A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 126: Rolling

"Kill!" These Balrogs had undergone high-intensity training. After receiving the order, they rushed out in a swarm. As soon as these Balrogs rushed out of the fortress, a white flame appeared all over their bodies.

"Who is this guy?" Lal was puzzled when he saw the Balrog participating in the battle.

But what shocked Lal was still to come. Originally, Lal thought it would be good to have hundreds of Balrogs fighting, but after half an hour, there will be at least five thousand Balrogs in the entire city, the kind that can restrain the demons. The fortresses have also increased by as many as fifty, and their shapes are fundamentally different. Some have wide flat roofs, some have pointed roofs, and some have domes.

"Zizizi!" Lal and the others didn't know what these fortresses were for. Suddenly a spire fortress turned around, and then a purple thunder and lightning shot out from the fortress, hitting a flesh and blood puppet more than 3,000 meters away. .

"Zizzi, zizzi." This scene seemed to have opened the order to attack, countless lightning, beams of light sprayed from the dozens of fortresses, and several flat-topped fortresses were actually opened, and then one A hundred-meter-long silver metal object flew up.

"This..." All the elders who were still fighting were shocked.

"Boom!" After the silver thing flew up to a height of 1,000 meters, a dazzling beam of light hit a flesh and blood puppet, and the flesh and blood puppet burst open.

"This, this..." The silver weapon that is hundreds of meters long is extremely fast, and the attack frequency is also very high. This is not important, but the important thing is that ten such things have appeared in the sky within ten minutes. The eyes of Er and others were wide.

That’s not even counted. When a 20-meter-tall mana puppet appeared, Lal and others knew how ridiculous the so-called Destroyer Knight was. This mana puppet spewed white flames hundreds of meters long, regardless Anything hit by this white flame can turn into a pile of dust, including stones. As for the demons hit, there is no room for resistance.

"Cook, according to the summary, the probability of infection of the demons here is much lower than that of the samples we got first, and the resistance is also much lower." Connie said to Cook with a copy of the data.

"Well, I also found out that after being infected by the demons, the humans here will change and they are hidden in the human body." Cook is also very puzzled. The humans who were previously infected by the demons cannot be seen at all, but they are here. After the demons are infected, they will immediately become flesh and blood puppets, so Cook boldly dispatched the magic puppets.

Connie then said: "And after being infected by the demons, the humans will not have the ability to infect a second time, but the humans infected by the demons are highly toxic. Once hit, they will die in a short time."

"Well, Connie, all mobilize, pay attention to the order." Cook ordered.

Connie glanced at Cook, and then said: "Since the situation has changed, the mana spaceship will take the lead to deal with those fast demons. The mana puppets will then attack the flesh and blood puppets, followed by the flame demon, clean up the mess, and finally It's a ground knight force."

"Well, that's it." Cook nodded and said.

"Master, there is someone outside who wants to see you." Bagrul came to report to Cook.

Cook followed Bagru to the outside of the base. A few square kilometers are the base built by Cook. There are a large number of local civilians in the base who are being treated by bunny medics, and of course there are ogre knights who are staring at him. Mana armored knight.

"Your Excellency, I am honored to receive your help. I thank you on behalf of all the humans of the Golden Plains Alliance." When Lal saw Cook, his mood was very complicated, because Cook's current strength has been beyond the reach of Lal and others. , Puppets tens of meters high, silver spaceships as fast as meteors in the sky, and a large number of knights equipped with magic patterns.

"Your Excellency Lal, it's nothing. I'm here for the demons." Cook has received a report from Baghru. This person is called Lal.

Cook took Lal to the living room. After sitting down, Lal asked, "I don't know where your Excellency comes from?"

"I come from the main plane, I also accidentally learned about the Demon Race,   finally came to the Lost Plane based on some clues, Lord Rahr, I really want to know where the Demon Race is now?" Cook said directly. Asked.

"The Demon Race is on the Abyss Plane, where the terrain is complicated..." Lal heard Cook's question and directly replied.

Cook finally understood that the abyss plane is an extremely complex plane, and the abyss is divided into many levels. In other words, the plane over there is like a big planet, but this planet is composed of countless small ones. It is composed of planets, and there are gaps between the planets, so countless levels are created. The gaps between these planets and planets are full of various dangers, and different planets have different gravity and elements, so the abyss plane is definitely A dangerous plane.

"How many people are still in the Abyss Fortress?" Cook asked when hearing the Abyss Fortress.

"We don't know how many people there are in the Abyss Fortress now, because the Abyss Fortress can only enter and cannot exit. There is also a pass between the Lost Plane and the Abyss Plane, but occasionally there are demons who don't know where they are coming from." Lal said Said.

"Then all the slaves you bought went to the Abyss Fortress?" Cook had a flash of light in his mind, and then asked.

"Yes, originally we needed to send a group of fighters to the Abyss Fortress every year, but as time goes by, humans fight with each other, so they become slaves." Lal said with a wry smile.

"Where is the Morris family?" Cook asked again afterwards.

"One of the elders of the Morris family ran away, and most of the others died. The Morris family is a traitor to humans. This time our elders have lost several elders and the executive team has also seriously injured two." Lal said Said.

Seeing that Cook was not speaking, Lars asked, "Your Excellency Cook, what weapons are you using?"

"Hehe, that kind of sky flying is the magic spaceship, carrying..." Cook explained.

"Too, too strong." An hour later, Lal was in a cold sweat, exclaiming.

Cook stood up and said to Lal: "Your Excellency Lal, please take us to the Abyss Fortress."

Lal stood up with a complicated expression, hesitated and said, "Okay, even if I lost this old bone in Abyss Fortress, I have always wanted to know what the Abyss Fortress looks like."

"Cook, there is a situation." West Asia's voice rang in Cook's ears. This is a miniature magic pattern communicator.

After sending Ral away, Cook hurried to the laboratory where West Asia was located. There was a Destroyer Knight destroyed by flesh and blood puppets. West Asia's team quickly cracked all of the Destruction Knight's things.

"Cook, look, it's this magic pattern. This magic pattern is a ray-type magic pattern. This purple ray can corrode the blood of the demon race. Please see." Xia pointed to the same magic pattern depicted, this magic pattern. A purple ray was released, and this ray irradiated the blood of the demon race. The blood of the demon race was actually slowly corroded. Although the speed was not very fast, it was indeed corroded.

"Increase the power." West Asia issued an order.

Zi Zi Zi, after a burst of sound, the blood of the Demon Race was corroded violently under the increased purple power, and then the entire Demon Race blood became a pair of corroded fishy liquids.

"How long does it take to transform our weapons and equipment?" Cook asked.

Xia smiled and said: "Cook, there is no need to modify weapons, we just need to transform some of the magic spacecraft into such a super ray release."

"So does this ray harm humans?" Cook asked afterwards.

"Furthermore, it will reduce the vitality of the human body, and long-term exposure will aggravate aging." Xia replied.

"Well, let's use the magic spaceship and the magic puppet first." Cook said.

"But this ray does no harm to Balrog," Xia continued.

"Well, let's prepare first. We are going to the Abyss Fortress, but I want to see where the Abyss Fortress is." Cook only knows the Abyss Fortress, but I don't know why the Abyss Fortress can only enter and not exit.

West Asia brought people to transform weapons, while the Liberty Alliance base on the Golden Plains was getting bigger and bigger, with more and more spaceships, and more and more people. In the executive group, it also caused a lot of disputes.

"Those guys occupy a part of our family's territory, Lord Lar, what do you think?" Olek asked.

Lal sneered and said, "Just go find them. That's your territory, not ours."

When Olik heard this, he slapped the table: "Lal, we give you face, you are now an executive, we are not..."

"From today on, this executive officer is wrong, huh." Seeing Olek like this, Lal was very impatient. He wanted to transport fighters to the Abyss Fortress, but these families not only took the worst food, There were also slaves sent there. As for the equipment, the equipment was general, and even the quantity was not enough. Lal was very worried. If anything goes out of the Abyss Fortress, this place may also be greatly affected.

As for Olek’s clamor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lal was very disdainful, Olek had to dare to clamor here, and Lal left without looking back.

"Hey, my territory is barren and remote. Fortunately, no one can look at it. I will withdraw from this executive group." A member of the executive group with high strength but a weak family smiled, and then left with a smile.

"Damn it, those outsiders, let's go, we need a comment." Olek said bitterly.

Cook froze for a moment, and repeatedly asked: "Do you want us to say something?"

"Yes, sir, those guys have a very bad attitude, and they threatened to take the consequences at your own risk, sir, do you see if I go to reason with them?" Bagru asked eagerly.

"Well, remember, the most powerful clamor might as well use some means." Cook rolled his eyes, Cook did not know what Baghru reasoned, that is fighting, but the opposite of Cook is Ral, pull You have already told Cook that the slaves in the Abyss Fortress were sent by this gang of families, so Cook has no good feelings for these guys.

"Yes, sir, I'm going now." Bagruda Cooke said that he could use the means, and he was so happy that he twisted his big **** and left.

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