A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 111: Interstellar pirates

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"Of course, where does the husband plan to go? According to my estimation, the husband plans to go to the ‘chaotic’ plane?" The giant boss asked again.

"Who are you, are those bounty hunters filmed by the bastards, how do they know that I am going to the chaotic plane?" Cook looked wary. . For more latest chapters visit:щw..

"Hehe, the only ones who pass by our side are to go to the plane of chaos, and the gentleman ignores the danger, obviously there is some kind of motivation behind him, but he can rest assured that we are not those bounty hunters, and we just want to Go to the plane of chaos, or let's be together?" The giant boss asked again.

A subordinate behind the boss quickly said in the helmet: "Boss, are you trying to get this guy into the group?"

"Of course, you saw that the guy was strong enough, but he didn’t even see that Love was kicked out directly. He didn’t even have a chance to react. And this guy’s adventure through the Death Star must have committed a great thing. Why are we? Can't win?" The giant boss also replied in the helmet.

"Maybe I should take a look, the big deal will ransack these guys, and then go to the "chaos" plane." Cook thought to himself, if the boss of the other party knew that he was not a powerful subordinate, and He is a guy who is more ferocious than a dragon, I don't know how to think.

So Cook asked suspiciously: "You are not a lie, how come you go to the ‘chaotic’ plane, where is your territory?"

"Haha." The giant boss laughed, and the giant boss felt more relieved, because judging from what the orc asked, this logic of thinking is simply scum, don't you know that the Death Star will move?

"What are you laughing at?" Cook looked wary.

"Our plane is movable, and we will'fuck' the direction of the death star." The giant boss said mysteriously. 'Cook was stunned at first when he heard this. Yes, Cook himself was surprised, but then Cook understood when he thought about it. To put it bluntly, these death stars are just a large celestial body, and they are suspended in the universe. In the middle, it only takes a little thrust to change the direction, but for such a large celestial body to change its direction, a lot of energy is needed.

After a stunned Cook, he burst into laughter: "Haha, you said you are a person who is not shy when lying, and you control your direction. Pooh, my Tuba is not someone who has never seen the world. If you have nothing to do , Then I am leaving."

"Mr. Touba, how could I lie? My Lorda is also famous among interstellar pirates, and why should I lie? Don’t look at us now, there are dozens of people, but there are tens of thousands in the depths of this plane. And we have other weapons, Locke, show our guests our weapons." Luoda said at the same time the last sentence.

Deep in the ground, a giant smiled and replied: "Yes, boss."

"Woo." Cook became vigilant. Just when Cook was alert, a silvery white thing appeared on a nearby mountain peak, and then this thing instantly released a beam of light.

There was a bright fire in the distance, and then a big ‘hole’ appeared. There was almost no air here, so no sound could be transmitted.

"Did you see?" Roda asked.

"Are you really not bounty hunters?" Cook made a dubious look.

"Haha, look at the equipment in your hand. You should know that this is magicweave equipment. Do we still need that little bounty?" Luoda was very talkative.

Cook thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll go to the ‘chaos’ plane. I’m not a bad person and I won’t rob you with you.

"This is your freedom." Roda said with a shrug.

Cook looked at the vast underground space in surprise. There is not only a light source, but also some plants, and the entire underground world is enclosed, and there are magic circuits everywhere. Obviously, this interstellar robber's nest is very advanced.

"Then what are you doing now?" Cook asked with a bit of embarrassment as he opened his mouth wide and reacted after a while.

"Of course it's business. We came to this gravel plane to do business." Roda replied.

"Do business, do you want to rob the gravel plane?" Cook opened his mouth in surprise.

"No, no, we won't touch the gravel plane, but because the gravel plane is inhabited by dwarves, caravans often come to'trade' weapons, and we are here for these people." Replied on the side.

This robber den is actually a tribe that thinks that most of it is made up of giants. There are not only giant families, but also giant children, but the rest of the people cannot enter here.

"But who do you need?" Cook asked, feeling as if he was about to grasp something.

"Of course it was sold. Population is the best-selling goods. There is no one. And these'transactions' require several planes. So after the disappearance, there is no clue at all, and who knows that we are hiding in this way? Where's the Death Star?" Luoda explained with a smile. You can ask about Cook, but if you know too much, you can't leave.

"Doesn't that mean there are a lot of robbers like you?" Cook asked with wide-eyed eyes after a daze.

"At least there are more than 30 teams like ours, but we are all divided into regions, and other people are not allowed to hunt in my region, otherwise they will be punished." Luoda explained.

"Punishment, is it the punishment of the chamber of commerce that bought slaves? We bunny people are like slaves in the orcs, which is terrible." Cook did not question the fate of the slaves, but according to the blood of the demons, just think with toes Know what these people are doing.

"You don't have the right to know these things right now, but Brother Touba, do you want a beautiful bunny girl to relax you?" Roda asked afterwards and stared at Cook.

Cook shrugged and said, "I want the most beautiful and the most noble."

"Well, we just caught a bunny priest." Roda said with a smile.

"Priest, my God, you dare to capture the priest, aren't you afraid of the anger of the God of War?" Cook was shocked and asked loudly. Of course, the performance was also very important.

"Haha, God of War, God of War knows that we are here, I told Tuba, God of War is a god, but God is not omnipotent." Luoda looked indifferent.

"Tuba, I'll take you to your room. We welcome you to join at any time, and you have the priority right to choose the bunnyman. Of course, if you join, we can also not do it on the bunnyman." Luoda quoted Cooke. In a lure, Roda's words are also valid, because the rabbit man can't sell it for a few dollars, and it's not enough for the cost of arrest, because the rabbit's body is not strong enough to be worth money.

"I'll think about it seriously." Cook heard this, he "groaned" for a while, and then said.

Cook was taken into a room, but what made Cook’s egg hurt was that the room actually had a surveillance magic pattern, and it was at the top of the room very upright. Of course, Cook looked around in a pretentious manner, and then Spread out on the'bed'.

"Nima is really luxurious." Cook whispered, because the things on the'bed' are actually very'fine' beautiful fabrics.

"Haha, look at this bun, it actually said luxury." In a hall, Roda smiled at Cook's every move, and Love said mockingly.

"Lof, I advise you not to do this in the future, otherwise it would be very unsightly if you pass out again." Locke said with a smile.

"Locke, you bastard, don't say it anymore. Otherwise, I don't guarantee that my fist won't come into close contact with your face." Love roared madly. Yes, Love is too depressed. If he was put down by a trick, he would have died outside if it hadn't been rescued in time.

Just after Cook lay down for two minutes, the'door' was knocked. The'door' was a very luxurious metal'door'. When Cook opened the'door', he saw that a bunny man's'woman' was bound by someone. , A giant walked behind the rabbit-man'female' son, the rabbit-man'female' looks very beautiful, and there is a temperament, it seems that the status is not low.

"I said this little bunny girl is hot enough, if you don't like it, I will take it with you. This feels." The giant behind the bunny girl stretched out his hand and touched the bunny girl's chest. Ministry, said intoxicatedly.

"Boom!" But the next moment, the giant directly hit the metal channel a few meters high behind him, and the whole person sank directly. The nose of the giant was bleeding, and the whole person had lost consciousness.

"Uncle, you dare to touch my things, this time I will teach you a lesson, the next time there will be no such good things." Cook said very arrogantly, and then took the rabbit man's daughter into the room .

"I'm down." When Luoda and others arrived, they were completely shocked after seeing the scene.

"Boss, this guy will have to cultivate for more than a year at least, and his strength has also declined a lot." Locke checked the injured giant before speaking.

Love said to Roda: "Boss, I will kill this guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Well, you go, but we won't help. Locke, how is the magic projection system damaged?" Roda What I care about is the magic projection system installed in the channel.

"It's completely damaged. The only way to repair it is to go to the ‘chaos’ plane." Locke shook his head and said.

Roda looked at the giant inside the trap wall, and said with a cold snort, "Reduce this guy to two treatment levels, a guy with no vision."

Love looked at the giant ten centimeters deep inside the metal wall, and he was no longer so attractive to Cook's room.

"Let go of me, you bastard, bastard." The bunny girl was thrown on the bed by Cook and took out the cloth strip on the bunny girl's mouth. The bunny girl screamed all at once.

Cook said to the bunny ‘female’: "You better shut up, otherwise I will strip your clothes.";--28936+dsuaahhh+26670365-->

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