain was a huge underground city. In this underground city, there were dwarves, humans, spirits, orcs. They came here to'sell' weapons. The weapons created by the dwarves are the'fine' of the'fine' products, so the dwarves here do not grow food at all, and all rely on weapons to'exchange'.

The plane of death, Cook entered such an area for the first time. After seeing these planes of death, Cook understood what it was. This is the same thing as a large meteorite, but this meteorite is big enough, almost countless. It is a thousand kilometers wide, there is no water and no air above, but there is life.

"This is?" Cook looked at the huge footprint on the ground and became vigilant.

This dead plane has no name. Not long after Cook came from the gravel plane, he found a half-meter-sized footprint on the dusty ground, and this footprint still looks very fresh, Cook After'touching' it, the depth of this footprint is more than ten centimeters, and this ten centimeters is only a few centimeters deep with sand and dust, and underneath is a hard rock.

"It seems to be some kind of large creature." Cook felt confident in his heart.

Cook groaned for a moment, made a decision in an instant, and went to see. After all, those who survive in such an environment must be powerful guys, maybe star beasts.

Following the trail, Cook came to a huge valley. The trail entered this huge valley. The valley was thousands of meters deep and several kilometers wide. Not far from the valley, the creature The footprints have actually increased.

"It seems that I have discovered it." A silver ‘colored’ cross flashed through his eyes behind Cook’s sunglasses, and he muttered in his heart, and then Cook returned the same way.

After Cook returned the same way, his whole body felt trembling. This was "exciting". Cook just looked at it with his magic eyes. It didn’t matter if he saw it. Cook actually saw no less than five composite magic pattern arrays around. At that time, Cook was almost dumbfounded. Fortunately, Cook was not an ordinary person, and instantly thought of the Demon Race, only the Demon Race has such a powerful magic line attainments.

"Haha, haha, I found it unexpectedly." Cook was irritated in his heart, so Cook went back the same way just now, acting like a passerby.

Of course, Cook’s ideas are good, and some people simply don’t want to let Cook go.

In the depths of the death plane, in a huge hall, hundreds of magic projections showed most of the death plane, and Cook appeared on it.

"Captain, there is a bunny man with good strength. He can actually cross the Death Star without using equipment." A guy who looks almost like a human said loudly.

"Quack, quack, really a good captive, I think this guy can definitely sell for a big price." A giant said with a weird smile when he saw Cook's figure.

"Yes, this guy must be very popular in the slave market, and I don't know why. The guys with strong ‘physical’ body strength have been popular in the last few hundred years," another dwarf said.

"Leader, I found that the target is a very powerful target with a ‘physical’ body. It is in the F9 area, passing through our territory." The giant said.

"Really, Love, you go get this guy up." A voice rang out in this hall. If Cook was there, he would be surprised, because the magic civilization here has actually reached the standard for establishing a laboratory in West Asia. , Magic projection, sound transmission and other functions.

Cook's heart was extremely'excited', thinking that he had met the demons, Cook deliberately slowed down, waiting for the appearance of the demons, and then grabbed himself, looking for opportunities inside the demons, and then opened the space coordinates, Then a steady stream of Balrog soldiers will bloom from the inside of the Demon Race, Cook thought of the Demon Race seeing such a scene, and his heart was extremely excited.

"Haha, a bunny man, my God, guess what I saw?" In front of Cook, a creature that resembled a tyrannosaurus ironclad appeared. On the back of this creature, there was a giant knight. The giant knight laughed. Looked at Cook.

"Who are you, dare to stop me, want to die?" Cook saw this giant, and his heart was a little disappointed, because this giant can't be a demon at all, and there are only two forms of demon. It is the form of the demons themselves, and the second is the form of humans, so giants are not at all. When Cook is lost, he is a little angry, and the language is a little bad.

"Who, haha, tell you this guy, we are walking and darkness, in the blade and passion, passion and coldness, and wandering in the darkness on the edge of death." The giant was dragged, cool and loud. Replied. To Cook's surprise, there is no air here, and the movement of this guy's spirit is almost the same as his own.

Cook pondered for a moment, and said angrily: "Nima is a robber, and he keeps talking."

"Haha, we are interstellar bandits, and you don't understand it the same as you guys, you guys on the Lost Plane are all the guys, don't know what the interstellar is?" The giant laughed.

Inside the giant's helmet, a voice rang: "Lof, no matter how nonsense you are, don't come back. Otherwise, I will make you look good. The "transaction" of the gravel plane is our most important thing. thing."

"Okay, boss, I'll take this guy... bang, bang!" Love immediately replied when he heard his boss's scolding, but before he finished speaking, Love felt like he was flying. , And then it was black.

"Kang Dang!"

"Puff!" At this time, inside the Death Star, everyone who saw the magic projection inside opened their mouths, because Love and his mount were kicked out by someone, and of course the opponent was extremely fast. After Love flew out with his mount, the target appeared in the position where Love just stood. Love was unfortunately added between the ground and the mount, and the huge power directly caused Love to pass out.

"Boss, this. Isn't this true?" A giant stammered.

"Damn it, alarm, alarm." The giant called the boss jumped and cursed.

"Beep beep." A beep sounded throughout the underground space.

"You still want to robbery with something like you, and also interstellar pirates, yucky." Cook came to the giant and cursed badly.

Then Cook took off the guy’s equipment, and then Cook was slightly surprised, because the guy’s helmet actually had a magic pattern that increased the movement of the spirit and spirit, and there was also a simple communication magic pattern. Yes, although the magic pattern is a three-dimensional structure, it is impossible to tell what it looks like, but at what level of magic pattern Cook is, he knows that this magic pattern is castrated.

"Hey, it actually uses its own energy to run the magic pattern." Then Cook was even more disappointed. This set of equipment will continue to absorb the user's energy and supply the equipment for use. This is the biggest drawback in Cook's view. , Don’t underestimate the continuous consumption, the cumulative amount is not a small number, so the magic pattern equipment under Cook has its own energy system, of course, it can use its own energy after the energy is exhausted.

Cook didn't say anything about it. Cook also banged on the giant's equipment and whispered in a low voice, "Not bad equipment."

"Stop." Cook packed the giant's equipment and carried it on his back. Of course Cook deliberately ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Apparently there are people behind this guy, and these trash Cooks simply don't like it, but even if it is Cook was also surprised by the castrated magic pattern equipment. Cook seemed to have entered another world, and the magic pattern equipment in this world seemed very ordinary.

"Are you also interstellar pirates?" Cook's two long ears moved, and then asked, with a carefree look, without putting dozens of knights in his eyes.

"Boss, this kid looks like a beating, should we go together?" behind the giant boss, a guy who looked like a mountain dwarf asked quietly.

"This gentleman, I don't know where your Excellency is going. Just now my brother was just joking with you, but since the gentleman passed by our site, our master also needs to know who the husband is, in case it is our enemy. ......" I don't know that the giant boss exudes such'spirit' and'spiritual' movements.

Cook felt the movement of the spirit and the gods and was shocked. Others' territories, Nima, and the Death Star were all occupied. Cook asked in surprise: "Really your territory?";- -28936+dsuaahhh+26634600-->

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