A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Level 8 permissions

"It's too advanced." Just after Cook submitted his idea, a shocking scene appeared. Originally, Cook thought he wanted to do it himself, and there knew that as long as he thought of it, the pump could be made instantly. What Cook thought of in his mind was exactly the same. It was completely automatic, and it only required mind control, not mental control.

But then Cook thought of a terrible thing, then even in this place, even ordinary people may have higher authority. After all, there is no need for mental power here. Everyone has mental power, and even ordinary people have spiritual power. , But ordinary people cannot use mental power.

"Please explain the purpose of the pump." A voice mechanical reminded.

"Help ordinary people get more food, use it for irrigation, drinking water..." Cook began to explain, in fact, the principle of the pump is very simple.

"Sorry, the idea you submitted already exists." After Cook finished explaining, the mechanical voice's answer made Cook very depressed.

"You still have two chances." The mechanical voice reminded mechanically.

"Submit a new idea, helicopter." Cook submitted his new idea again. This time Cook chose a helicopter. After a while, the helicopter that Cook conceived came out. This speed made Cook startled for a while. .

"Please explain the purpose." The mechanical voice said again.

"Transportation, all terrain..." Cook didn't know how to explain. Cook's design is an internal combustion engine that burns refined monster fat, which is more powerful than the oil machinery on earth.

"The idea you submitted is under evaluation. Please name your new machine." The machine's voice rang.

"Helicopter One." Cook did not hesitate to say a name that made humans depressed.

"Your Helicopter One concept is rated as s-level, civil-use s-level, military-use a-level, comprehensively rated a+, and your authority is upgraded by one level." Within a few minutes, a series of voices rang.

"Hey, the armed helicopter submitted below is an extended version of Helicopter One. The main increase in weapons is..." Cook, in order to make the best use of everything, once again submitted a new idea.

"Submission of the water helicopter is an extended version of Helicopter One..."

"Submit a biplane transport helicopter..."

"Submit a personal small light helicopter..."

"Your authority has been upgraded to level five, and you have been awarded the title of inventor." The sound of the machinery makes Cook feel so beautiful. Some models of helicopters are well evaluated, and they are basically b+, but Cook did not expect that After being evaluated for what he extended, Helicopter One also received extra points, of course, only on Cook's head.

"Submit fighter jets below..." This is the advantage of using ideas. It does not consume much energy. The turbofan engine Cook only knows the theory, but it is enough to know the theory here, because there is no need to do it yourself.

"Comprehensive assessment of the fighter plane is SS grade. Congratulations to you for becoming the master of invention, and your authority has been upgraded to grade 6." Who knew that Cook, the fighter, immediately received the SS grade assessment.

"Hey, submit an aerial bomb..."

"Submit the cruise magic bomb..."

"Submit a long-range rocket..."

Cook submitted more than a dozen magic weapons for use on fighter jets in one breath. These magic weapons are all very powerful. After Cook submitted the submission, he was waiting for evaluation. Cook wondered whether he would take out the phone set. After all, this is just an idea, and there is no practical application. The principle of the phone is very simple, and if there is a magic crystal to store electricity, it is even simpler.

"Comprehensively evaluate the combat effectiveness and weapon series as sss level. Congratulations to your Excellency for obtaining the power level 7 and the title of Wisdom Star." The answer came out very quickly, and Cook's authority gained level 7, which means that Cook jumped a bit. Level, jumped directly from level 5 to level 7.

"Tsk tsk, is the next step to submit the phone, the submarine, or the phone." Cook submitted a wired phone because Cook did not understand the principle of the wireless phone.

"Submit a wired phone..." Cook does whatever he thinks of.

"The wired telephone is rated b grade comprehensively. Congratulations to you for obtaining the power level eight authority. Your power level authority has reached the highest level." The voice of the machine also rang.

"Haha, haha, level eight, it seems that the fighter jet rating must have reached level eight just now, and it suddenly rose to level eight, but why is the highest level at level eight, or it can only be raised to level eight here? , You need other ways to upgrade to level 9." Cook laughed, and Cook didn't expect that there would be level 8 authority.

After Cook quit and checked his eighth level of authority, Cook was stunned. The Tower of Power was actually a super artifact with a huge space inside. The main thing of the Tower of Power was to increase the power level of people. Upgrading, optimization, that is, genetically changing people, so that people have the power of a giant bear or even a giant dragon.

"Are you cheating?" After Cook saw this, he knew that the Tower of Power had no effect on him, because Cook knew that this method of changing the bloodline had many sequelae, just like the use of the Dragon to overcome A potion of power, while gaining great power, scales and the like will also appear on the skin, which is beastization.

In fact, there are blood barriers between every species, just like it is impossible for people and dogs to have offspring, but once this blood barrier is broken, then many strange things will happen, and dogs and cats will also give birth to new ones. Of the species, Cook has always suspected that the orcs would appear because they broke the blood barrier.

To this day, some of the offspring of orcs have been born with beasts, and these beasts are called animal relatives by orcs.

This tower of power actually breaks the bloodline barrier, which means that everyone can have the power of other creatures as long as they want. Cook did not expect the tower of power to be such a thing, and Cook has never understood this tower of power. What is it, it is such a perverted tasteless thing.

Of course, this is also what Cook thinks. If other people have such high authority, they will certainly not think like Cook. Cook is also affected by the dragon power potion to have these cognitions.

Such knowledge can be obtained with the eighth level of authority, so at the ninth level, Cook wants to know how the Aion appeared and how it was separated, or the Aion itself is separated.

When Cook's figure flashed, he disappeared inside the pyramid. Then Cook appeared in a small hall, which was only a few thousand square meters, which was much smaller than the halls that Cook saw below. In the hall, there is also a magic crystal, but this magic crystal presents a bizarre gold and silver color. Cook originally thought it was some kind of strange magic crystal, but after a closer look, Cook discovered that the magic crystal was inside There are countless magic lines. These magic lines are almost unclear. Obviously the engravings are extremely fine. Even Cook can't tell how many magic circuits there are.

"Could this be the control center." After Cook saw this magic crystal, this was his first thought.

Cook was not eager to check the magic crystal, but looked around. The surrounding area seemed to be an empty hall, but Cook found magic patterns here. There are many magic patterns, almost as many as tens of thousands. There are so many magic patterns on the walls, floors, and ceilings. Cook has no idea what these magic patterns are used for. There are too many, and what surprised Cook is that these magic patterns are actually working.

"This thing is too complicated." Cook looked dizzy for a while. The magic pattern itself is a three-dimensional structure. What Cook saw is only a small part. As for more, they are hidden, but some Simply controlling the magic pattern, Cook can still distinguish it.

Cook just stepped into a circle made up of strange magic patterns, and then magic projections appeared around Cook. These magic projections showed a person who was dressed as a magician.

"Congratulations, your Excellency, you have entered here." The figure spoke as soon as it opened its mouth.

"Who are you." Cook asked in astonishment.

"Hehe, I have forgotten who I am, but your Excellency is able to enter here. Obviously you have obtained the authority of the Tower of Power, but I beg you here not to use the Tower of Power. It's a nightmare, it's destruction." The magic projection said with a smile.

"Maybe your Excellency will ask why. This is about magic civilization. Our magic civilization has developed to the point of conquering the starry sky and conquering all planes. The increasingly powerful magicweave civilization also makes us magicians want to have more My life is like I have lived for tens of thousands of years, but I still want to live, so all our magicians conceived together and finally decided to build a powerful magic prop, the Aion.

That is to say, we want to have eternal life. In the end, we adopted five ideas. The first idea is to resurrect~www.wuxiaspot.com~, save the soul fragments, and then resurrect step by step. We call this part the tower of resurrection. Some people think that as long as there is a strong magic power, we can resist the passage of time. This part of us becomes the source of magic power. As for the tower of power, it is believed that the body is the root, so there is a tower of power, while the tower of brave is a defense against attack. It has powerful attack and defense power, and a control center, the Tower of Wisdom. These five parts form the Aion Tower, but after the construction is completed, the original parts need to be combined, but when After the completion of the construction of the five parts, the civil war began. The Tower of Braves not only has strong attack power and defense power, but also can cultivate powerful humanoid weapons. The Tower of Magic Power allows all magicians to wield magic and power. The tower created batches of monsters. The tower of resurrection allowed the dead to resurrect with the help of other people. But as the war continued, we found that our idea was wrong. Although the tower of magic power can have a steady stream of magic power, the body Unable to withstand the long-term scouring of magic power, humans will eventually age first, and mental power is also a major obstacle. The humanoid weapons produced by the Tower of Brave are not controlled by the Tower of Wisdom. These humanoid weapons have autonomous capabilities and betray us. And the Tower of Brave has no continuous magical power. The Tower of Wisdom does not have any combat power at all. The people who come out of the Tower of Power are no longer humans. The more the Tower of Resurrection is resurrected, the more the power drops and the failure of the resurrection. The probability is also higher, because every creature has its own soul. Here I have a request that I hope you can agree. If you agree, please put your hand on the magic crystal ball. "Cook was shocked after listening to it, and then walked to the magic crystal ball. What Cook didn't notice was that the magic projection actually showed a contemptuous smile.

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