A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 138: Showdown 2

Why did Cook avoid the attack of this demon god. What's so powerful about the devil's attack. Cook had already known the devil's hole cards. But the magic of the demon **** came out. Cook knew he was wrong.

Although the flames released by the Demon God harmed Cook. But Cook is not afraid. This can only show that the Demon God possesses a high purity of magic power. And there is lightning on the flame. This is not an ordinary situation.

Cook had heard of such a thing. a long time ago. The talent of having a magician is the talent of the whole department. In other words. All magic can be released.

The powerful talents of all magicians do not lie in the power of magic release. It lies in the understanding of the law. Of course, the speed of cultivation is not comparable to that of ordinary magicians. Because all magicians are in any place where there are only magic elements. Can practice.

Unlike fire magicians, there is no way to practice on the ocean. The water magician practiced very slowly in the mountains. All magicians are not picky about the environment of cultivation. Of course, he is not picky about the fighting environment. Under any environment, it can play a super combat effectiveness. So Cook must avoid. Because Cook felt something unusual from this magic wave.

"Boom." Sure enough, after Cook dodged the tunnel. A sneer appeared at the corner of Demon God's mouth. Then the magic released by the demon **** rushed into the channel where Cook avoided. There was a loud noise. The entire passage seemed to be shaken...

"Guide magic. Damn it." Cook got up in embarrassment. Cook did not expect this to be a guiding magic. Guiding magic is divided into spiritual guidance and magic guidance. The magic channel is generally the continuous damage magic of the area attack. And spiritual guidance is more abnormal. Just use mental power to lock the target. Then the spirit guidance magic released can follow the target. Until it hits the target.

Cook was scorched. This magic is not only a guiding magic. It is a combination of lightning magic and fire magic. The paralysis attribute of lightning can reduce the body's defenses. The fire system's attack power is even more powerful.

"It seems that your toy's physique is quite high." The Demon God looked at Cook's embarrassed appearance... said with his head raised.

"You are a magician of the whole department." Cook looked at the demon god. Asked very vigilantly.

"Haha. This is not what you need to know about this toy. Rubbish. Surrender to me. I will give you stronger power." The demon **** saw the strength of Cook's body. Hehe smiled and said. A look of arrogance. It's like giving alms to Cook.

Cook replied with a smile: "surrender to you. What's the benefit?"

"Benefits... Boom." The Devil sneered in his heart. Low-level races are low-level races. But the words of the devil have not finished. I saw Cook move. Then the devil felt a dazzling brilliance burst out in front of him.

The devil was shocked... followed by endless anger. Raised his hand. Then the five fingers danced in sequence. Several powerful magics were released. lightning. Wind blade. flame. Frost. There is also golden magic of gold.

"Damn mess. Despicable. Shameless sneak attack guy." The demon **** saw a trace of the badge on his chest. You know this is an artifact-level defense badge. Unexpectedly, it was damaged here. Of course, behind the anger is fear. at this moment. The devil felt the threat of death. Death came so suddenly. It's so unimaginable. It is difficult for the Demon God to imagine without the defensive badge of this artifact level. What are the consequences for myself.

Cook's arms were a little numb... Cook was also shocked. But Cook flew back when he missed a hit. With an afterimage, he disappeared in the passage.

"Chasing." The demon **** was in endless anger after fear. Seeing that Cook had actually retreated. Without a word, a few demons chased after him with a wave of his hand.

"It must be artifact-level equipment. Otherwise, it will be hit by the Feng Mozhu. Actually, it is still like a okay person." Cook moved his wrist. I understood something in my heart. Only the artifact can fight against the artifact.

And Cook also knew that the level of the artifact on this demon **** was not low. Otherwise, he couldn't resist his five times madness plus the power of the Sealing Demon Pillar. Of course, Cook also knows that his own magic column must be much higher at the equipment level. But his own strength is too bad. The level of artifact equipment on the Demon God may not be high. But the strength of the Demon God itself is strong enough. So the defense is strong enough. It's like the same spear. There are two completely different concepts in the hands of veterans and recruits. This is determined by its own strength. It is not determined by the level of equipment.

"Boom." Cook was once again abruptly hit by magic on his back. no way. Cook's speed is fast enough. But what made Cook vomit blood depressed. The demon **** behind used auxiliary magic. Even the few demons who followed the demon **** shone blue. Obviously wind magic.

"Kill." Cook was hit by magic again. The distance of hundreds of meters is for the magic of the devil. It is not a problem at all. Cook turned around and rushed over with the Feng Mozhu.

"Hmph." The devil saw Cook turned around. A cold snort. The other hand also moved. A round of brilliant magic was thrown towards Cook without money.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." One second. Cook was hit by at least seven or eight magic spells. There is lightning. There are wind blades. There is frost. Let Cook truly experience the taste of ice and fire.

"Not good." These magic made Cook even more embarrassed. Of course, Cook's strong defense is also reflected. There was no fatal injury at all. But Cook suddenly felt something wrong under his feet. Cook knew that this was an effect caused by magic. Sure enough, Cook looked down. The ground is like a swamp. And there is something in this swamp that seems to be emerging. Cook has a tingling scalp. He turned around and ran. no way. Face a magician from the whole department. Even Cook. There is no confidence to break through this distance of hundreds of meters. Cook also understood the evil line of the devil. Obviously this guy is going to consume himself to death like this.

It's not that Cook is incapable of breaking through these hundreds of meters. But the devil is not dead. There are many ways the devil can keep retreating. So if Cook wants to get close to the devil. The difficulty factor is not this hundred meters. It is a distance of several hundred meters. This is still the best case.

And as a magician. Cook knew that in such an environment. How difficult is a powerful magician with a lot of magic.

Cook's run made the Demon God sneer. Although Cook's speed is very fast. But the devil also has magic. So fight against a super magician at a certain distance. Hard resistance is not the best way. So Cook retreated wisely.

"Catch me." The devil looked at Cook with a sneer. The devil became more interested in Cook. Because Cook's ability to resist is actually something the Demon God has never seen before. And still in this special environment. So the Demon God is very interested in Cook now. Of course he will not let Cook go easily.

Although the power of the demon **** and several demon races is not as good as that of Cook... but the demon **** can release magic. So even though Cook's speed is almost invisible to the naked eye. But the devil still hangs far behind Cook.

"Ding Ding." What's more troublesome. There was a tinkling sound in front. Cook is going crazy. What does this voice say. It shows that there are demons in front. This is what Cook has mastered from this period of time.

no way. Only a hard punch. When Cook got out of the passage. I saw at least hundreds of demons. These demons saw Cook. Also stunned.

"Boom." Cook didn't give these demons time to react. The Sealing Demon Pillar in his hand was immediately thrown away. The weight of this magic pillar is an astronomical figure. Therefore, this magic pillar opened a blood path directly in these demons. Cook's figure followed closely behind. And Cook's Thunder teeth waved casually.

"Damn it. Bastard. Bastard. I'm going to kill you." The Demon God who followed Cook didn't see the Demon at all. Wait until the devil finds it. When the body appeared in a flash. All I saw were corpses all over the floor. There are also red things that are gradually disappearing in the passage. The devil was mad.

Cook didn't even know the demographic population. And all the demons with extremely pure bloodline appeared in it. The number of these demons can be said to be rarer than the dragon. The devil saw this situation. Why not get angry. Every demons is an indispensable part. But now hundreds of demons are missing. This makes the Demon God explain to everyone.

The devil's figure disappeared in a flash. The rest of the demons finally reacted. After reacting. These demons all feel cold in their vests. Some of them couldn't help their legs trembling.

"Don't run. You timid ant. You just know the **** who escapes. Rubbish." The devil roared at Cook angrily.

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come here.   I see your tribe, I want to kill." Cook has already pulled the speed to the extreme in front. But still can't get rid of the devil. After all, the devil relies on the power of magic. It must be much faster than Cook's own speed.

"Dingding." The Demon God and Cook heard the sound of Dingding at the same time. Both the faces of Demon God and Cook changed. The devil became very ugly. Cook was very pleased.

"Boom. Boom." The devil raised his hand and a dazzling light swept towards Cook. But Cook speeded up and rushed towards the sound. As for the magic behind it. Cook ignored it at all.

"Boom." The same. Cook's Sealing Demon Column hit the dozens of demons before the demons could not even react. Suddenly the number of demons was reduced by more than half. At the same time, Cook was also hit by the magic released by the Demon God. The powerful force knocked Cook directly out.

"Puff~. Haha. Come on. I'm looking for the garbage again." Cook spouted blood. Just now Cook didn't know what magic the Demon God released. This magic is fast. Strong attack power. But Cook went mad five times. The defense of the body is also God level. Even so. Cook also spit out a mouthful of blood. Then he screamed and rushed into the tunnel. The passage here is like a maze.

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