A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Morris family

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A magic airship in Morris Town slowly flew up, and then flew towards the distance. There were dozens of magicians on this magic airship who were nervously busy.

More than 500 kilometers away from Morris Town, there are hundreds of huge mage towers. In the middle of these mage towers, there is a minaret that is larger than all mage towers. It appeared silvery white and shone with metallic luster. At the top of this minaret, there was a round sphere with a diameter of more than two hundred meters. Inside the round sphere, more than a dozen magicians were gathering together.

"Hehe, someone dares to provoke the Morris family, I don't know which plane came out." A woman in a fiery red mage robe said with a smile.

"The Morris family has been reduced to robbers. It really loses the face of our magic family." A young man wearing a dazzling golden mage robe said contemptuously.

"The Morris family is a bit too much, but the Morris family also makes a huge contribution to the union." A middle-aged man said.

However, someone immediately said: "I want to punish the Morris family. Some are too much. We humans must unite now. If we are all like the Morris family, we are afraid that we humans will return to the era of internal fighting. "

"The Morris family has two elders, and the influence in the presbytery is not small, and the Morris family controls most of the food trade in our human society, which is a bit tricky." Another voice said.

Just as these dozen or so magicians were discussing, a magic projection appeared in front of the crowd. A magician in the magic projection reported: "The latest information, the Morris family dispatched fifty members of the Knights of Thorns. All annihilated, now the Morris family is dispatched again, and the Thor Airship is ready to strike the enemy forcefully."

"Thor Airship, that's a city. Didn't the Morris family think of how much damage the Thor airship would cause to the city." Hearing the news, someone asked loudly.

"Send a warning to the Morris family to strictly prohibit Thor airships from entering the city and evacuate all the people around," the middle-aged magician immediately issued the order.

"Your Excellency, I need authorization." The person inside the magic projection said.

"I authorize you as the chairman of the executive team," Laer said immediately.

"Yes, I... rumbling." Before the words of the people in the magic projection were finished, the scenery in the magic projection began to shake, but fortunately, there was no collapse, and there was a rumbling noise.

"What happened?" All the magicians of the execution group stood up and asked nervously.

"Is it an invasion?" someone asked with a very ugly face.

"Impossible. We have set up the detection magic pattern in the teleportation array. Once the demon clan is found, the teleportation array will automatically stop running. The demon clan can't be used at all, and we will also receive an alarm here." The woman in the red robe calmly analyzed.

"What happened?" Lal asked loudly.

However, the front of the magic projection is still the same, and obviously the person who reported it has not returned.

Within a few minutes, the figure just appeared in the magic projection and said loudly: "The Thor airship of the Morris family has crashed."

"Crash, how are the casualties?" The executive team asked immediately.

"There were no casualties. It crashed a few kilometers outside the city. The specific situation is unclear." The person inside the magic projection replied.

"Go, take a look." Lal heard the news and said.

"The Thor airship is the main battle equipment of our mankind. It crashed and exploded. You must check it out." The executive team stood up one after another, and someone said.

"Well, you must check it out, and don't have any hidden dangers." Lal also nodded and said.

More than a dozen people from the executive group walked out of the room one after another, and then entered another room, through the teleportation array in this room, to the city of the golden plain.

"Your Excellency." The person who appeared in the magic projection just now bowed and saluted after seeing the people in the execution team.

"The matter is clear." Lal asked directly.

"It was attacked and fallen. There were dozens of magicians and one trial knight, all dead." The person bowed to report.

"Being attacked and crashed, how is this possible? Who did it?" Lal took a breath and asked.

"It's the person who opposed the Morris family. The soldiers present saw the person shoot an arrow, and then the Morris family magic airship fell and exploded." The person explained.

"Is it an artifact-level bow?" Lal was stunned, because it was nearly 20 kilometers away from Cook where the magic airship crashed.

No one has answered this question. Cook has activated five times madness a long time ago, and five times madness also has a shortcoming, that is, physical strength, strength can be five times madness, but mental strength and soul strength are not good, but Ku Ke felt someone peeping at him on the roof, and Cook knew that the magic airship was coming towards him.

The Morris family is frying the pot. You must know that the Thor airship that was dispatched just now is the big killer of this plane. It not only has a magic shield, but also has a fully equipped magician on it, and a magic crystal cannon, powerful magic. The giant crossbow can be said to be a war machine.

It was actually shot down. This can only be done with an artifact-level bow. This is not only the idea of ​​Lal alone, but the people in the execution team have this idea.

Not only Lal was shocked, but the Morris family was also very shocked. The Thor airship, it was a Thor airship, a war fortress, and I had never heard of being shot down directly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a quarrel within the Morris family: "Asshole, asshole, for the sake of a rubbish, not only did you lose fifty members of the Knights of Thorns, but also the Thor Airship, and a trial knight. I want to ask. , Nathan’s **** is worth the price."

"Hey, isn't Nathan a direct line? What are we people." Someone said strangely.

"Enough." The patriarch of the Morris family was also annoyed.

Al is the patriarch of the Morris family, but when there is no trouble, the patriarch is very good. When trouble is encountered, the patriarch is responsible, and this patriarch is not good. First of all, the two most powerful Morris family Individuals are not subject to family management.

Not only that, the relatives of these two people are also very difficult to manage, because these two people are the elders of the Wizards Guild Presbyterian Church, and the Wizards Guild has a very extensive influence in the entire human society.

"Patriarch Al, what should I do now." A middle-aged man asked.

"Yes, let's not talk about the loss this time. What is the origin of the other party, what level it is, what other means does it have, and what the other party is going to do." Someone asked.

"That idiot Nathan, I just know robbery, robbery, I can't understand that bastard." Someone said cursingly.

"Shuke, tell me what's the situation now." Al said to Shuke, who is in charge of the intelligence system.

"We have estimated the specific strength of the target. It is probably at the peak of the sanctuary or the high-level sanctuary, with a magic crossbow, and a magic arrow, and a longbow of suspected artifact level, and the quality is unknown. In addition, the target itself is extremely powerful. So far, the life and death of the butler is unknown. Fifty knights of the Knights of Thorns have died, the Thor airship crashed, and dozens of magicians on the Thor airship and a trial knight died. The target is still torturing Nathan in the city." Shuke stood up and replied.

"Then the target's name, family, and where it came from." Someone asked.

"The name of the target is not clear, the family is not clear, and where it comes from is not clear, because we don't have the power to check. This is the highest-level defense system of the Wizards Guild." Shuke replied, and then explained. .

When the Morris family heard this answer, they immediately shouted dissatisfied: "You don't know the identity of others, what does your intelligence system do."

"That is, so much funding every year."

"Notify Elder Quick, our family can't solve it."

"That is, the target also killed the guard anyway."

The same death as the Morris family, the elder meeting of the wizards' union is also constantly quarreling.

"I, Quaker proposes to use the Knights of Punishment to eliminate criminals who committed crimes in the city." Quaker already knew what had happened to the family, so he immediately called all the elders to a meeting, and Quaker directly proposed the motion.

"I'm against it." As soon as Quik's words settled, someone opposed it. Quik's eyes were cold and he looked at the opponents.

"Tell me the reason for objection." The elder who presided over the meeting asked calmly.

"According to what I know, this person in the city is not a criminal..." the person who opposed it just said.

"Olik, you said it was not a criminal. The city guards died more than 20. Our Morris family lost a sanctuary-level powerhouse. The Knights of Thorns suddenly added fifty senior members. There is Thor Airship..."Quick directly interrupted Olek~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said.

"Because of this, with the strength shown by the current goal, I think it is wise to win the goal. We will not be like some arrogant guys who think that all the good things in this world should be our own. Okay." Olek explained with a smile.

"Olik, be careful when speaking, otherwise your family will probably have no food to eat next month." Another elder of the Morris family spoke.

Olek said with a smile: "Yes, if the goal is not good enough, if your Morris family is gone, we really can't find a place to buy food."

"Haha, Olek's worries are reasonable. Marta proposed to activate the emergency system. In case there is no food to eat, it would be bad." Marta blinked at Olek, and then said with a laugh.

"Attention everyone, there is an update. The Morris family has sent three trial knights." The Grand Elder said with a smile, and then reached out and volleyed a finger. A magical projection appeared in front of everyone,-5408++4048534- ->

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