A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 139: Tower of Strength Trial Area

This time, Cook took the speed to the extreme, and he could hardly see it with the naked eye, but at such a fast speed, the devil sneered. Cook relies on the power of magic, and the devil is the power of magic, if not Cook’s body If you turn on the fivefold madness, you will be killed by the magic of the devil.

So Cook’s current speed is almost the same as that of the Demon God. Cook was anxious. He didn’t expect to meet such a perverted guy here, and the Demon God was also anxious behind. Why, because the Demon God clearly knew that he was in this area. , Only oneself is Cook’s opponent. As for the other demons, they are not at all. The demon **** knows what the result will be once it encounters other demons.

"Ding-ding." The familiar ding-ding sounded again.

"Haha!" Cook glanced at the demon **** behind him and laughed. The laughter was full of resentment. Yes, Cook hasn't been so embarrassed for a long time. Even if he meets the clones of gods outside, Cook also Still violently beaten up, but the laws here affected Cook's combat effectiveness, and on the contrary became the devil, so why Cook is not angry.

"Asshole, miscellaneous, if you dare to move other demons. I'm going to peel your skin alive!" The devil also heard the ding-ding sound, and he was anxious in his heart. Raising his hand was a few magic swept over to Cook. .

But the scene that made the demon **** shocked appeared. Magic did not catch up with Cook at all. Yes, the speed of magic movement was not as fast as Cook.

"Boom, boom!" The Demon God felt the entire ground shook twice. When the Demon God rushed over, the scene he saw made the Demon God crazy.

"Miscellaneous, I want to kill all human beings." The demon **** saw the blood plasma all over the ground. Yes, there is a thick layer of blood plasma here, and it is obvious that it has suffered a very powerful force.

"Huh, let's wait and see." Cook replied in a cold voice to the threat of the demon god, but the speed was not reduced at all. Cook just smashed the sealed magic pillar in a mess, and was caught in less than a second. Ke smashed at least dozens of times, and these demons were the opponents of five times maddened perverted guys like Cook, and they suddenly became a pile of blood.

"Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous!" The Demon God yelled frantically behind Cook, but the Demon God couldn't keep up with Cook, and now magic can't hurt Cook because the speed is too fast.

There are a few backpacks in Cook's hand. These are from which demons Cook got them. Cook checks the backpacks while running. There are some medicines in the backpacks, and there are two crossbows. This crossbow is obviously in the boutique. There are two other things that look exactly like grenade, but Cook doesn’t know how to use it.

"Boom!" As soon as the Demon God gritted his teeth and waved his hand again, a dazzling light hit Cook. The speed of this magic is comparable to the speed of light, so Cook has no way to avoid it.

"Puff!" Cook was directly knocked out by this magic, and spouted a mouthful of blood.

"Bang!" Seeing that he was about to hit the wall, Cook immediately kicked it against the wall. Cook tried to offset his impact, but the wall was directly kicked to pieces by Cook, and then Cook I found the scenery changed.

"Uh!" Then Cook returned to the empty hall, Cook was shocked, and barely reacted for a while.

After seeing Cook hit the stone wall, the Demon God suddenly disappeared. Then the Demon God felt that the scenery in front of him changed, and then the Demon God's face changed greatly, because the surrounding space seemed to be distorted, giving people a kind of dizziness. feel.

"Different space!" The Demon God was startled, and then a transparent magic shield wrapped the Demon God himself.

But then the Demon God became mad. On the Demon God’s face, there was a huge black pyramid. Around this pyramid was shining a faint light. These lights were transmitted from the Demon Race, and most of the Demon Race did not respond at all. It disappears when you come over. In the distorted space, no one knows what you will encounter in the next moment. Maybe you have been teleported to an unknown place, maybe the distorted space is distorted and disappeared. After all, the space here can Distorted, let alone creatures.

The light in the hands of the demon **** kept shining, and the demon races were immediately covered with a magic shield. After half an hour, the demon god’s face was extremely gloomy, because just counted the number of people, there are more than 300 people less than when they entered , You must know that this is the elite of the Demon Race, the most talented group of people, and it is the backbone of the Demon Race in the future.

"All humans should be killed, those despicable, cunning, trash-like things." After getting this result, the Demon God cursed with gritted teeth.

"Your Majesty!" The other demons didn't understand anymore. With hundreds of people missing, they all sensed that they were wrong, so they spoke.

"Don't say it, go in, someone has already broken through the second floor of the Tower of Power, we need to break through as soon as possible." The Demon God waved his hand and said.

"Your Majesty is here, this is impossible. The second level needs the power of a giant dragon, how did other people get in?" Some people questioned the words of the devil.

"You mean I'm lying!" The Demon God stared and shouted.

"No..." The Demon Race quickly replied with trembling.

However, the scenery in front of me changed just after I answered one word, and then I heard the voice of the devil: "Enter, break through the second floor."

Cook was in the hall and quickly figured it out. Obviously he had just entered the training ground, which means that his training was over. Cook touched his body and found that the scars on his body still existed. Cook was confused. : "So is the demon **** in the training ground real or fake?"

"No, I have to go in and see." Cook hurriedly entered the training ground again, but Cook was dumbfounded when he entered.

"Why isn't this the place just now?" Cook looked at the scenery in front of him in amazement. Cook found himself as if he was in a huge sinkhole. The stone walls around the sinkhole were very steep, as to how high the stone wall was. , Cook didn’t even know, because Cook only saw a palm-sized piece of sky.

"Boom, oops!" Cook kicked it vigorously according to the surrounding stone walls, but this time Cook was like kicking on an iron plate. Fortunately, Cook didn't use a lot of power, otherwise Cook It is possible to break your own leg.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Just as Cook yelled in pain, one after another dropped stones on Cook's body. There was a loud bang.

Cook took a look at the surrounding stone walls, and then looked at the palm-sized sky above his head. Cook understood: "Is it necessary to climb up?"

Now the sky is the only way out, there is no way, Cook can only climb.

Cook felt weird in this climb. In the first step, Cook felt nothing, but in the second step, Cook felt that the gravity suddenly increased a lot, and in the third step, it increased again.

"This..." Cook looked at the palm-sized sky and felt the heavier and heavier gravity on his body, making Cook depressed.

The Demon God and other Demon Races gathered together easily, and the Demon God shouted at the monster who followed Cooke: "Fight me!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" When the monster heard the demon god's instructions, he smashed the surrounding walls, making a muffled sound.

"Boom!" The surrounding demons were nervous, the monster finally smashed the wall, and then the surrounding demons cheered, and then the surrounding demons found the scenery changed.

"Find, find me that bastard!" The Demon God commanded loudly, and then hundreds of demon races released magic to themselves one after another, and then scattered cyan lights in all directions. Yes, this hall can use magic. , Cook did not notice this because of his carelessness.

Two hours later, the Demon God had a gloomy face, because although the hall was huge, two hours were enough to complete the search, and Cook had no news. How could this not make the Demon God feel bad.

"Go, go to the trial area." The Demon God said.

"Your Majesty, we still don't know what is going on in the next level of trial area." The demons hurriedly stopped.

"You mean to let the humans who killed countless of our compatriots enter the third layer so arrogantly?" The devil buckled a big hat and asked.

"No..., what if the human being can't break through the third layer?" The talking demons quickly explained.

"So what if you break through?" The Demon God asked with a sneer.

Only then did the surrounding demons react. This breakthrough represented authority and the control authority over the Tower of Power. All the demons became nervous.

However, if Cook sees the place where the Demon God and others enter, he must know that what he thinks is the training area is actually the trial area. Sometimes the meaning of cuneiform is very different.

"Damn it, it's almost." Cook felt like he was going to fall. Yes, with the continuous rise, the gravity is getting bigger and bigger, and this is continuous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so for the strength The test is extremely severe.

Cook reached into a gap in a rock wall with his palm, then clenched his hand into a fist, and then rested for a while. This is a climbing technique.

When the Demon God and others saw the surrounding scenery, they were all surprised, but the Demon God sneered: "This place is obviously going to go up. This is too simple. I will go up."

The demon **** had confidence in his magic, the demon **** imposed a flying magic on himself, and the demon **** suddenly rose into the sky.

"Boom!" But the next moment, the Demon God fell to the ground with a loud noise.

"The power is superimposed, damn, damn, who designed it that way." The demon **** got up with a sullen face and cursed loudly.

"Your Majesty, look!" A Mozu pointed at the top and shouted loudly.

"Damn it, that bastard." The demon **** saw a figure wriggling in the midair of the stone wall, and the demon **** jumped and shouted.

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