A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 145: Threat

When Cook heard the answer from the soul in the crystal ball, things that he couldn't figure out in his heart gradually became clear. Cook can roughly infer the direction of the entire world civilization history. The oldest one should be the wizard, the reason why he is called Being a wizard is because a wizard is a person who communicates with the world and can be understood as the oldest magician. The wizard also absorbs magic elements. However, in the ancient times, there was no magician system, so there are fireballs and wind in the skills of wizards. Blade, even more frost, although there is no magic element in the wizard's system.

But there is a kind of specialization in the wizard system, fire specialization, frost specialization, arcane specialization, etc. This is actually the original classification of magic elements. Wizards rule the entire plane, and everyone must obey the wizards. Order, this Aion was built by the wizard, but after the wizard built the Aion.

The inside of the wizard is split. Just like what the soul said, the Tower of Power turns people into orcs, the Tower of Magic Power turns everyone into magicians, and the Tower of Resurrection reduces the number of people who are constantly resurrected. In the multi-racial era, according to Cook’s speculation, angels were created at this time.

The wizards gradually died out in constant internal friction, and the era of the new race of ancient magicians is coming. The magicians referred to here are not the current human magicians, but the demons. The demons have accepted the results of most wizards and ruled. The whole plane, but the brutality of the demons and the wanton enslavement of other races, of course, in the eyes of the demons, the orcs are nothing more than **** created, and now humans are slaves with extremely low talents. As for the elves Waiting for other races is just a little useful.

The rule of the demons certainly made these races enslaved, but these races also learned knowledge from the demons. This is like the boss and the workers. The new workers certainly don’t have any skills, but your boss wants output and benefits, so Require workers to master skilled technology.

So many races have mastered some knowledge, so in the end, many races unite. Of course, there may be some shadows of wizards in it. After all, wizards can't die, and those wizards themselves are people who communicate with the world. Later people were called gods. After the demons were defeated by many races, human beings were mixed with a variety of bloodlines, so they also had the talents of each race. Although the probability of having talents is very low, the human base is large.

It is like that elves have almost 100% magic talents, but the number of elves is only 10,000, and humans are one-thousandths of the population, but humans have one billion people, that is, one hundred thousand magicians, and human life is short, Only an average life span of fifty years, while the elves are at least five hundred years, which means that if elves increase by 10,000 and possess magical talents, then humans will increase by at least one million. Of course, it is far more than this, because the population base is growing exponentially. Yes, the population that a human couple can develop in ten generations is a huge number if you do a little calculation, but the elves can give birth to 3 at most, because the elves are generally two hundred years of adulthood, and the parents give birth to two. The older children give birth. One, there are only five people in total. Of course, some people say that the wife is, hehe, this wife was born by another couple of elves, so it can’t be counted. If it is strictly calculated, only four and a half people, because the young couple gave birth. That has half of another couple of elves.

Of course, there is no one hundred watts, because mankind has one-thousandth of the talent for magic, but most of these are magic apprentices. The number of high-level magicians is scarce, so there are one billion people, 10,000 or more intermediate-level magicians. of.

But even so, other races are still not human opponents. Humans lose an intermediate magician, and another one will appear in 30 years at most, but it takes at least three hundred years for the elves and more than a thousand years for the dragons. , So these races dare not fight with humans at all.

After Cook straightened out the historical context, he sighed in his heart: "This human being used to be **** in the eyes of other races. The power is not as great as dwarves, orcs, and cannot fly. Magic is not as high as elves, but humans. It just rules the whole world."

"Hmph, sorcerers, sorcerers are a bunch of miscellaneous things, a bunch of cold-blooded animals, a bunch of demons, a bunch of bastards, a bunch of liars." Cook heard the soul in the crystal ball shouting angrily.

"Hehe, why do you say that?" Cook asked curiously.

"I am a good example. In order to succeed in such a soul experiment, the wizard at least killed millions of people of various races." The soul in the crystal ball explained.

"It seems that the standard of wizards is still quite high." Cook heard this number and was silent in his heart, but for this kind of experiment, Cook didn't know what to say. Of course, in the eyes of the wizard, the orcs, the demons, these guys They are all the same things as livestock.

"The level of wizards is high, haha, the wizards are just a group of thieves, liars, how developed do you think the civilization of the wizards, the wizards used to be nothing but trash in the wild tribes." The soul in the magic crystal ball haha ​​big Laughing and mocking endlessly.

"Liar." Cook was completely surprised.

"Yes, sorcerers only occupy talents. In fact, it is not the sorcerers who first achieved civilization. The sorcerers merely robbed others of things, and finally achieved the civilization of wizards, and many things were created by others. , Just like the magic circle, magic pattern, and equipment drawing you see. These are not invented by wizards, but by other races, so wizards are a group of bandits and liars." The soul in the crystal ball despised Replied.

Cook did not expect that there would be civilization before the wizards. Cook continued to ask: "Then what is that civilization."

"How do I know that these wizards have almost wiped out the race that created that civilization." The soul in the crystal ball replied grimly.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, then turn on the level 9 authority." Cook didn't expect the servant to answer this way, so he said coldly.

"Hehe, you guessed it well, I am the ninth level authority of this tower of power, and my soul is the highest authority to control the entire tower of power, but it is impossible if you want it." Inside the magic crystal ball The soul chuckled, then replied with a sneer.

Cook heard such an answer and said with a smile: "According to my guess, you shouldn't have the full ninth level of authority. You are only a part of the ninth level of authority. According to my guess, your soul is just here. It's nothing more than an execution order."

Why did Cook think this way? Cook thought of a computer. The soul is a powerful system processor. The system processor can execute many commands, but the processor does not have the right to automatically run commands, just like a computer can open a web page. You can watch movies, but the computer needs human control, even if it is hacked, it looks like your computer turns on automatically, but it is controlled by humans.

If Cook is a wizard, it is impossible to say that the soul is allowed to run autonomously. There is no such stupid person in the world, let alone that the soul is full of resentment against the wizard, so the wizard will be so stupid to let the soul perform all of its own. command.

"Humph." The soul in the crystal ball snorted coldly, and did not speak.

"If my guess is right, you are just an execution individual, like a slave to be raised. Only when the master gives you an order can you dare to execute..." Cook digs deeply with a smile.

"Hmph, you are the slave, you humble ant-like fellows are all slaves, I am a noble demons." The soul interrupted Cook and roared loudly.

"Don't say that, you see, even if the food is placed next to the slave, the slave dare not eat a bite. Unless the master has an order, and you resent the wizard, the wizard will give you all the authority. You are a fool when you are a wizard. Ah." Cook continued to attack the soul in an angry manner.

The soul in the crystal ball is speechless. Yes, Cook’s guess is very correct. The ninth level of authority is executed by this soul. This soul does not have the ninth level of authority, but this soul knows what happens with the ninth level of authority, so At the beginning, the soul wanted Cook to hold the crystal ball with his hand, and he wanted Cook to untie the shackles on his body.

"Let's talk, otherwise I will continue to destroy, and I don't plan to take away anything. Those magic crystals are more valuable." Cook said lazily.

The soul in the crystal ball vomited blood and yelled: "You rubbish, bastard, do you know how important this tower of power is? The magic crystal is still valuable, do you know how the magic crystal came? It's a living being, a condensed thing from countless creatures, you rubbish, bastard..."

"Kacha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook smiled and slammed his teeth after listening, and a trace appeared on the floor.

"Oh, why am I being so careless." Cook also yelled loudly, but his expressions and actions didn't matter.

"Stop, bastard, stop." The soul in the crystal ball went mad and shouted loudly.

"Hehe, I guess it's good, if this place is destroyed, I guess you will..." Cook said that he didn't say anything here, but took a meaningful look at the soul, of course Cook himself is not Knowing what is going to happen, is it sleeping or dissipating.

"Damn, damn, **** you people, all should be refined into magic crystals." The soul in the crystal ball roared.

"Oh, I can't hold this dagger anymore with my hand. This dagger is very sharp. I don't know if it will cut the floor again when I fall." The Thunder teeth in Cook's hand flew up and down.

"I said, I said, you treacherous, despicable, shameless bastard." The soul in the crystal ball went mad, but Cook just seemed to be not mine and I didn't feel sorry for it.

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