A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 149: crystallization

"Boom." Half an hour later. The devil watched his wounds getting worse. He blew himself up on gritted teeth. The devil's head immediately burst into a cloud of blood. Then this cloud of blood gradually condensed into a cloud of red blood. The red blood exudes a charming luster.

The red blood kept squirming. But the weird thing is. The body of the devil. Except for the head position. Where are the remaining parts unexpectedly. There is no blood mist at all. The red blood kept squirming. Slowly a face gradually formed. Then the neck. trunk. Limbs. The last squirming blood became a juvenile person.

"Damn it. I have to let... this. This. Why is this." The devil opened his eyes. The devil moved his body. Cursing endlessly. When the devil saw the body except the head. The devil was stunned.

"Why. Why. Why is it so. My power." The demon **** felt his own magic. The magic recovery is only a little more than half of the original strength. But its own strength is extremely fragile. The demon screamed loudly.

The devil roared for a while and understood what was going on. Although the demons have a talent for rebirth. But after rebirth, you need to draw enough energy and vitality. Only in this way can the original strength be restored. But this time after the demon **** was reborn. The original body has not been absorbed. Fortunately, most of the magic power is stored in the source of magic power. And the source of magic is in the head. Otherwise, the magic power of the Demon God itself would be even less.

"Why is it like this..." The Demon God was mad. Now the Devil God has no choice. Because self-destruction and rebirth are uncontrollable. In other words, it is the instinct of blood. And rebirth itself consumes energy and vitality. Now the Demon God simply used his original body to no avail.

Just when the devil was crazy. The original body of the demon **** was slowly changing. The body that had been horrible had slowly become transparent.

"Damn it. Crystallization." The demon **** watched his original body gradually become transparent. The devil knew what this was. Crystalline.

Crystallization is a change of state. Generally it is the magic effect caused by the crystal magic in the earth system mutation system. The crystal system is very rare in the world. But the combat effectiveness of the crystal system is very powerful. The diamond dragon in the dragon is actually the crystal system. Once hit by this crystal system magic. Then the target that is hit will slowly be crystallized. Unless the strength of the target is greater than the caster who releases the magic.

After the devil was surprised, he understood. This time, I really suffered a disaster from Wuwang. What does the demons rely on? That is magic. Although the devil can use magic in the tower of power. But that was the state of the Demon God intact. And in the trial field on the seventh floor of the Tower of Strength. The Demon God suffered heavy losses. The laws in this tower of power affect rebirth. This is something the Devil God never thought of. The Demon God itself will not be crystallized. But after who let the devil blew himself up. There is no resistance in the body. So it is slowly crystallized. The devil's face was very ugly.

"Damn it. Could it be that I have been imprisoned here forever." The devil thought of a terrible consequence. Inside this tower of power. Only having strong power is the foundation of survival. And now the entire energy of the Demon God is not as much as the energy contained in the original head.

Everyone wants to say. The devil can use the authority to send it directly. Yes. is allowed. But now the new body of the demon **** does not fit in with the magic power at all. This is also a major drawback of rebirth. There is no magical protection. The words sent out by the Tower of Power. The danger is great.

After all, the Tower of Power is now in a different space. The violent space system energy will directly shred the demon god's weak body. But in the tower of power. There is no possibility of cultivation at all. Because it cannot absorb magic elements.

But to increase the degree of magical fit with the new body. The quickest way is to continuously release magic. If it's somewhere else. The devil is not worried. Because the magic power will be quickly replenished after the magic is released. But in it. Use some and use less. That's why the Demon God thought of that terrible result.

Looking at the empty hall around. The devil felt very bitter. What frightened the Demon God the most was. There is nothing to eat. The Demon God also has space equipment... but the equipment disappears in the seventh-level trial field. Gone. So something to eat. There are no magic healing potions.

"Cuckoo." At this moment. The devil's stomach began to groan. The demon **** searched the hall step by step. Hope to have some discoveries. There is some vitality.

Next to the control center. Cook was eating fruit. Windsor looked around the table curiously. These magic fruits were brought by Windsor.

Cook praised as he ate, "Windsor. The magic fruit you cultivated can actually restore the magic power. It's simply amazing."

"Hehe. So I brought it for you to taste. This is a new type of magic fruit that I cultivated with elemental fruit and magic fruit... It supplements the magic power." Windsor replied with a smile.

"Then the cultivation of this new magic fruit is very hard." Cook asked.

"It's still experimenting. Mainly this plant needs the water of life. It also needs the magic power that we are not..." Windsor explained to Cook.

"Uh. Take your time. There will always be success." Cook snorted. Because the value of the same water of life is much greater than the value of the magic recovery potion. a lot of. But Windsor is a flower fairy. Just like to cultivate plants. Of course, Cook is also because the tens of thousands of square kilometers in the natural ring are managed by the flower elves. If Cook manages it himself... I'm afraid it will be exhausted.

"Well. Cook. Why haven't you used magic herbs recently." Windsor asked afterwards.

"I have been busy these days. I don't have time to refine magic potions." The magic fruit tastes really delicious. Cook picked up one again. The colors of these fruits are also very beautiful. red. green. purple. white. Black and other colors. Exudes a seductive fragrance. Cook replied while eating.

"The warehouse is almost full." Windsor murmured.

"It's full. It's impossible." Cook was surprised. Know it is in the natural ring. Cook set up a warehouse to store magic herbs. Cook remembered that the warehouse was five hundred meters long. Twenty meters high. Fifty meters wide. But it occupies half a million cubic meters of space. Let's talk about one magic medicine plant per cube. It also needs half a million.

"Of course. The herbs we harvest now are at least 500 years old. There are millions of plants. And they are all top-quality. Among them, the top-quality accounts for 90%." Windsor replied grimly.

"Tsk tusk. I didn't expect it. My Windsor is so good." Cook saw Windsor like this. Quickly praised.

"It's not that I'm great. It's that you are an artifact of the Nature and Space Departments. The herbs inside grow fast. The quality is high." Windsor heard Cook's praise. Although I am very proud. But it still said so.

Cook is until Windsor's character. Just a little pepper. So solemnly said: "Even so. You do not manage without Windsor. Even if I use artifacts alone. It is impossible to obtain so many magic herbs."

"This is what I should do. And our people get a lot of benefits in it." Windsor heard Cook say this. I feel more embarrassed.

"If it's someone else. Please can't invite you flower elves. After you go back, thank you people for me." Cook hugged Windsor's waist affectionately. Said with a smile. After speaking, he kissed Windsor.

After Windsor left. Cook was finally relieved. This Windsor's character is soft or hard. Cook continued to fiddle with his control center. Cook has straightened out his thoughts. The next step is to unlock the key that controls the core magic pattern.

It's like finding the most precious box in a treasure. But the box is locked. Therefore, further unlocking is required.

Cook looked at this core control magic pattern carefully. Found the place where the magic key is. This place is generally hidden. Cook distinguished it carefully. Somewhat surprised: "The location of this magic key actually hides another magic circuit. Is this a fake?"

Some magic keys look like this on the surface. But it is not this. Some are just illusions. In fact, the real magic key is additionally connected through the magic circuit. So if you crack this illusion. Then there is not the slightest effect. Maybe you will encounter unknown great danger.

Cook saw the hidden magic circuit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and immediately became alert. Followed this hidden magic circuit to investigate.

"It's a serial key." Cook was shocked. It's not just a magicweave key that is hidden. But as many as dozens. Cook has just heard of this key.

These dozens of magic pattern keys are extremely complicated to crack. Because these chain keys are jumping. In other words, the key is here for a moment. But the next moment it will randomly appear among dozens of other keys. So there is no idea which magicweave key to crack.

"It seems that the only way to get around these magic pattern keys." A chain of dozens of magic pattern keys. Cook alone can't solve it. Two people are not good either. The key to the magic key can be a sentence. It can also be an item. It is more likely to be some kind of sound. Or some kind of soul fluctuation.

Cook checked these magicweave keys carefully. While simulating the way of cracking or bypassing in my mind.

"Dozens of chain keys almost tightly control these control magic patterns. That is, control the entire control center. Then can you replace it with another control center." Going around Cook did not find a solution. An extremely bold idea formed in Cook's mind.

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