A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 130: Reach the plane of hell

Cook returned to the plane of the sanctuary soon. Open the portal directly and see Lina. Then directly teleported to the sanctuary plane. Cook reunited with his relatives for a while. Deal with some internal affairs of the alliance. After two months. Cook came to Hell Fortress again

"Cook. You really want to go." Connie looked at Cook. Asked.

"Connie. This is my responsibility. This may be the reason why I came to this world." Cook's thinking is very confused now. Cook didn't know why he came into this world. And the current demons Cook is absolutely to be eliminated. Cook has a sense of mission.

"Be careful. We are all waiting for you." Connie nestled in Cook's arms. Whispered.

"Haha. Connie. If anything happens. You can enter the realm of God." Cook smiled. Although now I roughly know the situation on the Mozu side. But now countless years have passed since the recorded time. No one knows what **** is like now. And the location of the transmission is random. In other words, it is possible to directly teleport into the devil’s lair. Then Cook has absolutely no chance to escape.

"No. Cook. You want to come back. I don't want my child without a father." Connie looked at Cook. Said affectionately.

"Child. Good. For the sake of the child. I will definitely come back." Cook understood after a pause. This Connie obviously has a child. Cook was very excited. Said boldly and dryly.

Lal watched Cook and Connie walk over. Lal also turned around and said something to several humans. Those human expressions are very sad. Cook saw this scene. He said: "Lal. Or don't you go."

"Haha. Cook. I am Lal a sinner. If I don't go, my heart is very disturbed" Lal laughed. The words are full of resolute meaning.

Cook saw Lal's expression. I sighed in my heart. This time Lal was determined to die. Cook didn't expect Lal to be like this. Cook didn't have much to say. Cook and Lal changed their clothes. Then the two entered the teleportation formation with thousands of slaves.

Look at the thousands of slaves around. Cook felt very uncomfortable. But this time the danger is great. So Connie and other manpower mainly joined slaves. But it is different from the original. These slaves are voluntary. As for the voluntary price. Then only Murphy would know.

A bright light flashed before my eyes. The scenery around Cook and others changed. stone. Black stone. There are some green plants in the crevices of the black stones. A huge sun in the sky. And under the sky. You can see huge black shadows floating in the air.

"Beep beep. Beep beep." There was a rapid beep. A group of knights rushed from all directions. The weapons in these knights' hands shone coldly. But what surprised Cook was. Although these people seem fierce. Just a low-level knight. How low-level. It is stronger than ordinary people. Even only two or three have magic fluctuations. Obviously possess a grudge.

"Cook. I'm up to you about the Demon Race." Lal bowed deeply to Cook. Then said to Cook. After speaking, Lal will rush out.

"Fool. What's the use of you looking for death like this." Cook grabbed Lal. Said angrily.

"We are sinners. We are sinners." Lal burst into tears.

"Outsiders. These people are outsiders." The knights swarming outside shouted loudly. These knights are also human...

"Report to the temple. These **** outsiders are here again. The rest. Kill me. The time has come to dedicate your life to the temple." Another voice went on to shout loudly.

"Kill." The strength of the thousands of slaves sent this time is not very low. In the peculiar environment of the Lost Plane. Although the strength of these people has not reached the sanctuary. But definitely reached the level of grade.

"Boom." But the following scene stunned Cook.

Thousands of slaves rushed to hundreds of human knights. The knights did not step back. And madly drove the mount to rush over. Just hundreds of meters away from these slaves. There was a rumbling sound.

"Damn it. Magic bomb." He looked like a slave hit by a heavy howitzer. In time is a slave of up to seven or eight levels. In the face of a magic grenade with a kill range of about 150 meters, which is comparable to a heavy howitzer. If you don’t die, you have to be seriously injured.

"Shoo." And those three had magical fluctuations. Cook suspected a knight with a grudge. He actually took out something like a magic crossbow. But what this magical crossbow shoots is a series of arrows that look like light. These arrows easily penetrated the bodies of several slaves.

"Hurry up." Cook didn't expect these knights here to have such powerful weapons in their hands. Thousands of slaves are in this round of blows. Almost a third was lost. The rest of the slaves saw this scene. Immediately scattered and fled.

Cook saw this situation. Also dragged Lal to retreat quickly. Lal was sweating coldly. Lal originally thought he was strong here. Even if he died, at least he had to make the Mozu uneasy. But seeing ordinary people actually use such powerful weapons. Lal's idea suddenly fell through. If it wasn't for being caught by Cook just now. Then Lal can think that the consequences he encountered are very serious.

"Dududu. Dududu." Cook and Lar were the fastest. But neither of them escaped to the forefront. Because of any situation encountered in the front. Will expose yourself. After escaping dozens of kilometers. There was a beep in front of him. There are hundreds of similar knights.

"Shoo, hoo." Like a laser. A volley of hundreds of magic crossbows. The slave who fled in front fell like wheat.

"The temple has an order. Kill all outsiders." A voice issued the order loudly.

"Boom. Boom." And at this time. A bright light flashed from thousands of meters away. Then a beam of light hit the slave group. The ground was blown into a large hole ten meters deep. The slaves were blown up all the time.

Cook and Lar hide in a canal. This canal is actually made of stone. At a glance, we can see that the civilization here is relatively advanced. In general, the canals around farmland are muddy. And here is the stone. It can be seen that the material here is extremely rich.

One of Cook's eyes lit up with silver cross pupils. Then Cook said, "Follow me."

Cook's magic eye can see life fluctuations. Magic fluctuations. So Cook was in the canal in time. You can also switch directions continuously. Soon off the battlefield.

"Suddenly." The sound of a propeller made Cook so familiar. Immediately afterwards, Cook saw a carriage mounted with helicopter-like propellers. The whole body of this carriage is also made of metal. And he was blood-red. It feels like blood.

"Damn outsider." Cook didn't think there would be enemies in the air. A man in a white robe on the carriage looked at Cook and Lal below. Cursed quietly.

"Damn it. This demons is terrible." Cook finally reacted. The person on the carriage that saw the sky looked at him coldly. Cook stretched out his hand and pulled off a stone. Then he smashed it out.

"Haha. It's actually some savages. They hit them with a rock...Boom." A man in a blood red robe beside the white robe laughed. Then said.

However, the two of them felt a shock before they finished speaking. Then a cloud of blood exploded in the carriage. Then the carriage fell from the air.

"Boom." The carriage smashed to the ground. There was a dull noise.

"Damn it. Damn it. It broke the speeding carriage." The people in the carriage were confused. Then they roared angrily.

at this time. The door of the carriage, which had been severely deformed, was suddenly opened. Then Cook's head stuck out.

"Good harvest." Cook knocked out the man in the white robe. As for the others. Cook also fainted. But Cook ignored the guy who was obviously a guard. Of course, the wreckage of the speeding car, Cook, also cleaned up. Cook still doesn't quite understand this stuff. It is necessary to understand.

Then Cook and Lal disappeared into the field. But half an hour. A team of knights in blood red armor appeared where the speeding car crashed. Several people who were knocked out were quickly awakened.

"Shoo." A large number of extremely bright red magic fireworks appeared in the air.

"Shoo." Then it was several kilometers away. Two more blood-red fireworks.


"Shoo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you look down from the sky. From the place where the magic fireworks sounded just now. It's like being affected. The red magic fireworks bloomed. Within a few minutes, it passed hundreds of kilometers away. the distance.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." In a majestic city. See two red magic fireworks from afar. There was a dull and rapid drumbeat in the middle of the city.

Ten minutes later. More than a dozen speed cars lifted off from the city. Flew towards the place where the magic fireworks were released. And there are hundreds of knights on the ground. These knights wear white armor. It is so dazzling in the sun.

"How about it." Lal saw Cook take his hand from the unconscious man's head. Asked.

"Failed." Cook used a soul search on this person just now. I want to find out what the origin of this person is. But I didn't expect this man's nerves to be extremely tough. After Cook several shocks. Seeing that it is about to gain control of this person's soul. Knowing that this person came directly and blew himself up. Fortunately, Cook's mental power is strong enough. Even so. The soul guardian necklace on Cook's neck also burst with two soul crystals.

Cook then asked Lal: "What's the situation outside."

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