A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 129: Inscription

"This..." Lal paled when he heard this, almost unsteady on his feet.

"We are sinners." Lal fell to the ground and roared loudly. When he heard Cook's plain remarks, Lal could imagine how the people in this **** fortress lived. The number of people kept declining every day. That kind of despair, that kind of helplessness, is hard to imagine.

"Yes, when this Hell Fortress was built, it was to protect you humans, and for the sake of safety, the Hell Fortress was independent of society, and there was no intersection between the two. That's why we have this situation today. I The ancestors who want to build a **** fortress would definitely not expect such a result." Cook can no longer tell what it feels like, this **** fortress can be said to be a prison, so many ancestors would rather be here. In the prison, there is no freedom and separation from society. What is it for? For the entire human society, but the human society has forgotten the instructions of these ancestors.

"Haha, haha, haha, sinners, we are all sinners." Lal received a huge blow, and Lal felt a sense of guilt, which almost suffocated Lal.

"Cook..." Sia saw what Lar looked like and called out Cook.

Cook shook his head and said, "Let him vent, hey."

West Asia understood the structure of the magic pattern system here under Cook’s explanation. This **** fortress was built entirely of obsidian, covering an area of ​​several square kilometers. There is a vast space below, but there is not a trace of the dead. There are traces, and the long time has left everything to dust.

"Master, there are some things found over there." Baglu ran over and said, it's hard for Baglu, most of the passages here are three meters high, and only a few are five. The meter is high, Bagru is now close to four meters high, so Bagru can only bow his head and bend over when walking.

Cook and Xia came to a hall. There was nothing else in the hall, but an arc-shaped wall with black shining crystals on the wall, with text written on it.

"Ancient cuneiform writing." Cook saw it at a glance. This is an ancient writing, arguably the oldest writing. There is no one. All writings evolved from this.

However, there are not many words of this kind, only a few thousand, so this kind of word is combined with different words, and the meaning is different. The meaning of this kind of word can only be understood according to the combination of the front and back words, that is to say. A word has more than one meaning.

Cook did not know a lot of this kind of text. Cook read it carefully, and Xia asked, "What do you mean."

"This is an inscription, mainly narrating the general process of the battle between gods and demons, and the human coalition finally tracked the demons here, and established a **** fortress, and also said the general situation of the plane occupied by some demons." Cook said. .

"There is something." Lal walked in palely and asked in a hoarse voice.

"During the battle with the demons, humans died over 50%, the giants over 9o%, the dwarves over 6o%, the Wingmen clan almost wiped out the clan, and the dragon clan lost 9o%... All the people together have died of 20 billion people , This is not even the number of people who died tragically in the hands of the demons, and the demons ruled for more than three thousand years." Cook's voice was so flat.

West Asia opened its mouth wide and lost 20 billion people. What is the concept? The total human population now does not add up to 20 billion. After a while, West Asia asked: "Then what is the situation of the plane of **** where the demons are located."

"The plane where the demons are located is a large broken plane. The plane of **** was originally a huge plane, a main material plane. This main material plane burst open, forming countless small planes. The planes are gathered together to form the special environment of the plane of hell. This is also the reason why humans have no way to destroy the demons, because the terrain of the place is too complicated." Cook replied with a wry smile.

After listening to it, West Asia asked, "Then what should we do."

"Hehe, of course, I tried my best. If possible, destroying the plane of **** is not impossible." Cook laughed, but what he said afterwards was extremely firm.

In fact, the inscription is much more than that. This is actually a proof of the inhumane crimes of a demons. This is also the Hell Fortress tells the humans working here to remember that dark civilization and remember that it is in another plane. The demons still exist.

After reading this, Cook became more determined to drive out the demons. This kind of race is not worthy to continue. As for the complex environment, Cook has that confidence.

"Then what else do we need to do." Xia asked.

"To build a small magic spaceship, magic puppet, at least a hundred thousand elite troops, we dare to go to the plane of hell." Cook took a deep breath and said.

"It will take at least ten years, and the price of magic materials has risen too drastically, almost three times the original." Xia said when she heard this.

"Here we want to build the strongest fortress, at least for a short time to have a strong defense. As for magic materials, let's discuss it, and I should take out the good things here." Cook said in a deep thought.

"Good thing, is it the things in your natural ring?" Xia asked.

"Well, elemental fruit, tree of life, water of life, these things have inestimable value, especially elemental fruit, which can not only cultivate a group of magicians, but also exchange a lot of materials." Cook Nodded and said.

"But the level of magicians spawned by elemental overpass is not very high." Xia reminded.

"Hey, we don't need high-level magicians now, what we need is the kind of low-level magicians who manipulate magic puppets and magic spaceships." Cook smiled, he had already planned.

Xia frowned and said, "But those who can buy Elemental Fruit will do those jobs."

"This is a problem, but even if those guys don't come, we can exchange elemental fruit for more magical materials." Cook didn't think of this. When Xia said so, he immediately woke up, but elemental fruit It is priceless and can be exchanged for more materials.

"That's the only way, Cook, then our other bases." Xia asked.

"Here is the main forward base, and Blackrock Wilderness is the main base. Defense and logistics are all over there. You go over there in West Asia. Connie is very good at commanding. So Connie is here, Lina is in charge of the portal, and Murphy is in the middle. Adjust, the others are on the Demon Plane, the Sanctuary Plane, and are responsible for the order of these two main planes." Cook arranged it in a few words.

"Cook, I think we can publish the Demon Race's affairs." Xia asked in a searching tone.

"Still not, once we announce, the price of magic materials will be even more expensive." Cook said with a wry smile.

"No way." Xia shook her head.

Cook sighed and said: "Businessmen are all profit-seeking. As long as there is enough profit, not to mention the lives of other people, but the lives of their own relatives can also be given up. Merchants are greedy in their bones, and those businessmen may be eager for evil. The clan invades, and then these merchants have more wealth."

"The merchant is so terrible." Xia asked afterwards in shock.

"In the minds of merchants, everything has a price." Cook said coldly.

West Asia smacked and didn't say anything, but Cook didn't know that since West Asia went today, the attitude towards merchants was very bad, which resulted in much higher prices for merchants in West Asia.

After Cook arranged, he began to repair with West Asia together, and rebuilt part of the defensive system of the Hell Fortress. With Cook's participation, the progress was very fast, but this is also relatively speaking, the transformation of the Hell Fortress was enough. It took three months.

Three months later, the Hell Fortress can be said to be a real copper wall and iron wall. During this period, good news came from the demon plane. With the support of Cooke, the moon demons occupied a large area. It is already a vassal race of the Moon Demon clan.

"Cook, you can't think of what the Bullhead Demon Goathead does to the Sanctuary Plane," Murphy said with a smile to Cook.

"It must be a fight." Cook took a bite. This time Murphy came to eat with Cook. Murphy's smile never stopped, and he seemed very happy.

"No, originally those goatheads and bullheads were mercenaries, but I didn’t know that goathead saw that the price of devil’s blood was very high on the Sanctuary plane, so the goathead started selling blood. Selling blood once is thousands of gold coins. These thousands of gold coins have moistened the goat head demon for a period of time. So goat head demon and tauren demon followed suit. Some goat head demon also signed contracts with certain magicians to provide special services. Blood, in time the price of demon blood has dropped, and those guys are unwilling to go to work." Murphy said with a smile.

"Haha." Cook also laughed.

"Moreover, the succubus of our Chamber of Commerce is very popular on the Sanctuary plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and they are all rich people. Some succubuses even actively want to return to the demon plane to recruit other succubuses." Murphy Say again.

"Well, you can handle these things." Cook nodded. The succubus clan actually has no men, so the Free Alliance Chamber of Commerce uses the succubus for special services, but the benefits are still considerable.

Murphy looked at Cook and said, "Cook, don't you go home and have a look."

"If you want, I must go home and have a look." Cook thought of his parents, Xiao Lei, and his sister Lily, warmed his heart and replied.


Merchants’ pursuit of profit is understandable, but since ancient times, merchants have always pursued profit in their bones. The eight emperor merchants of Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty smuggled their weapons at the end of the Ming Dynasty. That’s why the Manchu Dynasty captured the Ming dynasty and the United States was powerful. Because of the early days of World War II, arms were bought and sold by anyone. If it weren’t for Japan’s indifference and attack on Pearl Harbor, the merchant-controlled society could not explain to the people. In addition, the US military’s later plundering, the Gulf War, Iraq’s It’s not in the hands of the United States that the huge wealth finally reaches. In fact, not many regular Americans die. Most of the dead Americans are mercenaries, and who are behind the mercenaries, contractors.

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