A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 146: Strong

"Ding." Cook heard this guy still cursing. If he couldn't, he knocked the magic crystal ball with Thunder Fang.

"You **** bastard. You want to do..." The soul in the magic crystal ball saw this scene. The expression changed suddenly. Become extremely frightened. Then scolded.

"If you dare to scold again. I will cut this crystal ball up immediately." Cook interrupted the soul with a cold face.

"You... Don't you know that this thing is the control center of the Tower of Power. Without this. The Tower of Power is just a waste." The soul in the magic crystal ball looked at Cook. The expression on his face is very wonderful. Asked loudly.

"How about the waste. This thing is not mine anyway... Whether there is anything that is irrelevant to me." Cook shrugged. Looks indifferent.

This soul still has to say something. Cook immediately turned his face: "If you don't say anything, I will do it. I am very impatient. And I am not greedy. Even this magic crystal shard. Because it is a harvest. It is cutting. Be careful when you are doing it. Don’t cut too much. Otherwise, it’s not easy to take it out."

"You... okay. I'll tell you how to obtain level 9 permissions. But you have to promise me one condition." The soul in the magic crystal ball opened to bargain with Cook.

"Look at what you said. You still have the right to negotiate terms with me. What are you. In a word. Say or not. If you don't say it, I will remove it." Cook raised his eyebrows. Then he spoke. He didn't care about the expression of the soul in this crystal ball.

"You. You. What is your attitude. I won't tell you the level 9 authority." The soul in the magic crystal ball heard Cook say this. Suddenly became hard. Because this soul also figured it out. Since Cook didn't do it. Then it's just a gesture. It's not that it should be destroyed. So this soul hardened. Take a bet.

"Keng. Keng." Cook heard this. Say nothing. The thunder tooth in his hand poked directly on the magic crystal. Just a moment. The magic crystal suddenly cracked a white gap. Cook poked again. Thunder teeth is the tip of the lean. The cutting is not very good.

"You. You. You. Stop. Stop." The soul in the magic crystal ball was frightened by Cook's movements. After a while, he yelled out loud.

"Nonsense. I have nothing to say to you. Keng." Cook said angrily. Poke again. A magic crystal fell from the magic crystal ball.

"Stop. I said. I said. Please. Please don't destroy it anymore." The soul in the magic crystal ball saw this scene. Immediately begged loudly.

"It's late. This tower of power is just a waste in my eyes." Cook didn't stop at all. Continued destruction. What Cook said was from his own heart. The Tower of Power is just for physical fitness. Strength increases. It depends on the fusion of different bloodlines. But this sequelae is huge. So for Cook. This fusion of blood is simply a taboo thing. So the Tower of Power is just like that in Cook's eyes.

"Keng." The magic crystal was missing again. Cook didn't stop at all.

"I said. I said. The ninth level of authority is actually...ah..." The soul in this magic crystal hasn't finished. The whole magic crystal broke apart at once. The soul inside screamed female. And a golden flame burned on the shards of magic crystal...

"Ah..." The soul was wrapped in golden flames. There was a terrible cry. This sound penetrates directly into the soul.

"It turns out that this magic crystal is to imprison this soul. Give me B." Cook sneered as he watched the golden flame burn into a nihilistic soul. Sneered.

Cook had long felt that this magic crystal was not like a control center. Because according to the level of the item. Although the quality of this magic crystal is not bad. The magic pattern depicted inside is also strong enough. But this level is far from reaching the level of the Tower of Power.

Of course, outsiders do not understand this. But for a senior Mageweave Master. This is very problematic. Don't talk about such a super thing as the Tower of Power. It's a smaller magic puppet. The control core is also a high-quality thing. Because the energy of the entire magic puppet needs this control core to control. And such a huge tower of power. It was controlled by a head-sized mana crystal depicting countless magic patterns. Obviously it is impossible.

After Cook saw the soul in this magic crystal ball. Cook knew it. This is just the place where the soul is held. And the surrounding magic lines are probably not a good thing. It's something for this soul. Plus Cook is not very keen on the Tower of Power. So Cook tried it out. It turned out to be so.

Cook can succeed. It is by virtue of profound knowledge of magic lines. There are also experience in equipment refining. Plus, be bolder. This result was finally achieved.

The magic crystal ball directly became nothingness. No dust was left. The base of the magic crystal ball is still intact. The top is densely covered with magic patterns. And the base is cyan-gold. Cook confirmed that it was a very rare magic metal just by looking at it. As for the nature of it. This needs to be judged slowly.

"This is the control center." Cook looked at the magic pattern depicted above. It actually has a hint of red. These magic lines glow with red luster. This luster gives people a blurry feeling. Cook saw this. You know this is the control center.

"God is near." Cook carefully distinguished the material that depicts the magic pattern circuit. Finally surprised. Because of this material, Cook has only heard of it. It was from Anna.

In the gods. Because the refined magic equipment needs to withstand considerable energy. Even ordinary fine gold could not withstand the long-term use of God-level powerhouses. Not to mention other magic metals like magic silver. Later these god-level powerhouses thought of a way. Fuse the blood of god-level creatures into magic metal. And everyone knows that there are a lot of trace elements in the blood of God-level powerhouses. It is countless times that of ordinary people. So God's blood is actually like adding some trace elements as additives. The magic alloy refined in this way is called God Gold.

Cook only heard Anna say... and didn't see it. But now after Cook sees the texture of this magic pattern loop. Cook is sure that this is the **** of gold.

"Tsk tusk." Cook looked at the magic pattern circuit exuding a fascinating light. Cook sighed.

God himself comprehended powerful laws. Therefore, the blood of god-level creatures also has powerful laws. If Cook's strength is low. Will be assimilated by the law carried in this blood. To put it simply, this **** gold will directly assimilate other lower creatures. Of course, these creatures are ultimately only for death.

But Cook's own strength is not low. Plus the magic pattern level is not low. Therefore, there is no problem in resisting the law that the **** gold exudes. After Cook watched for a while. Start to check the magic lines of this control center.

Cook checked after a while. The head is big. The magic pattern that controls the center itself is complicated. As a result, Cook took a closer look and found out. The magic pattern array inside is actually a composite type. In other words, a magic pattern array is composed of many other magic pattern arrays.

This is something that Cooke can't reach. Cook now has no problem viewing the magic pattern array. But the new super magic pattern array combined by the magic pattern array. This requires a very high level of magic patterns.

There are tens of thousands of circuits in a magic pattern. And a magic pattern array is millions of magic pattern loops. And a composite magic pattern array is at least a billions of magic pattern loops. At first glance, these magic pattern circuits looked like a mess. So find the clue in the billions of magic lines. It is not easy.

And this magic pattern has a three-dimensional structure. Plus Cook's magic eye. Neither mental power can be used. So the difficulty is quite big.

Of course, Cook still has a way. Cook picked up Thunder teeth. Then began to cut a little bit outside the control center. What is Cook going to do. Of course, the control center must be peeled off slowly.

The peeling process is very slow. And very detailed. Because the control center needs to control the tower of power. Then the magic loop of control must be extended. The distance between some extended magic circuits may be less than one millimeter. So Cook must be very careful when using Lei Ya. Don't cut off these magic lines.

I don’t know if you have seen ginseng extraction. Cook is doing the same thing now. But Cook's work is much more elaborate.

A little bit of time passed. Thunder teeth in Cook's hand seemed to be motionless. of course not. This is Cook's manual frequency is very high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can't see Thunder teeth moving with the naked eye. Cook's eyes did not blink.

"Oh. Not in this place." Cook looked at hundreds of magical circuits almost tangled together. The distance between each other is very small. To the point where Cook can no longer use Thunder Fang. Cook had to change another place and continue to dig. This is a native method. It depends on eyesight. perseverance.

Cook didn't know how long it took. Anyway, the outer areas of the control center were scooped out by Cook is messy. Some places are ten centimeters deep. Some places are several centimeters deep. Some are tens of centimeters deep. And there are countless hair-thin things connected to the control center in this hollowed out place. This is the magic circuit. Cook left the magic circuit. Empty other places. This project cannot be said to be invariant.

"Oh. That **** thing. It's going to be changed again... Huh." Cook was blocked again. Can't go on anymore. But when Cook looked up. Suddenly stunned. Cook took out the magic circuit. Cook can see at a glance what these magic circuits control. Because different magic pattern magic circuits are also somewhat different.

"Great. I also said to take out the control center. Now it seems that maybe there is a way to control the power tower without taking it out." Cook cried out in surprise. Then I started to look at the magical circuit that was pulled out by myself, like a mess.

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