A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 148: capture

That depressed in Cook's heart. There are only seven or eight magic circuits in total. Cook has cut five of them. There is no response yet. It is strange that Cook is not depressed.

"This is really." Cook was really speechless. But Cook only tangled. Then the hand raised the knife and cut off a magic circuit again.

"Damn." Cook almost went crazy. Yes. This time, Goddess of Luck was not on Cook's side.

But Cook went crazy. Still cut off a magical circuit again with the knife in his hand. After this magic circuit breaks. A green light gushes out of Cook. The long-lost magic power is constantly surging in Cook's body.

"Comfortable." Cook said comfortably. People who haven't practiced this kind of magical excitement will not understand it.

After the magic surge. Cook opened his magic eyes. In the world of magic eyes. Cook is surrounded by dense magic circuits. It's like being in countless fishing nets. This is the route of magic power in the magic pattern loop seen by Cook's magic eye.

"Haha. It's all right now." With magic eyes and spiritual power. Cook wants to control the control center. It is a relatively easy thing. Cook began to distinguish carefully.

Although it is now easier for Cook to control the control center. But that's only relatively easy. There are now tens of billions of magic circuits around Cook. Even Cook doesn’t have to check them all. Even if it is one percent. It is also a 100 million magic circuit. The time required is relatively long.

Of course, Cook first looks at the control magic lines in the control center. But what surprised Cook was. There are more than 20,000 magic patterns in the control center. Formed an array of more than one hundred magic patterns. In each magic pattern array, there are more than 100 single control magic patterns. And there are more than one hundred magic pattern arrays. Form a super composite magic pattern array. This is the entire control center.

So the first thing Cook needs to do now is. Find a place to start. This super composite magic pattern array is not casual. Once there is no clue. If you move randomly. Unknown changes may occur in the entire control center.

Cook looked up carefully. A magic pattern array. One magic pattern. Fortunately, Cook's viewing time is very short. After all, it only takes about ten seconds for Cook to draw a magic pattern. It only takes a few seconds to view one.

Twenty thousand magic lines. To check the end one by one. The time required is not short. But maybe it was the favor of the goddess of luck. Less than half an hour. Cook found the clue.

"Hehe." Cook smiled. Then took a break. During the break. Cook also took a mental recovery potion. But Cook always felt that some things didn't seem to be done. But I just can't remember.

"Forget it. If you don't think of it, don't think about it." Cook quietly waited for the continuous reply of mental power.

The Demon God turned over. The devil did not know what was going on. Originally, the demon **** was not prepared to attack the sixth level of the power tower. Because there are five levels of authority. It is enough for the demon **** to control the tower of power. Of course this is dangerous. But when the demon **** entered the sixth-level permission trial ground. The Demon God was shocked to find that his magic ability was still there. Less than an hour. The Demon God obtained the sixth level of authority. The devil laughed loudly: "Haha. It's luck. I didn't expect that I would still get level six permissions. There are also level seven. Level eight permissions. Once you reach level eight permissions, then you can find the control center. At that time our bloodline You can summon level 9 authority. Haha. Haha."

After the Demon God obtains the sixth level permission of the Tower of Power. Immediately enter the seventh-level jurisdiction trial field. The magic of the demon **** is extremely mighty in this trial field. Here are countless rock puppets. These rock puppets will attack all the creatures in the proving ground. But the magic of the devil is not covered. Frost magic slows the movement speed of these rock puppets. The soil thorns make it almost impossible for the rock puppet to move. A distance of several kilometers. In less than a minute, the Demon God broke through about half. The magic in his hand was thrown forward without money.

"Damn it. Hurry up. Hurry up. You rubbish. Bed bug." The demon **** scolded the monster under him. In the eyes of the devil. The speed of this monster is too slow. Looking at the distant exit. The devil was very excited. After passing this time, he was granted Level 7 permissions. This has never happened before in the history of Mozu. And he will become the person with the highest authority recorded in the history of the demons... and after obtaining the Tower of Power. You can continuously create warriors with other bloodlines. At that time, these fighters were the basis for the demons to rule the universe.

Think of the position that you will have in the future prestige. The devil couldn't help laughing. Of course, the magic in his hand is even sharper.

Cook's mental power is almost restored. Cook began to prepare to take control of the control center. When Cook walked to the control center. Cook saw the magic circuit cut off by himself. He slapped his head immediately: "I forgot what I said. I forgot to repair the circuits that control the magic lines."

Cook quickly repaired the magic circuit of the magic pattern. Repair such a magic circuit. The required proficiency is extremely high. Cook can now also use the natural ring. So a steady stream of materials was taken out.

"If there is no **** gold. Only use other magic materials instead. Although this effect is somewhat discounted. But it is still possible to exert the original 90% power. And these are only the control magic lines that interfere with the magic lines. They are not the main role. "Cook thought for a moment. It was decided to have alternative materials.

This is also the rule that must be followed to repair the magic lines. Generally speaking. The materials used for restoration are higher than the original materials. This will not cause problems. Because it is a joint after all. Is repaired. There will be some obstacles when energy passes. The more advanced magic materials. The smaller the obstacle of magic.

Of course something like **** gold. Even the wealthy Crying Cook has no such thing. So Cook can only use alternative materials.

Configure magic metal. Smelt magic alloys. Finally repair with mental power. Half an hour. Cook is finished. The repair time is not long. Just configure magic metal. Smelt magic alloys. It takes a long time.

Of course, Cook did not fix everything. After all, the place where Cook is located can not be repaired. Otherwise, Cook would not be able to use his magic power.

Cook didn't know that even his reaction brought a huge disaster to the demon god. The Demon God can obtain Level 7 permissions just tens of meters away. The magic in his hand was even more surging...A frost directly delayed the movements of hundreds of rock puppets. The anti-gravity magic makes these rock puppets collide with each other. It's like a group of people who can't skate hit together.

"Haha. Damn it. Give me a hurry..." The Demon God shouted loudly at the monster mount under his body.

But did not wait for this sentence to finish. The Demon God saw a startling scene. The rock puppet originally frozen by the freezing magic. There was a flash of light on the body. The freezing effect disappeared suddenly. The anti-gravity magic disappeared immediately.


"Ohhhhhh." The demon **** realized that it was wrong. The staff in his hand slammed into the monster mount. The monster mount jumped up all at once. A stream of light rushed past. Distance of tens of meters. Arrived in the blink of an eye. The monster mount let out a scream.

"Boom." The Demon God was also relieved. But the devil's eyes widened afterwards. Because the monster mounts in front. It's a puppet about ten meters high. The puppet's whole body was made of crystal. The rock puppet blocked the front. There was a loud bang when the footsteps moved.

"No..." The monster mount was in pain. He rushed straight towards the crystal puppet. The demon **** released a magic shield for himself in horror. But the current magic shield of the Devil God didn't play any role at all. It's just a faint shield. The Demon God shouted in horror. Then there was no sound.

Because the monster mount rushed between the crystal puppet's legs. Unfortunately, the Demon God directly hit the crystal puppet's crotch. Because the devil is standing on the back of the monster mount. Of course, the more important thing is that the monster mount has not undergone riding training. I didn't know that this place could pass by myself. The man riding on his back can't make it through.

The devil looked desperately at the monster mount and disappeared. The devil knew that this was a monster mount that broke through this training ground. The devil fell to the ground at this time.

"Boom." The Demon God just landed. Just turned his head. Just saw something yellow. Then there was a boom.

"Ah..." When the Demon God was teleported out. The devil made a stern cry. The Demon God is in a hall ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the Demon God's injuries are too serious. The devil is now except for his mouth. The eyes can move outside. The rest cannot be moved at all.

The demon **** checked his physical condition with mental power. Then his face turned black immediately. The body of the demon **** almost became a pile of mud. The bones were beaten to powder by the rock puppets. Not to mention muscles. Damage to the tendons. Even the magic power of the demon god. It can only operate in areas near the brain. you could put it that way. The devil is in a bad situation now.

"Ah... **** it. **** it. How could this happen. How could this happen." The equipment on the Demon God was also broken. The staff was also broken. As for other things to carry with you. It's all broken. The heart of the devil is bleeding. You must know that your equipment is provided by the entire demons. What makes the Demon God desperate even more. There is no support of medicine. Then I only blew myself. Then repair the body again.

But then. Your level will drop a lot. Even blew up. There is no energy supplement here. Restoring to the original state is simply impossible. Then the level drop is very natural. So the devil can't make that determination yet.

"Haha. Level 9 authority. I'm here." Cook straightened out his clues. Soon I found the core control magic pattern. In these super magic pattern arrays. There is also a core control magic pattern. Other magic lines are extended from this core magic line.

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