A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 147: Take a chance

All the magic pattern circuits were cleared by Cook. Of course only part. I said before. The magic pattern loop is a three-dimensional structure. Cook has now revealed a part of the magic pattern loop of the three-dimensional structure. This time Cook did not take long. Just a few hours. Cook roughly figured out what these magic lines are. Although a part is still uncertain. But this is already very lucky.

The next thing Cook has to do is to pick up Thunder teeth in his hand. First cut off this interference magic pattern. That is, this magic pattern that cannot use magic and spiritual power. Cook judged. Disturbing magic patterns should exist in the entire tower of power. Then there are control magic lines that control these interference magic lines. What Cook is looking for is to control the magic circuit that interferes with the magic pattern in this place...to find such a magic circuit in the dense and messy magic circuit. Knowledge is certainly one aspect. The element of luck occupies a large proportion.

"Which one of these is it?" Cook was a little tangled. Because there are seven or eight magic lines in front of Cook. Cook had finally locked the seven or eight magic lines loops. The interference magic pattern where Cook is located is controlled by one of these loops. But which one is it? According to the existing situation. Cook can only be ruled out here. The remaining Cook doesn't know which one is.

"There are two ways now. The first is to continue the peeling. This way you can continue to make judgments. This way the safety factor is high... But the time consumed like this is immeasurable. The second is to rely on luck. But this also has disadvantages. That is. Even the demon **** is still impacting authority. Without the interference magic pattern, this demon **** can easily obtain the eighth level of authority. Of course, there are variables. That is whether the interference magic pattern controlled by these magic circuits It is the trial field that the Demon God has not passed." Cook whispered.

no way. Cook's mind is a bit dizzy now. So after speaking out. Only speak out. Cook can have a clear understanding. It's like sometimes our brains get confused. Sometimes what I think in my head can't turn around. But as soon as I say it, I understand.

Cook struggled. Hesitated. Then decided to use the second method. Take a chance. The first method is certainly safe. But the time required for this is unknown. Because it is necessary to accurately determine the function of these seven or eight magic lines. Maybe the time required is astronomical. Because no one knows how many things need to be stripped to make an accurate judgment.

As for the second way. Cook always felt that he couldn't destroy all the seven or eight magic lines. That will work. It's like drawing prizes in seven or eight lottery tickets. There is a very small chance that you won't win the prize until you have touched it all. If you are lucky, you might win the first prize. With bad luck. I must touch it all.

This is just one aspect. The other one is that. These seven or eight magic pattern circuits are not necessarily the places where the demon **** wants to pass the authority. This is also a question of probability. The two odds add up. Cook has a great chance of success.

Of course, the worst is before Cook gets Level 9 permission. The devil is here to kill. This is what Cook does not want to see. Because that is troublesome. Cook's combat effectiveness is certainly very high. But according to the performance of the devil. It's also very sharp.

It was time that finally made Cook decide to adopt the second method. The longer the delay here. Then the more worried Connie and others outside. This is what Cook does not want to see.

Just do it. Cook picked up Thunder teeth. Then lightly poke. A magic pattern loop was cut off. But the next moment. Cook smiled bitterly. Because there is no feeling here. Magic and mental power are still unusable. Cook smashed his mouth. Then Lei Ya poked it again.

"Damn it. Give me hard. Hard. You rubbish. Bastard. Miscellaneous." The demon **** looked at the boulders that kept rolling down from the mountain. Yelled. The devil scolded the mount under his body.

Demon God this is the trial field of the fourth authority. It is a mountain. A huge slope. No other places can be climbed up. Because the cliffs in other places are protruding. Once someone tries to go up from other places. Will also face the attack of some metal crossbow arrows. Only walk this slope.

But there will be constant boulders rolling down on the slope. This boulder is obviously tailor-made. The width is the same as the slope. There is no room for escape. The intervals between the rolling stones are also different. So the devil is in trouble here.

These boulders are dozens of hundreds of meters high. And with peculiar power. The magic of the demon **** does not work at all. The monster mount under the devil's body. The abnormal power of this mount makes the mount jump like a frog. Otherwise, it is when the boulder comes. Climb on the mount at once. The sharp claws grabbed the boulder. Then move quickly over the rolling boulders. So as to climb over the boulder.

But the consequence of overstepping is to stand still. Therefore, the fourth-tier authority demon has not made any progress. The devil became angry and beat the monster mount. And when no one goes up the slope. The boulder will not roll down. Once someone goes up the slope. Then the boulder appeared rumblingly.

When the devil thought of Cook, he didn't know where he was. Maybe it passed here. The mood is very bad. And it's not generally very bad.

"Damn thing. You trash. Garbage. Useless thing." The demon **** experimented with his magic. But these boulders have strange magical waves. When there is no boulder rolling. The magic released by the devil is normal. But once there is a boulder rolling. The magic power in the demon god's body was a bit disordered. Once the magic is disordered. Then the probability of magic failure is as high as 99%. Moreover. In this case, even the demon **** dare not use magic power. In case it causes the magical shock in the body. The devil's small body couldn't bear it.

What is the magic shock. It's like when we carry a bucket of water. The water in the bucket doesn't sway, we hold it firmly. But once the water in the bucket shakes too much. Then not only will water spill out. Carrying the bucket also felt unstable. Once the magical shock loses control. Then the magic power in the body of the devil is out of control. Then the magic is not spilled like water. Then the body will explode. Simply put, it is an explosion.

This is mainly because the magic of the shock is out of control. There is no way to control it. Caused by the boot. So once the magic is disordered, the best way is to stop releasing magic. It's like putting down the bucket. It makes sense to wait for the level to be calm before picking up and walking.

The devil cursed the monster. The monster was full of scars. Part of it was hurt by the magic released by the demon god. The other is when this monster is climbing over the boulder. Inevitable collision. What a powerful force is a boulder tens of hundreds of meters high. It is inevitable that this monster will be hurt.

"Go." There is no way without going. The Demon God shouted to the monster.

The monster heard the words of the devil. Creeping on the ground. After the devil sits on. The monster's body quickly rushed towards the slope...

"Hurry up. Hurry up. Faster." The wand in the hand of the devil slammed the monster fiercely. The monster's seemingly thick skin was pounded by the demon god's staff. Immediately shed blood. The monster roared loudly in pain.

"Hey. Hurry up. Hurry up." The demon **** saw the monster's reaction. He smiled in his heart. When making this monster. I thought there would be such a day. So this monster's pain sensation is about ten times higher than that of ordinary creatures. It is this to stimulate potential. To achieve the ultimate goal. As for the bottom of the staff in the hands of the demon **** is a pointed tip. Exactly the same as the arrow of the piercing arrow. Of course, some special substances are more integrated. So the ability to break armor is quite powerful.

"Rumble." Watching the tens of hundreds of meters high boulders rumbling down. The devil's heart couldn't tell what it was like.

"Roar." When the boulder was still 100 meters away. The monster roared. Then made a strenuous leap. When the monster jumped up. The boulder has approached the monster. The monster grabbed the boulder with its front paws. Then he glared suddenly. It is a distance of tens of meters. The boulder rolls very fast. The monster also tried his best. Finally the monster suddenly jumped to the top of the rolling boulder. A quick leap. This counts as a boulder.

But it was just over a second on the boulder. The demons and monsters have returned to their starting positions. Because when on the boulder. The boulder is rolling. It is equivalent to transporting the demon gods and monsters back to the origin.

"Damn it." The devil's face turned green. A fierce magic hit the past.

"Boom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A magic hit the huge boulder coming in front of me. There was a boom.

"This..." The Demon God was shocked. Watching magic hit the boulder. Demon God has tried hundreds of times. These magics only need to be close to the boulder. Will dissipate. But now it can be hit.

"Boom." The demon **** subconsciously released another magic. Magic hit the boulder. A brilliant magic light burst out.

"Damn it. Charge me." The Demon God saw such a change. Immediately slapped the monster.

"Directly. Don't jump." The Demon God ordered. The monster rushed up with the demon god. One by one the boulders approached the demon **** 100 meters. It flew all at once. The magic released by the devil is also very simple. Soil thorns. The boulder just hits the soil thorn. The huge inertial force will bring the table boulder to leap.

"Haha. It's a success. Level 4 power authority." Soon the Demon God reached the top. Haha laughed.

"Level five authority. This is recorded. Haha. I will soon become the master of all planes. Haha. Level five authority. Can do a lot of things." The demon **** disappeared to the top of the mountain with a laugh. Together with the monsters that disappeared.

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