A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 142: Path

Magic crystal. There are more than two thousand meters high magic crystal. The entire control hall is a huge circular space. The circular space is almost four-fifths the size of the pyramid. In this internal space. A huge magic crystal stands. Occupies most of the entire space. Around this magic crystal is a metal fence. And in some places there are things like consoles.

"Your mother. This thing is full of magic power, I don't know how much magic power is needed." Cook couldn't help cursing. And the magic power in this magic crystal is not much. Only a small part is left. But even this small part. It was enough to make Cook stunned.

Cook began to check after his surprise. But what puzzles Cook is. There is no control system around here. Cook looked up at it suspiciously. Then continue to climb. There is something like a circular upward guardrail around the entire space. The entire guardrail is made of thick metal pillars. Each metal pillar is one meter thick in diameter. And there is one such pillar every tens of meters.

"What is this thing for?" Cook was puzzled. But there is no magic circuit outside this pillar. So Cook doesn't know what these pillars are for.

Several hours passed. Cook has not found anything that can be controlled. Not even a magic circuit was seen. This made Cook anxious. The base that bears the crystal ball is invisible to Cook. Of course, Cook didn't even have the power to lift this magic crystal ball. Then check the base.

"Doesn't this thing need to be controlled." Cook reached such a conclusion for a while. But this is also impossible.

"Then where is this control center?" Cook looked at it suspiciously. This time Cook was more careful. Cook was also prepared in his heart. In case the control center is not found. Then I would smash this magic crystal even if I smash it. Then take away. This thing is now a strategic material. It is equally important to myself and the demons.

Down this circle. It was almost two days. But Cook got a result that made himself crazy. That is, there is no magic circuit. Not to mention things like control centers.

The absence of a magic circuit means that Cook cannot proceed. How can this keep Cook from going crazy. From the bottom of his heart, Cook still doesn't want to destroy this beautiful thing. Although not your own. Looking at the extremely huge magic crystal. Cook sharpened his knife. But Cook suddenly realized a very serious problem. That's how the magic crystal should be transported away.

Inside this pyramid. What Cook can use is just a handful of strength. If you encounter other things. Cook said he took it away. But this is almost a big guy like a mountain. Is it possible that Cook wants to learn from Yu Gong to move mountains. Even Yugong moved the mountain. It also takes time. And Cook has been delayed for three days. If you want to take this magic crystal away. It will take at least a month. Because Cook has to break this thing first. Then shipped out of the pyramid. Then put a natural ring on the outside of the pyramid. And the passage of this pyramid has limited the size of the broken magic crystal. Of course, Cook has another concern. That's whether there is anything like a warning system in it. Just in case. What will the power be like.

"Pop. Put..." Cook gritted his teeth and decided to give up the magic crystal. Of course it is a temporary waiver. So Cook slapped the magic crystal. It's okay if you can't get it away.

"The user has Level 3 power authority. The user can..." A voice suddenly rang. Suddenly interrupted Cook's complaint. But Cook was also taken aback. He withdrew his hand all at once. The sound stopped abruptly.

"Damn it. So the answer is right in front of you. Is this Nima a super magic crystal ball." Cook reacted instantly. In the world of magicians. Magic crystal ball is a kind of magic props. Has many strange functions. And the ancient magician that Cook knew. The use of magic crystal ball reaches the extreme.

In ancient times. Magic crystal ball can do many things. The magic crystal ball is a must for ancient magicians. Magic crystal ball can store magic power. Can store magic... can store items. You can even hold pets. These kinds of legends are now considered ridiculous by magicians. It's just a legend. Cook had a flash of inspiration just now. Obviously the magic crystal ball in ancient times was not the magic crystal as it is now known. Earrings magic crystal. Then all of this can be explained.

A variety of magic patterns can be engraved in the magic crystal. Magic circle. That's why there are so many functions. Cook thought of this. Look at the huge magic crystal in front of you. Cook's heart twitched fiercely.

"Your mother. These are all mine. Such a super magic crystal ball. I see who will dare to seduce me in the future. I piled him to death with magic power." Cook swears fiercely in his heart. If such a huge magic crystal is engraved with countless magic patterns... Then Cook just needs to encounter the enemy's mental power. The overwhelming magic swept over. Of course this is just an imagination of Cook. But precisely because of human imagination. That's why human civilization will develop. Conquer the sky. Conquer the sea. Conquer the starry sky. This is the dream of mankind in ancient times. Some of these dreams have come true. Some are not realized. According to Cook's Mageweave Master level. Who can make it clear.

When Cook pressed his hand to the magic crystal again. Cook finally understood. He has already obtained Level 3 power authority. You can use things within the third level of authority. Cook took a closer look and there are many types. Magic class. Pet category. Equipment category. There are also materials. Of course, Cook is most interested in magic. Magic within these three levels of authority is a kind of power magic.

Yes. Power magic. After Cook saw power magic. Shocked. Power has never been reduced to magic. But power was also a kind of magic in ancient times.

"War trampled. Isn't this the racial talent of the orc world. How is power magic." Cook saw a power magic. Suspiciously.

"Power springs. Power focus. Power increase." Cook can learn three power magics with third-level permissions.

The three magics are very simple. Cook learned it easily. Cook tried the power flow: "Isn't this just crazy."

Cook uses the force of the spring. I found that this is what I am talking about now. Then Cook used his power to focus. The power of the whole body immediately gathered on the fist following Cook's thoughts. Cook was a little speechless. This is almost just cohesion. But it is simpler than cohesion. It is to gather strength quickly with the power of magic. Faster than normal cohesion.

As for the increase in power. It has the same effect as the power aura in the shaman. Cook was completely puzzled. How did these demons come from? In other words, it was left over from the last civilized era.

Because the life span of a planet is hundreds of millions of years. And the history recorded by mankind. Including the legend is only millions of years. These millions of years account for a small percentage of the hundreds of millions of years. Just like the earth. How many years have passed since the emergence of mankind. Well in the previous era. Are there other civilizations on earth? This is hard to say.

Then comes equipment. But the equipment Cook cannot be taken out temporarily. Because the equipment must be exchanged for magic materials. As for what magic materials are needed. Cook didn't know. As for some magic books. Cook also took a cursory look. The levels are low. And there are some differences with the current magic civilization. There is one meaning throughout the magic books. That is the strength of oneself is the most important. All equipment is auxiliary. This is very different from modern magical civilization. What modern magic civilization pays attention to is equipment. There is no problem with the level. Just be equipped.

After Cook read these appearances. Start to look at the essence of these things. For Cook. As long as things exist in this magic crystal. Cook can get it. As long as Cook finds the bug in it. Yes. The various manifestations of this magic crystal. All are the result of using magic lines to control. It's like a computer. No matter if it is a movie. Still web pages. Still a game. Essentially, these are just a set of data. The appearance of death we see. Cook is now looking for the essence.

Of course such a huge array of magic lines. Cook can imagine how huge it is. So Cook began to probe slowly. Now Cook's mental power has no effect. Yes. Here is the mind at work. It can be said that the civilization that created this magic crystal is very developed. Without mental power. Use mind. This is difficult for modern magic ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huh. This thing is good. "After Cook wandered for a while, he finally found a very strange place.

"New achievement evaluation." Cook saw this word. Entered immediately.

After Cook entered, he discovered that it was divided into small areas. There are new creatures. New equipment. New magic circle. New magic. New ideas and other areas. Then Cook found the instructions. It turns out that permissions can also be obtained here. Just submit biological samples that have not been recorded. You can get privilege escalation. New equipment ideas can also be upgraded. The new magic circle can also be upgraded. In other words, it is an elevated privilege. After Cook saw this explanation. Hehe smiled: "I'm sorry. Seniors. I borrowed the things you conceived."

"Submission of new equipment ideas." Cook just thought. Then Cook found the surrounding scenery to one side. Then Cook was in a laboratory or something.

"Okay. Okay. I thought it would be done by submitting ideas. I didn't expect that there is extra space here. This space magic is also used to the extreme. New equipment. Water pump." Cook began to get started. The materials in the laboratory made Cook's eyes wide open. But Cook calmed down. Cook is about to get permission now.

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