A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 140: chase

The demon **** was furious, not only because Cook killed the elite of the demons, but also because Cook is now progressing faster than himself. This power tower is the hope for the rise of the demons. For hundreds of thousands of years, all the demons have worked hard. , Like controlling the tower of power.

After possessing the Tower of Power, the demons are not only superior in magic talents, but also superior in physique and strength. At that time, the demons are truly invincible. The demons sum up a war with other races, that is, the demons. The power is too weak, and the fertility rate is extremely low. Of course, the fertility rate cannot be changed. This is the result of countless painful lessons from the Demon Race, and the Tower of Power can change the weakness of the Demon Race’s lack of strength.

But it is a pity to have the authority of the Tower of Power, then you need to have a strong power to conquer the Tower of Power. The demons no longer believe in any race, because the demons have been betrayed by all races. Dragons, angels, wingmen, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, and gnomes, among which orcs and angels are all cultivated by demons. The world dominated by demons was extremely advanced at that time, but the demons faced all races. At the time, the weakness also appeared, not everything can be solved with magic.

"Go." The Demon God shouted to the monster cultivated by the Demon Race. The monster was drunk by the Demon God and quickly climbed up the stone wall.

The monster's claws were directly attached to the rock wall. The demon **** saw that the monster had climbed several meters, and immediately shouted, "Stop."

The demon **** then released a levitation technique for himself, and then flew to the monster at once. Other demon races persuaded one after another: "Your Majesty, you can't go up."

"Your Majesty, it's too dangerous, let's go up."

"Your Majesty, be careful."

"Rumble." A big rock fell directly into the air. Thanks to the monster's avoidance, neither the demon **** nor the monster had any loss, but the demon **** was shocked, and then the demon **** became angry, raising his hand to a dazzling light Chao Cook swept over, because the stone hit more than a dozen demons, some were smashed into meat sauce, and some were seriously injured, because those demons couldn't use magic power here.

"Ah,,,,,,." The demon **** was mad, aiming at the monster under his body was a magic.

"Chong." The monster was trembling with a magic blow, and then the devil roared.

Cook had seen the demons appearing below from above. The stone was deliberately taken down by Cook just now, but then the demons released countless magics. Cook quickly climbed up in fright, and the demons kept on the monsters. The release of magic.

But Cook is both painful and happy, because the magic released by the devil hits Cook every time, but the powerful power brought by magic makes Cook a lot easier, so there is pain on the one hand and happiness on the other. Cook does not know How to choose.

"Wow, wow." Cook got some rocks down from time to time, and the devil opened a magic shield, and forced the stone away. Why, because the devil knew that he was his own tribe below, and his tribe was smashed by the stone. If you don’t die, you will be seriously injured.

"Civilized, choppy, I want to peel your skin, I want all the humans to be buried with you, I swear, I must kill all the humans

"Asshole, despicable, shameless asshole." The devil's anger, this human being is so treacherous that he keeps attacking like this.

"Come on, come on." Cook was actually annoyed in his heart. The magic range of this demon **** is simply too abnormal, and it exceeds a distance of several kilometers. This Nima is simply a metamorphosis in a metamorphosis, and Cook himself is fast. It’s not very fast. After all, Cook relies on his own power. Although Cook is five times mad, this place is a bit weird. It seems that the doubling is related to his own base, which means that Cook’s current strength is abnormal. Extremely, of course the magic power released by the demon **** gave Cook a lot of help.

The Demon God did not realize this. The magic of the Demon God was continuously released one by one. Seeing Cook who was hit is still climbing, the Demon God gritted his teeth and accelerated the magic attack even more. At the beginning, it counted several times per second. Magic, now there are dozens of magic in a second.

Cook is now depressed, and all other magic is thrown on his head. Cook's body is dark. This is caused by various magical elements together. Of course Cook's The skin has also suffered a lot of damage, the skin is hot from time to time, numb by freezing, and like acupuncture from time to time.

"Devil, hum." Cook only hummed. Cook wanted to turn his head to deal with the devil, but now Cook bears like a mountain. Cook doesn't know if he can withstand such a strong body if he looks back. This is the same reason that going up the mountain is easy and difficult to go down. It doesn’t feel steep when you go up the mountain, but you can’t get down when you go down.

So Cook didn’t dare to bet. Of course, this had something to do with the Demon God’s fatal damage to Cook. After all, the rabbit was forced to bite people in a hurry. If Cook was seriously injured, he would be able to approach the Demon God. But Cook would not do that, because Cook is not alone. What Cook has to do now is to find out the situation here, and then the army will come over.

The devil not only releases magic to Cook, but also releases auxiliary magic to the mounts under his body, but even so, the monster is not attacked by the devil with magic, and loudly rebukes the monster. Cook and the devil are chasing each other. Keep going up.

"Haha, thank you for the help of the demon god, if it weren't for your magical power, I would have been overtaken by you." Cook finally saw the sky, and Cook knew that as long as he went up, he would be sent out immediately. So Cook laughed unscrupulously.

When the demon **** heard Cook's words below, he was mad: "Ahhhh,,,, treacherous."

"Boom." Then the demon **** released dozens of magics indiscriminately, but after the release, the demon **** realized that it was wrong, because dozens of magic hits the stone wall directly, and countless stones crashed down. The demon **** saw this situation. , There is no way to rescue, because if you want to rescue, you have to turn your head back. Then some people say to use magic to break the stone. This is nonsense. The magic is released from the top to hit the stone, even if the stone is broken, then magic The powerful force it brings makes a small stone carry a huge kinetic energy, and the ultimate damage power may be countless times higher than it is now.

"It's all the **** human's fault." The demon god's eyes began to redden, and he gritted his teeth and whipped the monster mount under his body, and said with hatred.

After Cook finished talking, he jumped out of it, but when Cook jumped out, he realized that the surrounding scenery had not changed at all. Cook was stunned: "No way."

"Damn it, how could it be like this." Cook saw that he was at the top of a big mountain and there was snow around him. Cook ran quickly, because the devil behind him would definitely come out. Cook thought he would be teleported away. Yes, I knew that it was not sent away.

Cook went down the mountain extremely fast. The mountain was at least several thousand meters high. Cook only took a few minutes to go down. There is an endless plain below the mountain and dense forest above the plain.

"Damn human being, you are dead." Just when Cook rushed into the forest, a voice roared, Cook couldn't help shivering, because the voice Cook was very familiar, this was the voice of the devil.

"I still can't use magic." Cook released the magic for a while without any reaction.

"Hey, but this natural ring can be used." Cook hurriedly stared at Death and took it out. This is a magic-weave sniper rifle modified by Cook, which is extremely powerful.

Then Cook checked the surroundings, and soon Cook found the clue that there is obviously a road in the forest, and it is very wide, because the ground under these big trees is actually paved with stones, and looking at the whole There was a trace in the forest, and Cook rushed along the jungle without hesitation.

The Demon God was following Cook close to the forest, but the Demon God’s face was a bit cloudy. The Demon God looked at the forest in the distance and muttered to himself: "Why is my magic restricted here, and I feel To an inexplicable danger, is there something terrible in this forest."

Soon Cook ran a long way, and then Cook saw a huge pyramid standing in the middle of the forest. The pyramid was extremely large, like a big mountain, but Cook was very wary of this, because In the first second ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook did not see the towering pyramid, but the next second, the pyramid appeared.

The pyramids are countless bushes of grass, which can be seen. The ground around the pyramids was originally paved with rocks, but now these rocks are covered with various plants, but what worries Cook is that after walking for so long, Not a single creature appears, which in itself is very abnormal.

"Unexpectedly, it is impossible to fly, the law of forbidden air." The Demon God was at the edge of the forest, and his heart was a little uneasy, because any flying magic here was useless. This was the first time the Demon God encountered this situation.

And Cook hesitated when facing the pyramid. The pyramid gave Cook a sense of silence and solitude, that is, a cold feeling, as if Cook was facing not a pyramid but a glacier.

"Go," The Demon God hesitated, and he urged the monster mount into the forest. Then the Demon God released a few magic spells, and then the Demon God followed Cook's path forward.

"Go in." Cook took out the magic seal pillar and made up his mind. Then Cook climbed up towards the pyramid. Yes, although the pyramid also has an entrance, Cook didn't want to go to the entrance because that place gave Cook has a gloomy feeling, like the big mouth of some kind of monster,

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